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My Crazy... Ch. 02

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Vegas Vacation!
8.1k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/26/2021
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(Dear Readers,

I feel I must put out this disclaimer after reading the comments on the first chapter, and one Anonymous commenter in particular. Okay here it is; This is a work of complete fiction. Yes, Ryan as the storyteller says that it is all true. However, Ryan is a fictitious character. So, if your a realist and when a story character says that what is happening is true, I hope you understand that it is still all completely contrived.

End of disclaimer. -Pinkender)

Chapter 2- Vegas Vacation!

Another week passed by with Andrea, Devon, and I really settling in quite nicely to our new living arrangements. In the mornings Andrea would get up before me and go and wake up Devon, then she would go and make breakfast and my lunch. Devon, the little minx, would sneak in only a few seconds after Andrea left and we would fuck until I made my first contribution for the day, and then she would leave and go downstairs and take over making breakfast. When Andrea came in she would sometimes come prancing into the room and strip before flying across the bed and sink my dick deep inside her vagina as she fucked me in a fury. Other times she would strip and go straight to the shower and then call me to come join her, and then we fucked like wild things.

Once I was dressed and headed off to work, it was always to Andrea and Devon standing together at the door in their robes and waving goodbye to me as I drove away. I spent my days working like a madman trying to finish up as soon as I could. I even stopped taking lunches so that I could get home an hour earlier. When I walked in the front door it was always to Devon wearing a tight little number that instantly had my dick throbbing to be released from my jeans. From 3 to 5 o'clock Devon and I fucked, or talked as we cuddled on the couch or bed. Once it was 5 we would go and take a long shower together and clean up. Sometimes we wound up fucking some more, and then we had to clean up again. Either way, by 6 we were both sitting in the living room watching television when Andrea walked into the house.

For the rest of the night Devon was just my living sister-in-law, and Andrea and I were all over each other. Devon would go and start dinner, and Andrea and I would talk about her day. Later that evening after we went to bed we would fuck, and fuck, and fuck!


The weekend finally arrived and we are headed to Vegas. It's just a weekend vacation with Andrea's family, but fuck, Vegas is Vegas, right?

So here we are, going all out and staying in the Hilton for an astronomical sum of money that really made me sweat. We got one room for me, Andrea, and Devon with a massive king-sized bed. Honestly, I was freaking out!

"Honey," Andrea whispered as she smiled at the rest of her family, "We can't afford two rooms, or even a room with two beds. So, you're just going to have to suck it up and behave. Just to help make sure you don't attack Devon in the middle of the night, I will sleep in the middle..."

"Fine," I whispered back, "But if I get grabby, or even fuck your sister with you right there beside us while I'm asleep, it's your fault!"

Andrea chuckled under her breath and then retorted, "Honey, if you actually have the energy to wake up and fuck my sister after I've emptied your balls tonight, then happy fucking! I won't say a thing..."

"So what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas," I mumbled sarcastically into her curly brown hair.

Andrea smirked as she looked up at me and winked as she purred, "Don't go getting any funny ideas. I don't intend for you to have enough energy or cum in you to want to fuck anyone other than me!"

I laughed at that and kissed her cheek as I reassured her, "Honey, you have always been more than enough for me."

"Good," She purred as she smiled lovingly up at me.

The rest of Andrea and Devon's family that were vacationing with us consisted of their newly divorced mother, Birgitte. After 25 years of marriage David, another fool as it turns out and Andrea's father, decided it was time to trade Birgitte in for some 18 year old intern that was working in his office. Birgitte was understandably devastated, especially since they had been together since she was in high school. Part of this Vegas trip was to help her move on from David.

Just so you can get a good idea of just how colossally David fucked up, let me give you a brief description of Birgitte. First, she's 40 years old. She has the same kinky-curly hair her daughters have, and like Andrea it's a deep dark chocolate brown. She has chestnut brown skin, and dark brown eyes. She's shorter than all her daughters except Abigail, who is 5 foot as well. She's also more petite weighing only 120 pounds, which I know only because they talk and complain about their weight all the fucking time! For being so short and slim, she has huge 32 H-cup breasts, a tiny 26 inch waist, and broad 36 inch hips. And so, like I said, David is a fucking idiot!

