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My Nanny is a Spy

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A deceitful Nanny brings trouble to a young married couple.
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"Right this way, sir, Mr. Bainbridge will be with you shortly," said the tall brunette secretary as she escorted her companies latest client to a professional looking conference room.

"Can I get you anything while you wait?" she asked politely.

The grey-haired gentleman dismissed her rudely with a brisk shake of his head, but she showed no sign of offense as she exited the room. Taking a seat at the long oak table, he glanced impatiently at his watch and sat back with a sigh.

A few minutes later the conference room door opened admitting a much younger man in an expensive looking black suit.

"Arthur Harris? I'm Kyle Bainbridge, we spoke on the phone," he said, his voice carrying just the hint of an English accent.

"I remember the call very well, Bainbridge, and you said you could help me," said Arthur Harris.

"I can Mr. Harris, and I will. May I call you Arthur?" said Mr. Bainbridge.

Harris grunted an accent as Bainbridge continued.

"As I understand it, your company is in the pharmaceutical business, and you're facing some competition from a new company. They have developed a fantastic new drug that can be made far cheaper than your current offering and is proving highly effective in clinical trials," Bainbridge said, summarizing from a manila file he had brought with him.

"Yes, all true, try telling me something I don't already know," said Harris testily.

"If they succeed in bringing this drug to market your company could lose a substantial fortune in sales," finished Bainbridge as if Harris had not interrupted him.

Bainbridge sat back in his chair steepling his fingers together as he looked Harris over carefully.

"You're in a difficult spot, Arthur, but not to worry I think we can help you out of it," he stated and reached for a hidden control under the table that dimmed the lights and lowered a projection screen from the ceiling. As the screen dropped into place, it displayed a camera photo of a dark-haired fellow in his mid-thirties getting out of a vehicle. The screen flashed up several more pictures of the same man at various points throughout his day. The last photo was taken in front of his home where he stood watering his lawn. The frame was zoomed in to reveal his rather handsome face with hazel eyes and a firm jaw.

"This is Jeff Ferris, he is the lead scientist of your competitor's company," explained Bainbridge.

"You've been following him?" asked Harris.

"We are in the information gathering business Arthur, its what we do. More importantly, after our last conversation, I took the liberty of looking into your competitor more thoroughly, and I discovered something essential about Mr. Ferris," offered Bainbridge.

"Like what?" asked Harris.

"Jeff Ferris is a very bright man, but he is also a very secretive one. He has been burned in the past by other companies he has worked for, and so he has taken to holding back key pieces of his research and keeping them locked away somewhere in his home. This insecurity is the key to your situation, Arthur, it would be relatively easy to get a hold of the formulation for the new drug by standard means of industrial espionage, but without the pieces that Mr. Ferris has in his possession, it would be useless to you. Any chance you had at reverse engineering what they did would be lost," explained Bainbridge.

"So how do we go about getting those pieces, buy him off?" suggested Harris.

"Sadly, I believe Mr. Ferris is too ethical to take a bribe. That being said our psych team has done a respectably accurate profile of him and we believe we have found a way in that will get us what we want," said Bainbridge.

The younger man stood and reached across the table for a conference phone.

"Mrs. Cutler, please send her in," he said into the receiver before hanging up. A few seconds later the door opened, and a young woman entered the room. Even at his advancing age, Arthur Harris could still react to a beautiful woman, and the one that now stood in the conference room was all that and more. He felt a slow warmth pass through his body as she smiled at him with her ruby-red lips pulling back to reveal perfect white teeth.

"Arthur Harris, meet Crystal Parker," said Bainbridge.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Harris," offered Crystal as she extended one small, well-manicured hand.

Harris stood and took her hand in his. She was just a little slip of a girl, barely five-feet tall if that. Her hair was a platinum blond waterfall that fell straight as an arrow down to the small of her back and perfectly framed her round face. She had blue eyes that sparkled and lit her pixie-like features with a soft mouth and upturned nose. The dress she wore clung tight to her slender body accentuating some nice curves and surprisingly large breasts that appeared all the more so on her tiny frame.

Clearing his throat Harris struggled to get out a greeting,"Yes, um, nice to meet you, Crystal."

"Crystal here is one of our best operatives, her ability to extract information is unparalleled," observed Bainbridge.

