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My Naga King Ch. 04

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Drama, sex, and love oh my!
9.6k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 07/21/2013
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(I'm so glad to see the story is still being enjoyed, thanks so much to everyone for the nice comments. In reference to wanting longer chapters, I hope you enjoy the length of this chapter and all upcoming chapters. Enjoy the drama.)


Camilla escorted me out of the building and asked if I was returning to the castle.

"I think I'll go home."

"Are you sure? Nevia should be gone by now....or you could always knock her down a few more pegs."

I smiled.

"No I'll just go home, why don't you go up and tell Zeos where I live."

Camilla was hesitant to leave me alone.

"I'll be fine, I'll even wait right here for you to get back."

She sighed.

"Very well Lady Cass, I'll be just a moment."

She walked back in and I leaned against the wall and checked my phone for messages by the time I noticed a sweet smell in the air the world was already going black.


"Cassie, hey Cassie wake up."

I groaned, deep down I knew that voice but the heavy cloud of sleep was interfering with the way it sounded.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to use so much I'll get you some water."

The blob of color left my line of vision, I blinked repeatedly and tried to stretch only to find that I couldn't. I tried to pull my arms toward me but they were held back. As my mind cleared more I registered that I was tied to a bed. I started to panic, then my captor came back into the room. My gaze narrowed.

"What the fuck is this Patrick? Are you out of your mind?"

He smiled.

"You said you wanted me to be creative when I wanted to see you."

"Yeah, when we were dating, let me go!"

He ignored me and poured the room temperature water down my throat, I coughed and he set the cup on the bed side table.


"This is my new apartment, we broke up before you saw it."

"Well, it's very nice, why don't you untie me so you can give me a tour."

He only smiled.

"But I have a better idea."

"What could be better than giving your sweet friend a tour of your place?"

"Being your master of course."

"Excuse me?"

He moved off the bed and grabbed a whip and candle from under it I swallowed nervously.

"Uh sweetie I'm not really into bondage...and S&M type stuff."

"That's the best part, you don't have to be, it will be just like when we were dating."

"I wasn't into that when we were dating either."

"Not the point, it's time to rekindle our love."

He lit the candle and set it down then took a pair of scissors to my clothes, he sighed slightly and ran a hand from my breast to my stomach and down my leg.

"You have such a nice body, I'm actually glad you only stripped for me it makes me really appreciate this night."

My eyes widened, surely he didn't plan to have his way with me.

"Are you drunk? You don't think straight when your drunk, remember when you punched that cop and stole his squad car?"

He laughed.

"Oh yeah, and you stuck up for me in court so I got off with a short sentence and community service...good times good good times."

I sighed and glanced around.

"Where's my purse and my phone?"

"Both are in the kitchen on the counter where you left them, don't you remember?"

I cursed, I could still smell what had to be the chloroform he used so I couldn't tell from scent how drunk he was, he was an odd drunk. Sometimes he was unpredictable and sometimes he was just stupid, I could see this was one of those unpredictable times. I heard my phone ring.

"Pat, why don't you be a dear and get my phone for me?"

"Do I have to?"

I frowned at the child like tone.

"Yes you have to, whats wrong with you?"

"I don't know, you're the one who dumped me I always thought you were perfect."

I watched him closely, it was clear booze wasn't the only thing he'd had, Patrick wasn't an asshole generally but he also wasn't 'the nice guy' if he was calling me perfect in any way then something else was in his system. I felt the panic rising even faster in my chest.

"Pat please go get my phone."

He sighed and got up when he grabbed it he answered it in front of me.


"...Who is this?"

"This is Patrick, who the hell are you?"

"My name is Camilla, where is Miss. Cass?"

"My Cass doesn't know any Camilla, is this a prank?"

I struggled against my binds.

"Camilla help! Come find me, follow the scent of chloroform!"

"Miss. Cass? What have you done to her?! She better..."

He hung up and threw my phone out the window, then glared at me I pouted.

"Hey look at always liked my pout didn't you?"

He blew out the candle.

"Of course, but it was cuter when I was the cause of it."

He tipped the candle over and I watched the drops of wax fall.