Traveling with Birgitte as her companion was her 18 year old daughter, the youngest of four sisters, Abigail. Despite having the opportunity to go to Vegas, she was being pouty and whiny that she couldn't stay home. Birgitte made it clear that it wasn't going to happen since she knew Abigail would just have her boyfriend over the whole weekend.

Abigail was a near clone of her mother, in measurements at least. She stood 5 foot tall, and she weighed 120 pounds. She had brown eyes, fiery-red kinky-curly hair, and milk white skin. She was the only daughter who had a bust as large as her mother, sporting 32 H-cup breasts. Her waist was a slim 24 inches, and her hips and ass were 34 inches.

"The last thing I need right now, is to come home to find you knocked up by that 24 year old, jobless, loser you call a boyfriend," Birgitte growled as she and Abigail argued again about her having to come too.

"MOM!" Abigail hissed as she looked around and saw that I was within earshot.

"What?" Birgitte hissed as she followed Abigail's gaze to me. Birgitte looked me up and down, and held noticeably on my crotch before her eyes lifted up and her eyes met mine. Her cheeks blushed, and then she looked away and busied herself with loading her luggage on a trolley as she mumbled, "If you don't want people to overhear then quit arguing with me. You are not going home early, and that is final!"

Abigail hissed, but she didn't say anything else.

The second reason was Andrea's oldest sister, Mary, and her husband, Henry, who were trying to conceive. For the last year they have been having problems. Something to do with low sperm count.

Actually the thought of Mary conceiving made me think of Andrea and Devon. I have been pumping liters upon liters of sperm into them on a weekly basis for weeks now, but neither one seems to be feeling or acting any different. Maybe I needed to ask if they were on any contraceptives...

"Hey, um, Andrea," I mumbled as I watched Mary look embarrassed as Henry directed a bellboy on how to do his job loading luggage on another trolley.

"Yes my love," She answered.

"Are you still on the pill?" I asked.

"Sure am," She purred as she followed my gaze to Mary, then asked, "Whatcha thinking honey buns, do you wanna start making little rug-rats like Henry and Mary?"

"Only if we are as successful as they have been thus far, then sure," I answered sarcastically, "But no, actually I just realized we have been having a lot of sex lately and I haven't been wearing condoms. Anyway I realize it's a bit late. I guess I just needed some reassurance that we aren't going to be having any surprises..."

"Uh, yeah," She answered with a big confident smile, "Nope, no chance of any surprises here honey! There are no buns in this oven, only bratwurst..."

I gave her a sly grin and a nod.

The next hour was spent with everyone getting their room keys, going to their rooms, and unpacking. Conveniently, we all had adjacent rooms. It was Andrea, Devon, and me in the third room, Birgitte and Abigail in the second, and Henry and Mary in the first. Once everyone was settled in and had used the restrooms, we met outside our rooms to go as a group back down and walked out of the hotel to walk the strip.

The sun was down, with its absence the temperatures dropped down to not 'Hell on Earth', and people came out to walk, party, to see and to be seen, to gamble, and so much more. Prostitutes walked the streets openly alongside hot wives that only looked like whores. Pimps and husbands were never far off, and then there were the callers standing at intersections and choke points, calling out, "Titties in your face! Titties in your face!" As they shoved cards advertising brothels and strip clubs into our hands as we walked past.

At one point Mary yelled at one particularly pushy caller as he shoved yet another handful of cards into Henry's hand, "Fuck off dude! My man already has all the titties in his face he will ever need!"

The guy just flipped her off and turned to call out in a different direction, but as I looked at Mary, what she said was not a lie. She was the oldest of the four sisters being 24. She was also the only one that had natural kinky-curly blonde hair, upstairs and down. She was slightly taller than her mother and Abigail, standing at 5 feet 2 inches tall. She was the only daughter to inherit her mother's chestnut skin, and she was the only one with green eyes. Her chest was small measuring 32 inches in the bra band while her breasts were G's. Her waist was 26 inches, and she had a 38 inch hips and booty.

Feeling harassed we made our way into the MGM and began visiting the various restaurants. With every stop we sat down and ordered appetizers. Henry ordered beer, I stuck with whiskey, and the ladies mixed wine, margaritas, and beer together all night long. We were a little over halfway through our bar crawl when Birgitte was so intoxicated she was starting to flirt with me, Henry, and just about any guy that looked half appealing. I wasn't really sure I considered it a compliment that I was lumped in with a few of those dudes. They were not as good looking as she thought they were, and then Birgitte started getting belligerent.

