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Ms. Walker's Class Ch. 02

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As summer jobs go, MILF satisfaction pays very well.
12.2k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/29/2014
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"Yes Ma'am,... That's right, he is.... She told you about him?... Of course, when would you like him to come over?... No, I'm afraid next Wednesday at 2 is booked, but he's available later that day.... Oh, I see, well we don't want your husband to be there, do we? How about Monday at that time?" Miranda replied. This was the tenth appointment she'd booked today. Word about Michael was making the rounds fast.

"Yes Ma'am, the fee is $200 for two hours.... Yes, I would say, in my personal experience, he is worth every penny.... Of course, he'll see you then. Goodbye." She rubbed her ear, itching it with her fingertip. She might need to invest in a headset if this kept up, but she could certainly afford it.

She walked into her bedroom, where Michael was snoring away, getting some much needed rest. In the two weeks since he'd started his 'summer job', he'd serviced some twenty-five different women, for a total of twenty-nine appointments, meaning there were four repeat customers already. Five, if she counted herself. It's a good thing he was a strong, young man, with an insatiable libido, because Miranda was getting some nearly every day as well, putting his count in the forties. She'd even started paying for it herself, although at a significant discount off the 'retail' rate.

"Hey baby," she whispered, kissing him softly on the lips. He stirred, and opened his eyes, smiling when he saw Miranda's pretty face. He kissed her back, and gave her a quick grope for good measure.

"Is it that time already?" he asked, stretching and rubbing his eyes.

"I'm afraid so. Mrs. Martinez at ten. Then you need to get some lunch, before you go see Ashley again at two." This would be her college friend's fourth time with Michael, and the second for Mrs. Martinez, a slightly plump, Hispanic, clothing store owner, who was married, hence the ten a.m. appointment.

Michael sprang out of bed, eager to start his day.

"Ooooooo, Mrs. Martinez.... she's fun. She yells in Spanish, and everything is 'Ai, ai, ai'. Her boobs really bounce!"

"So you've told me," Miranda laughed, jiggling her own breasts at him. "You're an incorrigible boob man, aren't you?"

"Yep, and there's no one to blame but you!" Michael replied, stepping over for another kiss. "Will you meet me for lunch?"

"Certainly, Sweetheart. What do you want for dinner?" she asked. "Don't forget, you've got your first overnight tonight, with Charisse Wilson. What did you do to her last time? Man she's hot for you! You weren't even out of her driveway last time before she called and booked you again, for the night. She wanted to make it the same time every week, at $500 a night, but I told her we'd have to check with you."

Michael had used his new income to move out of his parents house, into the apartment over a friend's parent's garage. They didn't want to take advantage of a student, so they were only charging him $100 a month, which was great, since he was hardly ever there, spending most nights in Miranda's bed. Until tonight anyway. Miranda was going to miss him.

As requested, Michael parked his car one block away from Mrs. Martinez's house, and walked the rest of the way. He watered a few flowers, then went around to the back yard to do the same. There he saw the lady of the house through the sliding glass doors of the living room.

Mrs. Esmeralda Martinez, or Esmi as she asked him to call her when they were alone, was wearing a red satin negligee, which barely contained her huge, soft boobs. He thought she looked a little like Salma Hayack, with her dark hair, full lips and big brown eyes, but Esmeralda wasn't quite as lean. She wasn't fat, just exceptionally curvy, pretty much the definition of voluptuous.

Esmi waved at him, and pressed her ample boobs against the glass, rubbing them in a seductive circle. She slid the door aside.

"Thank you for watering my flowers, Michael. I have a job for you in here, as well," she said quietly, winking at him when he drew near. Once the door was closed being him, she pounced.

"Oh god, Michael, I've been going crazy, waiting for today," she whispered, standing on her tiptoes to reach his lips in a kiss that confirmed her level of arousal. Her breasts pressed firmly into his chest, nearly spilling out of the lacy garment. "I have a surprise for you. Follow me!"

She took his hand leading him to the stairs. He knew the way to her bedroom, but liked to follow her, since it let him watch her very curvy booty wiggle up the stairs. He especially liked the way her ass shook when he fucked her from behind last week, and she must have enjoyed it as well, since he was back to do it again.

