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My Christmas Star


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It wasn't going to take too long.

With an abruptness than embarrassed me to death, I felt the first trembles of what was about to happen. I had been sure, given that I had come only a little while ago, I would have taken forever to get to orgasm again. But apparently, a woman's mouth working at you is a game changer when it comes to that physical reaction.


"Um-hum, I know."

She wasn't going to pull off. She was going to let me come in her mouth. I was about to ... no, I was, I was coming in a woman's mouth. Oh, my fucking god!

I'm sure they must have heard me across the marina I cried out so loudly.

And then I discovered exactly how little I knew about the adult world, my own body, and sex in general. With a light pull on my testicles, Victoria stopped my orgasm. I had shot at least a few drops into her mouth but then it stopped and the feeling of it building was back, only doubled.

"How? What?"

Her giggle was wicked. "I know how to control a man, silly." She popped her mouth off me like a champagne cork. Then did it again, since the sound seemed to amuse her. "Jennifer's dad was terrible at premature ejaculation. If I wanted anything from him, that lasted longer than a minute, I had to learn to make him come when I wanted. I know a half-dozen such tricks." She looked up past me. "And I know how to make you come harder than you ever had before. Trust me?"

I nodded.

Victoria grinned. She wet her thumb in her mouth and reached around between my ass cheeks to started a slow circular massage of my butt hole. Then, before I could protest ... if I had been of a mind to do so ... she took me back into her mouth. Anything like rational thought left me then.

Two tongues. For the life of me, that was what it felt like. One tongue washing my more and more gradually raw feeling cock and the other doing such naughty and nasty circles around my asshole. True to her word, Victoria was in complete control of my cock. She had made it stop on command, and now she made me orgasm on command.

With a suction that was painful, she pulled her mouth from base to tip, then did it a second and a third time. By the third time, I was beyond ... hell, just beyond. Between the second and third time, I had arched my back trying to chase her mouth. When she popped free of the tip, my butt settled back to the bed, and her thumb pushed a hint deeper into me. I moaned at that forbidden feeling.

Again her mouth went down. Again she sucked hard all the way up. Again I arched up to chase her silky lips, only this time I could feel myself hovering just on the edge. I was so close. Her mouth popped free, my butt touched the damp sheets...

...and her thumb went into my ass.

I tried to get away from that sudden invasion but there was no time. With a cry that was almost inhuman, I was being emptied. I shot load after load of cum from the end of my cock and she sucked all the harder. Then Victoria removed her thumb from me, with such a terrible abruptness, and the amount of cum coming out of me seemed like it doubled. I began to get scared I was coming so much. Never in my life had I felt so much pouring out of me. If I had seen it all, I might have gone to see a doctor to make sure everything was alright. Memories of male porn stars flooding a woman's mouth came to me, but that was fake porn movie magic stuff, right? Just a plastic tube, with a syringe on the end, full of pina colada mix, right?

Apparently not.

Drained, in more than one way, I had collapsed when Victoria popped her thumb from within me. But still, she didn't stop. And neither did I for that matter. I was slowly oozing cum. And she was licking and lapping to get every drop. Her hunger for it was almost frightening.

Whimpering, I was completely flat and soft as warm Jello when she finally relented.

She snuggled up in beside my chest, rubbing her face into the soft scattering of hairs around my nipple. "Was it good?"

I was unable to give her an answer but then she didn't seem to really want one. I winced a bit when she reached down and cupped my cock and balls, but her hand was so gentle and comfortably warm. I relaxed against her and would have fallen asleep if not for a slow massage she began to do. A slow curling roll of my testicles in between her fingers.

"Are you young enough to get it up a third time, I wonder?"

Sitting up, I leaned myself forward enough to take her pert pink nipple between my teeth, lashing it with my tongue for a moment. Sucking on it for a second or two, I released it with a pop like the ones she had enjoyed doing to me. "I'm sure I can here in a bit."

"Umm, good. You can keep doing that till I get you worked back up." Biting her bottom lip she looked down at my cock. "Because I certainly want this nice thing back inside of me again tonight. Tell me, had you had any experience in going down on a woman?'

"Beyond seeing it done in a porno, no."