"Honey," Andrea said in a pretty 'I'm about to ask you to do a shit job but would you be my savior and do it anyway.

I turned to look at her, and I could see from the dilation of her pupils she wasn't far off from where her mother was.

"Love of my life. My best fuck buddy ever," She continued. She was really buttering me up. She must of thought I was really not going to like what she was about to ask me to do, "If I promise that both me and Devon will fuck your brains out of her mother fucking skull tonight, will you pretty please take mom back to her room so she can sleep off her bitchiness?"

Thankfully the music was so loud that no one heard Andrea except Devon. Cutting my eyes over to Devon for confirmation, she just smiled and nodded. Looking back to Andrea I asked, "If I leave you all here, how am I going to find you again after I put your mother in bed?"

"Here," Andrea said as she pulled out her phone and looked me up in her contacts. She swiped down and then hit the 'Share GPS location', "Now all you have to do is go to your Find My app and you will be able to track me down."

"Ooh, I'm going to do that too," Devon purred as she pulled out her phone and shared her location with me as well.

"Okay," I said with a resigned grin. I leaned over and I kissed Andrea on the mouth, and then I leaned over to kiss Devon on the cheek but she turned into me and we lip-locked for several seconds as her tongue flitted into my mouth before she pulled away.

Andrea, oddly giggled the whole time before saying, "Okay, off you go then!"

I wasn't sure what to make of the fact that Andrea was completely fine with Devon and me kissing, but if she was cool with it, then so was I. Standing up, I moved around the current table we were occupying and put my hand on Birgitte's shoulder as I knelt down until my mouth was near her ear and whispered loudly so she could hear, "Come with me Birgitte, I will escort you back to your hotel room..."

"Esss.... Escort," She answered as she rolled her head so that she could look me up and down, "You are a very fine man... You can be my escort anytime and anywhere you want!"

"Okay then, Birgitte," I purred as I played along. The way I figured it, she could think we were going to do whatever she wanted as long as she came along without making a scene, "If you come with me, we can do anything you are up for doing as soon as we reach your room!"

"Really," She chuckled lasciviously, "Andrea is fine with that?"

"Yep mom," Andrea yelled over the table, "If you let Ryan take you back to the hotel, you can have your way with him all night long!"

"Well who would ever pass on an offer like that," She purred as she let me help her to her feet.

I shot Andrea a worried, eyebrow-raised, glance and she smirked and mouthed silently, "Don't worry, by the time you get to the hotel she will be passed out."

"Just get her in bed, and then come find us," Devon said in my ear, "We are so going to fuck your brains out of your head tonight!"

"I'm looking forward to it," I replied, and then I led Birgitte out of the bar.

As we walked back to the hotel Birgitte asked, "So do you like being on top or bottom?"

"I like both," I replied.

"How about doggy-style? Have you ever fucked Andrea doggy-style?"

"Yes I have," I answered.

Birgitte snuggled in closer, and then she whispered, "How about ass play? Do you like fucking Andrea and Devon in the ass?"

"Yes," I confessed, "I like fucking them in the ass very much...," and then I realized what I said and I looked down at Birgitte as she blushed at me.

She shrugged as if it were no big deal before she said, "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Personally, I think you're good for Devon. Bruce was a moron and an asshole. As for Andrea, she and Devon have always had a... special relationship. I wouldn't be surprised if she is way more accepting of yours and Devon's relationship than you think."

"Are you really as drunk as you seemed to be," I asked as I looked down at her wonderingly.

"Oh my dear," She purred as she snuggled in even closer so that her magnificent breasts crushed against my arm, "I promise, I am as drunk and horny as a two-bit whore. And when I get you back to my room I will show you exactly what a woman of my experience is capable of doing to you!"

I was committed now, but I was starting to worry that Birgitte had deceived me and Andrea into thinking she was more harmless than she really was. When we reached her room, Birgitte was nearly sober again. With my hand in hers she invited me inside and poured whiskeys for the both of us.

"Get undressed," She commanded.

"Birgitte," I said, starting to object.