"I've studied Mr. Ferris file carefully and noted that he and his wife are currently in marriage counseling. The birth of their first child and Mrs. Ferris current struggles with postpartum depression have put a strain on the relationship, one I believe we can exploit," said Crystal.

"Exploit how?" asked Harris.

"Their counselor has made it part of their therapy to attend regular date nights and to give the wife some help around the house by way of a live-in nanny. Mr. Ferris contacted a service, and we were able to insert my profile into their database ensuring that the position would fall to me," explained Crystal.

"Once Crystal has insinuated herself into their lives she will be able to drive a wedge between Mr. Ferris and his wife, isolate the husband, and subsequently obtain the information we seek," said Bainbridge.

"So, you think you can get this guy to give up his secrets," said Harris with a quiet chuckle.

Crystal batted her long eyelashes and struck a sexy pose, "Trust me, Arthur, Jeff Ferris won't have any secrets left when I'm finished with him."


The last hundred yards was always the hardest, and Jeff Ferris was feeling every one of his thirty-five years as he sprinted for the front of his home. He hated jogging with a passion, but his doctor had insisted that he exercise more given his families history of heart disease. Arriving, finally, at the porch of his two-story house, he bent over sucking hard to fill his lungs as sweat poured from his forehead. He finally managed to straighten himself back into a more normal pose while walking to the front door. Entering the front foyer, he paused to enjoy the sudden gust of air-conditioning that struck him in the face.

"Donna! I'm back!" he called out to the quiet house.

Immediately he heard the scampering of his wife's feet, and a second later her angry face appeared over the railing at the top of the stairs.

"Hush Jeff! I just got the baby to sleep!" she snapped.

Jeff Ferris eyed his wife with quiet concern. The birth of their first child, Samuel, six months prior had taken a heavy toll on her, and it still showed. She had suffered bouts of sleeplessness and depression ever since and was particularly concerned about her looks feeling that her body was never going to be the same. Quite to the contrary, Jeff saw nothing wrong in that department, the baby weight was mostly gone and what was still there was centered nicely in her breasts. They had increased appreciably in size from navel oranges to full on cantaloupes. Jeff sighed as he looked up, he didn't remember the last time he had seen her chest, she kept herself hidden from him these days.Their sex life was pretty much non-existent since Samuel's birth.

His wife descended the stairs toward him walking gingerly as she clung to the rail. Her brunette hair was pulled back away from her face and tied into a tight bun on the back of her head. Her ordinarily lively brown eyes looked dull underlined with dark circles. When they had met four years earlier, Jeff had fallen quickly for Donna, back then her eyes were accented by her soft, full pink lips and high cheekbones. She was the kind of woman who never went outside without her makeup on and hair combed to perfection, and she always wore fashionable clothing. These days her wardrobe was mostly loose fitting cotton pants and t-shirts, and she hardly left the house. Jeff had tried his best to take the strain off his wife but his hours at work sometimes ran long, and he was limited in what he could do to support her domestically.

Things had more or less come to a head recently, and the couple had entered counseling to try and reduce the fighting and get their relationship back on track.

"Sorry, sweetie, I'll be quiet," he replied, softening his voice.

"I need a little quiet for a nap," said Donna.

"I know, you should go lay down. I'm just going to shower, and if the baby wakes up I'll deal with him," supplied Jeff as he started toward the stairs.

"Did you call that service as the counselor suggested?" asked Donna as her husband brushed past.

"Yes, they were very friendly and said they had the perfect person for us. I believe she is supposed to be here this afternoon," said Jeff.

Donna nodded at her husbands retreating form, she felt sorry for snapping at him but she didn't think he truly appreciated how hard it was taking care of this baby and she was so tired. She had high hopes that getting a Nanny would take the pressure off her and she would be able to focus on getting back to her old self.

Jeff stood under the hot jets of water as he let them do their work to loosen up his tired muscles. As things improved, he moved to soaping up his body starting with his chest and working his way down. He reached his penis and couldn't help but linger there for a moment feeling his thick organ swelling slightly at the feel of his smooth hand sliding up and down its length. In no time, his neglected pole had stiffened to its full seven-plus inches, and he found himself stroking it harder as his testicles contracted. It had been so long since he and Donna had enjoyed sex that he found it difficult to remember what touching her had felt like back then. He tried to picture that last time back when she had still been pregnant with Samuel.

