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My Husband's Little Slut Ch. 01

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My husband's office slut gets taught a lesson.
4.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/20/2012
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"So, you little slut, you've been trying to get in my husband's pants, have you?"

Carrie was lying on the bed, tied to all four posts and was looking at me like I was crazy. She was naked and her legs were spread wide, pussy in full view.

I had on a black, leather outfit that was just made of leather straps. The one set of straps were under my breasts, keeping them high and the ones on my upper torso were spaced out evenly. The straps in between my legs just wrapped around my thighs, with my pussy open. I had on my black knee high boots and had my nice feather whip.

"What are you talking about?" Carrie asked.

"I know you've been taunting my husband, John here, for months. He's told me bitch! Tell her John!"

John just looked at me like he all of a sudden didn't know how to speak.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me John! You told me all about how she would bend over at work by the copier; with no panties on, making sure you saw her pussy. Making sure she spread her sweet little legs so could get that good view of her wet...pussy...John!"

This was going to be fun, I thought. If she won't leave my husband alone, she'll end up being our little slut.

"So what made you attracted to John, hah Carrie? Was it the fact that he's tall, or that he has big hands, big feet? Did you imagine he had a big cock? You want that big cock in your tight little pussy, don't you, you little slut! Ya know, he has a nice big, fat tongue too. I bet you noticed that too. I bet you want that tongue on your pussy, don't you?

"Let's see how bad you want him, how wet your pussy is now." I ran my finger just down the inside of her pussy and the juices had started to flow.

"Ohhhh, looky here John, her pussy is wet. Well, seems like I was right John. So, tell me Carrie, have you ever eaten pussy before?"

"No," Carrie whispered.

"You're going to be eating a lot of pussy this weekend you little slut," I whispered in her ear.

"You see this little whip I have? Whenever you say or do the wrong thing, you're going to get a nice little smack with this whip. The better you listen and do what I say; you won't get it......as much. Do you understand?"

Carrie slowly shook her head up and down.

"Good, I'm glad we've come to an understanding......Carrie."

I got on the bed and straddled her on her tummy, taking the whip and ever so softly stroking her nipples with it. I ran the feather over both of her nipples, just looking for her reaction.

She was just lying there, not moving, not giving anything away. Ummm, so she might be hard to break. I doubt it though; she's just trying to be tough.

"John, take your clothes off. I want our little slut here to see what you're all about. Have you ever seen him naked Carrie?"

"No, of course not!" Carrie yelled.

I leaned over, close to her and very softly said, "It would be in your best interest to never speak to me like that again my dear. Savvy?"

She looked at me with a fierce look in her eyes but didn't say anything. This was going to be better than I thought.

"Let's go John, take your clothes off."

John started taking his clothes off, hesitantly of course. John was 6'3" and built like solid rock. He had a broad frame, didn't have a flat stomach but it wasn't by any means fat. He was sexy as hell and all the looks from passerbies on a daily basis said so. John finally had his clothes off.

"Is this what you've wanted all of this time my dear? Do you see how beautiful and sexy my husband is? We've been married now for 12 years and you think with your little slutty self, you're going to come in and take him away from me? I don't think so," I said as I flicked the feather along her pussy.

I flicked the feather some more along her pussy, slowly up and down. Then I got up and ran it down her thighs, along each one of them. Up and down each leg, from top to bottom and paying special attention to the inside.

"John, come over to the bed dear. Lean over and run your tongue very slowly up and down her pussy. Don't put your tongue inside though; just run your tongue on her lips."

John just stood there looking at me not making a move.

"Do you want me to take this whip on you?" As I got up again and smacked his ass with it, which made him jump. "I know you've flirted with her in some form or fashion John, so go and lick her pussy, NOW!"

John walked over to the bed, looked at Carrie and she was looking at him. I could see all the emotions on her face, not sure what they all meant. But, I would find out.

John bent over, stuck his tongue out and licked her pussy from top to bottom, then from bottom to top.

"That's good John, now do it again." John repeated the action.

"Very nice my dear." I walked over to the bed and straddled Carrie again. I stretched my legs and put my pussy over her right breast, opening it up and putting her nipple just inside. I slowly swayed so she could feel my pussy and I felt her nipple getting harder.

"Ohhh, you like that do you my little pet? Let's see how you like it when my pussy touches your other breast. I did the same to the other one, making sure her nipple was wrapped in my pussy lips.