He knew she was married, and getting caught in her bed was a possibility, but she had told him that her husband wasn't interested in sex anymore. Much older than she was, her husband was a workaholic, and she had her shop as well, so money wasn't an issue. Appropriately, her business was a little lingerie store, so she had a vast collection of revealing unmentionables.

At the top of the stairs, she took a left, and ran giggling into the bedroom, leaping onto the bed. By the time Michael joined her in the bedroom, she was bouncing excitedly on her knees, a motion that soon had her tits hanging out of the neckline of her negligee. She grabbed something off the bedside table.

It was a giant dildo, almost as long as Michael's cock, with a suction cup on the base. It wasn't as thick as his equipment, but it was pretty beefy.

"I've been training," she laughed, sucking the dildo deep into her mouth. Amazingly, she almost swallowed the entire length, but as he would find out later, she hadn't just been practicing her deepthroating technique.

Michael shed his clothes, and walked over to Esmi, his monstrous cock hanging heavily as he moved. Her eyes widened, and a smile broke out. She had a very wide mouth, so when she smiled, it was electric. Having that wide mouth also let her suck more of his dick than anyone else in his life, and she giggled again, rolling onto her back and tilting her head back off the edge of the bed.. She opened wide and grabbed his hips, pulling his cock into her mouth.

He really liked Esmi. She was hot, and an absolute slut in the bedroom. Michael put both hands on her big, pillow-soft tits, fondling their full curves, and using them as leverage when he started to fuck her throat. Her lips, painted with her favourite bright red lipstick, were stretched tight around his thick meat, and she was breathing in sharp little snorts every few strokes. More than half his cock had disappeared into her eager mouth, a red smear of lipstick marking her maximum intake, but she wasn't done, pulling him deeper, gagging, but not surrendering.

The sensation of mouth, lips and tongue on his hard dick was unique. She was the only one of his ladies, as he now thought of them, Miranda included, who could truly suck his cock. Last week, she had sucked him off after he'd fucked her to four orgasms, but this was different. It was obvious, her intent this time was an ice breaking blowjob, and it was working.

Michael started to growl, as he often did when he was getting close, and she went wild, sucking harder still. Excess saliva, stained pink by her lipstick, ran from the corners of her mouth, and she went for broke swallowing more of his length. Her snorting breaths tickled his balls, and she stuck a finger in his ass. That did it.

Michael came like a racehorse, blasting his prodigious load directly down her throat, while she held her breath and swallowed feverishly. Finally his output subsided, and Esmi quickly withdrew, gasping for air. She sat up, saliva and cum dripping off her chin, but a huge smile of satisfaction on her face.

"Holy fuck!" Michael laughed. "No one has ever...."

"My husband always said I had a big mouth.... I guess I've finally put it to good use," she laughed, wiping her chin, then licking her fingers. "I must be a mess. Lie down, love. I'll be back in a minute." She hopped off the bed and wiggled towards the bathroom.

Michael thought laying down sounded great, right now. His head was fuzzy, having just had his first ever blowjob, and he eagerly snuggled into her big, soft bed, awaiting her return.

A few minutes later, she was back, looking immaculate. Her hair and makeup were perfect again, and she slipped in beside him, immediately pressing her lips to his. One small kiss soon led to another, then the intensity level took off. Soon they were rolling all over the bed, mauling each other passionately. Esmi rolled up on top of him, perching up across his hips. She hung her ripe globes in his face, rubbing the satin and lace against his cheek.

"Suck my nipples, please?" she asked. Michael reached for the straps on her shoulders, but she wriggled back. "No, not that way. Urgently. Rip my clothes off!"

He looked up at her, hesitant. It was a really nice negligee.

"Don't worry, this one's old and I don't wear it often anymore. Besides," she laughed, "I have a store full of replacements."

Okay, he thought, urgently it is.

He sat up as far as he could, kissing her again, and grabbing the fabric at her bustline. The lace went from the top, down the middle of her cleavage, and all the way to the hem. Even though it sounded loud in the quiet room, the lace rended easily, and Esmi gasped excitedly as her tore it wide open, baring her big, bouncy tits, capped with thick, stiff nipples, which he immediately latched onto. He wrapped an arm around her back, pulling her down with him as he laid back, suckling furiously.

"Sí, nena, chupar mis tetas grandes! Ai! Ai! Ai!" she gasped, holding his head tight against her soft orb. "Usted chupa mis pezones tan bueno!"

