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Click here*Editing magic performed by Shyqash, plus contributions by the regular gang of brigands and neer-do-wells*
(Two husbands, two wives, one male neighbor -- someone is getting revenge)
*I don't want people to go 'Hey, a revenge story' and turning away*
(Blackmail, revenge, cheating, anal, cunnilingus, blowjob, older women, younger woman, lesbian, ffm)
(Loving Wives, or Mature Section?)
A former neighbor of mine, Jay, caught up with me coming out of my weekly visit to work -- I mostly telecommute. It seems he went to rehab, was in the middle of his Twelve Step program and he was making amends. I took him to lunch so we didn't have to talk this out in the street. I really wasn't sure what he had to confess to me; we had been neighbors after all, not friends.
What he told me changed my life and in a huge way. See, I had been the victim of a home invasion a year ago. Two men broke into my house and proceeded to beat me to a pulp. I got in a few blows, but I had no real chance. When they were done they began splashing my place with gasoline. A stranger at my door scared them off at the last minute.
It had been Jay at the door and he'd called 911 when I hadn't answered. The reason I didn't know this was because after making the call, Jay had left and never told the police what he'd done when they came around. Jay had been in an affair with my other neighbor's sister-in-law. He and his brother were boorish assholes, so I couldn't totally blame her.
The thing was, the younger asshole -- Ted (the non-neighbor -- he and his wife, Mandi, lived about ten minutes away) found out that his wife was screwing around on him. She'd run to her sister-in-law (my neighbor's wife) and they had concocted the story that she was having an affair with me. Why would she do this? The neighbor's wife had gotten drunk at one of Jay's parties and sex with him too.
She was afraid Jay would give that up if her husband and brother-in-law leaned on him, so the ladies pointed those two morons my way then gone to warn Jay. Jay did what any lecherous party-hound would do -- he got shit-faced drunk. Only after he woke up with his regrets did he come over to warn me. At least he showed up before I was burned to death.
What no one seemed to have appreciated was my neighbor and I hated one another. He resented that I made more money, drove a better car, hired professional lawn care while he insisted on mowing his own damn lawn and other petty crap. I was forever filing complaints with the Homeowners Association against him.
He and his dingbat brother set up his irrigation system so that it drained into my backyard. The HA had him fix it, fix it again and finally had him tear it out. Had he simply hired a real professional it would have cost him half as much. I called the Police and Fire Department on his party when some of his guests set fire to our property hedge. They were drunk and it was ... ON FIRE!
I wouldn't let his party guests park in front of my house, or in my driveway, but I would let Jay's -- Jay invited me to his parties, though I never took him up on the offers. The list went on and on. Yes, he hated me and I knew he hated me, yet I didn't think he was so riled up he wanted to kill me. By sleeping with his little brother's wife, I was personally mocking him, or so he thought.
Jay unloaded this on me and one other valuable piece of information. From Mandi, Jay had learned that Ted, the younger one, had broken back into my house a week later (while I was still hospitalized) looking for something most likely lost in our struggle. Jay didn't know what it was. I thanked Jay, got his number and promised to be in touch. I went to my lawyer; she (my lawyer is a woman) wanted me to go to the police. I told her I wanted revenge.
I didn't know what flavor of revenge I wanted, yet I knew it would come to me. My lawyer sent an investigator to meet with Jay and get an official record of what he told me. We then sent two forensic specialists to my home to see if they could figure out what Ted and the Police had both missed.
Since the Police had scoured all the obvious places, the search was actually easy. They found it in just over an hour, wedged in an air vent and it couldn't have been more incriminating. It was one of Ted's dog from his days in the Army, and it had something they thought was my blood. They would have an independent lab test it to be sure. The last key of the puzzle -- how they got inside my house without tripping my security system -- came to me the next day.
After the 'hedge burning' incident, Jefferson, my neighbor, stopped speaking with me, so all communications went through his wife, Ashely. Ashely and I tried to get along. We were polite more than friendly. We talked about the HA, flowers I'd picked to be in my yard, where we'd taken our vacations and that sort of thing.
Until she caught Jefferson cheating on her -- with her skanky sister-in-law, Mandi. Mandi got around it seemed. Ashely was in her front lawn, screaming at Jefferson. Actually, she was screaming at the house because Jefferson wouldn't come out and face her. He'd locked her out instead. Ashely was making a fool of herself, so I finally went out and brought her over to my place.
