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My New Life Ch. 01

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A man is drawn into a dark work of sexual exploitation.
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This is the first of 10 or so (the final two are not yet complete) chapters concerning purely fictional characters and our central character caught up in a conspiracy to make money by exploiting the dark side of sexual desire and fantasy. I hope it intrigues the reader.. Note: This is a rather lengthy introduction but it sets the stage for the rest of the chapters.


"And when I came through the door from my bath he would be kneeling at the foot of my four-poster bed. He would be naked with his hands cuffed behind his back. He would be blindfolded and wearing a studded leather collar with a leash attached. There would be candles on the dresser and it would shine on the curve of his ass. He would look excited, but afraid at the same time." She trailed off.

"Well that's understandable," I said, swallowing. "After all a sex slave never knows what is going to happen. Even if a scenario is well planned it may change in the heat of battle, as it were."

She had a dreamy expression on her face and the candle made her eyes sparkle at me across the small table in the back of Chez Dominique's French restaurant.

Madeleine and I had had a very nice meal and nearly two litres of fine red wine this Sunday night. After supper we began to speak about ourselves and eventually the topic of discussion came around to sex. We spoke about our wants and desires and what we would like to do if no one could ever find out-our fantasies in other words.

She spoke of a childhood dominated by a very strict father and a total ignorance of all things sexual until she left home at 18. Perhaps that was one reason for this fantasy, but as I already knew, she was not the only female to have had this fantasy.

As she slowly opened up her face became slightly flushed and her voice husky. Madeleine was not my usual type. She was 32 years of age and very nearly the same size as I, which is to say she was 5'10'' tall and about 150 pounds with a very full figure. She was redheaded and it looked natural but I was not in a position to be able to say that with certainty. Her emerald green dress had a slit on the right side that showed a tantalizing and perfect creamy white thigh. I usually prefer sun-tanned blondes and most had been thin by comparison. A mutual friend had introduced us and this was our third date. She had been divorced for two years now and showed every sign of wanting to have some fun-a prospect that had me intrigued.

"Do you speak from experience?" she teased. I assured her that a gentleman never discusses these types of issues, and her eyebrow raised questioningly.

It was getting late and we both had to work in the morning, so I paid the cheque and we left the restaurant. I was cool for September and the night air made her nipples clearly visible through he fabric of her dress. " I guess I should have brought a sweater," she said self-consciously. I gave her my jacket and she quickly pulled it about her shoulders as she entered the car. We drove in silence to her house not far away in the suburbs. I held my hand on her thigh and she placed hers on top of it. I was trying to think of something to say to keep her mind on the subject of sex. We pulled into the drive and helped her out of the car and walked her up the sidewalk to the dark house.

She said: "Come inside and give me a kiss, all the neighbours will be checking us out if we stand here."

"As my mistress wishes", I replied with a slight bow.

"Hmmm, I could get to like this," she replied with a sly smile.

We entered her hallway and she turned to me without turning on the lights. I put my arms around her and kissed her. Her mouth opened and our tongues worked gently around each other. My hands dropped from her shoulders to her hips and I cupped her ass and drew her into me. I was hard and she could feel it as her hands also grabbed my butt and pulled my crotch against hers. If she was wearing underwear it must have been a thong because I could feel no panty lines.

"It's getting awfully warm in here," I said.

"Steady slave", she replied. "Six o'clock comes early, you know."

"As you wish Mistress," I replied.

"Well slave, next Saturday we shall perhaps find out if you really mean that, she said with a sly smile."

I had previously agreed to help her on some maintenance around the house next weekend. Her ex husband had never been a handy man and since the divorce there were several items that needed attention. I hoped that I would be on her 'to do' list next weekend.

"It will be a pleasure to be at your service," I said with a slight inclination of my head.

"And it will be your service which had better bring me pleasure slave." She said this with that husky tone in her voice again as she gave my ass a final pat and said "see you next Saturday-don't forget to bring all of your tools!"

