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My Neighbour's Daughter Pt. 06

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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/26/2024
Created 09/21/2024
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{All characters are portrayed as 18+ yrs of age}

Our last part closed after prom night ended.

Waking to girly giggles, and Becky taking a low selfie of her and Audrey's faces with my morning wood at full mast in the foreground. Not sure what to think of this, my brain always taking a bit to catch up with my eyes upon waking.

"Is that for your mom, Aud?" I joked, "Afterall she did want pics from the prom," smiling.

"Morning sleepyhead! Becky and I were craving a shower ... and look at this hair," she said tugging on Becky's mane. "She looks like Wendy from, well Wendy's, and Ronny McD's last fuck fest," both laughing hysterically. "We also want a decent shot of us washing that lady killer in the shower together. Get up stud!"

I wasn't energized enough to argue. "You two get the shower organized, and I'll load the coffeemaker." Seems the coffee was going to be easy as its one of those pour overs with a pre-measured bag ready to go. I heard the spray come on, and made my way in.

If heaven is like this Lord, take me now! I guess it isn't, I'm still here. Two very different, beautiful naked women waited for me just outside the shower door. If I wasn't hard now, I'd have sprung up immediately. We all slid in, feeling a perfect hot cascade from the rainfall head.

I want this at my place! This is such a luxury.

Becky handed me the fancy shampoo that came with the room. "Do my hair please?" Yeah, like I was ever going to say no. I got to work rubbing it in, and she started to moan. I moved my hands to massage her scalp, and was thinking I was doing a really good job, when Becky's moans increased with her gasping "just like that, you're on the spot." OK, shampoo isn't that good unless it's laced with ecstasy. Now I get it. Audrey's hand is in Becky's vaginal area, and her arm is shaking.

I switch to massage-washing with one hand, then started playing with Beck's closest nipple. She leaned back into me, soaking in all the attention. It didn't take long, and Becky grabbed the cock pressing into her back and came hard on Audrey's fingers. Becky had a hand on Aud's ribs to steady herself as she quaked until it had passed. My cock was getting the life choked out of it during her performance. I was quite relieved when she let up.

Audrey grabbed the camera and got a shot of Becky leaning back against me with her 'just fucked' look, and my hand cupping her breast just below the nipple. I'd have to wait to see what my expression was.

I resumed the shampoo, including a light massage to her neck and traps. She rinsed the soap with a slow body swaying motion getting the rainfall to do its work. I picked up a washcloth, applied soap, and began to work it all over her body.

When I got to her sex, she said "let me. Any other time I'd love it, but thanks to you two, it's all sore as hell."

I snickered at the way she said it, and she gave me a light elbow to the ribs while she smiled.

"If you've got nothing better to do, I need cream rinse now."

So, I got to work. Once I finished, she headed for a towel. Well one down ....

I slipped my arms around Audrey and cupped her magnificent tits. She brought her hands to mine and pressed them in, making it a sexy hug. She was luxuriating, enjoying the warm rain. Her skin was already soaped, and she just needed a rinse.

"Russ, I'm definitely down for maintenance. Becky isn't the only one who's reproductive organs and accessories have taken a beating. Just hold me like this a while more. "

She felt amazing in my arms, and this was a peaceful, loving moment for us. I knew better than to ruin it, and held her until she was ready to move.

When she did, I had an Italian shower (the essentials) and finished quick.

Grabbed a coffee cup, and started in on half a pour. I just needed a dose to start my engine.

About that time, we realized all we had were our clothes from last night. This was going to be a colossal walk of shame with three of us parading up Main St. to the school parking lot.

"You two hungry? I got denials back.

Audrey went, "I want to get home and change into my bathing suit, and just veg by the pool. Becky, you are invited, sister."

"Sounds like the best offer I've had in ages. I'll get organized and see you in a bit. Want me to bring anything."

"No you Leprechaun cunt, just you." Aud laughed, jabbing me again.

"Is this something I'm going to have to live down ladies?" I replied laughing.

"Oh aye," said Becky, putting on an Irish lilt.

"If anyone's curious, I probably have to mow the lawn first."

"No, nobody cares, chuckled Aud, "see you when we see you."

We got dressed and held our heads high on the sidewalk back to the car. I dropped the girls off, and went home.

Showered up to get all the lawn clippings off, dressed, and sat down for a soda. Mom sat next to me.

"So? Tell me all about it," mom beamed.

