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My New Neighbours Ch. 04

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Our adventure with our neighbours continue.
11.1k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/16/2018
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We must have drifted off as I woke with a start and it took me a moment to realise where I was. We were still in the bedroom and I was cold from the air conditioner. I continued to lay there as Katie was asleep on my chest. I looked at her and smiled and once again was thankful that I had a partner that allowed me to fulfil my sexual fantasies.

However, the more I thought about what had happened, the more I realised that Katie had promised that no one would see me wearing the cock cage she had got for me. While I was happy to dress in lingerie and be a cock sucking slut for two well hung transsexuals, they allowed me to maintain a level of masculinity that let me cope with being used.

I was also more than happy to be a complete slave to Katie, for those odd occasions she wanted to dominate me, but that was for just the two of us and no one else. The longer I thought about it, the more worked up I became, so much so that I inadvertently woke Katie up. She immediately sensed that something was up.

'What's wrong my love?' she asked. 'You are all tense.' I paused for a moment while considering my response. I was pissed but I didn't want to say something I would later regret.

'We agreed that me wearing the cock cage was for you only. I told you I didn't really want to, but agreed because it was something you wanted and I was happy to do that for you. You then put false tits on me and invited Angie and Tilly around. I didn't want the girls to see me like that.' Katie looked crestfallen and I thought she may cry.

'I'm sorry Jim, I truly am. I never intended anyone to see you like that but, when I went out to get a couple of things, there was a knock on the door and I saw it was the girls. I was just as surprised to see them as you. They were dressed up and said they wanted to surprise us as it had been a couple of weeks. I tried to put them off but it was a bit difficult dressed as I was. I tried to tell them it was a private party for just the two of us, but you know what those two are like - it's very difficult to say no to them.' I looked at her for a moment and could see that she was genuinely sorry, so hugged her.

'It's OK Katie, I understand. Angie and Tilly are used to getting what they want and I will have to admit I find it difficult to say no to them as well. I will have a word to them about it tomorrow.' She smiled. 'But,' I continued, 'what was the bit about you continuing to see them if they got rid of me for failing to play the part?' She looked at me guiltily.

'Ah, I'm sorry about that too. I just got carried away. When we left you here, they took me into the lounge room and, well I think you know what happened. I think I was still caught up in the moment when I said what I said.' I looked at her dubiously.

'I don't know Katie,' I began, 'I'm happy that you have found your sexual freedom and that you allow me to indulge in my fantasies, but you continue to say things that make me worried that, perhaps, I'm not man enough for you, if you know what I mean.' She smiled and hugged me.

'How many times do I have to tell you Jim? I love you and wouldn't change a thing between us. Yes, I have come to love the sex that I have with the girls but, as we have said in the past, it is sex and there is not the love that we share. Yes, they are bigger than you and fill me up in ways that you can't, but we have that emotional connection that I will never have with them. Look, if it worries you that much then I won't see them anymore.'

'Really?' I asked

'Yes Jim, I love you and I don't want to hurt you, intentional or not.' I kissed her and then looked deep in her eyes.

'That wouldn't be fair and I love it when it is the four of us together. Please just try and be mindful of what you say to me. I let the girls say what they want as I know that is all part of the fantasy and, while it does hurt sometimes, it hurts more when you say it as I love you.' Katie kissed me and nodded.

'I promise Jim that I will try harder to watch what I say.'

'Thanks. Now, tell me what the girls did to you while I was trussed up like a sissy bitch!' She described how the girls made her get on her hands and knees while they took turns fucking her pussy and face. Katie said she came numerous times before they came in her cunt and ordered her to have me clean her out.

'That sounds like those two,' I said shaking my head in mock disgust. 'We need to be careful as I think we are becoming hooked on giant transsexual cock!' Katie smiled.

'There are worse things to become addicted to Jim.' I had to agree.


The next morning I went over to the speak to the girls about what had happened. I made sure I had nothing girly on as I didn't want any distractions. Tilly answered the door and invited me in.

'Can I get you a coffee James?' she asked

'No thanks Tilly, this won't take long. I just wanted to speak about last night. While we were glad to see you two, I didn't really want you to see me like I was. That is something that I only wanted for Katie and me.' She looked at me thoughtfully for a moment.