A loud bang startled me awake, I winced wondering when I had passed out I looked up and slowly the image of Zeos prepared for battle came into view. He was slamming Patrick into the wall repeatedly. It was a fierce sight, Patrick was pale with fear. It looked like Camilla had just finished untying me she had slipped her trench coat around my shoulders.

"You should know better than to do this to any woman, it's unfortunate that you took the one woman you aren't even good enough to look at."

Though I could understand what he was saying Zeo's voice was feral, as if he was right on the edge of madness. He slammed Patrick against the wall again.

"Any last words?" he snarled.

"Zeos don't kill him!"

His head whipped around so fast I was sure anyone else would have gotten whiplash, Camilla stroked my hair.

"Highness you're awake."

I smiled weakly at her, my body was throbbing but the most important part, my heated center had been left untouched. In fact I could feel that my panties were still in tact.

"You were taken, and severely wounded and you want me to spare him?"

I winced as he snapped at me but stood my ground.

"Everything will heal....can't you tell he didn't rape me? You scared him shitless that's enough."

Zeos growled, I was a little afraid to look in the mirror with the way he was looking at me but I was still sure Patrick didn't do enough damage to deserve to be ripped to shreds.

"Zeos please..."

"You care for this man?"

His accusing tone sliced through my heart as if I'd been caught cheating.

"Sort of..."

His gaze narrowed and he pulled the bloody mess that was Patrick away from the wall and threw him on the bed in front of me then crossed his arms.

"It's time to go."


He walked over and picked both myself and Camila up then flew out the window I knew he was mad at me for sticking up for my abductor but it just felt wrong to sit and watch . I was pretty sure he would forgive me when he cooled off but if I had said nothing I never would have forgiven myself.


When we arrived all of the servants freaked out and hurried to get out of his way, he set Camilla down and continued upstairs I heard Harold asking what happened just before we turned the corner. He carried me to the bed and set me down before he grabbed the mirror and set it in front of me. I looked when I heard a low growl coming from him, I looked horrible.

There were various bruises in different shapes and sizes all over my legs, arms, and stomach, the wax had left small burns on my sensitive skin. My lip was split and I had the beginnings of a black eye, probably from when he lost control of the whip. He moved the mirror then mumbled something about getting the doctor before he left. I tried to stretch and winced I got up and grabbed the hand mirror so I could use it to see if he had untied me at any point while I was out and done more damage.

I winced seeing that he had carved 'Patrick's property' just under my left butt cheek, Zeos was bound to be even more pissed when he saw that.


The doctor was another female, she was beautiful and her skin was a pale blue color, she had large pale pink eyes and short black hair. Her name was Livia and she was water nymph. She carefully cleaned the cuts then rubbed a sweet smalling salve over them and the bruises. I winced as the smaller cuts started to heal at a faster rate than possible on a human, some of the bruises faded but others simply shrunk in size. She cursed.

"What is it?" Zeos asked.

"Highness has a wound that is fairly deep on the back of her thigh, it will scar her so long as she is human."

I covered my ears not wanting to hear that creepy noise coming from him when he saw what she meant. After a bit of tirade he left the room, Livia patted my shoulder.

"You must be very tired, can you stay awake long enough to eat something Highness?"

I stared at her.

"Yes...but don't call me that..."

"Oh but I must, I have nothing but respect for his majesty and I couldn't bear to show his beloved anything less than what I show him."

"Why do you respect him so much?"

She smiled.

"When myself and many of my family members became deathly ill from pollution in the human realm his majesty had a special canyon made and filled it with pure water for us to commute to. Thanks to him I can still carry young."

I couldn't help but smile, I was terrified to go talk to him while he held that grisly form but to hear about a deed like that softened my fear.

"You think he'll forgive me?"

She cocked her head.

"For what Highness?"


She looked at me like I had sprouted tentacles and told her I was actually her great great great grandmother. She had a very pretty face as I pointed out, but it was quite a look.

"Highness....surely you don't blame yourself for this?"

"Well...yeah I should have been paying more attention."

"Is it also the fault of the woman who was raped just because she didn't hear the attacker coming?"


"Dear Highness, his majesty is not angry with you, he is upset that he was unable to protect you."

"But I also asked him not to kill my abductor."

"He thinks this man is competition for your heart and is worried that he would lose you to someone who would inflict such damage on you."

