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My Descent into Slavery Ch. 05


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"If someone came at you with a knife, you'd fight for your life. You can't look at the stingray barb and cower on the ground. You have to look at it the same as you would a knife, and fight. Don't give in to your fears, your conditioning, fight, as if your life depended on it. Look at it like any other weapon. Fight for yourself, for your loved ones."

Sahar was right. Ninety swats with the paddle was probably as bad as one swat with the barb, except one broke skin and the other one didn't. I would fight for my life if someone came at me with a knife, but if they lifted the barb, I was a puddle of jelly, quivering on the ground. The whole time we'd been here, Sahar had kept me from masturbating with just the threat of the stingray barb. I'd watched her masturbate frequently, then watched her and Roberta had sex. If I even looked as if I'd touch myself, she'd made a threat and I wilted.

"I don't know if I can," I said.

"I know you can," Sahar said, "even though it will be hard. It's the last thing you need to do. Once you've overcome your fear of the barb, you can do whatever else you want to do. The choice will then be yours. You don't need to worry about it for now. I want you to get through your one hundred swat spankings first. That's the next thing you need to tackle, and then you can have sex every night again. Think of how nice that will be."

It would be nice., but the question remained; could I get past my fear of the barb? Even though I moved my bed to be with the others, I slept very uneasily.


Despite the promise of sex to come and the fact I'd gotten through ninety yesterday, I only got as far as thirty swats on my ass before I begged Sahar to stop, on my first spanking of the morning. She looked at me with such pity, I cried. Apparently, even thinking of the stingray barb in the future was too much for my fragile recovery. Nor did it save me from getting the rest of the hundred. After sighing in disgust and telling me I was back to fifty, I received the rest. That day, she worked me as hard as she ever had, the paddle ready to rap my ass if I showed the slightest sign of slacking.

I was one tired puppy when my day ended, and with no massage to ease my aching muscles.

After supper, and my last one hundred swat spanking of the day, Roberta and Sahar had sex for over an hour, which Sahar made me watch with my hands behind my head. Before Roberta left to take the night watch, I was leaking profusely from my pussy.

The next day it started again. I couldn't make it through the fifty I was back to. I cried again. Sahar worked me even harder. When I lay limp and unable to move, Sahar got the stingray barb and told me to get going. I went. From that moment on, whenever I wanted to give up, she threatened me with the stingray barb, she'd make me crawl or nearly drown before she'd let me quit.

She still gave me my spankings with the paddle and I didn't get over fifty for a week. Every night after supper, and after my spanking, Sahar made me stand in the Display position while she and Roberta had sex, while my ass burned from my last spanking. The fifty swats hurting as much as the hundred might have, since she struck me so hard. My ass often felt bruised, though I saw no sign of it.

Their sex looked amazing. They'd grown accustomed to one another and knew how to turn the other one on and easily make them cum. I felt left out and abandoned, yet it was my own fault. If I'd gotten through the hundred, I could be enjoying a tongue every night.

Every day would start the same, a failed spanking and then to a torturous, exhausting exercise routine, monitored by Sahar holding the stingray barb; interrupted only by a meal and another spanking, then watching them have sex.

One day, while trying to do more chin ups, I couldn't do anymore. No matter how much I strained, I couldn't get my chin over the bar. Sahar threatened me with the stingray barb. I struggled to lift myself.

"I can't. I'm not strong enough," I said, hanging there.

Sahar hit me with the barb, the sharp pain exploding across my ass. I dropped to the ground and attacked her, though I was so weak at that point she easily fended me off.

"Fuck you!" I screamed, trying to lay my hands on her. "Go ahead and hit me again, bitch! Here, I'll make it easier for you. I'm going to masturbate, you sadistic mother fucker."

I started stroking myself; the only thing I had the strength to do at that point.

Sahar laughed. "What are you laughing at, you fucking hyena?" I yelled.

"You could have been masturbating the whole time you were here. All you had to do was ignore the threat of the stingray barb and do it. I wouldn't have stopped you. I'm going to enjoy your tongue on my cunt tonight. You've finally earned a taste of my twat; Roberta's too, if she wants it, and I can't imagine she'd refuse. You still have to get through your hundred swats before we'll lick yours though. No backsliding."