When she started to babble in Spanish, he knew she was getting excited. That and the fact that her nipples, as thick as his index fingertip, were standing up like two little, one-inch long dicks. Speaking of dicks... his own was recovered from her earlier attention, and was well on its way to its full eleven inch stature. He kept sucking her, and she reached down, grabbing his cock in her small warm hand.

"Nice, big cock.... Así que bueno en mi coño caliente!" She reluctantly extracted her stiff nip from the grasp of his lips, and rolled off, spreading her legs as she did. Michael quickly ran over to his pants, retrieving a condom, which he tossed to Esmi. She tore it open with her teeth, and rolled it down onto his erect penis, stroking it lovingly. When she laid back, he finished tearing the negligee from her body, and positioned himself for penetration.

"Fuck me good, baby!" she hissed, moaning loudly as he slid in. "Más! Dame todo!" He did as she asked, giving her the full version, fucking her hard. Her breasts went wild, bouncing, wobbling, jiggling, shimmying... Jell-O in a paint shaker. As he watched her tits, he could see the pink flush growing on her chest, spreading up her neck. She was going to cum very soon, so he increased the pace, slamming her juicy cunt even more forcefully.

"Ai... Ai... Ai... Madre de dios!.... I'm cumming! Andele!"

She arched her back, threw her head back, and screamed something with sixty-three syllables in Spanish. He didn't need a translator for that one. Orgasmo! He slowed down, letting her recover, when she surprised him, pushing him off. She rolled onto all fours, peeking over her shoulder at him.

"Mi culo! Vete a la mierda mi culo!... Fuck my ass, por favor!" she wiggled her plush rear end. "I've been practicing with my giant dildo up my ass, too. I think I can handle it."

Okay, it'syourass, he thought, pressing the head of his rubber covered cock against her puckered little rosebud. Stray pussy juice provided the lubricant, and she pushed back. He felt her sphincter yielding slightly, then 'pop', it opened, and a few inches of his dick slipped in.

"FUCK!" Esmi cried, slamming her hand down on the bed. Her ass twitched, and she pushed a little more. Michael watched her ass stretch wider as more of his cock slipped in. Esmi bit the pillow and screamed, but pressed on, until his entire dick had been consumed by her back door. She was still screaming into the pillow and smacking the bed, trying to fight through the pain. Michael just held her hips and stayed still, not wanting to add to her discomfort.

He didn't need to wait too long before she started rocking back and forth, just a few inches at first, but enough to start his pole sliding out of and into her overstuffed ass. Esmi was a marvel, giving him his first blowjob and anal sex opportunity in the same day, and how her ass managed to accommodate his giant cock was truly mind-blowing.

"Okay, Michael, do it! Fuck my ass! I'm alright, so let me have it good!"

He never thought he'd hear anyone say that, but she asked for it, and she was paying for the privilege, so.... He did as asked.

Her ass felt very different than her pussy, but he couldn't really define those differences right now, because he was busy fucking her. Esmi had her face buried in the pillows, and had been screaming ever since he started. He was pounding into her, making her ass cheeks jiggle every time he slapped against them, when he suddenly realized that her whole body was quivering. He slowed, and she raised her head, looking back at him quizzically.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" he asked.

"Oh god, YES! I've never felt anything like it! It still hurts, but it's a good hurt. It made me cum! Keep going!" she begged.

Now that he knew he wasn't hurting her, he was very happy to comply, resuming his anal attack with gusto. She was soon screaming again, cursing, and encouraging him. Or not; since she was doing it in Spanish, he couldn't tell what she was saying. One thing he did understand, with universal clarity, was that she was enjoying it.

She pulled away, laid on her back, and lifted her legs, exposing her still-open asshole for him to fill again. Michael fucked her like this for a few minutes, making her cum twice, and she was looking a little ragged. Sweat glued her hair to her forehead, and glowed on her skin. Her voice was nearly gone from screaming, and she was breathing hard.

Esmi finally couldn't take any more. She was exhausted from her orgasms, and patted Michael on the chest.

"Michael, my sweet, darling lover... I need to stop. You've worn me out. I don't know how many times you made me cum today," she breathed, smiling up at him. "I love the things you do to my body, and I need to see you again next week. Do you want to finish? Why don't you fuck my tits? "

The truth is that he was pretty tired himself, and he really didn't need to cum again, but he didn't want to hurt her feelings. He nodded, pulled the condom off his cock, and moved up to straddle her. She sandwiched his shaft between her huge, soft breasts, holding them up and together tightly. Removing the rubber brought more stimulation to his dick, enough so that he was close to cumming soon after they started. Esmi could see it in his eyes.