"Ryan," She interrupted, "I always took you as a man of your word. You are a man of your word, aren't you?"

"Yes I am," I answered.

"Well then," She said with a sensually sinister smirk, "Take off your fucking clothes. You said that you would do anything I was up for. Well I am up for fucking like rabbits!"

"But," I replied weakly.

"No buts," She said, cutting me off, "How about this, we will use Truth or Dare as our game to see if we have sex or not? Whoever won't tell the truth, or complete a dare loses, and the loser must submit to the winner's wishes. I start, truth or dare?"

"Truth," I answered quickly.

"Okay," She said as she started taking her clothes off, "Truth; How long have you been fucking Devon and Andrea?"

"For two weeks," I answered hesitantly, "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," Birgitte said

She was now completely naked in front of me, and she was gorgeous. Her pussy was completely denuded of pubes while she had a nicely groomed curly brown Brazilian landing strip that was approximately a half inch wide and 3 inches long. She wasn't afraid of getting naked in front of me, so what could I ask her to do that she might not want to do?

Cutting my eyes to the door, I commanded, "Walk down the hallway in both directions just as you are now before coming back."

Birgitte smirked at me and turned and walked to the door. Opening it she turned back and said, "Come and watch me..."

Getting up I followed her to the door and stepped out into the hall and watched her walk down the corridor as sexily as a professional seductress. She came back with a broad confident smirk and then walked down the other half of the hallway. Once she reached the end she completed an about face and came right back to me and led the way back inside her hotel room as I stared at her tits and then her ass.

Once we had the door closed she asked, "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," I replied.

"Have you told Andrea that your fucking her sister behind her back yet?"

I hesitated for several seconds and then I said, "No. Truth or dare?"

"Why haven't you confessed what you've done yet? You know, the longer it takes before you do, the worse it will get," She asked, and then said with an almost taunting smirk, "Oh, and Dare..."

I sighed as my shoulders slumped as I confessed, "How am I supposed to tell Andrea that I came to our bed and made love with a woman in our bed thinking it was her for a week, and never knew it wasn't her! Then when I found out that it was Devon, I was already so in love with her that I couldn't stop fucking her every chance we get..."

Birgitte's mouth fell open, and then she cupped her chin as she thought about what I said. When she looked up at me again it was with a secret smile.

"You said dare," I said and then commanded, "Go as you are and ride the elevator to the ground floor and back up before coming back to the room."

"Okay," She chirped unabashedly, "But you have to come with me."

The next few minutes were spent with us riding the elevator down and then back up. This time there were several stops and every guy, married or not, stared at Birgitte for the whole ride as she blushed profusely and stared up into my eyes. When we finally got back to her room she was nearly panting from the thrill of the eroticism.

Turning to me she asked, "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," I answered.

"Do you not find me attractive enough to fuck like you do my daughters?"

My breath caught. That was not it at all. My heart ached for how she must be feeling. She deserved to be treated so much better than she had been. She deserved to be loved so much more than she had been so far!

Without thinking, I reached out and caressed her face. Slipping my fingers into her dark curly hair, I wrapped my fingertips behind her head and neck, and pulled her in for a devastating kiss.

Her lips were so soft and overly plump as they pressed against my mouth hungrily. Her breasts were massive, super soft and pliable, and they were pressed against my chest. Wrapping my other arm around her waist, I pulled her against my body. The scent of her hair, the smell of alcohol on her breath, the taste of her lips; all of these sensations were floating around and through me. Suddenly my hand was on her hip-flare instead of grabbing copious amounts of her ass, and I was guiding her backwards toward the bed.

Birgitte giggled and followed my lead, backing up to the bed and crawling backward onto it as I followed closely. She laid back and spread her legs apart and I crawled up and started kissing my way from her left knee up her inner thigh as she moaned, "Oh sweet Jesus!"

Running my hand down her thighs, I came to her chestnut pussy-lips and used my thumbs to spread her fat labia apart to reveal a deep almost bluish purple vulva. I was struck with wonder! I had never seen a purple pussy before. Andrea's was a very light pink, and Devon's was a deep rose red. Intrigued, I dived right in...

"Oh fuck me!" Birgitte gasped as she thrust her pussy into my teeth, "Oh yes! It's been so long! Eat me Ryan! Eat my pussy!"

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