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My Husband Fucked Me Over Ch. 07


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Robert pulled something out of his breast pocket and handed it to Bill. "Would this help?"

Bill opened it up, and his jaw dropped. "What's this for?"

"What is it, Bill?" Bonnie asked.

"It's a check for a hundred thousand dollars."

Bonnie had the same question. "Why are you giving Bill that?"

"Is that the money you said you'd give Bill if he didn't kill Ransom?" I asked, struck by the amount.

"It is," Robert said, "although after Bill kicked him in the balls, I thought of adding another twenty-five grand."

I laughed. "Maybe I should give him the bonus."

"I can't accept this," Bill said. "Tempted though I was, I wasn't going to kill the man anyway. I certainly can't accept money for not doing what I wasn't going to do regardless."

"Look around, Bill. Does it look like I'm hurting for money?" Robert asked.

"Well, no, but that's not the point. I didn't earn this."

"I can see why Sam likes you. She wouldn't accept $800,000 she didn't think she'd earned. Okay, I'm not giving it to you, I want a ten percent stake in your company."

"I think this would be worth a fifty percent stake."

"You're a lousy negotiator, Bill. If you're going to own your own company, you need to get better at that. You should be countering with, 'this is only worth a five percent stake'."

Bill laughed. "I want to be known as an honest businessman."

"Final offer. Twenty-five thousand for a ten percent stake in your company. The remaining seventy-five thousand is a loan with a five percent simple interest rate. Balloon payment to be repaid in five years. Please tell me I don't have to give this to your wife for services rendered?"

"What services?" Bill laughed.

"I'll think of something," Robert said. "Take the damn check."

Bill handed the check back. "Give that to me when I've started my company. I'll need a couple months to get started. Right now, you'd own ten percent of nothing."

"Fine, you tell me when you're ready and I'll send you another check with some paperwork about the loan."

"Thanks. I appreciate the confidence."

"I looked into you before we invited you onto this boat. Actually, before then. Because of our feelings for Sam, I had everyone she had regular contact with checked out. What I found is she has real good taste in friends. The only person that didn't check out was her husband. People have a lot of good things to say about you. You're a good bet. I like good bets. They tend to pay off."

"What did you find out about me?" Becky asked. "Did you look into me?

"Before we told Sam we could hire you as a nanny/governess/teacher/au pair for our children. You're smart, reliable, trustworthy. Your friends and teachers think the world of you. Will probably graduate with an A- average, unless you really screw up your last year. Other than you caring for the same person we do, I couldn't find a damn thing wrong. I'm willing to forgive you for that, because I admire your taste."

"What did your investigators find out about me?" I asked.

"It was hard for anyone to believe you'd stolen any money. As it turns out, they were right. You don't have a wide circle of friends that you associate with, but the ones you do have, had nothing but good things to say. The ones who knew your parents said the same about them. 'Salt of the earth', strong moral character, honest as the day is long. Your only black mark was the suspected theft and your poor choice of husbands, but I hired the guy, and he fooled me too, so I'll give you a pass on him, and the money was a lie. Since I've spent lots of time with you, I've found you to be intelligent, funny, a fantastic mother and a good friend to the people you care about. The deal with your neighbor and Ben is a good example."

"What deal?" Becky asked.

"Edith, across the street, when she looked after the kids yesterday while we went shopping, asked if I could bring home a well hung gentleman for her. The boat captain didn't have a ring on his finger and looked to be the right age, and said he could act like a gentleman, so he's coming over on Monday to take Edith out to dinner."

"That's very sweet," Bonnie said. "I know she can be a bit of a busybody, but I feel so sorry she lost her husband at a very young age. I can't imagine losing Bill like that." She squeezed Bill's hand. I liked that she was remembering who she was married to.

We continued to chat about this and that. Pen sat down in Robert's lap. I'm sure they were kind of buzzing about the thought there'd be another person in their bed tonight besides me. The kids were playing a game at a side table, Chutes and Ladders again. Billy's counting seemed to be getting better.

At seven, Antoine announced that dinner was ready. The table was set with fine china and crystal, but I made him give the two children plastic cups instead. He had meatballs for the children, but the spaghetti sauce for the adults seemed to be filled with cubed steak, and the sauce, perfecto. There was freshly ground parmesan cheese and hot garlic bread, with a nice Caesar salad.

"Aren't you going to sit down to eat?" I asked.