She walked off, leaving me with my fingers in my slick folds. I masturbated to ten orgasms, one right after the other. It felt so good. I was a sticky mess when I finished. I went to the water and washed the sweat and cum off myself, the saltwater stinging the open wound on my ass. I found Sahar cooking supper while chatting with Roberta.

"So the point of all of this was to make me fight back?" I asked.

"I had no control over you. I told you I wasn't your Mistress; punished you for saying I was. The only control I had over you was what you gave me or assumed I had. You needed to take it back, no matter what I threatened you with. If you told me to fuck myself when I threatened you with the stingray barb, and fought my control, you would have reclaimed your power. I'm sorry for hitting you again. You weren't getting the point of the lesson, or you were still too scared."

"I can masturbate as much as I want?"

"What are you going to do if I threaten you with the stingray barb?"

"Shove it up your ass."

"I guess you can masturbate as much as you want," Sahar laughed. She handed me the barb. "You can throw it away if you want, or you may wish to keep it to remind you it only has the power over you that you give it."

"Maybe I'll use it on you," I suggested.

"Try it, and I'll kick your ass," Sahar grinned.

"Can I have the rest of my spanking now?"

"I'd give your bottom a couple days to heal. We'll start you off on ninety when we begin again, and if you make it through that, we'll do a hundred the following day. I've got some antibiotic ointment to put on your new wound. Why don't you get it out of my gear?"

"Why don't you get it yourself?"

"If you make the food, I will."

"Fine, I'll get it."

"Lick my asshole."

"Fuck you. I'll lick yours when you lick mine."

"See how easy that is?" Sahar asked, stirring the food. "You'll still have issues. I still have issues. It will get easier with time. I'm still curious if you'll lick a shitty cock. I think when we leave here, we'll go see Ranger and the others a few days, test that out. Then I suppose it's off to Switzerland for your back. After that, there's no reason you can't rejoin Joshua if you want. Whether or not you submit or who you submit to from now on, will be up to you."

"How long before we leave here?"

"I still want to see you get through a three hundred swat spanking day without begging, then take a few days just to relax and have sex if you want. Maybe you can teach me to swim, or get me started anyway. We still need to tear down the mockup, but whenever you're ready, we can torch the rest of it."

"Thank you, Sahar."

"You're welcome, Beth. You don't hate me yet, do you?"

"Not yet. Give it another week and ask again."

She smiled at me and I went and got the ointment. Roberta put it on for me. I felt almost normal for the first time since my capture. When supper was over and the dishes done, Sahar spread her legs and asked if I could make her scream again. I made her scream, then I made Roberta scream, then I masturbated some more because it felt so good.


Roberta was still on watch at night. In the morning, she ate breakfast with us, then went to bed. I spent the day trying to teach Sahar to swim. She was panicked at her face being in the water like I'd been panicked by the stingray barb. I got her to hold her breath and slowly breathe out of her nose to keep the water out. For over an hour, that was all we did, both of us looking for interesting things just below our faces, when I could get her to open her eyes in the water.

I taught her to do the stingray shuffle in the shallow water around the island.

"You mean those things live in the water around here?"

"Yes, and they burrow under the sand. They don't attack people; we're not in their food chain. But because they hide under the sand, you can step on them and get the barb in your foot for your trouble. If you shuffle your feet through the sand, you don't accidentally step on one and they'll move away from you."

We actually saw one at one point and Sahar was fascinated at the way it glided through the water right above the bottom, before settling on the floor and slowly fanning sand over itself.

I held her torso up and made her practice her kicking, then she began a basic dog paddle moving slowly from one spot to another to prove to herself she could stay afloat, no matter how torturously slow she moved. I showed her the Australian crawl and how to integrate her breathing with her arm movements, though it would be a lot of practice before she got that down.

We ate and Sahar said, "I won't make you work out anymore. I was actually trying to make you fight me on that as well. It's why I worked you so hard. I was hoping you'd tell me to go fuck myself a lot earlier. On the other hand, it's not a bad idea if you work on your upper body strength some more. When you attacked me yesterday, you were pathetic."

"I had nothing left in my arms. I could barely lift them."

"Then you should have been kicking me. You hadn't been using your legs. Just because you couldn't use your arms is no reason to lay down and die."