"John, come over here and lick her nipples and suck my juices off of her." John came over and sucked on her nipples, licking all around to get the juices off. After he did both of them, he stood back by the end of the bed.

I walked over to John to see his enlarging cock. "I see you are enjoying yourself my love," I said as I ran my hand up and down his cock.

"Now, John, our little slut is going to eat my pussy while you lick her like you just did. Do not lick inside her pussy, do you understand?"

"Yes...I understand," John said through gritted teeth.

"Now, my little slut. I'm going to straddle your sweet little face and you are going to lick my pussy." I was hovering over her face now, swaying my hips, just above her mouth, slowly lowering my pussy to her face.

I touched her lips with mine and rubbed back and forth. Then I reached back with my right hand, flicking the whip lightly on her nipples. Her nipples were still hard. She might try and fight it but her body will tell different.

"You like that, don't you Carrie? Does my pussy taste good? Stick your tongue inside and lick me all over my pussy. Yeah, that's it....ohhhh, that feels good."

I moved the whip to my left hand and flicked it across her other nipple. "How are you doing John? You're not licking inside her pussy, are you?"

"No, I'm not."

"That's good John, that's good." I rubbed my pussy on Carrie's face, grinding slowly, making her want more. "Ohhh, you like that, don't you my little slut? You seem to be enjoying it more, yes, lick my pussy Carrie, that's it, lick it."

I stopped Carrie, moved off of her and bent down and kissed her. "John, come over here on the bed. Carrie, I'm going to lay down, with my pussy towards you and John is going to make me cum. And, you are going to watch, so you will know how to do it next time and you can make me cum."

I positioned myself with my head by her feet and spread my legs, putting my left leg across her body. "Come on John, eat my pussy baby like you always do and make me scream so Carrie knows how good you are."

John came over and put his head in between my legs. "Make me cum baby, show Carrie how good you eat pussy."

John was reluctant at first but with the way I was swaying my hips towards his face, it wasn't long before he was deep in my pussy. "Yes baby, that's it, eat my pussy, make me cum. Show our little slut how it's done."

I raised my hips higher, making more noise than normal but I wanted to get the special effect thing going for Carrie. John was damn good at eating pussy anyway so it wasn't like I was faking it.

"That's it baby, suck on my clit, suck harder." John was about to make me cum already. "Are you watching Carrie, are you watching as John is eating my pussy and making me cum? I'm about to cum Carrie, I'm about to cum all over John's face. Are you ready for that?

"Yes, John, I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum all over your face baby, here it comes! Fuck John, I'm cumming! I'm fucking cumming John, swallow my cum baby!"

John swallowed all of my cum, every last drop and then he ran his beautiful tongue over my lips.

"Did you see that Carrie? Did you see how he made me cum? Let's see here, is your pussy wet?"

I reached over and touched her pussy. "Fuck Carrie, your pussy is soaked! You liked watching John make me cum, didn't you? Look at this John, her pussy is soaked. I wonder. Carrie, have you ever been fucked in this beautiful ass of yours?"

"No, I haven't," Carrie said breathlessly.

I got up and walked over to the dresser where I had the butt plug and the gel, amongst other things. I grabbed those two items and walked back to the bed.

"Hold on there my little slut, we are going to prep you for later because John is going to fuck you with his big cock in your tight little ass here."

Carrie tried to move her hips away from me but I took the whip and smacked her pussy with it. "I told you to mind your business and you will do as your told," I said as the whip smacked her clit, which was puffed out from arousal.

I lubed her cute pucker hole good and put a finger slowly inside of her. I wiggled it a little bit in and out and then slowly inserted another finger. Carrie's body was giving her away again, I knew she would like if. I took my fingers out and I set the butt plug to the entrance of her ass. I rubbed it slowly and pushed it in her ass a little bit. I heard her moan, I knew she would love this, she just didn't know it yet. I got the butt plug in and it made a popping noise, settling in her ass nice.

"There, how is that my little slut? Does that feel good? Ummmm, let's see just how good it feels."

I straddled her face, with my ass to her face so I could eat her pussy. "John, while I make our girl here cum, I want you to stand there and play with your cock. Stroke it baby and cum with us."

John stood up by the bed and grabbed his cock with his right hand and his balls with his left and started stroking. I could see the pre cum glistening off the head of his cock.

