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Mother's Helping Hand Ch. 12


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Alison found she could suck almost the whole of Cynthia's breasts into her mouth and could feel her responding to her lips and tongue as she sucked the sensitive nipples feasting on them as the minutes ticked by. Eventually Cynthia broke the embrace.

"Oh my goodness! Look at the time! I should have taken the mould off 5 minutes ago!" she said moving to Bobby.

"I'm so sorry I don't normally get that carried away!"

She undid the strap holding the mould in place and examined the plaster, satisfying herself it had hardened totally. She experimented with loosening it from Bobby but found it didn't budge, as she felt around more she could tell the reason was that he was still erect.

"Oh wow, you're still hard as a rock! Most guys have trouble keeping it up for half this time."

"Uh, well that was quite a show you were putting on."

"Ok well, try to think unsexy thoughts now, I need you to go soft so we can get this off."

"Uh I'll try." Bobby tried to will his hard on to go away, but he knew from experience this was easier said than done. An erection was like algebra, the more you thought about it the harder it got, and it didn't help that his mom and Cynthia were both still topless. Eventually after 5 minutes of Bobby envisaging dead dogs and grandmother's funerals Cynthia checked again only to find he was still just as hard. 3 days of pent up cum, his mom's teasing and now a topless lesbian show with another woman... he didn't think he could remember being more horny.

"It's no good, he's still hard as a rock. The only way we're going to get this off is if we break it with a hammer!" Cynthia remarked to Alison, "The mould not your dick." she added seeing the look on Bobby's face.

"Won't that damage the mould?" asked Alison.

"It'll destroy it, and I don't have time to make another one."

"There must be some way to get it off without breaking it."

"Well there is one way but it's not very nice.." Cynthia cast a worried look at Bobby.

"What is it?" prompted Alison.

"Well, normally if you squeeze the guy's balls hard enough it makes them lose their hard on."

"My balls?"

"Yeah, I mean not enough to do any harm, just enough to hurt and make you go soft."

"Well Bobby, unless you have any other ideas I don't see what else we can do."

Bobby considered the situation, if they broke the mould it would mean problems for his mom and the trip would have been a waste, and, more importantly to him, unless they could figure out a way to get his dick out of the mould he was never going to get off. He guessed his balls ached so bad now a little more discomfort was worth putting up with if he got to cum.

"Ok then."

"Alright, I'll start easy and build up, so if it gets too bad tell me to stop. We only need you to get soft enough to loosen the mould and slip it off."

Cynthia reached down and tried to hold his balls.

"Wow these are huge! I think I can only fit one in my hand."

"Do you need me to help?"

"Um, well maybe if you can hold the other one and we'll squeeze together?"

Alison stood the other side of Bobby and held his other testicle, noting how heavy and full it felt she guessed it must already be uncomfortable.

"Ok on 3, we'll start out easy and build up ok?" Alison nodded. "Ok 1, 2 3"

The women began squeezing Bobby's balls and he felt an aching sensation spreading through his groin but he still couldn't help noticing he had 2 pairs of tits to admire closeup and tried to force himself not to look, I'm supposed to be getting soft not harder he thought.

Cynthia felt the base of his cock and there was no change.

"Ok, harder now."

The women increased the pressure and Bobby felt the aching increase to a more powerful sensation, he tried to ignore the 2 beautiful women standing next to him and the fact they had his balls in their hands and focus on the pain but his cock throbbed just as hard. After a minute or so Cynthia indicated to Alison to increase the pressure further and the ache escalated to a searing pain that burned through his groin and belly. Surprisingly it was the testicle his mom was holding that hurt the most, she really seemed to be going to town on his ball.

"Ok he's softened a little I think, squeeze as hard as you can and I think we may be able to get it off."

The searing pain exploded through his lower belly as both women squeezed his huge balls for all they were worth and Bobby couldn't help crying out. Then he felt the mould being pulled off his dick and as quickly as it started the pain abated.

"There, it's off! I'm sorry Bobby, I hope your balls don't hurt too bad, I've never known a guy who could keep it hard so long while 2 girls are crushing his nuts. It's pretty impressive."

As the pain in his balls reverted to an ache his semi hard on began to return to a full hard on.

"And that it pretty impressive too." Cynthia remarked as his cock began to raise itself up to a 45º angle and harden.

"Here let me go and put the mould out to dry, can you wash him off in the basin please Alison?"

"Yes of course."

Alison filled the basin with warm water again and soaped her hands before washing the plaster and lubricant off Bobby's cock.

"Well you certainly seem to have made an impression, quite literally!" remarked Alison as she gently washed his cock and balls before drying them. Bobby wasn't sure what to make of her remark but didn't have time to consider it before Cynthia returned.