I was afraid she would say something like that, it kind of made me feel guilty she patted my shoulder again.

"Don't fret, he just feels since he has spent so much time with the humans that he should have been able to find you, so he thinks it's his punishment."

"That's ridiculous, maybe I should go talk to him."

"I'll tell him to come in here, since you are human that salve only works to clean up your appearance you'll still be in pain for a couple of days."

I nodded, she got up and bowed before leaving the room, only to be replaced by Harold.

"Lady Cass..."

"It's not Camilla's fault either I'm the one who told her to leave, I clearly was not in danger until after she was gone."

He eyed me for a minute then smiled Camilla glanced at me from behind him I smiled at her and she sniffed.

"....Although, I am hungry, if you pass Zeos on the way ask him to come eat in here with me."

Camilla smiled then nodded and ran out of the room, Harold bowed before he also left the room.

When Zeos came in he was in his naga form he seemed hesitant to come closer, I pouted until he gave in and sat next to me. I took his hand and he looked at me.

"You should know, I have no interest in Patrick."

"Then why..."

I shook my head to stop him.

"Sometimes, a king should show mercy even if he himself questions it."


"Sort of like, most everyone gets one type thing."

"Most everyone?"

"Some people are just on the wrong path, and some people are truly evil, as a king it will be helpful to tell the difference. I stook up for him because I knew he was drunk and under the influence of some type of drug."

"...Then he wouldn't have abducted you and caused bodily harm if he had a clear mind?"

I nodded, he seemed to relax a little I grabbed his bicep and even though my body protested I pulled myself up to kiss him. He slid his arms around me and kissed me back carefully.

"Thank you for saving me."

He smiled then.

"But of course, I'll always come for you."

Just then a few trays were carried in for dinner, I sat in his lap and made him feed me, this seemed to amuse him.


The next morning I was awakened by my cellphone again, I picked it up.


"Cassandra I want you to come see me, your sister told me about your rich boyfriend, I thought you were with that weird demon fellow but that doesn't sound like him."

"You were sure he was a problem before.."

"Mistaken identity."

"You actually know more than one demon?"

She huffed.

"That's not the point, just come see me."

She hung up and I set the phone on the bedside table I winced and sighed, she was not going to be happy to see that I was injured. I glanced at the vanity and saw my lip was healing but I still had a black eye and a bruise on my cheek. Can't cover that up with make up, I glanced at the bed and noticed Zeos was gone. I grabbed my robe and left the room to look for him.

I inwardly cursed hearing Nevia's voice.

"Oh boo hoo so she couldn't protect herself, big deal, you said you would come to the party with me."

"Nevia, I do not care if you dislike my future bride you know she is already more important, I'm not going anywhere with you. I want to see that she is safe but even if she wasn't injured I still wouldn't want to be away from her."

I walked down the steps and smirked seeing she had a bit of a bruise on her cheek I slid my arms around his waist and she glared at me. Zeos made a sort of purring noise and moved to wrap an arm around my shoulders before kissing my forehead.

"Good morning pet, you must have slept well if the medicine had enough time to loosen you up so much."

"Morning, yes I slept just fine, oh Nevia I didn't see you there, good morning."

I could hear Camilla snickering behind me, when I looked over she pretended that she was merely clearing her throat.

"Oh she looks fine, come to the party."

"I believe, my mate said he wasn't interested, but I'm sure he will be willing to repeat it for you."

Zeos's arm tightened around me slightly, Camilla started snickering again and Nevia was already red in the face but she sighed.

"Well why don't you both come then...?"

"To what?"

"A party at my home, Zeos..."

"His majesty." I corrected.

She frowned.

"I've known him a lot longer than you have tramp."

I tightened my hold on his waist so he wouldn't go after her throat like he wanted to.

"Yes you have, but if I'm going to be his queen I don't approve of you acting so friendly with him. After all, only a slut would jump into the tub of a naked man who was spoken for, you must not have been raised with proper manners but I promise you that that isn't a good habit to have."

By then the room was filled with attempts to stifle laughter, Zeos even relaxed next to me I smiled at her sweetly.

"Oh Camilla?"

"Yes Lady Cass?"

"My mother would like for me to visit, would you be a dear and pick out one of my sundresses for me?"

