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Mum's Hotel Ch. 05

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Well Endowed Son Is Flirting With His Mum.
5.4k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 05/02/2024
Created 02/28/2024
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All people having sexual activity in this story are eighteen and over.

I woke at seven. I heard mum in the shower; she was singing. I checked my phone. Mum had finished 'Mum Loves a Big Thick Cock' and was on Chapter two of 'Mum Gives a Lovely Tight Ride'. I wondered if she'd ever tell me she was reading erotica.

I heard mum going downstairs. I had my shower dressed and went downstairs at twenty to eight. As I went into the kitchen, I wondered if Babs would be braless? She was, everything was sizzling away in the big frying pan. Babs was working at the sink. I put my hands on her hips my head was beside her head, our ears were touching, "Good morning Babs, this is a big day for you I just want you to know I'll be with you every step of the way, that's a nice perfume you are wearing, is it new?"

This was the first time in my life I'd smelt mum wearing a perfume, perfumes were just not her thing.

"Barry, thank you. I just want this day over, I've so many memories of Tom. May gave me this perfume for my birthday last year, today's the first day I've worn it. If you like it, I'll wear it for you?"

The way I was standing now, my mouth was so close to Babs' earlobe. My hands had moved from her hips to her waist. My next move would be to fondle her massive tits, "Babs, it suits you, I've never described a perfume in my life before. I find it quite intoxicating, it's delicate, sweet, feminine and very sexy."

As I said sexy, I cupped both her massive breasts until my thumb and index finger were squeezing her big, hard nipples. Babs grunted with pleasure as I took her right earlobe into my mouth and started sucking it.

My cock was hard. I wanted to push against mum's butt with it but felt this wasn't the time as we were going to her father's funeral this morning. Mum whispered, "Barry, do you think I'm sexy?"

As she said this, I was sliding my tongue in and out of her ear as I fondled her massive tits more firmly, "Babs, I think that there's a sexual volcano lurking deep inside you but it'll have to be a special person to release it for you. When you date, you'll have to be careful. Dad was too selfish for you. Let's eat. We can't be late for the service."

Mum turned around and kissed me on the lips but no tongue. "Barry, I think you know me better than I know myself. Thank you for saying those words to me, as they mean a lot. I also think your evaluation of me is correct, I love making your breakfast in the morning."

We had breakfast. Mum went to change as I read the newspaper. When Babs got into the car, she said, "Barry, I put on a little more perfume for you."

"Thank you Babs, always put some under your ears as it smells great there. You look stunning in that outfit, the bra does a lot of good things for you, you're a beautiful, sexy woman."

The car park at the crematorium was nearly full when we arrived. It was quarter to nine. The staff had reserved the front row for us, so we walked straight to it. The pew we were sitting on had room for another eight people. There were people standing in the side aisles. I stood up to offer them the seats. Babs whispered to me, "Barry, you have class and style. You are a perfect gentleman."

The service started; the pastor who conducted it had researched Tom's life well. All his charity work, the compassionate employer he had been. The way he presented it impressed me.

Tom's request to have Frank Sinatra's My Way played as his coffin disappeared behind the curtain brought a lot of tears from the congregation.

Babs and I were the first to leave. We stood outside, greeting the mourners as they left the service. As I greeted them, it was a handshake and a hug. The hugs were wonderful. I never in my life had so many women squeezing their tits against my chest. Between Fay and Su, her daughter, they were both of a similar size. There were also several others that surprised me with the intimacy of their hugs.

Babs and I had thanked so many people for attending. Jim was on duty when we got to the hotel, he reckoned there would be over four hundred for the brunch. By chance, Jo and Jill were sitting at the same table as Babs and I. It didn't take me long to realise there was a coolness between Babs and Jo. I did not know why this was, I would ask mum later. As far as I was concerned, I couldn't have a better number two than Jo. It was Jill that was obviously visually upset. She was so polite to me. She'd also pushed her massive tits against my chest with her hug. I thought of the video with her and her mum in bed with Tom. I had the feeling Jill would be easy, but I wanted to have Jo first.

Brunch was served, it was tasty. I only drank mineral water, Babs leaned over and whispered, "Barry, are you having wine?"

I whispered back, "Babs, I've got to work today. We have two weddings this afternoon. This will be a long day."

Mum winked at me. She'd done that several times since we'd sat down. Babs, in her outfit, looked gorgeous. My eyes were being drawn to her magnificent tits, as well as Jo's. I was trying my best to snatch glances at Jo's, but I'm sure she'd caught me twice.