While trying to get her to calm down and return to rational thinking, she unloaded the whole family saga on me. By the end of it I wanted the four of them to leave my neighborhood and never come back. I wasn't a snob; I only wanted to live in peace and quiet without other people's drama being exhibited for all to see. It was really none of my damn business.
Jefferson was a civil litigation lawyer, a rather good one yet had a gambling 'problem'. Ashely was his stay-at-home wife, whose main joy in life appeared to be nagging Jefferson about not giving her a better lifestyle. Ted, the younger brother, was a construction contractor, but not nearly as successful as his brother, so his older sibling had to keep helping him against customer lawsuits.
Jefferson and Ashely were in their early forties, Ted was six years younger and the bone-head had married a morally ambiguous, sexual dynamo ten years younger than him. According to Ashely, she liked flirting with men at parties and watching Ted beat them up, or get beaten up, depending on the quality of the male she was hitting on at the time.
This was more than I wanted to know, but I was a good listener -- I'm a highly-regarded financial planner, so I've figured out over the years what people want with their lives based on what they don't say as well as what they do. For a few months she kept coming around and on at least two occasions she witnessed me entering my security code. Yes, I should have been more careful. I had no idea she would give it to her husband to allow him to break in and nearly kill me. Sue me for not being overly paranoid.
Over the next week my plans for revenge crystalized. The four of them had to pay. Mandi had aimed them at me, Dumbbell One and Two had nearly killed me, and Ashely had supported Mandi and given them access to my home; all over an affair I never had. Oh, and they thought they had gotten away with it ~ they were about to learn how wrong they were.
I had been beaten up for pussy I never got. I was going to change that. I was going to nail that pussy and how. They thought they were angry about fucking one of their wives; I was going to drill both their wives and rub it in their faces, the assholes. As for the wives; I had certain anger issues to work through and a year's worth of sexual frustration they were about to receive.
"Ashely, this is Darren," I spoke over the phone at a quarter past nine Monday morning. "Call up Mandi and get both of your asses over here immediately. Tell Mandi to park in my driveway." I had parked high enough up my drive so that when Mandi parked her car it would be clearly visible from the street.
"Darren, what -- what is this about?" Ashely hesitated.
"You know exactly what this is about," I snapped. "Now get your asses over here in thirty minutes and don't you dare call your husbands, or I'll go straight to the police." Then I hung up. Thirty minutes later they showed up on my stoop, looking scared and worried.
Since the break-in, I had improved my security system and wired it into all the monitors and TV sets throughout the place. I had indeed become paranoid. I had lived in fear in my own house, only my stubbornness keeping me from moving out. I had been afraid because I thought my attack was senseless violence. Now I knew better.
After the second ring of the doorbell, I hobbled my way to the entryway with my cane. Months of physical therapy had given me back most of my mobility, yet I still walked with a slight limp and carried the cane around for support. I made sure it was visible to the two women as I opened the door.
"Ladies, come in," I greeted them with false politeness.
"Hello Darren," they both said, though quite frankly I didn't know Mandi at all.
"Come in, fix yourselves some drinks," I offered.
"It is a little early to be drinking," Ashely stated somewhat nervously.
"Oh, come on. Mandi, I'm sure you know where the bar is by now," my face hardened. "If not, I'm sure Ashely could remind you, since we used to be friends and she was over here a good bit," I added rather flatly.
Mandi looked at me somewhat confused. Ashely gulped.
"Mandi, in all those months we were having our affair, you never checked out my bar? That's weird. A bar slut like you should have been throwing back the liquor," I taunted her.
"I've never ...," and then it hit her and she gulped too.
"Darren, I'm sorry -- that you were hurt," Ashely managed to say.
"Oh, you're not sorry yet," I laughed. "See, you and your husbands really freaked Jay out so he crawled into a bottle -- and then crawled himself out and told me everything. He also told me Ted broke back into my place, looking for something."
"Oh God," Ashely groaned.
"So I had some people look over my place and they found what he was looking for -- his dog with my blood on them," I grinned wickedly at the two of them. "All of this evidence is with my lawyer, in case you think your hubbies can pay me another visit," I warned them.
"I go missing, or to the hospital," I threatened, "then my lawyer goes to the police. All four of you go to prison, I'll sue you for all the bills I racked up and take everything you own in pain and suffering -- my doctors know what I went through."