"I need to bring the Captain his food," Antoine said. "He doesn't want to leave the bridge while we're underway."

"By all means, join us when you've brought the Captain his food," Pen said, realizing he might be hesitant about eating with his employers. "These are not our usual guests, Antoine. We're among friends here."

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you."

When Antoine sat down, we asked him a lot of questions about where he learned to cook, what his favorite dishes were, and what led him to become a chef.

"Antoine, can I ask a favor of you?" I asked at the end of the meal.

"What is it, ma'am?"

"Well, first of all, I'm not a ma'am, so call me Sam like my friends do. Secondly, the adults might like to spend some time on adult activities this trip, and someone needs to keep an eye on the children. Do you think you can find a very simple recipe to teach to the kids, that might keep them busy for a few hours tomorrow morning? Maybe, make some candies, or cupcakes, something simple. I'd like Emma to start learning some simple things. She's very good about putting her dirty dishes in the dishwasher, but if you have something relatively easy, that would be good. If you don't, don't sweat it. We'll find something else for them to do."

"I believe I have just the thing, Sam. Do you want her messing with ovens or stoves?"

"I think she's too young for that."

"Got it. I'll be in charge of anything hot, with the proper warnings."

"Thank you. Any time you need us to take them off your hands to get started on a meal, just let us know."

"Yes, Sam."

"Emma, honey, we ate really late, and it's past your normal bedtime. I want you to get ready for bed and then you and Billy can watch a short show or I'll read you a story."

"I'd be happy to get them ready for bed and read a story," Pen said. "Just in case you had something else to do."

"I'll help Antoine clean up," I said as soon as Pen left with the children.

"You're our guest," Robert said.

"Becky, Bonnie and Bill are guests. I'm hoping to be a part of the family, and I told you I needed to pull my weight. I won't be a freeloader."

Robert smiled. "As you wish."

Bonnie and Becky both helped me, help Antoine. "I loved your spaghetti sauce. I'm going to need your recipe," I said. "Loved the steak instead of hamburger."

"Me too," Bonnie said. "Bill couldn't stop shoveling more onto his plate."

"You're a young guy, Antoine, but your accent is anything but French," I said. "Where are you from and what's your real name?"

Antoine laughed. "Tony, from Fort Myers."

We all laughed with him. "How old are you?" I asked, "and do you have a girlfriend, or god forbid, a boyfriend?"

"Twenty-five and a girlfriend. Were you going to set me up with your friend, Edith, too?"

"Actually, I was thinking of Becky, but if you've got a girlfriend already..."

"Me?!" Becky said.

"I thought you two were together," Antoine added.

"Well, we kind of are, but it's fluid. I'm also kind of with Robert and Pen. I hoped you might be the sort who didn't mind if his girlfriend slipped off for a little pussy every so often."

"Why Antoine?" Bonnie asked, intrigued.

"Well, he's more mature than the average guy Becky's been with before, which is definitely in his favor. I'm sorry, but young guys don't know what they're doing in the bedroom as much as an older guy, but not too much older. Next, think of having someone who can do most of the cooking in the household, and know what the hell he's doing."

"That's definitely a plus," Bonnie said. "I swear Bill could burn toast."

"I heard that," Bill said, laughing.

"Love you, honey," Bonnie called out.

"Love you back, sugar," Bill said, still laughing.

"Anyway, if I end up moving in with Robert and Pen, which I admit, is sort of my goal here, maybe Becky should have someone to date once in awhile while I'm in Naples and she's still attending school at FGCU. Someone to remind her she's not really a lesbian, any more than I am."

"You really don't think I'm a lesbian?" Becky asked. "I haven't even thought of a guy since we started, you know, having sex."

"I think that's just because it's good sex, better than you've had with boys before. I think if you were lesbian, you'd have been tempted to try a girl out before now. You live with two women, for heaven's sake. I think before the weekend is over, you'll know you're not a lesbian."

"How is she going to know that?" Bonnie asked.

"You have to keep this secret. Robert and Pen don't want this to add to all the other bullshit news floating around out there now. Becky is joining us in the bedroom. She'll know what it's like being fucked by a real man, not a boy. I didn't want her to be all by herself this weekend, so I told Robert and Pen that if I'm joining them, so's Becky. Well, I'm joining them."

"A foursome," Bonnie whispered. "My God."

