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My Lactating Niece Ch. 03

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Breaking the taboo mould.
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Alicia's Point Of View.

My Aunt and Uncle's invitation to a polyamorous relationship was the happiest event in recent years. I never felt comfortable with a boy or girlfriend alone. I knew Anna wasn't seriously considering taking me as a lover because the blood relationship between us seemed a real hurdle for her.

It wasn't a problem for me though, as she would find out soon discover. On the way back to her and Sean's house from my parents, he finally opened up with an emotionally charged outburst.

"I'm sorry for being so quiet. This development in our lives was unexpected, Alicia."

"I can understand that Uncle Sean. It's been a long-term problem for me as well."

"What has?"

"Wanting to fuck you and Aunt Anna has been a long and frustrating journey for me. I've had a crush on you guys for some time."

He fell silent again because like me, Sean knew there was an elephant in the room, or in this case, it was inside the car, squashing both of us. I needed to open up the conversation, airing problems so that we could fix them.

"Did you enjoy your feed earlier on?"

"You know I did baby girl. It was the best meal ever."

"Do you feel closer to me now Uncle Sean?"

"Yes, very much. I got the most overwhelming feeling of satisfaction and happiness while suckling on you. It felt like you were sustaining and loving me."

"I really was doing exactly that. Imagine how much better things will be after you fuck me. I'm craving for your semen inside me. I can't wait to get pregnant again."

Sean was trembling and pulled over into a wooded layby looking worried. I knew what was coming and steeled myself for the revelation.

"I really want to make love to you, Alicia."

"Me too Uncle Sean."

"And impregnating you will be wonderful once we get to that point."

"We can do that right away because I'm not taking birth control and begin ovulating next week."

"But there is a problem and we are avoiding addressing it."

"Aunt Anna?"

"Yes, sweetheart. If you want to enjoy girls or a threesome with her and me, I doubt she'll go for it. That's a taboo just one step too far for her."

"Would you do it, Uncle Sean? I mean would you fuck Anna and me together in the same bed while we enjoyed each other?"

"In a fucking heartbeat. It's such a naughty fantasy and I can't shake it from my mind."

"Then just leave it to me, please. You should drive us home now because it's nearing your feed time. My breasts are aching a little and I'm overdue a fill-up in the womb department."

"We need to talk."

"No Uncle Sean, you need to do as I tell you with regards feeding time. Leave Anna to me. Now get us home, please."

"Okay. I'll trust you to do the right thing, Alicia."

I was in a heightened state of arousal. My milk kept coming, leaking heavily through a nursing bra and my blouse where both nipples touched. My main problem was the trickling going on inside my panties. I'd worn simple underwear with a light gusset and could feel both swollen labia almost swimming in the dampness that had leaked out.

He set off again but I needed to make a point, feeling mildly irritated by the fact he disobeyed me.

"I'm very turned on right now Uncle Sean and it's not fair to keep me hanging on. When we fuck, you'll sit on the bed leaning back against pillows and I'll ride your cock while you feed."

"Jesus, Alicia. How did you become so highly sexualized?"

"Do you mean slutty?"

"Yes, but I didn't want to characterize you that way."

"I wouldn't worry about that Sean. A girl who wants to fuck her Aunt and Uncle has to be called something. I guess slut is better than wanton whore."

He fell silent again for a few minutes while I stewed in my juices, rising up nicely to a pique whereby once we returned to his place, I'd be perfectly lubricated and ready to be fucked.

"I'm sorry, Alicia. You're right. Everything must revolve around feeding times and I was remiss. You seem rather dominant but in a very loving way."

"I am dominant Sean and I guess that's going to impact us as I mature. Does it bother you?"

"No. I'm mildly submissive, Anna is as well. We aren't pushovers, though."

"I know."

My plan was progressing perfectly and I smiled inwardly at the good fortune finally coming my way. I glanced across at Sean who needed answers and I felt those were owed.

"To answer your question, Uncle Sean. I watch a great deal of porn, read a huge amount of erotic fiction as well and I've distilled all of that down what I want from life."

"What about the dates you've had with guys?"

"Mostly they didn't get to second base. I knew pretty early on that a single guy or girl wasn't going to cut it for me."

"Ahh, I get it now."

"I thought you might Uncle Sean."