She giggled again.

"Yes Lady Cass."

Nevia frowned, then turned on her heel and walked toward the door she stopped and looked at me.


"You get points for standing your ground, perhaps your not as weak as I thought."

I smiled.

"How kind of you to say, have a good day."

She left and Zeos bent to kiss me deeply, he smiled warmly.

"That was the first time you referred to me as your mate."

I smiled at him.

"It won't be the last."

"I have some meetings here to attend to, but both Harold and Camilla will accompany you to your mother's house."

I nodded, it was for the best I really needed to get my mother prepared for meeting him.


We drove to my mother and father's penthouse, my father was heavy set and balding with gray hair. He was always just the sweetest man and regularly played Santa at my favorite mall. He was standing outside and gave an odd look to the car until Harold got out and opened the door for me. I jumped out and hugged him he laughed and hugged me back.

"There's my princess, it's so nice to see you."

"Hi daddy."

His smile immediately faded when I pulled away and he saw the bruises.

"Who hit you?!"

"Excuse me sir my name is Harold and this is my wife Camilla Mr. Valentine instructed us to guard Miss. Cass more closely after she was attacked by a purse snatcher. Mr. Valentine went after him and made sure he understood never to lay his hands on her or any other woman again."

My dad relaxed and let out his jolly chortle then shook their hands.

"Well it makes me feel better to know you got a man who can 'watch' you all the time, my name is Frank come on in and meet Haley. Baby girl I have some ice packs you can put on that eye of yours."

I nodded and we followed him in I waved at his doorman, Ricky, who had known my parents since before I was born. As always the simple apartment with a white and brown scheme was spotless and filled with the scent of my mother's home made brownies. Like I expected, she flipped when she saw my face but was just as pleased as dad to know I was being guarded. We sat in the living room and my mom grilled me over Zeos but Camilla said that his name, to the other humans anyways, was Zane.


"My he sounds like quite the character." my mom said.

"Juni told us about his generous gift, he must really like you to want to gain the trust of your gal pals." dad said.

Harold smiled.

"Oh yes, Mr. Valentine is completely captivated by Miss. Cass he often says he doesn't know what he would do without her."

I blushed as my mother cooed.

"He sounds so sweet, you should have brought him."

"I'll bring him next time he had some business to take care of."

"Oh of course, just call us when he's free and we'll have dinner."

Camilla took out a planner and scanned the pages.

"He is free at the end of the month."

My mom smiled.

"Oh is he free for Thanksgiving?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Sweetheart invite him to Thanksgiving dinner."

I sighed, I could just see it now, she would be pushing plate after plate on him thinking he was too skinny

"Alright I'll just call his secretary and make sure he doesn't make plans for that day."

"Thank you."

She smiled, I relaxed.

"By the way, Juni called and said they found Patrick in a drugged stupor babbling nonsense." dad said.

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.


"Yes, and his parents are sending him to a hospital that doubles as a rehab facility, when he's allowed to have visitors we'll let you know."

I nodded, Camilla sort of gave me a dirty look, she didn't want me putting myself in danger I pretended I didn't see it.


Afterwards they took me to work, Leta told me to stay later so she could make me a triple layer cake to "boost my recovery". She was excited to meet Camilla's husband then on my break asked me why I hadn't brought my man around. Camilla seemed to think that was funny.


On Thanksgiving Zeos used his human form and wore a simple black suit with a green button up underneath. My black eye was mostly gone but the rest of my face was back to normal. I curled my hair and pulled on white tights. a black skirt, and a cream colored sweater. Camilla fretted over what to wear but finally settled on a simple black dress to match Harold's suit. Then we left to get there as soon as possible.


When we arrived my plump aunt Kate was there with her husband Steven, then my other aunt on my mother's side Lisa showed up with her new girlfriend Marissa. Also my brother Eric, who looked like a male version of me most of the time came with his wife Gina. I introduced everyone and we sat at the table, my mother always had everything ready to go before the first guest arrived she wanted to get right to eating and conversation.

Eric gave me a look like he intended to give Zeos a hard time, it was just the three of us and I was the baby of the family. Eric was a photographer and was busy most of the time but he made an effort to call for birthdays and visit on major holidays.

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