"What can I say, music, dancing, classmates, all the usual things."

"How did the girls look? Anything interesting happen? C'mon!"

"Mom, we all had a good time. Audrey was a different person. She looked, uh, grown-up, mm womanly. I've never seen her that way, and it was intimidating a little. Once we got talking, I could tell it was her and relaxed, but it was a shocker."

"Well yes Russ, you are both young adults now. People will see you differently when you dress like an adult, instead of a high school kid."

"Ruby see your tux?"

"Yep, she thought I looked good in it, you'll have to get her opinion."

"I sure will she winked." Huh, did she mean something by that?

"Pictures.. they on your phone?"

"I have a few to sort through, Audrey took several more. I'll see her in a bit and get her to drop them to me."

"Can't wait." Mom said smiling.

"Oh mom, thanks for your help, everything you suggested made the soiree the best. Audrey was impressed, and a bit emotional. If you hadn't, It would have been a much different scene."

She blew me a kiss and headed upstairs.

Checked in with Audrey, and Becky was there. They needed their sunscreen applicator, me. "OMW." I replied.

Ruby, Becky, and Aud were tanning by the pool.

Becky had the sunscreen in her hand, and wordlessly raised it in the air.

"I haven't got to say hello yet."

"Do me pool boy," and the other two chuckled.

I got to work giving Becky a light massage all over, and had no more embarrassment teasing her pleasure zones as I went.

Moving over a body, I did Audrey next, thinking I'd spend a little time touching between her legs.

"Uh uh, still sore."

I caught Ruby react to Audrey's comment. She didn't look, but I knew she heard that and divined what exactly might be sore.

When I wrapped up there, Ruby asked, "pool boy, can you cover me too?" in a demure voice.

Audrey didn't flinch, so I made my way over and straddled her thighs.

"Let me undo this," and she freed the clasp for her bikini top.

I started in making it a light massage as well, and Ruby was very responsive. Her muscles would twitch, and she would sigh or moan in appreciation. I took it slow and put a bit more work into it. She was slightly rubbing her knees together as I went over her back. By now, I had this down, and was in automatic mode. I started at the base of her sides, up the ribs, and gave attention to her side boobs. She let out a louder moan than up till now, and it was only then it registered what I was doing. Crap, I just fondled Audrey's mom's tits.

I held my breath, and she didn't call me out, so I moved down to her feet, then did her calves. I moved up some so I could reach her thighs digging into the muscles lightly covering her skin in coconut scent.

I was at the end of the line of her inner thigh, when she rocked her pelvis back, pressing her sex against my hand. I paused a bit and she repeated the motion. With trepidation, I was fairly sure the second time, what it is she wanted, so I ventured my fingers under the fabric of her suit, and teased the inside of her left labia. I withdrew quickly in case that wasn't what she signaled, then moved to her other thigh. This time when I approached her danger zone, she repeated her signal and I left my right hand to cover her right cheek, while my left parted her labia and with a deftly light touch, stroked her clit. I went back and forth half a dozen times, and pulled away in case someone caught me.

She reached back and secured her clasp, then said, "that was lovely Russ, but I have to go in and relieve myself. I got off, and she swung her legs down to get up. I got a knowing smile from her, and realized the girls would think a potty break. However, it was going to be something personal and carnal.

I slid into the pool for a refresher, and started some slow laps. The girls had warmed up to the point they decided to cool off as well. Ruby came back, her black 2 piece complimenting her form to a tee. She got in as well.

Becky and Audrey had a quick convo, then Aud asked her mom, "do you mind if Becks and I go topless?"

Ruby's eyes went wide, but she recovered quick, "I don't mind at all. Wouldn't Russ feel uncomfortable?"

They both laughed, "really? He's a guy. He's seen it all before anyway."

Then they took half a second to get rid of the cloth protecting their modesty.

"I'm not going to be the odd one out," Ruby said, and her top was tossed to the side.

Becky got an evil grin and declared, "If Russ is getting all this eye candy, he needs to ante up."

With this, she made a lightning-fast dive, taking my suit to my feet. I lifted my feet to help, I wasn't going to be a prude.

In seconds we went from recreation to hard rock (or rock hard as in my case).

Ruby got into the spirit, with a wicked smile, "Russ can't be the only one with no bottoms," then provocatively slid hers down.

The girls followed, and now we were all naturists.

Ruby declared, "this is now a clothes free back yard."

