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My Adventures with Olivia Ch. 02

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A threesome with Jim and... a surprise.
2.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/03/2024
Created 05/28/2024
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In the first chapter, Olivia and I were young and inexperienced. We started dating and after multiple, less-than-optimal sexual attempts, succeeded and enjoyed various positions. We agreed to accomplish each other's fantasy request for her/his birthday. Olivia's was first, and she requested I dominate her. When she was blindfolded, I pretended to bring Jim, my friend, to watch and join us. After a pleasurable intercourse, she realized nobody else was except for us two. For my own birthday, I asked her to agree for Jim to participate in a threesome.


My birthday was around the corner. Olivia was anxious and said, "Honey, I promised to do it, but what if he doesn't like how I look? I'll die if he is revolted by my looks..."

I smiled, "Darling, before arranging it, I showed him some of your pictures. His eyes almost came out of their sockets! If anybody dies, it will be him - Likely due to a heart attack following an exaggerated surge of hormones. Woman, how many times have you commented to me about men ogling your body when we strolled around the block?"

She mumbled, "I hope so. By the way, I've never seen Jim before, so you must have met him in the health club."

"Yes, you are right. He is 37, good looking, 6'1", 190 pounds. I think you'll like him."

She giggled, "He is YOUR request for a birthday present. I do not need to like him, only to enjoy having sex with him..."



On the evening of my 29th birthday, Jim showed up at our house at 8 o'clock; right on time. He wore khaki pants, a long-sleeved white shirt, and a sporty jacket. I let him in and led him to our living room, apologizing Olivia would be ready soon.

I offered him a beer, and we sat on the sofa, discussing the latest sports results.

Olivia came out of our bedroom when we finished our beers. She looked amazing: The shoulder-length dirty-blonde hair perfectly framed her pretty face. The shiny red lipstick highlighted her full lips. She wore the short, tight red dress I bought her as a present after our first successful sexual encounter. Her revealing cleavage emphasized her large tits, and the lack of a bra underneath was apparent; Her nipples protruded through the opaque material. She supplemented her short, 5'3" stature with 4" heel red shoes.

I gazed at Jim. He stood up wide-eyed with his mouth agape. After a long moment, he recovered and mumbled, "Olivia, sorry for my lack of words. I was stunned. Noah showed me 3 pictures of you, but they were nothing like the breathtaking original..."

Olivia grinned, "Jim, thank you for the nice compliment. Noah told me you were nice but neglected to mention that you were handsome."

Actually, I DID tell her that, but it was her way of returning the compliment, so I stayed quiet.

Olivia sashayed forward and asked me, "Honey, I see you boys started drinking without me. Will you please pour me a glass of Chardonnay?"

When I walked to the bar, she signaled to Jim to sit on the sofa by her side. She glanced at him and asked, "I heard you exercise in the same club Noah does. Can you tell me more about yourself?"

He smiled, "Unlike yours, my life is pretty boring: I work in the software industry, mostly from home. I have a dog named Rexy. My hobbies are traveling, jazz music, and... good dark chocolate."

Olivia sipped her wine and chuckled, "Many nights I have dreamt about traveling but haven't had the time yet. My favorite music is contemporary, although jazz is OK too. I love chocolate, but I do not differentiate between gourmet and simple Hershey. When I eat more than 2 pieces, I start gaining weight, especially in my chest."

Jim stared at me embarrassingly and then at Olivia, "Lady, I don't see the problem..."

She giggled, "It is a classic man's reaction to a woman's issue; The way you guys see it, the fatter the boobs, the better. However, my chest is already in the bigger size category, and considering my short stature, I think I look like a caricature."

Jim said, "Olivia, I am sorry if I misspoke, but I bet most women would die to have your figure."

"Thank you for trying to flatter me again, but I highly doubt it. It's heavy, causes back pains, and makes it harder to find the right bra."

Jim ogled her generous braless cleavage, licked his dry lips, and glanced at me, "Noah, what do you think?"

I winked at Olivia, turned to Jim, and said, "I may be biased, but in my opinion, Olivia's tits are the world's sexiest!"

Jim gave Olivia a victorious smile, "Pretty lady, I told you..."

She giggled, "Noah, honey, if I recall correctly, your vast exposure to women's breasts can be counted on one finger."

Jim interjected, "I am older and have seen... a few women's chests before. While I haven't seen yours, the visible part is already the most impressive BY FAR."

I served another round of alcoholic drinks, watching Jim and Olivia now and then sneaking peeks at each other.

I put on soft music.

Jim stood up, extended his hand to Olivia, and mumbled, "Ma'am, will you do me the honor?"

She grinned, "I'd love to, but it won't be easy to dance with high heels. Would you mind if I take them off?"