I felt pleased because I saw his light-bulb moment and the beaming smile accompanying it. I had to be careful about what I said and when, because a real loving couple, their romance, and my inclusion in it were all at stake. With familial ties adding a complex layer, our relationships were very tenuous, to say the least.

"You've spent so much time around Anna and me while pregnant and after your baby was born to see if polyamory was the way to go for you, right?"

"Yes. I'm totally bisexual, very loving and nurturing, and want to be exclusive in a throuple. It gives me everything I need and so long as it works for you and Anna it works out for everyone."

"That's a new word for me. Hmm, throuple. I'll have to get used to that."

"We have another word to deal with soon, Uncle Sean."

"What is it?"


He went quiet again, but when unloading the car of a few things of mine we'd collected, I saw raging stallions of rampant taboo galloping through his eyes. Anna stood at the door, smiling with no concern evident from her expression.

Sean carried my things inside while my Aunt hugged me. When she withdrew and looked down at the milk stains that had transferred onto her cotton t-shirt, Anna smiled.

"Oh god I'm so sorry, Aunt Anna."

"Don't be. We'll get a feeding routine in place quickly for Sean to make sure you're both comfortable. I guess your milk production and flow are tuned in to the baby right now. Sean's taking more so you're producing faster."

"Umm, yeah but I'm also leaking elsewhere. Can we take care of that as well please?"

"Of course. Let's go into the bedroom and I'll have Sean fuck you right away."

He was already on the bed and stripped naked. As instructed, Sean had bolstered several pillows so he could lean back comfortably while we fucked. Aunt Anna helped undress me, smiling, with flared nostrils when she folded my drenched knickers, placing them on top of a laundry basket.

"I'll do the laundry later on."

I'm sure you will.

I saw the loving expression on Uncle Sean's face when I crawled up their bed, slightly leaking from one nipple. When I straddled his cock, my fuck hole was as wet as the breast I fed him. I didn't miss the mmm, mmm, mmm purring noise he made and smiled when he attached. A minor orgasm fluttered through my body as my lover established his feed flow and then an enormous relief drove that climax much harder.

"That's so fucking good, Uncle Sean."

"I'll help you, Alicia. I have Sean's cock and can help insert it inside you."

I turned around and exploded in another shivering orgasm that rippled through me like a blizzard obscuring everything including my moral judgment and inhibitions. Anna was determined not to touch me and she managed that because Sean's cock was enormous.

"I'll take it in one go and grind out my orgasm, Anna. I don't want to disrupt Sean's feed now that I've got him properly on my nipple."

"That's okay. My husband can fuck you again later on."

When I sat down on Sean's cock it was the first time any flesh or latex had entered my pussy since before my baby was born. I felt tight inside and glimpsed confirmation of that briefly in an expression of wonder and love on the part of Sean's face not obscured by his feeding.

I smiled and slid my wanton cunt down his veiny shaft until it filled me completely. My muscles were powerful, having worked out a great deal since birthing, so I squeezed his cock and felt him chew harder, a delightful reaction telling me that Sean was enjoying fucking my hole.

I ground my clitoris hard into his pubic bone and Sean moaned contentedly, both the rampant man and baby inside him combining just the way I needed to satisfy my kink.

I rode him hard, rocking my ass back and forth, repeatedly thumping the last couple of inches of Sean's solid shaft in and out of my hole, while pressing my swollen clitoris against him. I rose quickly to an orgasm, then settled in to fuck him plenty more.

"Only you and my baby have been so deep inside me."

"Mmm. Ahhh."

I swapped him over from one breast to the other mid-orgasmic flutter. When he activated flow on the other nipple, it was like my whole body bloomed, declaring my choices were right and this was a significant life-affirming moment for me.

Sean sucked really hard, chewing my nipple just the right amount while thrusting his cock inside deep me, gently rubbing a cervix that became the nexus of my orgasm. I wanted his seed to track down this first egg in our loving relationship, feeling that being pregnant together with Aunt Anna was the perfect way for our throuple to evolve.

When Sean bit down hard, I was already ascending, shuddering on waves of pleasure, clutching his head to my breast while riding Sean's cock, clenching it hard, milking him as he did the same to me.

