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Mrs. Tupa Hosts Jack and Katka

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And a very good time was had by all.
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[Here's another installment in the Mrs. Tupa series about the unique Bohemian parish in the northern Ohio rustbelt given over to celebrating the natural body, its various liquids and solids, and anal eroticism. All characters are 18 years or older. This story mixes several different categories, so I have chosen "Fetish" as the broadest, most inclusive category. If you find things like bodily waste or strong smells unattractive or disgusting, please do not read this story, as you can surely find another more to your liking by another author. For those of you have been enjoying this series, feel free to let me know and vote accordingly.]

And a very good time was had by all.

I think it would be fair to say that in the wake of our intensive sacred rituals together in Dame Taborova's sitting room, Brother Nick, Sisters Pavla and Katka, and I felt a special bond between us. With the kind guidance of the good Dame and her ever resourceful housekeeper, Mrs. Capekova, we had all manifested our angelic twins -- also known as our Guardian Angels -- and had the great privilege of witnessing our hosts perform the Rite of the Martyr's Bliss, one of the most advanced rituals of the Bohemian old ways. There is nothing quite like being soaked together in a downpouring of grace from the highest heaven to make us feel like a band of young initiates delving into the mysteries of the old ways.

One side effect of undergoing the advanced rituals of the old ways, was that Sisters Katka and Pavla were becoming increasingly at ease with being "open" with other parish members, both in their natural states and in intimate relations of a loving nature. Katka's shyness and Pavla's shame were almost a thing of the past, to the point that Katka took me aside at our clergy's communal dinner in the Rectory, soon after our latest visit to the good Dame's mansion, and expressed curiosity about what it was like to be a "server" for the needy widows of our parish. It seemed like Katka, in the course of our visits to the good Dame, had developed a naughty taste for sharing the Kiss of Peace and other rituals with older ladies, and she wondered whether she might accompany me as I made my rounds of home visits to the "old gals" as I thought of them.

"I know, Brother Jack, that you and Brother Nick have been paying some visits together to some of the widows with 'advanced needs', and that sounds quite intriguing. Do you think that some of our congregants might welcome a Brother-Sister visit, now and then?"

Sister Katka was displaying one of her mischievous little smiles and clearly hoping that I'd answer "yes".

"Well, that's a very interesting question, Katka. Many of our widows have been so starved for love and affection over the years, that they naturally turned to each other to meet their 'needs'. So they are not shy about female intimacy. Why don't I take it up with Father Viktor and see what he thinks of the idea. I'm willing to bet that many widows would be thrilled with a Brother-Sister team fulfilling their wishes."

Sister Katka clapped her little hands gleefully and gave me an impulsive smooch on my cheek.

"Oh, Brother Jack, that would be so fun. I'm sure of it. I hope the good Father agrees."

That afternoon, during my catechumen class in Father Viktor's Rectory office, I raised the possibility with the good Father. He seemed to think it was a splendid idea.

"This is a clear sign, my lad, that Sister Katka is becoming acclimated to our Bohemian customs and opening herself up to better serving our congregants, no matter what their age or sex. I do think it would be good to take a test run, however. What would you think of taking Katka with you to Mrs. Tupa's this Friday night for your weekly sleep-over? I should think that Anna would be delighted to have such a charming guest to 'double the fun', as they say in those Wrigley Double-Mint gum commercials. As you well know, Anna does have a weakness for young flesh."

After class, I gave Mrs. Tupa a call, to see if it would be alright if I brought Sister Katka along as an overnight guest on Friday. To say she was thrilled, would be an understatement.

"Jack, you dear boy. You always welcome bring guest to dinner and bed. Bohemian hospitality see guests be new friends to greet and share old ways together. I make special meal to fill us with much sacraments. Perhaps we do very bad things that need penance. It be much fun!"

When I related all this to Katka, she grabbed me for a spontaneous Embrace of Eden, complete with a smoldering kiss with much tongue play. Our angelic twins rustled their wings in approval, as they were always up for a good time.

* * *

Since Mrs. Tupa lived just a block away from the Bohemian Church, Katka and I walked to her house in casual clothes, looking for all the world like a couple of young college kids. I did carry a nice bouquet of flowers as a hostess present for Mrs. Tupa. As the woman who had first taken my virginity and introduced me to the earthy rituals and customs of the Bohemian old ways, I was greatly in her debt and always tried to make nice gestures of love and respect. She remained my number one "Sweetie", though I had to admit that dear Katka was running a very close second.

