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My Secret Lover


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I had always thought that James, though friendly enough, was rather conventional, and I had to rapidly re-assess my opinion of him in light of my discovery. Taking one of the books I retired to a comfortable chair near the window and opened it at random. I read,

"She knelt before him and opened his trousers from which his engorged manhood was attempting to escape. Reaching in for his love tool, she extracted it and slipped it into her mouth. She hungrily moved her mouth over it as he placed his hands on the top of her head. Her head moved back and forth rapidly and she finally began to take his entire root into her mouth at each forward stroke; the bulge of his manhood was visible in her throat as she swallowed as much of him as was available. His knees began to wobble slightly as her attentions continued and he began pushing his hips forward with each stroke. His passion rose to a peak and just before he reached it, she took his tool from her mouth and began to rapidly stroke it with her hand. A load of jism exploded from his manhood and splattered her face; she closed her eyes and welcomed further portions of love juice as his root jerked spasmodically. Finally he was spent and pulled from her, arranged his clothing, turned and walked away. Her hands fell to the floor and she remained in that position for some minutes as her breathing quieted."

I was feeling somewhat warm and there was a slight bulge in my trousers when I finished. In my younger years I would have immediately gone to my room and sought a measure of self-gratification, but as I grew older I gained an enjoyment of being mildly aroused for a time before I was satisfied, so I continued my perusing of James' erotic literature until luncheon. The variety of sexual activities described in these books and manuscripts was indeed large; it included certain types of which I did not care to read, much less participate in, but I conceded that this was merely a matter of taste and that any type of consensual sexual act between adults should be permitted.

Luncheon was a lively affair. Mary, James and the three girls were all present and my state of partial arousal helped me contribute my share. Throughout I attempted to catch a hint from the actions of Penelope, Marjorie and Susan as to which of them had shared my bed for a short time the previous night. I would fancy that I had caught an intimation from one of them, only to abandon her in favor of another one who looked at me with a smile, touched my hand or seemed overly attentive to me. At the end I was no closer to a conclusion than I had been the night before.

The afternoon passed quietly and after a dinner which was intentionally light because food would be plentiful during the evening's festivities, I found myself in my room preparing. I liked the dinner jacket; it was less staid than I had expected from James, but I had had to change my opinion of him once that day so why not twice? It was a little loose under the shoulders, but hung well. The effect was slightly spoiled by the white of the sling, but there was nothing for it since I couldn't allow my right arm to swing freely without incurring undue pain. I picked up the bottle of morphia tablets as I made to leave the room. I would have to be judicious concerning my alcohol consumption that night in case I had to resort to the morphia; I had been told at the hospital that morphia enhances the effect of alcohol, or vice versa.

I had been asked to meet Penelope in the drawing room so that I could escort her into the ballroom. As I entered she excused herself from a group of girls who all turned to look at me and moved gracefully toward me. She wore a blue off the shoulder gown which didn't quite show her cleavage, but which piqued the imagination of the observer. There was a pink orchid on the dress and her dark hair was flowing freely down her back.

"Penelope, you look absolutely ravishing!" I said to her.

Her blush was all I could have hoped for as she briefly lowered her eyes, then met mine.

"Thank you," she said in a voice barley above a whisper. Then, in a more normal voice, "You look very handsome, but I'm afraid you also look in need of comfort because of your arm," she said with a smile.

"Is that bad?" I asked, returning the smile.

"Of course it is. All of the girls will want to comfort you. You'll appeal to their maternal instinct."

We both laughed as she took my arm and we turned to enter the passageway to the ballroom.

In the passage I asked her if some of the girls would have to make an entrance without partners because of the dearth of men. She said no, the men were going to come back after escorting each woman to escort another until all the women were in the ballroom. When I asked if I should do this as well, she said that that wasn't necessary because she had arranged that I would escort only her. She grinned impishly up at me and said,

"I want to keep my favorite uncle with me as long as possible."

This flirtatious possessiveness was something I had not seen in Penelope before and I mused on its significance as we entered the ballroom.

The room was apportioned magnificently. It was designed to seat an orchestra that could be heard throughout, though it was not intrusive either to the eye or ear. There were numerous small tables with chairs and a surprising number of alcoves where a kind of privacy could be had. And of course a large dance floor.

After a short interval where food and slightly alcoholic punch could be had, the dancing began. I danced the first dance with Penelope, then she suggested I make myself available to the other girls. I danced with both Marjorie and Susan, not only because they were charming, attractive young women, but because I wanted to see if I could get a hint about my experience of the previous night. Both seemed bolder than previously and more flirtatious, but that could have been because the situation permitted it without the need for further intimacy. This, of course, could have applied equally well to Penelope's attitude. In any event the dancing was pleasurable and I danced with two other charming ladies before deciding I needed a break.