"Well, we shall have to correct that flaw in your education here in a few. I hope you will come to love it as much as I love doing oral." Victoria gave me a smile "It's a lot of fun when it shared back and forth." She poked my side. "Budge over, I want to lay down."

Moving over as far as the small bed would allow, my back touched the cool wooden wall, and I had to shift a pillow around to keep my spine from finding that odd splinter that I'm sure is lurking in the ship's old paneling. When she wiggled her way in next to me, and I got to feel the whole length of her naked body against me, I couldn't care less about a splinter. She placed her head against my chest and snuggled up into my side harder.

"Chilled," she said after a moment.

Reaching a hand around, I snagged my blanket and maneuvered it over us. She pulled it in closer to herself.

Victoria smiled and kissed my chest. "A bigger bed would be nice, but I have to say this is deliciously cozy. Maybe it's the company I'm keeping?."

"Possibly. This has certainly a hell of an improvement over my normal night."

Victoria chuckled. "Oh, I can imagine. Let me guess. A fast food dinner followed by beer, some TV, a bit of masturbation to take the edge off and then asleep by, what? Midnight?"

"Most nights by midnight, yeah."

Victoria shook her head. "Boys. I swear. I just described my three older brothers to a T, but it fits all of you."

"Gone scrap-booking much of late?"

Her response was instant. "Shut up."

Chuckling I moved my hand to hold her tighter to me. "I wish I could tell you how many times I've fantasized about you here in my bed."

"Really? Me? So I've been one of those masturbatory-inspired nights?"

"A few."

"A few?" She sat up enough to look down at my face. "While you were dating Jennifer or after?"

"Before, during, and after," I confessed.

She gave me a shocked look. "Before?"

"Yeah." It's hard to shrug with your arms full of naked woman. Amazing thing that. Who knew? "You were one of the first women I even fantasized about."

She quirked an eyebrow. "Well, I feel honored and old, and more than slightly squicked."


Victoria shrugged. Now wait a minute, how the hell did she manage that when I couldn't? Odd. Must be a female thing.

"It's only slightly ... squickish ... knowing that my best friend's son, who later dated my daughter, and who I'm lying naked next to, has spent years masturbating to me. Well, how did I compare to your fantasy of me?"

I gave that question a moment before answering, making sure there wasn't anything hidden behind it. "Well, you were wearing a lot less slutty lingerie than I imagined but, on the whole, you are far and away more fantastic than fantasy."

"Oh, you wanted me in lingerie? Well, next time you kidnap me and seduce me give me a heads up. I have a few nice pieces stuffed away in a back closet, which I might still fit into. Do you prefer white lacy or red satin? I have a sexy teddy in each color."

"Both would be nice."

"Just nice?"

"Well, I always imagined you in stockings?" I said.

She smiled, amused. "Stockings? The whole fishnets and garter belts?"


"Humph. Well, I don't have anything like that but I might could order something properly slutty." She grinned and ran her silky inner leg up my thigh to my hip. "Call it a belated birthday gift since I didn't get you anything back in September."

That surprised me. "Does that mean this is not a one and done? That seemed to be what you were saying when this all started."

Again she managed to shrug, the sheer injustice of it.

"That was at the start, remember?" She shrugged, then spoke teasingly. "Well, it's been a few years since I had a man to play with, and I've not even worn you out yet, so I might see my way into letting you back into my bed." She gave me a stern look. "So long as you don't go doing anything silly like falling in love with me."

Oh ... right, yeah ... no chance of anything like that happening. Yeah....

I nodded and snuggled down with her to enjoy this momentary lull in what was I'm sure going to be an incredibly memorable night, given that it already was.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

My ability to predict the future is in serious danger.

I'm not sure exactly at what point in the shared whispered conversations we were having we both fell asleep, but it was somewhere between the talk of love and an importable discussion on the merits of a wave-rocked sailboat for sleeping. There had to have been a few words that were pure mumble. I'm not sure if I said them or her, but I'm sure they were spoken since I have some half-assed vague memory of hearing such.

I awoke to seagulls laughing at the sunrise.

Or maybe they were laughing at me. Honestly, I can see the humor in being told I can have incredible sex with the naked woman next to me, so long as I don't go doing anything silly like falling in love with her ... after I'm already in love with her.