If the evening went well and we opened our hearts to each other, I anticipated a joyous lovefest with its own unique intensity. When Anna got really wound up, which happened nearly every time I came by for the night, there was no predicting what mischief she'd get us into. Since Katka had her own mischievous side, things could get pretty wild if we let them. I was inclined to let them.

When we got to Anna Tupa's house and rang the doorbell, she hurried to let us into her living room, gladly took the flowers that I gave her, and had us accompany her back to her kitchen. She checked the dinner simmering on the stove and in the oven, found a vase for the flowers, and only then, held out her arms for a hug.

"We do Embrace of Eden now, other greetings after dinner, when we full of meat and dumplings and wine. Make for good pee and poop together. So happy to see fresh young faces."

The three of us hugged each other tightly, opened our hearts, and tumbled back to the Garden of Eden before the apple was bitten, when Adam and Eve still lived in a state of innocence without shame. The magical spell was broken only by Mrs. Tupa's sense of smell alerting her that dinner was ready.

As usual, Anna pulled a chilled bottle of Riesling from her refrigerator and handed me a corkscrew to open it. I filled our wine glasses, she filled our plates, and we sat together in the small dining room off the kitchen, happy to be together for an evening of Bohemian pleasure. Pork roast, dumplings, and cabbage stew -- it doesn't get much better than that! We felt so stuffed by meal's end that Anna brought out a bottle of Becherovka, the Czech herbal digestif, which seemed the perfect finish.

* * *

With our bodies nourished, and the kitchen cleaned up, Mrs. Tupa eagerly ushered us upstairs to her bathroom, where the next phase of the evening would unfold. The Sharing of Pee and Poop was such a basic custom of Bohemian social greeting, that most parish members thought nothing of it. Certainly Anna Tupa took it as a given, always delighted to take part in it, and pleased that Katka would be a participant.

Katka was still feeling her way with the ritual, but she was game to experience it with a seasoned parishioner. If tonight was a trial run for her accompanying me on home visits to our parish widows to help service their "needs", this was a perfect opportunity to get her reps in.

Once inside the bathroom, we lost no time in removing our clothes. We were soon enjoying that first thrill of standing before each other in our natural states, though Mrs. Tupa did leave her large black quilted "bullet bra" on, as she knew I had a fetish for seeing her pendulous whoppers shaped and forward-thrust into pointy black torpedoes.

"We pee and poop now together!" Anna announced. Facing Katka, she asked her, "you know toilet method?"

Katka gave her a puzzled look.

"Here, you watch, then you try. This be fun."

Mrs. Tupa sat herself down on the commode, spread her thighs wide, displaying her furry twat, and reached down to bare her pee-hole between her piss-flaps. She gave us a lewd grin as her urine began to dribble at first, building into a stronger stream. As was our custom, I went over and pointed my prick at her cunt, letting loose with a spray of hot piss, hosing down her hairy crotch.

"Come, child," Mrs. Tupa ordered. "Stick your hand in and feel our pee. It nice!"

Katka did as she was told, giving us a gleeful look, as if we were all being quite naughty together. Anna looked pleased.

"Now, Jack, you stop and save some for our Sister."

I cut my flow, while Mrs. Tupa finished hers, as Katka wriggled her fingers through her sopping underbrush.

"Your turn, now. You take seat and piss!"

I could tell that Mrs. Tupa was beginning to get aroused by our obscene intimacy. When she entered this state, her language would get rougher, sometimes quite shocking for an elderly granny. I sensed that before the evening was over, we'd be wallowing together in an orgy of holy depravity.

Petite Katka took her seat delicately, looking both brazen and self-conscious. Then she frowned with a look of determination and began to tinkle. Good God, she looked cute. I had to muster my own concentration to restart my flow, but I was soon spurting my piss all over her sweet cunt, while Anna squatted with her hand in the flow, enjoying the wet warmth of our mingling pee until our streams were both done.

"Now shit together! You watch how, then do."

Mrs. Tupa and I gently pulled Katka off of the toilet seat and had her stand nearby. Then I sat myself down on the wooden seat, sitting as far back as I could and still give my anus access to the seat's hole. Now, Mrs. Tupa sat on my lap with her back to me, and pushed snugly against my crotch, so that she had just enough room to position her sphincter at the front of the hole. Then as I hugged her to me, quietly fondling her teats and stiffened nipples through the cone-like landscape of her bullet bra, we both grunted and passed gas. Katka knelt before the commode and held Anna's hands, looking up at our urgent faces as we struggled to defecate together, our hearts open as our sacramental waste plopped into the water below, with a splash and the sudden sour aroma of expelled shit.