"Olivia, it's your house; you can remove anything you wish."

She glanced at him, searching for a sign he was smirking, but there was none.

She took off her shoes. I heard a sigh of relief, and then she let him lead her to the middle of the room. He towered over her. Without her shoes, the height difference was about 10 inches.

Initially, as he cautiously guided her around the room, her hands touched his hand and waist, respectively. However, in the second song, they relaxed and moved faster. By that time, Olivia hugged his waist.

Next, the inevitable happened: Her ample tits crushed onto his lower chest. He looked at me for help. I winked at him. He continued dancing, trying to separate their bodies slightly.

Olivia lifted her face and asked, "Jim, you are a wonderful dancer, and I like our dance. Why are you pushing me away?"

"Olivia, your tits..."

"But you said you liked them."

"You don't understand; I like them TOO much. Don't you feel?..."

She lowered her eyes to his groin and grinned, "So what? It doesn't bother me a bit. You are simply giving me another compliment."

They continued moving on the floor, and I noticed his erection became more apparent.

After the 3rd dance, Olivia smiled, lightly caressed his huge tent, and murmured, "You are right; I did cause a major problem. Would you like me to take care of it?"

He stared at me pleadingly. I grinned, "Honey, Jim is the guest of honor at my birthday. He should be treated as such. I hate to see him suffer."

Jim was speechless. He stopped in his tracks and seemed confused. He may have guessed what would happen but couldn't believe it.

Olivia smiled at him, "Jim, I hardly know you, but I like you already. It's Noah's birthday, and I pledged to do what he instructed me on his big day. So, if you do not have an objection, I'd like to offer the same treatment I used successfully on him multiple times before."

Jim looked hypnotized and didn't move as Olivia knelt before him and cautiously unzipped his pants, careful not to hurt his forward-pointing organ. As the fly opened, a giant tool jolted up, half of it exposed above the waistband. Jim was still frozen.

Olivia fondled the head gently and mumbled, "Jimmy, it's a beautiful monster." She then whispered to his erect cock, "Buddy, I am sorry I have awaken you. May I kiss you?"

She didn't wait for an answer and kissed the soft head. It jiggled slightly; Olivia giggled, "Hello to you too. I heard your owner likes to travel. How would you like to travel into my mouth and visit my throat? No answer? I think you are too shy, but don't worry; Mommy will make you happy."

Next, she lowered his pants and briefs and ogled the stiff pole. Her palm caressed lightly his heavy sack and then moved to his large shaft. She bobbed it slowly, watching it expand further. She murmured, "Buddy, be gentle with me. If you grow too much, I won't be able to suck you..."

Subsequently, Olivia's red lips spread as widely as she could and engulfed Jim's mushroomed head. She licked it and gingerly milked it. Then, she removed it from her mouth, looked up at Jim's face, and blurted, "Thank you. Your precum was tasty." Seconds later, the soft head was again in her mouth, and she began pulling him slowly into her warm oral cavity.

Jim was transfixed and stayed still, his eyes focused on her soft lips as his long member gradually disappeared down her throat. When there were 2 inches left, Olivia's face began moving back and forth on his tool.

Jim's facial expression started changing, and he whispered, "Please, let me go before I explode..." She ignored his request and continued bobbing him slowly as both of them watched my face.

I signaled thumbs up, and Olivia increased her speed, milking him like a powerful Dyson.

I heard Jim panting. He grabbed the back of Olivia's head and growled as his giant organ jerked inside her mouth, pouring his spunk down her throat. I was surprised she didn't gag during his orgasm since his member was much bigger than mine and most of it was buried deep in her pharynx.

When he finished, his hands let go, and he gasped for air. She stared at him, smiled, and said, "Jimmy, I hope your giant will be able to go to sleep now."

He laughed, caressed her hair, and blurted, "Olivia, you are a real treasure; pretty with a heavenly body and the greatest at giving head. What else can a man want?"

I chortled, "Add to that smart and a future doctor."

He smirked, "Honey, if Noah ever cheats on you, call me."

We all laughed.

We rested on the bed for half an hour, talking about politics, sports, and music. Then Olivia went to the bathroom.

When the door closed behind her, he said, "I was not exaggerating. She was awesome!"

"I know. It took us a long time to get a hang of it, but now she is as perfect as I imagine a woman to be. Before she comes out, tell me, how much time until you'll be ready for the main course - A threesome?"

"Noah, I wasn't sure how it would go and took 50 mg of Viagra before ringing your bell. In retrospect, I didn't need it. I am good to go right now."


Olivia exited the bathroom wearing a long robe and grinned, "Boys, after a delicious drink and a hot shower, I feel like new. I had my appetizer; when do you plan to serve the main course?"