Becky was close and pulled herself to me, her hand below the surface was obviously full of you know who. We had a very intimate long kiss. Ruby got an eyeful, and had a look of sheer disbelief.

Audrey had made her way over and slipped her arm around both of us, then leaned in to kiss Becky, then me.

Ruby had drifted closer, and looked captivated at what just happened.

"What's going on Audrey?"

"We all looked sheepish forgetting she was there for a second.

"Well mom, Russ as you know is my boyfriend. And as of last night, Becky is now my girlfriend, and I'm hers."

Ruby looked from one of us to the other a few times.

"I'm sorry to spring it on you like this, I just didn't have a chance to let you know."

"How is this going to work? I just saw Russ kissing your girlfriend."

"Ummmm well, as of last night, Becky is his other girlfriend, and he's her boyfriend too."

"What the hell happened last night!" she squeaked.

"Mom, we had the most fun, and erotic prom, and night the hotel. We've all fallen in love."

"How can prom be erotic?"

"I got pics mom. If you don't think you will freak out, I can show them to you. You guys OK if she sees 'em."

Becky and I were both fine with it ... but then I'm not sure if I knew what they were.

"My God you three have really given me a shock. I'm all for you having a loving relationship, don't misunderstand. This is so frigging unexpected. And I just realized I'm next to you all, buck naked, taking this in."

Becky, the little devil, said, "Come close Ruby, or should I call you mom now?" she laughed. "Really, come here."

Ruby was close enough, Becky grabbed her hand, and half floated her in for a group hug. We all tried to get an arm around her, and she wound up with her large nude bust pressed into my chest. It didn't feel at all awkward, however my little traitor had previously risen to the occasion and had made its way between her thighs. Ruby felt something and reached to see what it was, when her fingers clasped me, her eyes bore straight into me as she realized what she was holding. Her expression turned devilish as she began to stroke me very subtly.

Audrey caught it and spoke," mom, are you jerking my boyfriend?"

"Just checking to see what you've been getting, "she replied with a coy smile.

She let me go, and took a step back.

"I better go and process all this," Ruby said. I've got thoughts of doing what I don't think is appropriate. We need to talk some later Audrey. Nothing bad, don't worry."

She hopped up on the pool edge, and had to spread one leg to stand, leaving us with a very graphic view of what was between her legs. She unhurriedly picked up her suit pieces, and swayed her ass into the house, her prow leading the way. We got a very X rated view of Ruby's stellar figure approximating Baywatch slow motion as she passed by.

Becky popped up, "wow, I hope my body is half that good at her age."

"Me too said Audrey."

"You have the genes for it, babe. You want to see what a girl looks like when she gets older, look at the mom. Beck's mom is very attractive too."

I got two big smiles from my pool-mates.

We swam about for a bit, and decided we were getting waterlogged.

We got out, toweled off, and walked naked into the house to get our street clothes.

All of us congregated on the sectional.

"Audrey, could you send me the pics from last night?"

"Sure babe." Then played with her phone for a bit. Mine pinged several times.

Becky said," this has been an interesting and fun day. I gotta get home and prep for tomorrow. Mom and I are off to visit her sister for a week. Worst thing is I can't have a good bye fuck with you." She laughed. "I'll text you both."

"Russ, I'm going to miss you. Keep our sweetheart here safe." We shared an embrace and a tender kiss.

She grabbed Audrey and said, "You make me so happy sister. I love you bunches. Make sure you send me dick pics stuffed in all your holes."

They kissed and hugged it out. Becky turned and looked back from the door, both of us watching her with a touch of disappointment, and lots of love. She choked, and her face scrunched up, then turned quickly and left.

I looked at Audrey, and we could both tell we felt a loss, even if it was only a week.

"Hold me," she said.

I took her by the hand to the couch, sat, and pulled her into me for a warm embrace, both of us drawing comfort from the other.

"Sleep with me tonight?" I'm still too sore for fun, but maybe tomorrow morning I can make you dirty," she winked.

Over the next week we got together every day, and every other night we snuggled in one or another's bed. She had soccer camp over the break a couple times a week, and I still had the gym and Hapkido. Between that and chores we found time to share our love for each other.

One of those evenings at home mom cornered me, and asked to see the pics again.

"Yeah, sure," I handed her my phone and flipped to the photos folder. I saw Audrey had sent me four folders of pics, "You know how to navigate through the folders?"