Not sure exactly when it happened, but it happened.

Looking down at her lovely face, I moved my hand and brushed away a lock of red hair. She had freckles across her nose. How could I have ever missed seeing those? She also has a small red "cherry" dot next to her right nipple. I guess I can be forgiven for not knowing about that one.

She awoke with a start.

"Okay, it wasn't a dream," she said, after a moment.

"Are you sure? I've had a few that are exactly like this." Unable to help myself, I cupped her soft breast in my palm. "Although I always pictured you with bigger nipples." I pinched the pink cone-shaped nipple lightly between my hand and thumb. It instantly hardened to a tight nub.

"Disappointed in what you see?" she asked, a teasing smirk on her lips.

"Not in the least."

"Good. I'm moderately proud of my figure. I've spent too many years walking the fat off my buns to not be." She lifted the blanket off herself and looked down our entwined bodies. "I'm in pretty good shape for a woman my age."

"you're in fabulous shape for a woman any age."

"Um, comments like that will get you morning sex." She placed a finger on my lips before I could smile. "On any other morning than this one. Sorry, but I have something I have to go do, or I promise you, I would already be riding that cock I feel teasing my pussy lips."

I realized even as she mentioned it that I was hard and that the silky feeling I was feeling on the head was, in fact, her labia. Before I could correct the separation between us ... one way or another ... she turned and stood up. Disappointed, I did get to delight in a magnificent view of her bare ass for a few minutes before she began to gather up her clothes and dress.

"When will I get to see you again?" I asked when she was about halfway to modesty.

Victoria looked back at me and smiled. "Naked, you mean?"

"No, just in general."

Pulling on her blouse, she fluffed out her red hair. "We'll have to be a bit circumspect. I'm not going to have half the town talking about me dating a younger man." She bit her lip and gave me a lewd, sexy look. "But soon. I've not even come close to getting my first fix of your body." She pointed to the bed I was still sprawled in. "But in something better than that cot next time, right? A nice big king size bed we can tumble all around on. Yes?"

"Sounds great. But when?"

Walking over to me she gave me a long kiss, her hand gently stroking my cock even as her mouth teased my tongue. She broke the kiss before it got out of hand. "Soon. I'll call you and we'll talk our way through something. Besides, I still have to find me some stockings."

Leaning down, she gave my hard cock in her hand a single kiss on the pre-cum wet head then, with a smile, left me laying there in a dazed state. I was sorely in need of something to latch on to that would tell me I was really awake. Sitting up, I scratched at my bare chest and then decided that hunger was what I needed to dismiss this surreal feeling.

Grabbing some clothes, I headed out to go get me a nice greasy breakfast from the local Waffle House. And coffee. I needed lots and lots of coffee.

Walking up the dew-dampened pier, I saw Victoria by her car, talking on her phone. She waved seeing me. I waved back but I wasn't sure she saw since she was climbing behind the wheel of her blue Nissan Murano, and my truck was between us. By the time I reached the end of the pier Victoria was halfway to the the edge of the marina's parking lot, already signaling that she was about to turn onto the road.

She paused in her turn and I paused in opening my truck door when I also saw the swarm of white and green Sheriff's cars that had come roaring up, red and blue lights blazing.

They swung into the marina parking lot and descended on me like a pack of wolves.

Sheriff Tillman was the first one out, and I swear he had his hand on the holstered gun at his side.

"Randal Scotts, please place your hands on the hood of your vehicle."

In a closing half-circle before me, I saw at least a half-dozen Sheriff's deputies get out of their cars. All had their guns drawn and pointed in my general direction. Behind them, standing behind the doors of their patrol cars, were soon at least that many again, also pointing guns at me. My hands rose from my sides and my fingers splayed out to show I was unarmed ... all by themselves. Turning, I placed my hands on the cold, dew-wet hood of my grandfather's truck.

Heavy footsteps in the packed gravel then a hard metal square appeared pressed into the back of my head; the gun's metal terribly cold. A demanding hand was pushing my face down into the shiny wet surface.

"What's this all about?" I asked, or tried to, as my face was smashed into icy metal.

"You're under arrest."

"Ugh," My legs were kicked wide and my crotch all but driven into the front quarter panel of the Silverado. My right hand was wrenched around my back. "What charge? Ow! Damn it, what charge?"