"I knew you'd end up knowing anyway, so what the hell. Let's get it out there. Don't say anything in front of the kids, but Becky is getting her pussy positively plowed tonight, if I have anything to say about it."

"Will you be licking my pussy at the same time?" Becky asked.

"Or Pen. One of us will."

"I can feel myself start to juice already," Becky said.

"I heard that," Robert said.

"Love you, honey," Becky called out, mocking Bonnie.

Robert laughed.

Antoine looked at Becky and me. "The boss is so fucking lucky."

"Isn't he though," I teased.

"I'm going to have a woody all night long, just thinking of that," Antoine said.

"Do what my soon to be ex-husband did every time I watched one of the movies Pen made of me fucking her husband, in front of him."

"What's that?" Antoine asked

"Stroke one off. He had more orgasms watching me have sex, than having sex himself. Our floor was littered with Kleenex afterwards. I couldn't believe how turned on he got by watching a man better than him in every conceivable way, fuck his wife."

Antoine and Bonnie laughed. Becky and I had already had our chuckles.

Pen had finished putting the kids to bed, and came out. "What did I miss?" She asked.

"Nothing yet," I said, "but that's about to change. Robert, why don't you give us girls fifteen or so minutes to get better acquainted, then join us for a little menage a quatré?"

"As you wish."

"Bonnie," Bill said, "I'm pretty sure I have something here that needs your attention."

"Love you, honey. I'm as eager as you are."

The five of us left for the cabins, leaving Antoine and Robert with serious erections standing on the back deck.

As soon as we reached Pen's cabin, I undressed both of them while I talked. "Pen, you're on the bottom. I want Becky to feel how good it is when a man who knows what the fuck he's doing, fucks her, while his wife, who also knows what the fuck she's doing, is licking her pussy. Then it's your turn on the top, and mine on the bottom. If he can get another erection, Becky can lick me while Robert fucks me. Hopefully, between the three of us, we can get Robert to fuck all three of us tonight. Otherwise, I get him first in the morning." I kissed them both. "Now, show me how it's done."

Pen drew Becky down onto the bed. Becky watched me for a moment, wondering about me, I imagine, how I'd feel, until she felt Pen's tongue start working her pussy. Then she bent down between Pen's legs and began licking her back.

I undressed, and got beside them on the bed, and began rubbing Becky's ass. That's how Robert found us, my two female lovers deeply engaged in one another's cunts while I rubbed the nearest ass. They'd both climaxed twice before Robert made his entrance, closing the door behind him.

Robert removed his clothes and I saw that he wouldn't need any help getting an erection, at least, not yet.

"Robert, I've been bragging on you, telling Becky you're the best lover I've ever had. I want you to show her what she's been missing by fucking boys instead of men. Don't make a liar out of me."

"Fuck," he groaned, seeing Becky's youthful limbs spread on either side of his wife's head. "You're going to fuck me to death, aren't you?"

I laughed. "Unlikely. I'm sure all three of us want you alive and fucking tomorrow morning, so we can start all over again."

I helped him aim his cock at my girlfriend's tight, nubile snatch, and watched her orgasm as he slowly shoved it into her pussy.

"Oh, fuck!" Becky exclaimed. "He's so nice and fat. God, I'm cumming already."

Before Robert orgasmed, she'd cum six more times, moaning loudly for every single one. Since Bill and Bonnie were close, I was sure they could hear us. Granted, it wasn't all Robert. Pen knew what the hell she was doing too, and it was the combination of the two of them that made the sex so special. I cleaned up Robert's dick when he pulled out, while Pen cleaned up the mess in Becky's pussy.

We rearranged ourselves, and I was on the bottom and Pen was on the top.

"Becky, it's your job to make that special cock hard again, so he can fuck his wife," I said. "Do whatever you have to do to make that happen. She's sharing her husband's dick with us, so she should be rewarded for doing so. I'm going to get her lubricated so he'll slide right in."

It felt great to be licking Pen's pussy again, to be sharing something so wonderful with her. It wasn't long before Robert's shaft made an appearance, before disappearing deep up her cunt. As he fucked her, I switched off between her nubbin, and the hairy balls smacking my face. I nuzzled and kissed them, then licked her for another half dozen thrusts, before switching back to his balls. Pen's mouth was so familiar to me, and so experienced, I had no trouble enjoying the experience, even if I wasn't the one getting fucked. I made sure Pen enjoyed it as much as Becky had. More moans and groans and whimpers and cries of 'I'm cumming', filled the air as we fucked.