I felt a huge sense of relief and overwhelming joyfulness when his hot seed flowed deep inside my pussy and he choked, spluttering, while trying to feed and breathe at the same time. I released Sean from my tit, enjoying watching tears of happiness flow down his cheeks.

Every muscle in my body shuddered, and my reproductive organs orgasmed with explosive tremors that rippled through flesh, igniting all my nerve endings and sending pleasure everywhere.

My breasts were a mess of milky veneer but I didn't care because deep inside, my pussy felt the same and now I had active, potent sperm exploring my deepest, most private places.

As I descended from a gigantic climax, I glanced around and panicked because Anna was gone.

"Sorry, Uncle Sean. I need to find my Aunt. Please wait here."

"What's wrong, Alicia?"

"Just an overdue conversation between two women. Please wait here and I'll deal with it."

I hunted around the house, eventually hearing a shuffling sound coming from the kitchen. I went inside but Anna wasn't there. I was about to search elsewhere when I heard a sexy moaning sound coming from the laundry room.

When I peeked in, Anna kneeled in front of an open washing machine with her knees splayed wide open and a hand between her legs, fingering what looked like a drenched pussy while clutching my knickers to her face, breathing deeply.

"Aunt Anna, please don't stop."

"Jesus... oh fuck, Alicia, I'm a fucking slut."

"No, you aren't but it is time to come clean, please."

"What do you mean?"

"You want to fuck me, Anna. Am I right?"

"Oh, fuck... oh my!"

Her head bowed and I realized that with my nakedness being so close, Anna must smell her husband's semen leaking out of my gaping wide, well fucked hole.

"Did Sean fuck you well?"

"You saw most of us making love. What do you think?"

"He did well and you looked happy."

"Your husband was the best sex I ever had, Aunt Anna."

She stared up at me with conflicting emotions ripping through a worried expression. Anna gently face-planted into my stomach, seeking solace, inches away from a leaky pussy hole. I felt Sean's semen slathering my upper thighs and wanted more orgasm. Anna's tongue would be a perfect ending to my climax, but it was forbidden.

"Have I lost a husband, Alicia?"

"No, Anna. You gained a girlfriend and lover."

"Oh god... I just can't baby."

"Please answer my question, Aunt Anna."

She gritted her teeth, pressing her forehead hard against my washing board stomach. Her fingers trembled, gently stroking my back as though she wanted to make love but couldn't.

"Yes baby girl, I do want to fuck you but I can't."

"You can and you shall."

She stared up at me, terrified, with a lonely blankness in her eyes. I saw hope and expectation mixed with that fear.

"Mom knows the secret your parents told you as a teenager."

"What secret Alicia? Tell me, please. What does my sister know?"

"Your sister knows you were adopted years after she was born because your Mom couldn't get pregnant for a second time."

I saw a dam burst and Aunt Anna sobbed, wrapping her arms around my waist, shivering from an emotional release that must have been years in the making. I knew about Anna's adoption because my Mom told me. When my Aunt was less than a week old, having been abandoned, my grandparents brought her home as their own child.

Mom cared for Anna, being so much older, and never mentioned that she knew they weren't blood-related siblings.

"Does my sister really know, Alicia?"

"Yes, but she kept it to herself aside from telling me. I heard her say many times over that so far as she was concerned you were every bit her sister as though you'd been born from the same womb."

"But we aren't really sisters. At least not blood relatives."

"No. Which means you and I can make love."

"Yes, it does but is that really what you want Alicia?"

She stared up at me hopefully, with her full, red lips still inches from a pussy hole that trembled, preparing for another orgasm. I placed one foot on a nearby stool, opening my legs wide, before splaying my pussy lips open.

"I really do want to make love Anna but since you're doing laundry, I'd like us to start right away with you cleaning up your husband's creamy mess."

I gently encouraged her head into my crotch where Anna used her own fingers to open my debauched, creamy hole wide open. When her tongue slid up my pink, messy furrow, I was already exploding into the greatest orgasm of my life.

I felt glorious standing there with two nipples leaking my life-giving flow from overfull breasts that were already in need of Sean's mouth. With my lover's semen leaking from a gaping wide hole into his wife's mouth, I had everything I'd ever wanted.

I had no idea what made me want to dominate but my loving, giving, and nurturing approach had won the day for all three of us.

"That's a good girl, Aunt Anna, clean now, then we'll join Sean."

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