"What do you want?" Mandi asked.
A quick description was in order: Ashely had pale blue eyes and wavy blonde hair that cascaded well past her shoulders. She could be considered 'overweight' yet not too chubby. The few times I'd seen her in her one-piece swimsuit she looked fine. I'd never taken a good look at her legs, yet I imagined her thighs and calves were nice and thick. Her ass certainly was.
She had a lush, curvaceous figure and really large breasts -- DD's -- I'm no expert. They drooped -- yet again not too much. Her skin was very pale, her round face a bit careworn, and she was tall -- nearly six feet tall. Ashely had always kept herself prim and proper which struck me as odd since Jefferson was such a slob around the homestead. She was currently in a grey tweed jacket, white blouse, grey tweed skirt and hose with white heels.
Mandi was the opposite; she was short -- around 5' 2" with a deep brown tan. I'd seen her out on Jefferson's deck a good deal of last summer. Her eyes were brown, her hair was long, straight and sun-touched brown with almost golden highlights. Her breasts were smallish yet very round and pert. She was compact and slender, blessed with a divine bubble butt which was accentuated by her small frame.
She had an almond shaped face and full lips, which I was sure got a lot of mileage. Mandi had an angel-wing tramp stamp and a dolphin tattoo on her ankle. Today she was wearing a sleeveless magenta t-shirt which hugged her like a second skin -- clearly braless. Her jeans shorts were cut so much I could see the front and back pockets. Mandi completed the slutty look with red cowboy boots.
"You wrecked my body, you wrecked my house and you tore up my entire life," I related. "You are going to pay me what you owe me and ..." I led them on.
"And?" Ashely's eyes pleaded with me for mercy.
"You are going to help me with all the stress I've built up," I grinned.
"You want a massage?" Mandi questioned.
"Not exactly," I hobbled over to my E-Z chair. "See, I've been missing several things since I was beaten. One of them was dancing. I really miss being able to dance with a lady."
"You want one of us to dance with you?" Ashley sounded relieved.
"Not quite," I smiled. "My knee still isn't up to it. I want you to dance with one another." I picked up my remote and activated my first musical selection.
"What! With her? I can't do that," Ashely stood up and protested. "That's something people like Mandi do."
"What the fuck!" Mandi bit back. "What's with the 'people like me' crack?"
"You couldn't keep your affair from Jay hidden -- this is your fault," Ashely accused her sister-in-law.
"If you hadn't slept with Jay in the first place -- yeah, he told me you blew him and let him fuck you -- then you wouldn't have put us together," Mandi growled back.
They were now in each other's faces, screaming and yelling accusations back and forth. I cleared my throat twice with no results. I finally had to stand up and slap my cane across the coffee table.
"Enough!" I shouted. The turned and looked at me somewhat surprised.
"I've talked to my lawyer and she assures me that you two are guilty of Conspiracy to Commit Murder -- because your husbands clearly planned on murdering me -- and that's at least five years in prison ... maybe 20 months if you behave," I lied. According to my lawyer, the case against those two was very weak, thus me lying to them.
"Dance, or I go to the cops," I demanded.
"Darren, this is very embarrassing," Ashely pleaded. I'm standing there leaning on the cane because her husband shattered my knee and she's asking for mercy?
"Dance and take off those damn heels, boots and jacket," I glared at her.
Mandi looked back and forth between me and Ashely, worked off her boots then began dancing. She raised her hands over her head and swayed her hips suggestively. I could tell Ashely was highly uncomfortable.
"Dance, Bitch -- Ashely," Mandi hissed. "I don't want to go to jail." Ashely took a deep breath, fluttered her eyes and mimicked Mandi.
After soaking up the spectacle for two minutes, I limped over to the bar and made a Vodka Tonic for Ashely and a Rum & Coke for Mandi. The song ended, both women looked over at me then took the offered drinks. They downed them rapidly to help bury their fears. Then the slow song came on. Mandi started moving again then Ashely followed suit.
"Ah," I sighed. "Slow dances should be done with a partner. I wish I could dance with you both, but I can't -- so I want you two to dance as partners."
"Darren, what do you mean?" Ashely requested fearfully. Mandi shrugged and stepped into Ashely's space and began grinding against her. I ignored Ashely.