I could take a hint; I made no secret of taking in all of her curves before I reluctantly turned and returned to my car for the long drive home. After parking the Honda in the garage I put some Bob Seeger on the stereo and sipped a cognac in the dark living room. My mind drifted back to previous times.

Here I am at home alone again. I am Ron White. A moderately successful stock buyer-what the public would call a trader, but without the glamour. My wife of 18 years had died of lung cancer 4 years ago. Mercifully for her it did not take long. We had never had a very active sex life and had had many an argument over that issue. In the end I refused to beg and she declined to offer. But before that I had an affair with a beautiful woman at the brokerage house where I worked.

There were sparks between us almost from the first time we spoke. She laughed at my jokes and had a keen sense of humour herself. We had a lunch or two together and met one evening for drinks. I screwed up my courage and propositioned her. She knew I was married and I knew she was married. In spite of that she took a chance and we had a wonderful 5-year affair that I am sure was better than most marriages. Finally she had to move to BC and I to Ottawa. We continued to communicate for a while and tried to plan a meeting but found the longing and the separation too intense and had to cut it off completely. That was 8 years ago now and I still thought of her every day. It made me feel guilty to be thinking more about her than about my dead wife.

We had experimented a lot in those heady days. After the few initial tentative but very satisfying lovemaking sessions I started by tying her spread-eagled to the bed and licking her from head to toe. Then I would rub her with baby oil and make her come several times before I did. It soon became apparent that her fantasy was to do similar things to me and I quickly realized that I enjoyed the role of the captive much more than that of the captor. She was a very demanding mistress and would often tie me up for hours while she tortured me with licks, kisses, and cracks from her riding crop. Sometimes she would blindfold me and I would never know where she would next attack.

On several occasions she suspended me from the ceiling or a door frame and had her way with my body. She would whip my ass and pinch my nipples while rubbing my cock to the point where I would literally beg her to let me come. Eventually she would tie me spread-eagled on the king sized bed and tease me for another hour or so while forcing me to lick her tits and ass and pussy. She would hump my legs and arms and anything else she could get between her legs. We experimented with several forms of restraints and various articles of sexy clothing. I was getting aroused just thinking about it.

I finished the drink and let the stereo run down while I stripped and brushed my teeth and showered. I checked myself out in the mirror after getting out of the shower. I was 43 years old, 6 feet tall and 165 ponds. Without the grey hair I could have passed for a much younger man. I was still trim and I have been told that I have a good ass. I never had much body hair, and often trimmed my pubic area to keep it neat. I like to be tanned and the outline of my bikini was clearly visible though I hadn't been for a session in a couple of weeks. I decided that another half-hour on the tanning bed before the next meeting with Madeleine would be desirable.

I got into my bed, set the alarm and drifted off to dreamland, remembering one of the first times that Shayla and I had met for one of our clandestine mistress-slave sessions.

On the instructions of my mistress I have showered and shaved, met her at the door dressed in my black shirt and tear away shorts with the black leather restraint thong underneath, and the leather collar on my throat. Several candles light the room and even the bathroom. As soon as we enter the room she locks the door and tells me to undress. Lucky for me she is pleased with what she sees. She is dressed tight and short in red and black and it has made me very horny, but she doesn't appear to care.

All of the accoutrements are laid out on the bed as instructed: black leather, handcuffs, and rope, baby oils etc. "You've done a good job on this slave-and a good thing too." I kneel as instructed and she snaps the leash on a ring set into the leather collar.

"Now put your hands behind your back and bend forward." I do. She walks away from me towards the bed and the handcuffs. I watch her ass move beneath the tight fabric. She returns and bends over me brushing my face with her breasts. She snaps the cuffs on my wrists and fastens the short chain to the ring on the back of my leather thong that runs down between my ass cheeks. Now we'll see what a good slave you are," she says,

"I hope for your sake that you do a better job than the last one. Lets be clear on one thing, you may not come before I say so or you will live just long enough to regret it."