'I can understand that James. While our arrangement requires you to be compliant to the three of us, I appreciate that there are things that you and Katie prefer to do on your own. I will ensure that Angie and I respect that from this point forward.'

'I appreciate that Tilly, I really do. As I have said many times, I enjoy my role when we are all dressed and I am playing your bitch. Even when Angie goes way over the top with the things she says, I still enjoy it, but the other night was something just for Katie and I and you saw me in a...'state' that I wanted to keep private. I know, looking at it, there doesn't seem to be much difference in me dressing in lingerie and taking your huge cocks, and wearing a cock cage and false tits, but to me there is a world of difference.'

Tilly smiled and nodded and moved to me and hugged me.

'As I said, I promise, James, that we will make sure we respect yours and Katie's privacy in future. It was only because we hadn't seen you for two weeks and, to be honest, both Angie and I really missed you.'

'Really?' I responded.

'Yes James, we did. While we weren't without physical company for the time we were away, it just wasn't the same without you being there. Angie and I have discussed this at length and the only thing we can put it down to is your age. You are a lot older than the bitches we have had in the past. We can't think of any other reason.' I smiled and continued to hug her. I looked down into her almond eyes and leaned down and kissed her. While I was more attracted to Angie, Tilly still excited me a great deal and I could feel my cock stiffen.

'Thank you Tilly. I don't really want to end what we have going, but I wouldn't hesitate if it looked like it would ruin my relationship with Katie.'

'I can understand that and I think that it is how true love should be. We consider you and Katie amongst our closest friends now and we care about you, so I will talk to Angie, and make sure that we can continue to get together without jeopardising your relationship.' I kissed her again.

'Thank you Tilly. I was hoping that we could work it out because, to be honest, neither Katie or I want to give this up, but have agreed that we would if we thought it would wreck things between the two of us.'

'And that's the way it should be,' replied Tilly, kissing me once more before pulling away. I was rock hard now and Tilly noticed my hardness through my shorts. She squeezed my cock gently with her right hand. 'Would you like me to do something about this?'

'Umm, of course I would, but I told Katie I wouldn't be long.' Tilly smiled and reached for her phone, her hand never leaving my cock. I could see she was getting excited as well as her nipples were poking through her t-shirt and I could see the beginning of a bulge in her shorts.

'Hello Katie, it's Tilly. Yes, James is here and I just want to say that I am really sorry about last night and I have promised James that it won't happen again. No, I know you were playing the role that we gave you, but I realise now that we may have overstepped the mark by intruding the way we did. As I just told him, we care about you both, so will do our best to make sure it doesn't happen again. Good. I'm so glad. Look, I need to borrow James for 15 minutes or so, is that alright?' Tilly handed me the phone.


'Hello my love. I gather that your talk worked?'

'Yes, it appears so. Angie is not here, but I explained to Tilly our concerns and she has accepted them. Like us, they don't want to ruin what the four of us have, or our relationship.'

'Well that's a relief Jim, I wasn't sure how they would react - given how they are when we are altogether. So what does Tilly need you for - or do I really need to ask.'

'Umm, well I don't believe it's a car related issue,' I replied. Katie laughed.

'Ok my love. Given what happened last night, us three girls probably owe you one. Just don't wear yourself out too much.'

'Ok, I won't be long, I will just 'help' Tilly and be right home.'

'Ok' and she hung up. I put Tilly's phone down and leaned down and kissed her again. She had been massaging my cock with her right hand throughout my conversation with Katie and, with her left, had pulled down her shorts, revealing sky blue panties that were struggling to contain her thick stiff cock.

'Umm, what did you need me for Tilly?' I said smiling, knowing fully well what she wanted. She took her hand off my cock and then pulled my shorts and underwear down. I removed my t-shirt and was standing naked in her lounge room, my cock hard and already leaking precum. She pulled off her own t-shirt but left her panties on and turned and started walking away from me.

'I was just going to shower when you arrived and I think I need someone to wash my back,' she said looking over her shoulder. The panties encased her beautiful ass, which wobbled slightly as she walked away from me. She was one sexy transsexual and I was one lucky guy to be her bitch.