"The mould looks great, I think we'll get a really good replica out of this. How are your balls now?"

"Um, ok thanks, they just ache a little."

"Uh huh, they felt pretty full I guess you could do with a little relief after all that?" she remarked looking at Bobby's cock which lurched and jumped, providing all the response that was needed.

"Um.. well yeah..."

"Well, I don't fuck guys but I could give you a blowjob if you want?" before looking at Alison and adding "That's if you don't mind... I mean we could both, you know, if that's cool with you guys?"

The thought of sharing Bobby's cock with another woman wasn't something Alison liked but she was unable to think of any excuse and after denying Bobby any relief for 3 days it hardly seemed fair to deny him any longer, so she simply nodded.


With that Cynthia dropped to her knees in front of Bobby and held his cock, stroking it so the skin rolled up and down before snaking her tongue out and running it around the purple head. Alison stood transfixed as she watched the other woman licking around his cock before opening her mouth and taking the bloated head and several inches of the shaft into her mouth. As the Cynthia's cheeks hollowed with the suction and her pretty face bobbed up and down on his cock Alison was torn, on the one hand she wanted her normal life back, for Bobby to be her son again but on the other she felt a jealous rage at seeing his huge cock in this girl's mouth and the look of bliss on his face as he watched her sucking.

After 3 days of waiting Bobby was in seventh heaven knowing he was going to get off and the fact he was going to get a double blowjob into the bargain made it seem like Christmas times ten. Cynthia technique was not as subtle as his mom's, she sucked harder and her movements were more urgent, but for a lesbian she gave a pretty amazing blowjob. She removed her mouth from his cock and stroked it.

"Aren't you going to join in? There's plenty to go round!" she said waving Bobby's cock at Alison. Alison was jolted out of her daze, she would show this girl who could suck her son's cock! She sank to her knees next to Cynthia who took Bobby's balls in her hands and released his cock for Alison.

"Let me kiss these poor balls better while you suck his cock."

Cynthia began delicately kissing his aching balls while Alison began sensuously licking his cock before slurping it into her mouth. His mom's mouth felt incredibly different to Cynthia's as she teased, sucked and worshiped his cock in ways only she seemed to know how. It was as if she was trying to put on a show and out do Cynthia. After a little while Cynthia released his balls and Alison felt the other girl next to her, reluctantly she released his cock and no sooner had she done so that Cynthia engulfed it in her mouth and began slurping and sucking it for all she was worth.

Alison couldn't deny how sexy she looked as she inhaled Bobby's cock, her pretty Mediterranean looks and sensuous lips contrasted with the obscene slab of cock meat that was literally in her face. Alison reached out and cupped the girl's boobs, squeezing them as she sucked her son's huge cock, taking some satisfaction in the knowledge that her own were so much bigger and to her son's liking.

They passed Bobby's cock back and forth taking it in turns to suck and worship his huge dick, each trying to out do the other. Cynthia then held Bobby's cock and looking at Alison licked the head, at first Alison was confused but then got the idea she wanted to share the cock with her, so Alison lent forward and both women bathed his dick with their tongues which writhed and danced over his bloated purple head and shaft like a nest of snakes.

Bobby's balls were aching now partly from their abuse but mainly from his need to cum, and as the women began once again passing his cock back and forth like some delicacy they were sharing in a restaurant he could feel his cum begin to boil.

Cynthia noticed his balls drawing up under his cock.

"Are you getting close to cumming?"

"Uh huh."

"I don't normally let guys cum in my mouth, but in your case I think I might have to make an exception." she said rubbing his balls.

Alison felt a stab of jealousy as she slurped on Bobby's cock, another woman tasting his seed, swallowing it? Reluctantly she surrendered it to Cynthia for her turn and watched as she began bobbing her head on it while playing with his balls. Bobby knew this was a moment he would want to remember so he fought to hold back his cum and preserve it for as long as he could, Cynthia was working his dick hard but he managed to hold back long enough for his mother to take another turn.

"Wow, this is like pass the parcel! I wonder which one of us is going to get the prize?" Cynthia remarked looking up at him as Alison began working on his dick. His mom's pace was slower and more subtle but her sensuous touch was just as exciting. Bobby began to feel his balls churn and knew his cum was rising but just managed to hold back as Alison released his cock. Cynthia was on it straight away, not giving him a chance to recover and as she sucked hard on his cock, teasing the head with her tongue Bobby felt his sperm begin to rise and his cock pulse.

"Uhhhhhh.... cuummming!'