"Carrie, do you see how wet John made me? Make me cum again, and I will make you cum. You're already fucking wet and with this butt plug inside of you, I believe you're going to cum a river."

"John, untie her hands so she can touch my pussy." John untied her hands and she lowered them, stretching them out. "Ok, now, when you are eating my pussy, use your fingers and play with it. Put your fingers inside of me; touch my pussy, whatever you want. You will know what to do as you go along. Whatever I do to you, you do to me."

I put my mouth on her pussy, tasting her. Ummm, she tasted just divine. I stroked her pussy with my tongue, all over and I dipped my tongue inside of her. Carrie was doing the same thing to me.

I found her clit and put my finger inside her velvety softness. I moved it faster inside and then another finger joined it. I started fucking her faster with my hand and sucking her clit harder, as she was doing the same to me.

"That's it Carrie, you're doing a great job. That feels so fucking good, you're going to make me cum quick my little darling. I see John is enjoying this too, he is rock hard. That's it; stroke your cock baby, cum for us."

Carrie started bucking her hips, I could tell she was going to cum soon and I could feel her tightening up inside.

"You going to cum Carrie, come on, cum, I want to taste you. The way you are eating my pussy darling, I'm going to cum too. That's it my little slut, eat my pussy. Fuck, that feels so fucking good!"

She was doing a fucking good job and I was going to cum any second now. "Alright Carrie, cum with me darling, cum with me. I'm going to cum Carrie, I'm going to cum all over your face, are you ready? Are you ready to cum too John?"

She was moaning against my pussy and she was going to cum as well, I could feel it in her body. I could see John's ass clenching up so his was on the way, looks like there would be cum all over.

"Yes Carrie, I'm cumming, I'm fucking cumming!!!" Just as I said that, Carrie's pussy bursted with cum and my mouth found her entrance and drank her sweet cum. Carrie was drinking all of mine as well and her tongue was moving at a great rate of speed lapping it all up. John had came too and a couple of squirts had hit Carrie's leg.

"Come over here John and lick your cum off of her legs, we don't want it to get sticky later." John came over and licked her legs off and I could see his cock was still hard.

"Good boy John. John come over to the bed and let Carrie suck your cock."

John came to the bed and put his cock to her mouth. Carrie opened her mouth and started sucking. John slowly put his cock in her mouth, moving it in and out while she licked and sucked him.

While he was doing that, I went to the dresser to get the vibrator and then I moved in between her legs and sucked on her pussy. I put the vibrator on high and put it on her clit and didn't move it. She was moaning against John's cock and bucking her hips.

"That's it John, give her your cock."

I put my mouth on her pussy while the vibrator did its work and she was cumming again like a fucking river. I didn't move the vibrator at all; I kept it there to get the maximum effect. And that's exactly what I got....a lot of cum.

"Ummmmm, very nice Carrie. Do you like sucking John's cock? He's filling your mouth up, isn't he? Has he touched your throat yet?"

I gently touched his ass and pushed forward just a bit.

"Come here John. Untie her legs please love."

John got up and untied her legs. "Get up and stretch out Carrie, then lay back on the bed at an angle. John's a big boy here, we need room."

She did as she was told and I went over to the dresser to get the cock ring and I placed it on John.

"Now, John, we're going to show our little slut here what it's like to get fucked by you."

Carrie had lain back down on the bed, at an angle and I got in the 69 position above her. "John baby, come over here on the bed. Fuck me love, I want Carrie to watch your cock go in and out of my pussy."

John came over to the bed and placed his cock at the entrance to my pussy. "Touch my pussy John, rub it a bit but don't go all the way in. Are you watching his cock touch my pussy Carrie?"

She mumbled a yes, which made me chuckle inside. I see she was enjoying this as much as I was. "Now John, put your cock in Carrie's mouth, I want her to taste me on your cock."

John did as I instructed and Carrie eagerly sucked John's cock. "That's good, now put your cock in my pussy just a bit. Carrie, watch his cock enter my pussy darling. Just put the tip in John, that's it. Ohhhh, yes, I love your cock baby. Now, grab your cock and rub it up and down just in the inside of my lips. That's it, rub it baby. Do you hear those juices Carrie?"

I put my finger in Carries pussy and it was even wetter. "Put your cock in her mouth again John."

As Carrie sucked his cock, I sucked on her pussy. As I sucked, I wiggled her butt plug a bit, giving her a little more stimulation.