"Oh yes baby. That's so good. You're going to cum, aren't you? You're going to shoot your hot, sticky cum all over my tits. Do it, baby. Do it."

The first shot squirted out the top of her cleavage, up her neck. Esmi let go of her breasts, and grabbed his twitching shaft, aiming for her nipples while she stroked him. Another three or four salvos coated her chest, and she cooed appreciatively, licking the head of his cock when he was finished.

'Finished' was a pretty apt description of how he felt right now. This plump Hispanic Honey had worn him out, and he still had most of the day ahead of him. Maybe he could catch a nap after dinner, before Charisse.

Michael looked over at Esmi. She was licking her fingers, having pretty much cleaned his gooey glaze from her bountiful bosom. She smiled back, and he bent to kiss her.

"I'll see you next week, Mi Amor. You surprised me twice today, but next week, I'll be ready. You'd better rest your ass," he laughed. She giggled, shaking her tits at him and blowing him a kiss.

A few minutes later, he was home, dropping his keys on the counter. Miranda came in from the backyard, where she'd been reading in the sun. While she didn't really tan, that didn't mean she wasn't fond of bathing suits, and the bright red bikini she was wearing looked fabulous in contrast with her dark skin. Michael whistled.

"Hey baby," she said, smiling widely, "everything go okay at casa Martinez?"

"Yeah, just tiring. She's a very sexual woman," he answered, welcoming her into his arms with a kiss and a quick grope of her sexy ass.

"Give me a minute to change, and we'll go for lunch. Come talk to me while I dress," Miranda called over her shoulder as she wiggled toward the bedroom. He followed, sitting on the bed while she got changed. "Tell me about it."

"Well," Michael yawned, "she's determined, if nothing else. She actually blew me, as difficult as it is to believe."

"Really? Impressive," Miranda laughed.

"If you think that's impressive, you should have seen her asshole stretch open around my cock." He saw the astonished look on her face. "Yep, she took it up the ass. All the way."

"Well, don't get any ideas about using that thing on my ass!" she gasped, finishing her quick change. She kissed him again. "Let's go eat."

Michael was a zombie right now, and followed her out to the car without a word. Thankfully, she drove, and he felt a whole lot better after a few slices of pizza had been consumed. When he looked up, Miranda was smiling at him.

"So, my darling... How are you feeling about your new job now? I notice that you seem to be enjoying yourself," she laughed. I can only guess, she thought, but if I was a guy his age, I'd probably like fucking all these older women too.

"Well," he began, swallowing his mouthful of pepperoni, mushrooms and olives, "I am having fun... but I miss you." They had decided that the whole 'reenactment' routine was too physically taxing, and in the interest of business, had put that behaviour on hold.

"Believe me baby... I miss you too," she replied, lowering her voice before continuing. "I can't wait for tomorrow. I've been so horny, listening to you recount your 'workdays'. My vibrator just can't compare to your big pleasure provider!"

He smiled, and nodded. Tomorrow was Thursday, his mid-week break, when he slept in and took care of her needs. His too, actually, at least the emotional ones. He hadn't voiced it yet to her, but he was in love with her. Thursday and Sunday were his off days for fucking other women, but he was on for her, and they often had protracted sessions of what could best be described as languid, passionate lovemaking. When his mouth was clear, he had a question for his Chief Financial Officer.

"How are things going, nest-egg wise? I know it's only been two weeks, but I'm curious."

"Well," Miranda answered, putting her business woman's hat on, "we had a few early expenses, but things are going quite well. Over five thousand cleared so far. How are you holding up?"

"The pharmaceuticals have helped. I'll need one tonight, I'm sure," he said, thinking ahead. Not only did he have Ashley's kinky desires to satisfy, but there was also Charisse, and she would be working him throughout the night.

Lunch finished, he felt much more alive as he left Miranda with a kiss, heading for Ashley's house. There were no parking restrictions at her place, and Michael parked in the driveway, hopping out to ring the doorbell eagerly. He was greeted by the buxom blonde, dressed provocatively in black lingerie. Her blue eyes bored smouldering holes in him, leaving little doubt that she was ready for action.

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