As Bobby's cock lurched in her mouth her eye's flew open as the first blast of cum flooded her mouth, followed by another and another. Unprepared for the quantity of cum and feeling herself about to choke she released Bobby's cock, a blast of cum splattering across her face and hair before Alison engulfed it as it continued to spew it's load into her mouth. Bobby thought he would never stop shooting as 3 days of cum emptied itself from his balls but his mom took every drop gulping it down to make room for more. Eventually the flow stopped and Alison removed her mouth from his cock looking first at Bobby who was lost in a daze of ecstasy and then at Cynthia, who's cheeks still bulged with cum. Alison looked her in the eye, opened her mouth to show her the load she still had then gulped it down, retaining a little so she could savour the taste. Cynthia rose to the challenge and swallowed her own load in 2 gulps.

"Holy shit that was a lot!"

She then kissed Alison on the mouth, the two women exchanging a sperm flavoured kiss, as Alison shared the last of Bobby's cum with her and the two women rolled the cum on their tongues. Bobby looked down at the two women and his cock lurched in salute, Alison caught the movement and broke the kiss to wrap her lips round Bobby's cock giving his a dick a last suck before passing it to Cynthia who wrapped her lips round it before releasing it so she and Alison could resume their kisses with Bobby's cock head joining in the make out session.

In Chapter 13, Bobby and Alison join the Mile High Club, Bobby's replica proves a bigger success than expected and mother and son decide to take a holiday.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

HOLY SHIT thanks for the nut 100% HOT

horny2doithorny2doitalmost 7 years ago

Outstanding chapter - having Cynthia help and then suck off Bobby was great! The whole story really boosted the whole story. I hope there is more and thank you.

marequinamarequinaover 7 years ago
wonderful erotic story

Very nicely written, Made me wet and go for hard cocks to share me roughly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Can't see 13...?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Chapter 13

Where is chapter 13?:)

Dick_SpankerDick_Spankerabout 9 years agoAuthor
Dear Anonymous 1, 2 3

Huey- Sorry to lose you. I'm sure you will find other material on here more to your liking

Dewey- Better than half, you can have all of Chapter 13, I have just submitted it, hope it pleases you.

Louie- No I am not a professional writer which is why getting the time to write new chapters is not always easy but thanks for the compliment.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Too slow

Honestly the chapters are way too short to have over 5 weeks of wait time between chapters. At this rate I'd have to reread most, if not all, of the story jsut to remember everything that is happening. Thats a big waste of time so I guess I'm just going to stop following it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Any possible way we could get half that chapter? It's been awhile since the story progressed, and I'd love to see where it's going soon, hate to lose momentum.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Have you ever written anything else?

You seems a professional writer... it's incredible when you describe the characters and their thoughts... their feelings... I hope you will work on something longer like a book... I love incest stories with so well endowed son!!

Dick_SpankerDick_Spankerabout 9 years agoAuthor
13 on the way

I'm around half way through 13 now, like I say real life does get in the way sometimes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I hope you write another series after this one is finished.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Hurry up!

Hey! Only reason I'm on this site is because this story is so awesome,

But it's been a month since you've posted a chapter! Giving up hope soon

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Dude the only reason I come on this site is to read this series. Could you do the next one! :)

dale84dale84about 9 years ago

If there are only 2-3 chapters left can they be longer. I dont want this series to end

Necroclown313Necroclown313about 9 years ago

What's the hold up? We need more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

When is the next chapter due? Please hurry....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Long may he rein King DS

can't wait for the next chapter of story

but they are always worth waiting for :)

have never read a series until this series and what a great story it has been thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
2-3 chapters seems really short at this pace

I hope you dont rush the story to an end just cuz youre busy. This is one of the best stories of all time on Literotica and itd be a shame to ruin it.

Dick_SpankerDick_Spankerabout 9 years agoAuthor
I'm still here

Sorry I've not posted for a while, real life and all that.

I'll be starting work on 13 soon. I'm also sorry you didn't all seem to like 12, it was a little different to have another character involved I know, but necessary to develop the plot. I will try to take on board the feedback and I understand that the main interest is in Alison crossing boundaries and her reluctance to do so, however the nature of incest stories is that the further you go with them the fewer boundaries there are cross.

I see another 2 or 3 chapters left in this story and I will endeavour to make them a suitable climax, hopefully they will be worth the wait.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
We miss youuuu

Give us the pleasure to read the next chapter!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Next chapter?

Just wanted to know when the next chapter would be coming.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
CH. 13?????

I want to read the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Come ooon!!!