I moved behind her and said, "I was just talking to Jim. Like me, he is ready. However, I think he'd like to get a close-up view of your beautiful figure before we start." I slowly slid her robe off her shoulders until it landed on the rug.

She didn't move, and her smiley eyes watched him intently. Before our eyes, his dangling dick began engorging, and the head moved slowly up. Olivia giggled, "Jimmy, is he ever sated? I just emptied it. I expected it would harden again, but not so soon, and not after only peeking at my body..."

Jim smiled, "Olivia, what can I say? You are the sexiest girl I've ever met."

"Well, big boy, it's time to put your money where your mouth is. After the first course, I am very horny. Can the two of you help?"

Jim stared at me, "Birthday boy, what will it be?"

I signaled to him to lay supine on the mattress. His tool was now pointing straight up. I helped Olivia mount him, sit on his steely rod, and ride him.

Olivia grinned, "I love a cowgirl position. Jimmy, your huge thing fills me so well and reaches my neck..."

I let them play briefly, then moved above him with my legs on both sides of his chest. My cock was at half-mast before Olivia's face.

She chuckled, "Thank you, honey; riding your friend with a pacifier in my mouth is a great idea."

I let her blow me for a short time until it was rock hard and ready for action. I removed it from her reluctant mouth and whispered something in her ear. Her face brightened, and she whispered back, "The night before, while you were sleeping, I dreamt about DP and climaxed in bed."

Subsequently, I moved behind her and gently pushed her torso onto Jim's chest. He kissed her, and his hand kneaded her magnificent breast. I found the KY jelly in the nearby dresser and smeared it on her anal area, on 2 fingers, and on my cock. I knelt down and penetrated her back hole with my finger. A second one followed her sister shortly after. I felt Jim's hardness moving back and forth against my fingers. Once her sphincter relaxed enough, I gingerly invaded her puckered hole with my penis. The available space was much smaller than on our prior anal sex sessions. Jim's enormous pole crowded her bottom, and the friction was beyond belief.

Olivia orgasmed first, shuddering and screaming like never before. Her tits bounced wildly from side to side, and soon, it became clear her brain was already in wonderland. Jim and I climaxed almost simultaneously. It was amazing to feel my spunk jet when he retreated, and he shot his stuff when I backed out.

Everything was over less than a minute after Jim and I came. I moved out slowly, knowing my goo would leak from her back door. I ran to the bathroom.

When I returned, I saw Olivia lying by Jim with her head on his chest and his hand caressing her hair.

After another long rest, Jim stood, dressed up, and before leaving, he said, "Guys, I had a lot of fun. Noah, happy birthday again. Olivia, after this evening, I'll always remember my happiest encounter ever. In the future, if the two of you wish to include me in your escapades, let me know. The answer will be a definite yes. Thank you again, and good night." He kissed Olivia's cheek and left.

In the following months, we had 2 additional threesomes with Jim, and both were great. One day, Jim notified me his company wanted him to move to Silicon Valley. He was gone a month later.


Olivia and I finished medical school and did our internship in town. We loved our life and were happy. Everything changed when it was time to choose our specialty. I chose cardiology and moved to Boston. Olivia preferred ophthalmology and got accepted at UCSF. The separation was inevitable. We cried, went one last time as lovers to a bar together, and got drunk.

On the following day, after vowing to keep in touch, each moved to her/his new city.

Covid pandemic invaded America shortly after, and we lost touch.

About three years later, on my 34th birthday, I got a phone call. I immediately recognized Olivia's voice, "Noah, congratulations on your birthday. Sorry for not contacting you earlier, but the pandemic created real havoc all around. How are you doing these days?"

"I am doing fine. I am a second year fellow in cardiology at U-Mass. What about you? An eye doctor? Did you get married?"

"I am an ophthalmologist and plan to specialize in corneal disease. I am happily married. In fact, I think you know my husband. Here, I'll let you talk to him."

"Hi Noah, it's nice to talk to you after many years."

Jim's voice registered in my mind as if we had last spoken on the day before. I laughed, "Jimmy, I see you tracked Olivia and stole her from me."

"Noah, if I knew you guys were still together, I would have never done it. We met by accident in San Francisco and started chatting. We married only recently. Olivia remembered your birthday and tracked you on social media."

"Jimmy, I was kidding. I am not upset. I am happy for you two. "

"Noah, it's your birthday, and we discussed an appropriate present. I think we found the best one: We would like to invite you to our new house in the valley for a three-way..."

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shadrachtshadracht3 months ago

This feels weird, with no real emotion here at all. And the mcs life is basically just on hold during the time jump? The mc is a side character in this stroke story, because there just not enough here to be anything greater than that. Sorry.

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