"I was using my hand to masturbate," I said. "It wasn't totally useless." Sahar laughed.

We worked out in our improvised gym that afternoon and before I tired myself out completely, I made it about three quarters up the rope.


It was a couple days later that Sahar inspected my bottom after putting more cream on it one evening as we were getting ready for bed.

"I think we can start paddling your ass again tomorrow."

"I can hardly wait."

Sarcasm, but it also meant I was that much closer to getting my pussy licked again. I licked hers. She tasted like girl, and salt water, and sunshine, as strange as that might seem.

I made it all the way through all three spankings of ninety the next day. It was relatively easy. I had no desire to beg for anything except to hurry so I could get my cunt licked again. I masturbated a lot that day in anticipation.


"If you can get all the way through today," Sahar said as I draped myself over her lap, "we can start having regular sex again."

"Believe me, I know."

Sahar smiled at me. "I've wanted it as much or more than you."

"At least I've been licking you for several days."

"And as good as that is, I want it all."

"Did you know the sleeping bags could be zipped together to form one big bed."

"Please tell me you're not joking."

"I'm not joking."

"If you don't get through this today, I might shoot you myself."

I laughed. "Whack away."

I counted them down as Sahar spanked me. It was hard. She still wasn't sparing the rod. She wanted me whole and complete, not a shadow of my former self. I knew she was holding her breath through the last ten. My ass was burning, but it was a good burn.

I stood up. "Thank you, Mistress."

She looked sharply at me and saw the smile on my face. "Be careful," she warned. "You're not so big I can't take you over my knee."

"As you just made abundantly clear." I helped her to her feet and pulled her in for a kiss. "I don't hate you," I whispered.

She hugged me fiercely. "I was afraid you might when we were done."

"Not yet, but I still have two more spankings to go. I think I can safely say you won't have to shoot me."

We went swimming again. Sahar was starting to pick up the nuances of swimming. There was still a lot of thrashing, but she was getting it.

Lunch, my second spanking of the day, and I made it all the way to the top of the rope that afternoon, then I pounded on the heavy bag, exhausting myself.

"How's she doing so far?" Roberta asked, after waking up and joining us.

"So far, so good," Sahar said, holding the bag. "I'll let you fuck her first. I plan to fuck her all night long while you're standing watch."

"I don't have any say in this," I said, panting.

"No," they both said. "This will be rape, plain and simple," Sahar added.

"Fuck you," I said.

"That's what we're waiting for," Roberta said, "a good Beth Wilson fucking. If I've had to do without dick this long, it better be a good one, too."


We ate supper before the last spanking. "Sahar, you don't do that bad cooking this stuff," Roberta said, "but I want some good fucking food. Steaks, pork chops, a roast, salads, fruit, a cold beer. I want to use a regular toilet and take a shower. Don't fuck this up, Beth. It's time to blow this joint."

We cleaned up and it was time for my final spanking. I draped myself over Sahar's lap. It began. If anything, it was harder than the previous one. Roberta was counting the strokes out loud. I drifted into subspace, perfectly confident I had this. I let the count get up to eighty-eight.

"Please, I'm begging you," I said, then paused. "Finish this fucking spanking so you can lick my furry cunt."

None of us had any shaving equipment on the island. My pubic fur had grown back while we were here.

Sahar gasped. "You mother fucker! I was ready to murder you."

Turning my head, I grinned up at her. "So, are you going to finish this or what? I'm getting impatient."

I swear, she increased the intensity of the last twelve strokes. I stood up when she finished.

"Lie down, Roberta," I said. "I get the top. I'm not lying down on this ass anytime soon."

Roberta shed her clothes in a heartbeat, not that she was wearing much. They were pretty relaxed around me. I was the only one who went without clothes. She lay down and spread her legs. I placed myself over her, my cunt dripping wet, and rode her face for two minutes before I leaned forward and tasted her. We fucked for an hour. Thirty minutes in our sixty-nine, then as the heat in my ass dissipated, we tribbed, rubbing our cunts together in fervid abandon.

The sex over, we went into the water to rinse off, Sahar joining us so she'd be fresh as well. Dusk was approaching, and it was time for Roberta to stand watch. Sahar and I went to our sleeping quarters and I showed her how the sleeping bags could be unzipped, then zipped together to form one big sleeping bag.