I sucked his hairy ball sack as he pulsed his creamy load into Pen's pussy, then cleaned up the delicious jism that spilled from her cunt. I was glad to see that Becky hadn't needed to be instructed to clean off Robert's cock when he pulled out. I don't know if she'd ever done it before, but she did it now, despite having both husband's and wife's milky cum coating it.

It was my turn, and Becky took her place on the bottom, and Penelope worked to get Robert's cock hard enough to fuck me. I'm sure watching Becky and I go at it didn't hurt either. We'd done this enough, and knew each other's triggers enough, we had no problem getting each other off. Since this was Robert's third time tonight, it took Pen a little longer to give Robert an erection, and I got the best fucking of them all, as he pounded me for nearly thirty minutes before he blasted one more load of cum in me. I felt Becky cleaning up my pussy when he was finished.

When I was clean, I rolled off Becky.

"I want to make sure that everyone was good with what just happened," I said. "No green eyed monsters, no desire to choke the life out of anyone, or gouge anyone's eyeballs out?"

"A little bit," Penelope admitted, "but surprisingly, more so when I saw you and Becky together, than when I saw Robert fucking her. I don't know why. It should be more with Robert, and less with you, but that's not the way it felt. Maybe because I feel so secure with Robert, and less so with you."

"How about you, Becky? What are your thoughts?"

"May I just say that was the best fucking sex I ever had, and I know why Sam doesn't think I'm a lesbian. I loved fucking Robert, although having a woman licking me at the same time, while I licked her, made everything even better. Thank you, both of you, for inviting me. I certainly never expected it, and you're both so beautiful and kind to do so. If I'm being completely honest, I was both a little jealous, and also a little turned on, watching Sam with Pen. I think, knowing Samantha is into you both, and wants to be with you, is a little upsetting, but knowing she's still wants to include me, to make me part of this, is amazing. I have to say, you both, no all three of you, really seem to be in sync when you have sex. It was amazing to watch, so fucking hot. It's easy to see why, and how much, you all care for each other."

"Robert, do you regret adding a third female to your bed?" I asked. "Actually, since you seem to be getting a fourth erection, I'm not sure you need to answer that."

"I can't believe it myself," Robert groaned. "It's like it's got a mind of it's own."

"Becky, you're up again."

"The same way?"

"That would be boring," I said. "Mount Robert cowgirl. Spend some time kissing him and letting him play with your breasts. He's a very good kisser."

"What are you going to do?" Becky asked.

"Pen and I are going to be kissing while we fuck your ass with a small vibrator. I'm sure you'll love it, won't she Pen?"

"If she's as big a slut as we are, I'm sure of it."

"Becky is plenty slutty enough," I laughed. "It's one of the things I enjoy about her. She's always willing to get slutty with me. I was surprised as hell she was willing to have sex with me while you were both watching, then shower together when we knew it was the security company again."

So Becky mounted Robert's refreshed cock, and Pen got a vibrator a little thicker than a man's finger. We lubed up Becky's bum and the vibrator, and worked it into her tight asshole while Robert fucked her senseless. We each took turns fucking her ass, while we kissed over her back. I stopped counting Becky's orgasm after she had six. I had a strong suspicion, Becky would eventually enjoy feeling Robert's nice cock plumbing the depths of her virgin asshole when it had been stretched enough. She certainly seemed to enjoy the vibrator. So did Robert from the volume of cum he managed on his fourth visit to the well.

We spent the night with Pen and I wrapped around Robert and Becky wrapped around me. The first thing in the morning, Pen got the double penetration treatment, and she enjoyed it as much as Becky did. That was the start of our weekend. It certainly wasn't the end.


Ben had anchored the boat sometime after midnight. I'd briefly awakened when the motor shut off and anchor dropped, then snuggled deeper into Robert's arms. After our morning escapade, we showered, then slipped into Becky's room where we'd left our clothes, and Becky and I put on our bikinis. It was the briefest one I kept at my house, made briefer by the lack of a top. Becky left off her top as well.

"You know, every man on board is going to be sporting an erection this morning," Becky said.

"Do you think it possible Robert can still get one," I laughed. "And from the sounds coming from Bill's cabin last night, he might have a tough time this morning as well."

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