She forces me to undress her using only my teeth and the manipulations of my face with the collar and leash. As I strain to pull down the zipper of her short skirt, she uses the collar to pull my head back and looks into my eyes. "Having trouble slave? Perhaps you need some more practice." She then returns my face to the zipper and holds the other end so that I can pull it down with my teeth. She then steps out of the skirt and pulls me to my feet. I stick my tongue under the shoulder strap of her bra and pull it down over her shoulder, then do the same with the other side. She says "Not bad slave, for your reward you get to suck my tits until I tell you to stop." She removes her bra and suck and lick those lovely tits for a long time, occasionally she pulls my face back to look at me or pulls me back between her breasts or to the right or left one as she chooses. Meanwhile my throbbing cock wants attention really badly; attention which my mistress is studiously avoiding.

She is standing before me naked except for mid thigh black stockings. She again forces me to my knees and fastens my leash to a chair behind me. She wants to make sure that I can't move and also ties my feet together behind me. My hands pulling on the cuffs and thong have pulled the leather at the front of my crotch down exposing half of my cock. There is very little hair left for my mistress has warned me to cut my pubic hair very short threatening to shave me bald there if it is not to her liking. My cock is hard and red, throbbing with excitement. She reaches down and cups my balls, squeezing them

yet not paying nearly enough attention to the sensitive shaft and tip of my cock. I strain to reach toward her, but the leash and my various restraints won't permit me to move.

She says: " Now slave boy I'll show you something I think you'll like." She pulls the other chair up in front of her sex slave and sits facing me.

With her stocking feet she runs her toes over my chest and down to my cock, rubbing it with the silky fabric as I moan and beg for more. She puts both feet on my shoulders so that I can look at her lovely pussy, and wriggles her ass in the chair. "Would you like to see more, slave?" She says. My voice is hoarse with need and from me pulling on my collar. "Yes mistress" I croak.

"Well too bad!" She says, "you forgot to say please." She rises and goes behind me where she grabs the strap of my thong and pulls, squeezing my balls and further letting my cock sway free. Then she reaches over my shoulders and squeezes my tits until I moan. "Now let's try again shall we slave?"

I beg: " If it please my mistress I would please like to see more."

She again sits in front of me and pulls her knees apart and up against her chest so that her knees are outside of her tits. She pushes her hips forward until I can see her lovely pussy and ass. She dribbles baby oil on to her hand and rubs her lips and ass, pushing her fingers into herself and pulling the swollen lips apart so that I can see inside her. I can smell her sex and will do anything to put my tongue in her juicy pussy and up her tight little ass hole. She knows it of course and slowly slides forward until I can do just that. I lean forward on my knees and push my face into her while my hands are still tied behind my back. She is juicy and delicious, as I knew she would be. But she also wants more, the thing that I love about my mistress.

She rises and adjusts my leash and collar so that there is just enough slack to push me on my back on the floor-still with my hands and feet tied. She stands over me and slowly lowers her soaking pussy to my mouth. I lick and suck and push my face and tongue as far into her as possible until she comes.

"Now Lick my ass slave - and do a good job or I'll go home and leave you like this for the maid to find!" She moves forward and lowers her lovely ass on my face. I lick and suck, and stick my tongue up her lovely little puckered hole. She pulls away at first and I am afraid she will leave, but then she sits down hard and I fuck her ass with my tongue.

Finally she wants my cock and unsnaps the sides of my leather thong and grabs it with both hands and sucks it. I can't take any more and she sheaths it with a rubber and squats over my cock, engulfing it in a single stroke. She stops and says: "You may come now slave as long as you can get it up again in a short while-and you'd better be able to get it up again soon because I have certainly not had enough yet tonight!" She rides my body like a madwoman and I am pumping come almost immediately but it goes on for minutes on end and she finally collapses on top of me and lies there until she recovers enough to roll off of me.

"Now" she says," you have been a pretty good slave so I guess I can untie you -for a little while. Go and clean yourself up." She unties me and I am allowed to go to the bathroom, wash myself thoroughly and get a drink.