The memory of that night slowly unfolded, Donna in nothing but a pair of stretched white panties her belly swollen and round. She walked toward him, and he reached out to feel her large breasts, the nipples a much darker shade of pink since her pregnancy close to brick red. They were also thicker than before by far, and he loved to suck them as he brought his mouth to her chest and listened to Donna sigh as he gently licked her bumpy aureoles. He caught one of those sweet, hard knots at the center between his teeth and nibbled at it.

His hand worked faster between his legs, the purple head of his cock swelled and hardened as he stroked the flesh below it. He could feel the beginnings of a hot orgasm in his sack as he pulled and kneaded his rock hard penis.

He remembered Donna pulling him to the bed, dropping to her knees and removing his underwear, her soft lips sliding down his pole as she started to suck his cock. He could almost feel the warmth of her mouth wrapping around him as she moved her head back and forth, stopping to lick the flesh around his cock-head.

"Ah fuck, Donna," groaned Jeff as he masturbated and his organ started to twitch slightly in his hand. He was getting very close to cumming.

The buzzing of the front doorbell jerked him from his fantasy with a start, and he frantically turned off the water and jumped from the shower. He was barely able to dry himself before he slipped on a robe over his naked body and sprinted for the front door. The last thing Jeff wanted was for the baby to wake now or worse Donna to be pulled from her nap.

He arrived at the door with his hair still dripping water in his face as he pulled it open. Jeff was fully prepared to lash out at whoever was responsible for interrupting his shower, but he was caught short and lost his voice. Standing on his porch was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen before in his life. A petite vision with gorgeous platinum blond hair and a bright smile that seemed to eclipse the noonday sun.

"Excuse me, Mr. Ferris?" said the lovely young lady.

"Um...Yes...Uh, that's right. I'm Ferris...That is I'm Jeff Ferris. Who are you exactly?" asked Jeff trying to get his wits about him.

"I'm sorry I realize I'm early. I'm Crystal Parker. The agency sent me to help you," she replied.

"Agency? Oh! You're the Nanny! Ah...Please come in, and sorry about the water," apologized Jeff as he back away from the door but left a small puddle behind.

Crystal entered the house and easily side-stepped the remnants of Jeff's shower that had dripped onto the entryway floor. Her eyes roved around the wide open foyer taking everything in before settling back on Jeff's somewhat bedraggled form.

"I seem to have caught you at a bad time," she commented.

"No, I mean...Yes, you did a little but it's o.k., we are thrilled you're here.We could use your help," replied Jeff.

"Well, Mr. Ferris, I would be happy to do whatever I can to make your life easier. If you don't mind though perhaps you could show me where I will be staying because this bag is a bit heavy," answered Crystal.

"Yes, of course...Let me get that for you," said Jeff hastily reaching for the suitcase he had not noticed before so caught up was he in staring at Crystal. In short order, he had escorted Crystal to the guest bedroom which conveniently was right next to the nursery. He sat her bag on the bed and stepped away as Crystal made a quick survey of the room. It had all the basics, plus a bathroom through a door on the far wall.

"Very nice, Thank you, Mr. Ferris."

"Please, call me Jeff. My wife is taking a nap right now, but as soon as she wakes up, I'll introduce you."

"That would be fine, Jeff, if you don't mind then I'll get unpacked first."

"Yes and I'll get into some real clothes," laughed Jeff as he pushed his wet hair back on his head.

He turned to leave reaching back to pull the door closed but not without getting an eye full of Crystal bending over to open her suitcase. She was wearing a very tight pair of white shorts that clung to her ass like a second skin, and Jeff couldn't help but linger a moment until she turned her head abruptly in his direction.

"Was there something else, Jeff?" she asked, with a knowing smile playing on her ruby lips.

"Ah...No...I'll just be going," he replied in embarrassment, as he pulled the door closed.

"This is going to be even easier than I thought," mused Crystal.