"Mandi, put your hands on Ashely's hips," I instructed. "Now Ashely, I want you to put both your hands along Mandi's jawline, tilt her head up and kiss her -- and keep kissing her until I tell you to stop." Ashely turned to me, mouth agape, only to discern I was adamant. The look she gave was that of a calf being led to slaughter.
Mandi was clearly getting more into it than Ashely. I imagined it had to do with Ashely always acting like she was so damn superior to Mandi and this was Mandi dragging Ashely down to her accused-ly slutty level. When I noted Mandi's cheeks moving around I knew she was trying to stick her tongue in Ashely's mouth while Ashely had clamped her jaw shut. I couldn't have that.
"A nice French kiss, Ashely," I told her. Ashely sighed and Mandi surged forward. When I saw the tenseness bleed out of Ashely's shoulders I stepped it up a notch.
"Mandi, I want you to fondle one of Ashely's breasts," I requested softly. Ashely didn't even flinch so I next instructed her to play with one of Mandi's.
I let the music die down and watched as they kept pressing against each other.
"Mandi, unbutton Ashely's shirt and take it off," I told her. Ashely broke the kiss, closed her eyes and lowered her head. It turned out they were clasps, not buttons, so Mandi ripped it open hungrily.
"Bra too," I added when the shirt came free. Ashely had on a thin beige bra, which her hard nipples were attempting to poke clean through. Mandi reached around Ashely to get the clasp. At the same time she rubbed her face in the cleavage and sucked a nipple through the bra.
"Oh God, no!" Ashely groaned loudly. "I'm not like this -- I'm not like this."
"Not so superior to me now, are you?" Mandi teased her as the bra came off.
"Your turn, Ashely," I grinned. "Take off Mandi's shirt and make sure to pinch her nipples as you do it."
She complied, though she did more of a fingertip breast massage than a pinch. Mandi latched back onto Ashely's right breast and suckled with vigor. Ashely gasped then trembled slightly.
I had to tell Ashely to go back to playing with Mandi's breasts and I had to admit for their size, they were perfectly shaped mounds with excellently sized, erect nipples. Mandi surprised us both by lifting one of Ashely's massive boobs upwards and directed Ashely to suck on it. Mandi also began to rub the crotch of her cut-offs.
"Ashely, take off your skirt; Mandi, take off your shorts," I instructed them.
"Please, Darren," Ashely opened her eyes and looked to me for salvation.
"Now" I responded. Ashely unzipped the back of her skirt then stepped out of it. I liked what I saw and would have never guessed. Her beige hose weren't hose; they were stockings. I had a thing for stockings.
She had a white garter and suspenders on to support her stockings. Her beige panties were very lacy and very high cut. Mandi pulled down her shorts to reveal a tan line-less butt and cleanly shaved pussy -- no panties.
"It would seem Mandi is going without underwear today," I commented. "To be fair, I feel Ashely should lose her panties as well."
"No," moaned Ashely. She knew that meant she was going to get fucked -- no way around it. Mandi moved to pull them down, but I waved her off.
"Ashely, take them off then sit down on the sofa," I insisted. She took a deep breath then pulled them down.
"Now sit down on the sofa, Ashely," I repeated. When she did so, I looked to Mandi. "I think you have been hard on Ashely. To make it up to her, get on your knees between her legs and eat her out." Mandi regarded me, considered her fate and then knelt before Ashely. She pushed one of Ashely's legs onto the sofa and the other as far as it would go in the opposite direction before starting to lap Ashely's cunt.
Once I was sure that they were getting into it, I quietly moved over to the entertainment center and removed a slender silver vibrator and a bigger fluorescent pink dildo. I lubed them up before quietly stepping my way to Mandi's flank. I pressed the vibrator in her hand. She looked back at me and giggled happily before returning her attentions to Ashely.
Ashely made a little grunting noise as the vibrator went in. She was trying to sit up and figure out what was going on when Mandi cut the vibrator on and the pleasure was propelled along her nerve endings to her brain. Mandi sucking hard on Ashely's clit only expanded that pleasure. Ashely bucked up, cried out and began panting heavily through her first orgasm.
I didn't have to tell Mandi to keep at it with Ashely; she was clearly having too much fun playing her sister-in-law like a musical instrument. I slowly knelt behind the little dynamo and gently patted her backside. She wiggled her butt at me and didn't resist when I pushed her ass up. Next, I rubbed my hand over her cunt, enjoying her humid heat and sticky wetness.