We snuggled in together and did nothing but kiss for a long time while our hands explored. Our first orgasms were on our fingers, sliding in and out of our wet cunts.

"Are you ready to sixty-nine yet?" I asked.

"No," Sahar said. "Let me lick you first. You've waited long enough."

Sahar kissed her way down my body and did a righteous job of giving me pleasure. I orgasmed three times on her delightful tongue. Her face was soaked with my juices before she stopped. She kissed her way back up and I lapped my cum from her face as we kissed some more.

"Now," she said. "Now we can sixty-nine."

My bottom was fine at this point. Time and several orgasms had taken care of any lingering soreness. I had no problem taking the bottom. We leisurely pleasured each other for a good hour, then lazily kissed in the afterglow of some marvelous sex.

Sahar was twisting a strand of my hair in her hand, gazing down at me.

"I have a favor to ask," she said.

"Ask it," I replied.

"I'd like to spend a couple days with you, just us alone. I'm sure you want to get back to Joshua and the others as soon as you can, but if you could give me a little time, I'd greatly appreciate it."

I stroked her cheek. "There's very little I wouldn't give you at this point. First, you helped rescue me from the worst thing which could happen to me, then kept me from jumping into the Mediterranean. You might have saved me two additional times here on the island. You helped give me my life back, Sahar. Roberta can return when you feel it's safe for her to leave, and I'll give you three additional days, just the two of us. But it won't be only here and for only three days. I'll need to go to Switzerland to get my cosmetic surgery.

"I would feel better having a bodyguard, and I can't think of anyone better than you to guard me. I don't know if I'll be in a hospital room the whole time, or if they'll do the surgery and let me stay in a hotel until a follow up appointment, but you'll be with me. In my bed, going out to eat dinner, shopping, museums, movies, art galleries; whatever you want to do. I'll do them with you."

She leaned down to kiss me and I parted my lips for her, accepting her love.


Roberta left two days after I passed my final test. We had sex a couple other times before she left. Sahar wasn't jealous. She knew that eventually, I'd rejoin Joshua and she could only have a part of my life, and because I was giving her time of her own, she didn't begrudge what I gave to Roberta. The helicopter pilot said he'd be back in three more days to get us at the same time.

With Roberta gone, we cavorted, canoodled, capered and romped. Sure, we did other things, Sahar continued working on learning to swim, I continued climbing the damn rope, Sahar kept cooking, we kept tearing down the damned mockup, but whenever one of us felt like it, and that was fairly often, one of us would hold the other, or kiss the other, and it would quickly turn into fucking. Sometimes slow and languid, other times fast and impassioned, as if we couldn't keep our hands off one another, and we often couldn't. We had no real responsibilities at all, so pretty much did whatever we wanted, and a lot of that was sex. I was finally enjoying sex the way I'd done before my capture, freely giving of myself without reservation.

Soon enough, it was time to join the real world again. We piled everything we weren't going to take back with us in the helicopter in the mockup and set fire to it, and the last of Mahmoud's memories went up in smoke and flames with the structure. I put on clothes for one of the few times I was on the island and waited for our ride to arrive, holding Sahar's hand, watching the place burn to the ground.

"Where are we going first?" I asked.

"To meet some friends."

"Mistress Layton?" I asked.

"Are you trying to spoil the surprise?"

"She is the closest of the friends nearby."

"Fine, we're going to see Mistress Layton, Ranger, Luke, and Gloria. Are you happy now?"

"Are you going to fuck Ranger again?"

"Probably both Ranger and Luke. It's time to expand my horizons."

"If you really want to expand your horizons, you should fuck them with me. Having someone fuck you while we sixty-nine would be something I think you'd enjoy. Plus, I think you should probably fuck Diego, too. Some of the best sex I ever had was with him. Have you ever ridden a horse?"


"You should also ride a horse while you're there. There's this special saddle you might enjoy."

"What special saddle?"

"You'll see," I laughed. "We can also run up to the gator pond and practice your swimming some more. Oh, and I want to eat hamburgers and spaghetti, and go out to dinner in slutty clothes."

"We might not have time for all of that. You have to be in Switzerland in a week."

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