The brunch was over; the tables were being cleared people were leaving. I was about to offer mum a lift home but she had her mobile out texting a message. Jo and Jill had said their goodbyes, as both were working this afternoon. Jo had gone over to mum, shook her hand and said, "Babs, you look gorgeous today. It's a sad day for all of us, we must get on with our lives."

Babs had put her mobile into her handbag, "Babs, would you like me to give you a lift home as we have a wedding in this area at two-thirty this afternoon?"

"Barry, I've just messaged May, we're going to go shopping again as I need to buy more casual clothes for around the house. I feel sorry for you as I think you'll be busy all day. Will you be very late home tonight?"

"Babs, it depends on the two weddings. Both finish at eleven. It could be twelve before I'm home. I want to be back in here tomorrow at nine, but I'll be home around six tomorrow night, we can have some wine then."

Babs smiled, "Breakfast at eight-thirty, I'll have an early night so I'll be asleep when you get home. Tomorrow I'll pick the wines for Sunday night."

May then came to our table, she gave me a hug with a kiss on the cheek, that was twice this morning. I'd felt the weight of her massive tits on my chest. "Barry, the service today was excellent. I'm looking forward to next Saturday at the big wedding. Babs and I are now going out for a little shopping."

I went into the office; I'd seen Fay and Su from a distance before they'd both waved. Jo was in the office. I told her about the property I'd bought, she laughed, "Barry, you get things done, hopefully the new wines will arrive mid-week as we'll need them as wine stocks are getting low. Have you time for a coffee as I've a couple of things I'd like to talk to you about?"

"Jo, no problem. I'll come with you so I can see the wine cellar, then we can have our coffee."

Jo smiled I followed her to the wine cellar, there wasn't much of the high-volume wines left. Our wine list had over seventy wines on it, which was too much. Someone had taken the wines for both the weddings out of the cellar. "Barry, I think we can make it, we had wine delivered every week that's we are so low but that's good for us. I'll keep my eye on it. Have you had a date for delivery yet?"

"Jo, I've paid for it. It's also been despatched; I'll phone when we get back to the office. Now let's get the coffee."

We got back into the office, the phone rang; it was Gary Harper to ask me for the VAT number of the hotel so the Customs knew who they were dealing with. I told him the Wine Company was already VAT registered. He then told me all the wine was now in the UK. He'd submitted the paperwork to the Customs. There was one pallet short of two containers. The Customs required payment before releasing the goods. I asked when he'd know the exact amount. He told me Monday at eleven in the morning, but that was at his customs office. I told him I could have a Bank certified cheque delivered to the Customs office in the City at eleven-thirty. He told me the wine would be in his secure storage at two on Monday afternoon.

I thanked him; I felt so happy about getting the wine on Monday afternoon. Jo was happy too. I then noticed Jo was wearing a solid gold Rolex watch and bracelet. This prompted me, "Jo, when is Jill's 21st birthday?"

"A week on Tuesday, why?"

"I have access to Tom's safe I found a box with a brand-new ladies Rolex similar to yours with a note on it 'For Jill's 21st', do you want me to give it to her or will you give it to her?"

Jo smiled, "Barry, I'm so happy Tom has done this, Jill was very upset with his passing. Today she's putting on a very brave face as she's working on the day he was cremated. Let me think about it as Tom always took Jill and I out on our birthdays for a meal. It might make it easier for Jill if you were there too, it would also show her you were taking an interest in her?"

"Jo, I've no problem with that. Please make the booking in my name. I'll make it my treat for the both of you. What was it you wanted to chat about?"

"Barry, can I ask what's going to happen with the Penthouse? The reason I'm asking this is I've got some clothes there. Tom gave me a key years ago, but I didn't want to go in there myself for my clothes."

I took Jo's hand as I squeezed it suggestively, I said, "Jo, we have two weddings to get through this afternoon. When we're through with them, we'll go over and get your clothes. I know Tom was your lover. My last words to Tom were a promise I gave him I'd look after you and Jill."

I was sitting at the desk. Jo was sitting on a chair opposite the desk. She walked over to my chair. As she sat on my lap, she started kissing me. Her tongue was deep inside my mouth. She broke away, "Barry, I need a quickie. Please strip for me and sit in the chair. I'll lock the door. I'll strip for you, as I'm going to give you the best chair ride you'll ever get in your life."