Back in his room Jeff slipped out of his robe and made his way into the bathroom where he had left his change of clothes on the counter. All through his exchange with Crystal, his penis had still been at half mast, but now that he was alone and naked the image of Crystal's tight ass sent his prick into a full erection again. He felt a bit ashamed of himself, but he had been so close before, and his balls were aching so he took his swollen cock into his hand and started to stroke it again. His mind drifted, and he tried to latch back onto the memory of his last encounter with his pregnant wife, but instead, he kept thinking about Crystal's ass and sweet ruby lips. The hand on his cock started to blur, and he felt his balls contracting tightly as a flood of semen started to move up his shaft. He began to gasp and groan picturing those ruby lips wrapped around his prick as it slid in and out of Crystal's mouth before he bent her over and pushed it into that heart-shaped ass.

"Oh fuck Crystal!" cried Jeff softly as his cock jerked in his grip and a spray of his thick spunk shot all over the bathroom counter.

Instantly feeling a wave of guilt pass through him, he quickly set about cleaning up the sticky mess he had made before putting on his clothes and combing his hair. Jeff looked at his reflection in the mirror and promised himself that he would be sure and keep things professional between him and his new Nanny. He left the bathroom and stepped into the hall nearly colliding with the object of his thoughts as Crystal took a step back.

"Hey there, Mr. Ferris...I'm sorry, Jeff. All ready to take on the world now?" she questioned.

Jeff fumbled for a second, caught off guard by her sudden appearance and still struggling with his hormones around her beauty.

"Sweet Jesus, her eyes are fucking gorgeous," he thought almost getting lost in those deep blue pools.

"Jeff, who is this?" came his wife's voice.

He had been so addled staring at Crystal he had failed to hear his wife come up the stairs but he quickly recovered.

"Sweetie, this is the new Nanny, Crystal Parker. Crystal this is my wife, Donna," said Jeff.

"Mr's Ferris it is such a pleasure to meet you," said Crystal with a smile as she extended her hand.

Donna looked warily from Jeff to Crystal and back again as she limply shook Crystal's hand,"I was expecting someone much older. Do you have much experience with small children?"

"Donna, I don't think the agency would have sent Ms. Parker if she didn't," stated Jeff.

"I wasn't asking you, Jeff," said Donna curtly her eyes still on Crystal.

Donna's question remained unanswered for the moment as the sounds of Samuel crying started in from the nursery, before either Jeff or Donna could move, Crystal was already through the door of the nursery and had Samuel in her arms. His crying subsided almost immediately as she placed him against her cheek and hummed quietly to him rocking him from side to side. Jeff and Donna looked in from the doorway.

"Well, look at that, he took right to her. I guess that settles that question," said Jeff.

Donna frowned but walked across the room to take Samuel from Crystal.

"He probably needs a change before his bottle," said Donna.

"It's fine Mr's Ferris that's what I'm here for, just let me," said Crystal calmly as she took Samuel to the changing table and proceeded to change his wet diaper with a practiced ease.

"Come on Donna, let her do her job," said Jeff as he slipped an arm around his wife's waist and guided her from the room.

Once they were in the hallway, Donna pulled from of her husbands grasp and turned to speak to him in hushed tones.

"I don't know about this Jeff, she looks like a kid herself, what is she nineteen maybe," questioned Donna.

"Easy sweetie, she's twenty-four according to her resume, and she was highly recommended by the folks at the agency," answered Jeff soothingly.

"Well, that may be, but I still think we should consider this a trial run. We can give her a week or two and see how it's going, but I intend to watch her like a hawk," replied Donna, with a hint of anger.

"I get where you're coming from but remember she is here to help take the stress off you. If your hovering over her your not going to be able to relax," reasoned Jeff.

Donna pursed her lips in thought as Crystal entered the hallway with Samuel in her arms.

"All dry and ready for lunch," said Crystal.

As a group, they descended to the kitchen where Donna showed Crystal the store of breast milk she kept bottled in the fridge and how to prepare it while Jeff made sandwiches for all three of them. They took seats around the kitchen table, and Jeff and Donna ate while Crystal fed Samuel, expertly taking the time to burp him every few minutes. Once he was fed, she settled him into his bassinet in the corner of the kitchen and started in on her sandwich.

"So, you folks lived here long?" asked Crystal between bites.

"We moved in four years ago, it was the newest house on the block at the time," offered Jeff.

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