You have been great with the firsts chapters... you are a great writer!! You can do better! I think you should finish the story with just other one two or three chapters... but if you put all your capacity into them you will come to be one of the best writer of this web sites!! The beginning has been fantastic!! Put more pathos in this lasts chapters! Good luck!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Love the series

Love the series. When will the next chapter be published?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Can't wait for more

While I agree with some of the others here in saying this wasn't my favorite, I still enjoyed it a great deal. For sure, the tension and sometimes guilt between mother and son is what drives this story, but I felt like we got a little of that in this story. After feeling guilty for the previous night, Allison is still driven to jealousy when someone else is touching her dick.

One user said he thought you came out with it too quickly and that ruined suspense. It is possible that that's the case. However, I don't think an excess of material arriving too quickly has ever ruined the value of the content for fans before. My point being thag you shouldn't wait just because. I personally can't wait for the next chapter and more tension and longing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
More conversation on sexual intercourse

Very good story, I think you should start having more naughty conversation between the mother and son when theyre having oral sex/sex instead of describing on what is happening.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Just helpful thoughts, but I don't think this scene fit into the story. The tension for me as a reader in this all was the build up between the mother and son. The guilt, the struggle the mother is having. In fact I'd like to see the son take on some guilt of his own. Perhaps see what he's putting his mother through at this point. He doesn't seem to really care about her very much unless she's serving him if you ask me. I know you feel that you need to put out chapters fast enough to keep peoples attention, but trust me when I say that your readers will wait around for the quality you are able to do. I agree with the other comment about this scene simply being forgotten moving forward. Just a thought mind you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Bruh nice story.. But wow you came out with 12 fast!! That wait tends to make us want it more haha. I think since this story came out so fast people were not impressed. Over all it was a decent story. Take care and do not stop writing bruh

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
agree wirh 'not my favorite'

Great series, but this chapter was pretty off from the tone of the story. It's already up, but I think you try and focus on the mom and son. The conflict of action between mither and son has been great, so having a lesbian join in some 3-way after barely meeting made little sense. My little request is that this scene is forgotten for the rest of the series.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Long may he write ............. King Dick_Spanker :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

OH. MY. GOD. Two girls on ball torture? YES! I fucking loved it. I would love to see more of bobby being punished down there.

Besides that, the story is well written as always. Me personally, I dont need them to have actual sex, but its your story and your ideas.

I am looking forward to another chapter and I cant wait :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

well i thaught it was very funey

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57about 9 years ago

Loved the series and the story. However, the story needs to progress past the blowjob/hand job stage and get to some actual sex.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago


MiniwandMiniwandabout 9 years ago
The mould story isn't great

Your story was great until the mould thing. Why did you have to add other characters in their relationship? They were getting closer and the sex was heating up, so why did you change course? You don't need 12 chapters of teasing for a mommy slut story.

I hope they don't visit club Bacchus because it would be a disappointment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

so fucking disappointed. story's been going downhill for awhile now just as i feared. potential was there and DS just blew it all away. absolute crap of a chapter. going to give the next a last chance and if its the same as this cringe-worthy garbage i'm done with this series.

threesome stupid. its all dumb porn now.

live4thebjlive4thebjabout 9 years ago
Getting boring?

It got boring a long time ago. She sucks him she strokes him but won't fuck him but shares him with a woman. Doesn't make sense. You really jumped the shark. *

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Pretty much what I feared this chapter would be.

You're turning Alison into a common slut and by willingly sharing Bobby cheapening the relationship between the two of them in the process.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Not my favorite

Still love your work DS but this wasn't my cup of tea. Too matter-of-fact, there was little emotion in the chapter, Cynthia was enamored of Bobby's dick but as a reader you never felt like she had to have it. And this story is about Bobby and his mom; Allison got into some girl-on-girl but her actions with her son aren't anything new, it just didn't feel like a 'next step' in any way.

Your best chapters are when Allison's moral barriers break down slowly and her emotions take over, she's confronted with a new barrier she never thought she'd cross and she does. This one didn't hit that cord with me.

Looking forward to the next installment, it's still great writing, but I'm really hoping you keep it to just the two of them, and Allison is forced into another situation that leads to a 'next step'.

k99rkyk99rkyabout 9 years ago
it's getting boring .

his hands should be healed by now ! thats how long this story it's taking ?

forgotten whats happened in the other parts. 2/5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Good job. I like Cynthia's casual way. Women are so much more down to earth!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

So you're going to continue to make Alison a common slut. I can see this story going south fast.

Why do men thinks it's cool for 2 women to be together. I had high hopes for this story. To much for this country boy.

dziakowdziakowabout 9 years ago

Another great chapter! Hopefully, Bobby and Alison's holiday will be at Club Baccus where her incredible body can be really admired by all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
not as good

I didn't like this chapter as much. The sex scene seemed too forced. 4 stars

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