My arm was giving me some discomfort, but not, I thought, enough to warrant medication. I decided to go into the drawing room to sit and rest for a moment and turned to go that way. As I turned I realized that I really wanted to lie down so I reversed direction and headed for my room. I was walking down the hallway near my room when I heard a noise from one of the supposedly unused rooms and went to the door. There was a muffled voice coming from inside the room and I slowly opened the door so that I could see inside without being seen such that I could leave if matters so developed. The room was a small morning room with a table and chairs with two of the chairs removed from the table and leaning up against the table was a woman I had never seen before. She was bracing herself with her right hand on the table and was holding up the front of her dress to her waist with the other. Her head was thrown back, her eyes were closed, her mouth slightly open, her knees were slightly spread and James was kneeling in front of her with his face buried in her pubis! I was torn between consternation that my sister's husband was being unfaithful to her and arousal at the sight that was meeting my eyes. The arousal won, at least in the short run, and I made sure of the surreptitiousness of my position before resuming my vigil.

James' two thumbs were holding apart her labia and his tongue was rubbing her clitoris in circular motions. Her knees quivered slightly and she gave irregular audible inhalations of breath. The scene was most erotic; my manhood had formed quite a bulge in my trousers but I was constrained by my public location from removing it and seeing to its needs. He pressed his face closer to her and moved his hands behind her and began caressing her buttocks, pinching them and making her squirm slightly. She appeared to be losing her balance at one point and he had to support her while she regained it. Finally James took her hips in his hands and turned her around. She leaned over the table, supported by her elbows; James rose and pulled her dress up around her waist.

Wasting no time, he unfastened his trousers and pushed them to the floor, moving toward her in a walk reminiscent of a duck, the bane of lustful men everywhere who are too aroused to finish removing their trousers. The dimensions of his tool were most impressive; not only was it long, but thick as well and his pubic hair was very thick and curly. A thought that my sister must have a satisfying sex life was quashed by the remembrance that her husband was at this moment being unfaithful to her. Pushing that thought down, I watched as James spread her cheeks with his left hand and guided his tool into her love canal with the other. As his head entered, his partner gave a quick gasp and wiggled her hips backward to increase the penetration. He slowly began to move back and forth to provide a wider port for his member, but she would not have it. With one convulsive push backward, she buried his manhood to the hilt and gave a short squeal of pleasure. James began to move in and out vigorously and was accompanied by the gasps and moans of his partner.

She reached back and put her hand over his love root and let it slide up and down over it as he thrust into her. He then reached around her hips and began to manually stimulate her clitoris. This increased her pleasure and she demonstrated it by gasping at each thrust and arching her back to its utmost. The actions of her partner finally drove her to orgasm and she quivered and moaned in ecstasy as her pleasure peaked. James redoubled his effort and before long removed his member from her quim and rapidly moved his hand up and down it until his load of love juice burst from it and splattered over the lovely hips of his partner. A second load soon followed, and then a third and fourth, all impacting on the fair nether regions at his disposal. He leaned forward against her and supported himself with his hands on the table for a few moments as they rested after their erotic coupling. They began to separate and I quietly closed the door and stole toward my own room.

As I entered my room, I was torn. My state of arousal suggested a bout of autoeroticism, but the possibility that this would leave me unable to perform should I receive a nocturnal visit from my mystery lover argued abstinence. Also, my shoulder was producing discomfort and I did not know the effect morphia would have on my potency. I had heard two contrasting opinions; that it would prevent an erection, and that it would allow an erection, but would lower the sensitivity and allow for greater staying power. The persistent ache made this second conundrum irrelevant so I took the morphia, undressed, got into bed and shortly slipped into unconsciousness.

She appeared that night and our coupling was most exciting. The morphia had no adverse effect on my potency and did indeed appear to increase my ability to remain turgid. She rested with my rigid manhood still inside her after her first set of multiple orgasms, and then had a second set as she brought me to an explosive climax. When we finished she leaned forward and whispered in my ear,

"My big, beautiful hero."

She left me with a light kiss and a satisfied torpidity that was most enjoyable.