"I'm your mother, but I'm not new, dufus."

"Sorry," I smirked.

She took her time, doing the motherly cooing and awwws.

Then I heard her gasp.

I turned and was, "What?"

She turned the phone for me to see and someone had taken a shot over my shoulder on the dance floor. Audrey's DDs were in living color and my cock was half way down her throat.

My jaw dropped. I was more concerned about who had taken that shot, than its contents.

Mom's thumb must have touched the screen, and then it rolled over to the pic of the same view, only a video with Becky's red hair in motion as she throated me, revealing her sweet tits when she pulled back. From this angle on whoever's phone, it was obvious from the length of the strokes she had a lot to work with and was taking the whole thing to the root.

Mom was silent with her eyes glued to the video till it stopped.

She looked up aghast, then a bit angry.

"Nothing much happened you say? You guys were dancing, and talking to classmates, and just having a nice time like God loving children?"

She seemed pissed that I didn't tell her about our debauchery, as opposed to what she saw.

"What went on for heaven's sake?"

" ummm hijinks?" I said, my response squeaked out, my voice cracking and pitch rising at the end.

She looked at me sternly and said, "Hijinks?!!"

Then her face cracked and she doubled over laughing her ass off.

WTF. I had no idea how to reply.

"Ruby didn't call it hijinks when I talked to her.

Apparently, you are now in a polyamorous relationship, and all of you were naked in her pool a couple days ago. She outed you to the mat buster. And where did you have your hands putting lotion on her? I maybe should have mentioned though she's not getting it from her hubby and has thoughts of you she's fighting with when she sees you, now you're grown. Maybe you wouldn't have been so bold if you knew you were mercilessly teasing her."

Mom flipped through more pics. This folder I guess was the dance floor, as it has pics of Aud and Becky touching, and tits out. Yikes, who the hell shot these? Mom seemed non plussed until she got to the selfie of the girls with my cock. Mom mouthed WOW, and continued to the last one which was me holding Beck's breast looking well fucked.

"And that night had nothing of consequence to mention?" She rolled her eyes. "Ive done things when I was your age I thought was racy, but You take the Oscar my son."

"Is that a bad thing?" I smirked.

"Yes, you little deviant, I think you need a good spanking, but you'd probably like it," she laughed.

"Im not sure if you are angry with me or impressed."

"A bit of both. You are young, but have always had a good head on your shoulders. When hormones run wild, we make choices that aren't based in common sense. I'm worried one or all of you are going to be badly hurt. We all have that happen at some time, and it's not something, as your mom, I can protect you from.

Just be safe, and kind. It's going to be a minefield I think, with three of you. All I can say is everyone has to speak out right away, and share feelings before resentments take hold if it has a chance of working. Love and sex are not the only glue. Trust is so important, and you need to all feel you have each other's back."

"As usual mom, you have my best interests, and I should realize I could have told you about the three of us. It wasn't an everyday conversation topic, so I was stuck how to mention it."

"Just say it is all. I'm not going to freak out."

"Got it mom."

"Well you can't imagine the talk I had with Ruby, I was pretty surprised, but then, we were in stiches over your 'hijinks'. I'll never let you live that down she laughed, "Wait till I talk to her next time."

Woah, this is gonna be an interesting talk with Audrey. I guess it's appropriate we sit with Beck's mom too.

Texted Audrey, "your mom, and my mom have talked. My mom has all the deets, and I mean all. I didn't pre-screen the photos, and I just handed my phone to mom to let her see 'em. Dunno if you've been through them yet, but let's say mom has the whole 'picture'."

She replied, "no haven't checked yet, something I should know?"

"Yep, I'd recommend view before your mom looks at them," I sent.

"I sent em all to her yesterday."

"lololol, well you are in for an interesting chat with her. When you check them, I'm curious who took 'those' ones. Please dish xox. You will know when you see 'em"

Twenty minutes later, "uh oh. Mom's gonna have a shit right on the spot. At least you're photogenic, and your cock ;) I asked Synthia to catch a couple of shots of us dancing together. That's where those came from. I had no idea what she snapped. Guess I should get ahead of this and spill with mom. love you my stud xox 'heart emoji' "

A week has passed. Becky was home and anxious to get together. We decided to meet up at my place. Dad was out but mom was home. Aud and mom see each other all the time now, but this was Becky's first meet. The girls arrived the same time, and were hugging and kissing and being very girly.


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