When I open the bathroom door she is standing there still only in her black nylons and a smile while holding a riding crop and a short length of heavy rope. My leather handcuffs are still on each wrist-just not attached to each other. She steps up on a chair and fixes the rope to a hook set into the ceiling beam and attaches each end to my handcuffs. I am now almost suspended by my wrists with my hands stretched over my head. I can just reach the floor by standing on the balls of my feet. She forces my legs apart and uses short loops of rope to fasten a 2-foot length of wood between my ankles. She turns me around and I find that I am looking at myself by candlelight in the full-length mirror. She steps beside me and places a hand on my stiffening cock as she also gazes into the mirror.

She says: "You know slave, in medieval times this is how they tied the slaves up before they whipped them-no lying down on the job you know. They didn't always whip them on the back either you know that's just in the movies. It hurts more when you are whipped in other places"

She runs the riding crop up and down my front, using the tip to lift up my cock and balls. She caresses my ass and thighs with the riding crop before giving me several firm strokes with it across my buttocks. I twitch on the end of the rope but of course can do nothing more in my present condition. She squirts oil into her hand and rubs my ass with both hands. She then presses against me with her naked body, spreads my cheeks from behind and sticks a finger up my ass while reaching around to squeeze my cock. She humps my ass with one hand and jerks my cock with the other while pressing herself against me. After a moment she withdraws and goes on to say that in these olden times any excuse was used by the masters to rape and torture slaves and of course, not all of the slaves were women...

I am turned around again and she sits up on the table in front of me, raises and spreads her legs and touches the pink flesh inside. "What do you think of this for torture, slave?"

she muses. My mouth feels very dry. After several minutes of enjoying herself while watching my cock grow, she slides down off the table and presses against me. Then she squeezes both of my nipples very hard and runs her hands over my chest and stomach, but not touching my cock.

She looks down and says, "you know, even though you don't have much hair down there, what you do have impedes my view." She leaves for a moment and returns with a battery-operated shaver and proceeds to shave my pubic area so closely that it looks like there is no hair at all. As an after thought she also shaves my underarms. She then sweeps the short hair from my thighs and getting more oil she kneels in front of me and covers my cock, balls and ass and thighs with oil running her hands all the way up and down my straining cock. She gives it several hard strokes and looks as though she will suck it but gives it only a little lick instead. I close my eyes and bite my tongue.

She leaves again and returns with a box about a foot square. Since she is normally shorter than I am she cannot get my cock inside her in my current position without some extra height. She puts the box on the floor in front of me and stands up on it. At this height she offers her breasts to me again, and I suck them some more while she plays with my cock. By spreading her knees outside of mine and guiding me with her hand I find myself inside he very hot pussy and she gyrates against me as I try to hold my position and my cock inside her. On top of all the other sensations find I can feel her pubic hair against my now nearly naked pubic bone. She shudders against me and bites my chest before she rises up off of my cock and backs down off the box.

"Well slave" she says, "this is a very nice view and I've had some fun. Maybe I'll just go home now and come back in the morning. That would be OK with you wouldn't it slave?"

"As you wish mistress," I reply. This is not really what I want to say, but I think it is the most prudent answer in my current condition.

"Good answer slave, but don't think I'm done with you yet. I've been planning this for a long time and you've kept me waiting far too long. Besides, its too much work for your mistress to enjoy herself properly with your body in this position, so let's move back to the bedroom. The ropes suspending me from the ceiling and spreading my legs are untied. I am directed to lie on the bed face up with my ass on a pillow and she ties my wrists and ankles to the Four Corners of the king sized bed-using ropes that I had previously laid out. I am spread wide and totally at her mercy. I feel very naked. She walks around the bed and admires her handiwork.

She then straddles my chest puts a hand on each cheek looks in my eyes and says, "I'm going to fuck your mouth with my tits now slave so open wide." She kisses me long hard and wetly. I then open my mouth as wide as possible and by sucking hard and with the baby oil remaining on her breasts I almost get the whole breast in my mouth and she does actually fuck my mouth first with one luscious breast, then with the other one. I think she comes each time. She backs away and rubs her now sensitive breasts with her left hand as she reaches behind her with her right and squeezes my aching cock. I am gasping for air.


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