'Where's Angie?' I asked as I followed her.

'Just gone out to the shops for a couple of things,' replied Tilly as she entered the bathroom. She paused and hooked a thumb on each side of her panties and pulled them slowly down, bending forward as she went until the panties were at her ankles. Her ass cheeks stood firm and it was all I could do to stop myself dropping to my knees and chewing on them. Tilly must have read my mind.

'It's ok James, I will let you eat my ass all in good time,' she said with a smile and my cock pulsed, resulting in more precum leaking out of my cock. She stepped into the shower and turned it on and beckoned me to join her. I closed the door behind me and we both stood for a moment under the warm water. Tilly handed me the soap and told me to start washing. I lathered up the soap really well and then got down on my knees. Her now stiff cock was at just the right height for me to take it into my mouth, but I resisted the urge.

I asked her to lift her left foot and soaped that up and had her do the same with the right. I then worked my way up her right leg and up her thigh. I completely ignored her groin, much to Tilly's consternation, and moved across to her left leg and repeated the process. I grabbed the shower head, it was one of those hand held ones, and rinsed her off. I put the shower head back and soaped up my hands again and, kneeling once more, started washing her stomach, hips and arms. Her nipples were stiff and, before soaping them, I sucked each one gently, eliciting small moans from her. I stood and Tilly's cock was rock hard and sandwiched between us as I washed the front of her. I could feel its warmth and occasional pulsing as I continued to wash her.

I grabbed her by the shoulders and gently turned her around and started washing her back, starting at the top of her shoulders and working my way down to the top of her wonderful ass. I grabbed the shower head and washed off all the soap.

'Ok, I think that is it,' I said as I went to step out of the shower.

'What?' exclaimed Tilly.

'Just joking Tilly,' I said laughing lightly. 'Can't have you half unwashed can we?' She smiled and punched me on the arm. I grabbed the soap and, once more turned her around and dropped to my knees. I was now face to face with her wonderful tight ass. I ran my hands all over it, revelling in its firmness. I made sure I ran the bar of soap up and down her ass crack and around her balls. Tilly had leaned forward and was resting her head on her arms which were folded on the shower wall. I stood up and grabbed the shower head and washed all the soap off her cheeks. I placed the shower head back and once again fell to me knees and gripped a firm ass cheek in each hand.

As the water continued to cascade over us, I planted kisses on Tilly's ass and then spread her cheeks, giving me access to her tight hole. I started licking lightly and slowly on her rosebud, causing her to squirm and push back against me. I spread them further and started poking my tongue in her, tasting her sweetness. I used one hand to fondle her balls as I continued to tongue fuck her asshole. Tilly was squirming more and had reached around to hold my head into her ass. I found it difficult to breathe but managed to grab enough air to keep going for a few moments.

It dawned on me that there was no doubt that I was hers and Angie's bitch, willing to do whatever they wanted me to do or do to me. And I loved it. I realised that I loved being dominated by women and was glad that Katie had also taken on the role. The good thing was, there was separation between me being their bitch and still being able to have some control over a situation. While having your head held tightly between the cheeks of a wonderful transsexual ass, to the point where breathing is difficult, might give the impression you are being forced to do so, I knew that this was one of those times when I had as much control over the situation as Tilly did. The agreement struck that I would be the girl's bitch whenever I was wearing women's clothing, was the perfect scenario for me and actually gave me control in that, if I wanted to be dominated, I simply had to wear something and make sure the girls knew it. Tilly broke my thought train.

'Fuck me James,' pleaded Tilly, so I stood up and, using some soap, lubed up my rock hard cock. I placed my cock head at the entrance to her asshole and pushed slowly. Used to accommodating her housemate, my smaller cock slipped in easily and, in a moment, my pubic bone was resting against her ass. Tilly reached over and turned the shower off as I began to slowly fuck her ass. I would pull my cock almost all the way out, pause and then push it all the way back in. I did this for a couple of minutes until Tilly cried out for more.