We were both naked quickly. Jo's body was beautiful. Her figure was perfect: big tits, narrow waist, beautiful hips with lovely long legs. Her hairless vulva swelled, and her thick cunt lips stressed her lovely long sex slit.

Jo came over she knelt in front of the chair as she fondled my erect cock and heavy balls, I had some pre-cum on my piss slit a flick of Jo's tongue it was gone, "You taste nice and sweet, I can't believe how big your cock is it's so long and thick let me make him hard I don't know if I'll be able to deep throat you, but I'll do my best."

Jo then started to nibble and lick all around my thick shaft. As she did this, she was giving my heavy balls a sensual massage. I felt the warmth of her mouth as took the head of my monster cock into her mouth slowly but surely; she was taking more and more of my shaft. Her head was bobbing now as she'd angled her throat. I felt the head of my cock hitting the soft, warm walls of her throat.

Jo was now deep throating me. Jo had my full length in her mouth and throat. She started tightening her throat muscles with a swallowing motion which was gripping around the head of my cock. She came off me and whispered, "That's a monster cock you have, I want you to know that I'm a kneeler I'll kneel for you anytime you want I was tempted to bring you off there but I want to feel you spurt inside me."

As Jo was saying this, she was squatting over me, running the head of my cock up and down, just inside her thick cunt flaps, along her long sex slit.

As Jo pushed down on me, I easily slipped inside her dripping honey pot until I felt the warmth of her cunt walls. Jo gasped as the head of my cock hit her cervix, "Barry, this is fantastic. My pussy feels stretched, but it feels so good. I'm getting unfamiliar sensations from the length, also from the thickness. Let me get a rhythm going, as this is going to be good."

Jo soon had a powerful rhythm going, she was grip release, grip release as she pounded my cock. Her massive tits were bouncing uncontrollably. They looked fabulous with her big hard nipples pointing towards me.

"How's it for you Barry? I'm getting close, but I can hold back if you're not ready to cum? This is so good I can't believe how good this feels."

"Jo, I'm close too, let's do it cum for me. Let me feel your creamy spunk run down my cock, cum for me."

We both climaxed within seconds of each other. Jo's whole body shook as she came. I was now thrusting my cock up into her shaking body. It was a wonderful feeling for both of us.

When Jo composed herself, she leaned down on me. We kissed lovingly for a few minutes, "Jo, that was the best chair ride I've ever had. We've work to do. Let's shower after the meals are served, we can go over to the Penthouse."

Both the weddings went well. The speeches both were long. One wedding was having a disco, the other a band. It was now just after seven the dancing had started in both rooms. I saw Jo in the room, "Jo, do you want to go over now?"

"I'd love to. My pussy has never tingled as much as it's tingling now. After the meals were served, I went home to get a suitcase to put my clothes in. I've spoken to Jill, she's excited that you're inviting us out for dinner on her birthday. She'd like to go to the new Thai that's just opened, I'm hearing its getting an excellent name. Shall we go in my car?"

We went in Jo's car we got into the lift she kissed me passionately as her hand fondled my cock, she whispered, "When we get upstairs, I'm going to make him hard would you like me to dress for you as I've a selection of micro-miniskirts up there, Tom liked me to wear them?"

She didn't know that I'd seen the videos she and Jill had both performed in miniskirts, I smiled, "Jo, that would be nice but no panties."

She laughed as we got out of the lift and opened the door to the Penthouse. "Barry, do you want me topless with just my miniskirt and silk stockings?"

"Jo, that would be lovely. Will we meet in the lounge or the bedroom?"

"Better the lounge let me get you hard there, then we can go to the bedroom. I use a wardrobe in one of the spare bedrooms. This could take me a few minutes to pack my suitcase. You get naked. It would be nice when I come into the lounge, I caught you stroking your monster cock?"

I liked Jo's style. I wanted to tell mum I might need her to go to the bank, get the certified cheque, then take it to the customs. First, I checked what mum had been reading, she was on chapter three of 'Introducing Mum into Bondage', chapter three was about how much mum loved to be fucked blindfolded as she loved to take it in all three holes.

I messaged mum, "Babs, you looked beautiful today. I may need you on Monday morning around eleven to go to the bank for a certified cheque then take to the customs office, then we'll have the wine delivered on Monday afternoon. I'm going to be late tonight. I'd like breakfast at eight-thirty, if you want a long lie, then I'll have breakfast in the hotel. Love Barry xx."