My only answer was to have my left hand similarly handled and to feel the angry bite of the handcuffs. Hard hands took my elbows and I was turned to face the Sheriff. Tillman was looking at me with pure disgust.

"I realize your father was not the man I thought he was, but I never would have thought that he could have raised a son that would betray this town the way you have." He looked like he was about to spit in my face. "Never."

With a gesture, he pointed and his deputies holding my elbows began to drag me over to one of the patrol cars where a third officer was holding open the back door.

"Damn it, Tillman, what charge?"

I was being stuffed into the backseat, with many a banging of my head on steel door frames and such, when I saw Victoria's car pull back into the marina. She was stopped a good thirty feet away by the wall of cars with flashing lights, but she hopped out and ran towards where I was. She managed to even place a hand on the door before it was slammed in my face.

I heard her calling my name through the glass.

In a serious degree of pain from the too-tight cuffs, I struggled around, changing position to try and see Victoria better. Tillman had stalked up to her and I saw her lay into him like the fiery redheaded woman she was. I wished I could hear more but at the same time, I could tell her words had to be blistering paint.

The Deputy in the front -- behind the bulletproof Plexiglas panel -- shifted his patrol car into drive and began to drive us out of the parking lot, leaving the ongoing verbal battle behind. I saw Sheriff Tillman point off into the distance and I glanced that way without giving it a thought. My jaw dropped open and with a shake of my head, I suddenly knew what I was being charged with.

In the distance, the massive, half-finished, luxury hotel was burning.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

Being arrested was at least a novel experience I must say.

I discovered almost immediately that everyone and I mean everyone at the Sheriff's station believed me guilt. More people believed O.J. was innocent than me.

And I was fucking hated.

Now, don't get me wrong, normally I could care less what anyone in this town thinks of me anymore. It's been that kind of a year, after all. But to just accept being hated for something I didn't do was a bit of a stretch even for me.

I was Miranda-ed. Fingerprinted. Advised that I was an asshole. Told that I could have my one phone call but that no one on this Earth would wish to speak to me. When I asked about my attorney I was told that I would get one just as soon as anyone that would represent me slithered their way in on their slime trail.

Then a storm arrived. A redheaded one.

Let me tell you, Erma, had nothing on Hurricane Victoria's ability to tear a new one in this part of Florida's ass.

She blew in with my family's longtime friend ... and her divorce attorney ... William "Slyc Willy" Benson. In his ever dapper dark navy blue suit and cornflower blue tie, he stepped in, placed a single piece of paper before the officer at the front, walked past the empty desk of Sheriff Tillman and came to stand in front of me. With a tilt of his head, and then a gentlemanly tip of his blue fedora hat he grinned and glanced over his shoulder at Victoria. She was standing by the front desk in a full blown argument with the officer/desk clerk while he was dialing the phone beside him like mad.

Slyc leaned in, smiled at me, and whispered. "You're swimming with sharks, Randal." He chuckled. "Lucky bastard."

Nodding, I asked. "So, am I free to go?"

"Not just yet. Probably here in just a bit, we'll swing that for you." Reaching into his pocket, he took out a wad of white linen and cleaned the corner of his glasses. "Mrs. Elliot over there arrived just as I was about to sit down and enjoy my standard Saturday morning breakfast of waffles and coffee. Told me what had happened even as I was seeing the news about it. She told me where you where ... and what you were doing at the time the fire started." He gave me a look. "Do you have any idea how many people I had to call up and beg to get out of bed on your behalf this morning? I've had to get court clerks to come in on Saturday for God's sake. I've had to wake up a Notary public who was too drunk to stand last night and is a badger when he's hung over. Hell, I then had to call up Hank Tennesy, your beloved landlord at the marina, drive out there and hand deliver an evidence subpoena."

"For what?" I asked.

"The video footage from the marina security camera system." He pointed to Victoria. "While an alibi witness willing to testify that the two of you were doing the bedroom Lambda, at the time the fire was set, is invaluable video footage of your boat leaving, and returning to the marina -- and then the fact that no one left said boat till right before the Sheriff arrived -- is invaluable to your defense."

"So I will be going to court on this?"


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