'Fuck me James, fuck me harder!' I complied and started hammering her ass, our wet bodies making loud smacking noises that echoed throughout the bathroom. I could feel my orgasm building and I reached around to grab Tilly's cock but found her hand was already working the stiff shaft. Tilly could feel I was near coming and begged me to finish.

'Please James, cum in my ass. Shoot your cream deep inside me. I want to feel your cock pulsing in my asshole!' I will give the girls one thing, they were great at the dirty talk and it always seem to heighten my excitement. This time was no different and I grabbed Tilly's ass tighter and pulled myself as deep as I could into her and shot my load.

'Fuuucck!' I cried out as I came. I could feel Tilly's ass muscles gripping my cock, trying to milk all of my cream out. I kept spurting deep inside her, as Tilly continued to work her own stiff shaft. Finally, I stopped cumming and rested a moment, my cock still buried deep inside Tilly, but beginning to soften.

'Eat my ass again James. I love it when someone eats cum out of my ass.' Without hesitating I knelt down and spread her ass cheeks, her tight hole still gaping slightly, a small amount of my cream leaking from it. I began to lick and suck the cum out of my ass and, after a few moments, Tilly was clean and she turned around and offered me her beautiful stiff cock, its dark purple head leaking clear precum.

'Make me wet James so I can fuck that wonderful tight ass of yours!' I looked up at her and smiled.

'Sure Tilly,' I replied as I took her stiff warm shaft in my right hand and guided it into my open mouth. I sucked the precum from her cockhead and then started slurping on her shaft, getting it all wet so I could deep throat her. With my left hand I gently massaged her big balls, feeling the weight of them, no doubt full of the cum that she was going to deposit into me. I took my right hand off her shaft and started jerking my semi hard cock. I slurped my way down her shaft and, before long, had my nose pressed hard against her pubic bone. I held myself there for as long as I could before gasping and releasing her cock shaft, it now being soaked in my saliva. Tilly took my head in both hands and I knew what she wanted, so opened my mouth aide. I was used to Angie face fucking me, so Tilly was no problem and it only took her a moment before getting up a steady rhythm that was pushing more and more of her cock down my throat.

Saliva poured out of my open mouth as Tilly continued to face fuck me and my cock was now rock hard.

'Get on your hands and knees,' ordered Tilly and I quickly complied. She positioned herself behind me and I felt her place her engorged cockhead on my asshole. 'Are you ready James?'

'Yes Tilly. Fuck me, fuck me with your hard girl cock!' I cried as she pushed herself into me. Like Angie, Tilly just shoved her whole length into me and started fucking me hard. It was difficult to keep my balance on the slippery tiles and I sort of shuffled us over to the wall so I could lean myself against it. With all the soaping, playing and sucking I did with Tilly's cock, I could feel she was not going to take long.

'C'mon Tilly, fuck me harder. Drive that beautiful cock deep in me. Stretch my ass!' Tilly was really driving herself hard into me and I found myself squashed against the shower wall. I was clenching my ass muscles, gripping her thick shaft and I could feel her cock getting larger and figured she was moments away from cumming. I was right as she said, her breathing strained:

'I'm about to come James, where do you want it?'

'All over my face Tilly.' She slipped her cock out of me and I turned around as she stood up. I looked up at her as she jerked on her shaft, her dark purple cockhead severely swollen, its slit flaring and open, waiting to release the cream from within. I opened my mouth wide and stuck out my tongue. I had come to love the taste of the girls cock cream and didn't want to miss any. Tilly grunted and cried out and I watched as the first jet of white cream shot out her slit and landed in the back of my throat. I tried to keep my eyes open to watch her shoot her delicious cream but the second shot hit me in the right eye so I ended up closing them as she deposited more of her cream on my tongue, cheeks and chin, finishing off by shooting the last of her spunk on my chest.

When she had finished cumming, she leant back against the shower wall and let go of her cock. It stayed sticking out from her body for a moment and then, through weight, exertion and gravity, started slowly drooping, pointing to the shower floor, the last of her cum dripping slowly from it. I leaned forward and took her cock into my mouth and sucked the remaining cream out of her.

'That was great James, thank you,' said Tilly. I stood up and turned the shower on and started cleaning her cum off me. I washed my face and turned and leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips.

'Anytime Tilly.'

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