"Ok, John, slowly put your cock inside of me now. Watch Carrie as his cock goes all the way in my pussy darling. That's it John, fill me up baby....ohhhhhh, fuck! You see how my lips are wrapped around his cock Carrie, keeping him nice and warm. Ummmm, he's all the way in me now Carrie, lick his balls, grab them and suck on them. Move in me slowly John while she sucks your balls."

Carrie had grabbed one of his balls in her mouth and was sucking carefully yet eagerly. She then grabbed the other one and did the same, while he was grinding against my pussy.

"Alright John, now fuck me, show Carrie how you're going to fuck her later. Watch as his cock goes in and out of my pussy Carrie. Suck on my clit and run your tongue along his cock as it comes in and out. He has that cock ring on my little darling, so he's going to be fucking me for quite some time, probably making me cum at least twice.

"That's it John, fuck my pussy. Ohhhh baby, you fill me up so good, yes John, show Carrie how it's done."

As he fucked my pussy, Carrie would suck on my clit and occasionally run her tongue along his cock as he moved in and out. I sucked on her pussy, enjoying the wetness of her, making her cum again already. I put my two fingers inside of her and fucked her so hard she screamed as she came and her juices went all over the bed.

"John, I'm cumming on your cock baby, I'm fucking cumming!!! Fuck me harder baby, fuck me, that's it, your hitting my spot baby, fuck me John!!!"

Carrie had run her tongue on my clit and was trying to suck it and her stimulation as well as John's cock was taking me over the top. I came so fucking hard and my juices were leaking out of my pussy, onto Carrie's mouth. She licked all that came down on her face though, not missing a thing.

"Fuck me John, fuck me baby!" The sound of his hard cock slamming against my extremely wet pussy was fucking incredible.

"I'm going to cum love, I'm going to cum in your pussy, I can't hold out any longer."

"Cum John, fill my pussy with your cum. Fuck me harder baby, fuck me, fill me with your cum. That's it John, cum inside of me, fuck!"

"I'm cumming, I'm fucking cumming!!! Fuck, I'm cumming so hard!"

John kept his cock inside of me after he settled down from cumming.

"Baby, that was fucking incredible! Move back please love, I want Carrie to swallow your cum from my pussy."

"What?" Carrie yelled.

"Yes, my little slut, you're going to taste all of John's cum....straight from my wet pussy."

John moved off of the bed and I changed positions to straddle Carries face so she could drink all of John's cum.

"Open up darling and taste John's cum. I'm going to cum too so you will get a taste of both. Eat her pussy John while she's eating your cum."

John eagerly went to her pussy and starting munching away. I stroked my clit, opened my pussy so Carrie wouldn't miss a drop. I was grinding on her face, moving back and forth, around in a circle, giving it all to her.

"Are you tasting his cum darling, is it coming out of my pussy?" She shook her head up and down and kept sucking.

"I'm going to cum Carrie, I'm going to cum in your mouth. I want you to get all of John's cum, all of it down your throat. I'm cumming my little slut, I'm fucking cumming in your mouth!"

I heard her moaning intensely against my pussy and I could tell John was making her cum as well.

"That's it darling, drink our cum, drink all of John's cum and mine. Fuck, that feels so good, fuck, fuck, fuck!!!"

After we all calmed down from our intense orgasm, we laid on the bed.

"Come with me Carrie to the bathroom, we need to get cleaned up. We have a busy day tomorrow."

As we got off the bed and I saw Carrie walking, I realized she still had the butt plug in. "Hold on there my little darling; I want to take that plug out of your sexy ass. Spread your legs and bend over and touch the ground. Wow, what a picture that is, hah John? Look at that ass and that pussy. If this is anything similar to what she did to you at work, I can see why you wanted her." I playfully slapped her ass on both cheeks.

"I'm going to take this out now darling." After I took it out, I had to admire the site before me. "Are you uncomfortable my little slut?"


"John, grab my feather whip please. This is a site I cannot pass up. This is mouth watering, is it not John?"

John didn't have to respond, his cock was standing up straight again, glistening with pre cum.

I took the whip and lightly struck her pucker hole and that made her gasp. "Like that do you darling? John, reach forward and stroke her pussy. Don't do it fast, use all of your fingers, touch her everywhere but do it in slow strokes. I'll bet she'll cum like she's never cum before."


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