With such a hearty meal enjoyed, I still had a fecal snake wriggling its way down my colon, but I wanted to save that for Katka, so I let Anna finish her impressive dump, while withholding my remaining stools for now. When done, Mrs. Tupa arose, her ass-crack a smeary mess which would be attended to when the ritual was completed. Sister Katka took her place on my lap and like Anna, pushed herself back against me, the better to share the toilet seat's hole. Being petite, her bottom was not as massive as Anna's, but proportionately it was still a lovely shape, very soft but firm.

Katka's pert little tits were cone-like in their own right, and as I ran my hands over them and fondled their pointy nipples, I made a mental note to see if I could locate a bullet bra her size. Perhaps Mrs. Tupa could take her to the shop where she got hers and have her fitted. The thought of the two of them fooling around, both wearing black bullet bras, struck me as way kinky. And if we added Mother Magdalene into the mix, Holy Cow!

I felt my prick filling with blood at the vision, and mentally scolded myself for letting my attention drift. Katka deserved better. Here she was, perched on my lap, about to poop with me for the first time, Tupa-style, and I was conjuring up scenes that were totally not here and now.

"Sorry, Katka. I got distracted for a moment. Are you ready? Let's share our sacraments."

She gave me a gentle reassuring pat on my right thigh, and squirmed around trying to position herself just right. I reapplied myself and made a new push, flexing my peristaltic muscles in my gut. I held my hands to Katka's belly, feeling her do the same. With a tart fart, her sacrament emerged first, plunging into the water below and lightly splashing our butts. My own continuation felt massive as it emerged with a crackling sound and added its weight to the mass below. A feeling of great release surged within us as we dumped our dumplings with open hearts.

When we had no more to give, I kissed Katka lightly in the blonde fuzz of hair at the base of her neck just below her pixie cut, to announce we were done. I helped her lift herself off my lap and watched while Anna carefully cleaned her fore and aft with a damp washcloth and a hand towel. When I got up, Anna gave me the same loving attention. Finally, I took the washcloth, rinsed it at the sink, and applied it to her own private parts. After a thorough cleansing, I toweled her dry and wiped up any leakage or drips to the floor. It was now time for Mrs. Tupa's favorite "dessert": the Kiss of Peace.

* * *

Anna took Katka by her hand and practically yanked her along in her eagerness to get her young guest into bed. She positioned Katka on her elbows and knees, her head on two pillows, with her lovely bottom up in the air. According to Bohemian tradition, the anus or "love aperture" is the seat of the soul and symbolic of the open heart. To greet another -- especially a new friend -- by kissing and tonguing their sphincter, is to call down the blessings of the Most High on both participants.

Most of the parish congregants -- especially the old widows -- through constant practice, were capable of achieving orgasm both in giving and receiving the Kiss of Peace. I knew that was certainly the case with Anna Tupa, but since Katka was relatively new to the ritual, I was curious to see what effect Mrs. Tupa's technique would have on her.

Anna began by thoroughly sniffing Katka's cheeks, her ass-crack, and her whole hairy crotch area, including her upper thighs. Anna was what I thought of as a "super smeller", which was quite appropriate for the co-founder of the Parish Aroma Guild. She loved the smell of the human body, the stronger the better, and Katka's young flesh was a special treat.

"Dear child, you smell much fresh, but meaty, like lambchops! You gift from heaven. Now I taste."

Mrs. Tupa grasped Katka's buttocks and pried them apart, exposing her little pink star and the bevy of light brown hairs that ringed it and extended all the way up her ass-crack. She began to enthusiastically kiss and lick up and down that crack, snorting as if she were in hog heaven. By the time that Anna began to penetrate Katka's love aperture with her tongue, her new guest was clearly entranced. What had been a long low moan, was now climbing in pitch, until Katka was squealing unrestrainedly and pushing her bottom back against Anna's face.

As much as I wanted to join in, I was compelled by the beauty of this tableau to drop to my knees on the bedroom carpet and simply watch in silence, my engorged prick throbbing and dripping pre-cum. Anna was now alternating between poking her tongue and her nose into Katka's delicately hair-rimmed sphincter, while her recipient's squeals had given way to rude exclamations in a language all her own.