I was thinking of messaging May, but I'd do that when I got home. Hearing Jo coming; I stroked my rock-hard cock. She stood at the door with her eyes fixed on my monster cock. She looked gorgeous in her miniskirt, silk stockings and three-inch heels, "Barry, you've started without me, what's made you so hard? Have you been thinking about my big juicy titles or my tight cunt, which is so hungry to have your big thick cock back inside of it? Do you like me talking dirty to you, as I can talk very dirty to you?"

"Jo, you look stunning in your miniskirt. It makes your legs look so long. When you go out socially, how short can you wear it?"

"Are you thinking about the birthday party, as I can go a little above mid-thigh? Jill's so similar to me. She looks gorgeous in a miniskirt, too. Barry, let's go to bed and fuck me hard and deep, fuck me so hard that you'll need to help me walk to the car."

That was the start of a wonderful three-hour session. Everything was so spontaneous. I gave her pleasure; she gave me pleasure. I came three times. I'm sure Jo had at least six powerful orgasms.

As we lay in bed afterwards, I told Jo that mum and I would move into the Penthouse. Mum was now going through a divorce until she found a place to live, we'd share the Penthouse. I told her if she'd any personal stuff, now would be the time to get it out.

She told me it was clothes she had here. I said, "Jo, today at the brunch Babs was cool with you, have you had a fall out?"

"Barry, we haven't had a fallout. I like Babs. She's had a terrible marriage. Tom hated her husband. Babs's life comprised looking after you, she's done a wonderful job. I think she was jealous of me because her father was my lover. Tom was a ladies' man who enjoyed busty women. She's around the same age as me, but the way she dressed made her look in her fifties. I was being sincere when I told her she looked stunning at the brunch."

We then showered. I opened the safe and showed the Rolex. The little diamonds impressed her around the face of the watch. "Barry, you give it to her along with Tom's hand written note. I'll tell her not to wear it socially until after she graduates, as that's an expensive watch. I'll be wearing a miniskirt. Will I get Jill to wear one too?"

I carried Jo's suitcase to the car. We got back to the hotel at five to eleven. We both checked the two weddings, everything was good, there were lots of cheerful people around.

I went into the office to pour myself a glass of wine and reflect on the day. It had been a good day; the sex had been exceptional. Gary letting me know the wine could be there on Monday. I checked my messages. Mum had replied, "Barry, thanks for letting me know about the wine, May will be so happy. I know you're busy, but drop her a line to let her know the wine will be here. I'll do whatever you want on Monday morning. I'm enjoying the reading from the iPad, it's lighter than a book. I can adjust the size of the text and the illustrations in colour are excellent. I'll have breakfast on the table for you tomorrow morning. Today I bought a silk dressing gown; I hope you like it as I love the feel of silk against my skin. See you tomorrow morning, love Babs xx."

I checked mum's reading, knowing full well there were no illustrations in a Tale of Two Cities. Mum was now concentrating on How To e-books. Tonight, she'd read 'How to Give Maximum Pleasure When Sucking a Cock' followed by 'How to Seduce Your Son'. I had the feeling she was going to be braless tomorrow morning.

I sent May a message, apologizing for messaging her so late, but sharing the good news that the wine will be delivered on Monday. You looked absolutely stunning this morning. I'm looking forward to Wednesday, we can have a wine tasting in the Penthouse. What time have you to be home for and what time are you available from? Babs has told me she's got a lovely silk dressing gown. Thank you for taking the time to go shopping with her. Let me know the times for Wednesday. Love Barry xx."

I finished my wine and glass down to the Cocktail Bar. When I got home, there was only a hallway light on, mum was in bed. I poured a glass of wine, which I took to my bedroom. I checked my phone. May had replied, "Barry, thanks so much for letting me know about the wine, that's wonderful news. I can be free from twelve until six. I've already got my alibi in place, I'm going to a medical seminar, that'll give me six hours with you, though I must warn you I like to get my relief in a strong physical way."

"We must be discreet. Wednesday is strictly between ourselves. We can't at the moment let Babs have any idea that you're riding me. I think Babs is getting interested in you. I'm so happy she's getting divorced and so is she. She's lived in a sexless, miserable marriage. Your father wasn't interested in exploring anything that wasn't traditional sex. I have the feeling that Babs is curious. I have the feeling that she wants to become alive again. Keep giving her the confidence you're giving her. I must be honest with you; Babs and I are lovers. You'll love the silk dressing gown."


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