It now dawned on me that some invisible line had already been crossed and Anna's anal ministrations had delivered Katka to an ecstatic drawn out climax with no clear-cut beginning but a sudden and final end, as Katka gave a hoarse cry and pulled her bottom away and rolled over onto her back, panting heavily and staring off into space. It looked like it would be some time before she would return to earth, so I thought it best to just let her be, and to turn my attention to Mrs. Tupa.

As was often the case, Anna read my mind and was already positioning herself on hands and knees, to receive the Kiss of Peace from me. She was still clad in her black bullet bra, which was fine with me. I don't know why, but the sight and feel of a woman naked, except for her brassiere, just seemed sexy to me. But here I was, letting my mind wander again.

"Jack! I be ready. Please kiss love hole." Anna was all revved up and ready to go, wiggling her big hairy keister at me, making her cheeks slap together. I could tell she was in the mood to be manhandled, even during the Kiss of Peace.

I grabbed each cheek and wrenched them apart, exposing her rude purple sphincter in all its well-used glory. Despite having scrupulously washed it clean just minutes earlier, there was a lingering odor of feces, along with the musky smell of her excited cunt. I knew these aromas well, as they greeted me every time we did the Kiss. You might think I would find them disgusting, but I had loved rubbing my face in them from the very first time she took me to bed. She loved my "man stink" and I was equally hooked on her "old lady smell", which also included a flowery powdery perfume and the penetrating odor of sweat. Every encounter with Anna was like a meeting of the Aroma Guild.

I got right to work, fondly lapping the bumpy texture of her sphincter's anal ring and teasing her by dipping my tongue in and out of her "love hole", trying to attune my open heart to hers. She lost no time in groaning as if I were torturing her, which I suppose in a sense I was. With my snout in her butt, I reached under her trunk and toyed with her wobbling titties, encased in their soft black bombshells. I pinched them all over for good measure, as I knew the brief stinging pinches actually brought her great pleasure. The ritual of the Kiss of Peace was not intended to be a Mortification, but Anna loved it when it partly was. She had started out chanting Czech Hail Marys under her breath, but as things progressed, her prayers were replaced with muttered expletives.

With Katka's Kiss, Anna had held herself back, preferring to focus on Katka's pleasure, but with me flipping her switches with each lick of her pucker and tug of her teats, she could just let herself go, enveloped in our glowing aura of love.

I glanced over at Katka, who was quite alert again, watching us perform a Kiss of Peace, like none she had ever seen. I'd wondered if she'd be shocked if Anna really got going, but she was taking it all in stride, looking as if she couldn't wait to receive some of the same treatment. I had a hunch that she wanted to see just how far her own tolerance for intensity could be pushed.

Anna was close to going over the edge. I took little love bites all around her anus, with a final thrust of my tongue deep into her sphincter. That did it. Her sphincter muscles captured my tongue, squeezing it in place, nearly making me give a smothered scream, as I was locked in her rectum's entrance. Dear Anna, my very first Sweetie, had me in her grip. As she shivered out her cum, I pushed back and gave her tush a ringing slap. She yelled out "Kurva!" and looked back at me with an adoring smirk.

Ah, but we still had a ways to go to finish the Kiss of Peace. I won't describe every little detail, but once Mrs. Tupa's climax was over, she rolled aside and had me position myself for Katka to give me her Kiss. I was eager to see how she would proceed. If Sister Katka was to accompany me as a brother-sister team, she needed to give as good as she got. Serving both me and Mrs. Tupa was an important trial run. I had no doubt that Father Viktor would want a detailed account before he would sign off on the brother-sister plan. A lot was riding on Katka's behavior.

* * *

I needn't have worried. Sister Katka was a natural. Stimulated and provoked by Mrs. Tupa's impassioned approach, Katka was determined to give my anus a serious attending to, an act of worship that I wouldn't soon forget.

Once she pulled my cheeks apart and inhaled my "man stink", she was off to the races, licking and sucking and kissing my ass-crack, my sphincter, and my hairy balls for good measure. She conveyed such a feeling of deep love, combined with a naughty glee, that I had to wonder whether she might surpass both Nick and me as a cherished "server" to our congregation. "You go, girl!" I thought to myself, "Make the Dominicans sorry that they ever punished you for the most trivial 'sins'".


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