As my convalescence proceeded, I made further efforts to ascertain the identity of the woman who crept surreptitiously into my bedchamber at night. The girls stayed together for the rest of the summer, but did not spend all of it at Mary's house; rather, they moved among the houses belonging to the parents of the three. The pattern was that when they were here, I was visited at night; when they were not, I was not. On one occasion they were here, but Susan had to leave for a few days, and during that time, I received no visitation. My attention then focused on Susan, but I soon realized that either of the other could have abstained in order not to eliminate Susan from my calculations, or that my secret lover could be experiencing that peculiar monthly disability of women that prevented intimacy during its course.

My attempts at further intimacy with Sandra, my nurse, came to naught. She gently but firmly rebuffed my advances on two occasions. On the second occasion I asked her why.

"I've become engaged," she told me. "To a doctor I've been working with."

I wished her luck, truly meaning it and consoled myself with sessions of Onanism while the girls were not in residence.

I regained my health and strength rapidly during those last few weeks, and I must confess I stayed longer than my need dictated because the girls had not yet left for the finishing school they would all shortly be attending. All too soon the time came for the departure of the three and I made plans to leave on the same day to visit my parents before reporting back to the Army for re-assignment.

Plans were made for Penelope, Marjorie and Susan to leave from here in the morning. Marjorie and Susan's parents were to come that evening for dinner to see the three off. I was philosophical about the possibility that I would remain alone in my bed that night, or that if I did not, I would experience my last assignation with the woman who had provided me with such an intriguing mystery during my brief respite from military service. I was no closer to uncovering her identity than I was when she first visited me some weeks previously.

The dinner was a delicious and a merry one; the wine was excellent and, under the indulgent eyes of their parents, the three young ladies partook of it in quantities somewhat above that decreed by social custom. After dinner gifts from the parents were unwrapped amidst exclamations of surprise and satisfaction. A most enjoyable time was had by all those present.

The evening drew to a close and the guests took their leave. I said my goodnights and found my way to my room. Though my instincts insisted that, should I receive a visit from my mystery lover this evening, I do everything in my power to determine her identity, I resolved not to. If she wanted to remain unknown to me, so be it. She had given me a great deal of pleasure and attention when I had needed it most, and I would acquiesce to her wishes on this matter and keep her secret.

My slumber was interrupted by a familiar noise and I heard her robe rustling to the floor. In all of our previous encounters, I had remained passive while she worked her will on me, but I had resolved that this time things would be different. Pushing the sheet back I arose, went to her and put my arms around her waist. She made as if to push me away with her hands on my chest, but I persisted and soon she put her arms around my neck and offered me her lips. I responded with a depth of passion that I had not been able to show to this point and soon my hardened manhood was pressing enjoyably into her belly. She wiggled slightly, moving herself against me and producing and increasing level of excitement. We continued in that position for some moments, giving our hands free access to each other's bodies. I took her by the shoulders and gently turned her around so that she faced away from me and reached around her to take her breasts in my hands. They were delectable and I wasted no time caressing and squeezing them with abandon. As I did this, I nuzzled her neck, drawing my tongue from her shoulder up to her ear. I licked the inside of her ear, causing her to draw her shoulder up and give a little laugh as she made to withdraw. I allowed her to do so and returned my lingual attentions to her neck and shoulder, all the while continuing my manual manipulation of her appetizing breasts. Finally we parted by mutual consent and made for the bed.

I urged her gently into the bed and she laid down and presented her delectable body for my inspection. I kneeled on the bed beside her to her right, and supporting myself with my right hand on the bed across from her, I lowered my lips and took her right breast into my mouth. I began sucking gently and sliding my tongue over her nipple, which had been distended by its earlier encounter with my hand. She wiggled enticingly and gave little moans of pleasure as my tongue continued its pleasurable duty. She ran the fingers of both hands through my hair and over my neck and shoulders, scratching them lightly; this increased my pleasure immensely. I finished with her right breast for the moment, and turned my attentions to the left. I began to lave it with my tongue, making little circles, then taking it into my mouth and letting it slip out while keeping my lips together. Her moans were interspersed with little gasps of pleasure and she began a slight thrusting of her pelvis off the bed in response to my ministrations. In a moment I reversed my position on the bed and climbed on top of her, straddling her face and centering my manhood above her mouth.

She grabbed it with one hand and guided it between her lips and I began a slight thrusting of my hips, pushing my member in and out of her moist oral cavity. I then leaned forward on my elbows, reached under her thighs, spread her legs and opened her vulva with my thumbs. Her pleasure button was then open for my attentions, and I wasted no time in beginning slow, circular licking movements on the succulent nub. Her hips began to rotate and an occasional deep moan came from around my turgid rod. I rose from her in order to avoid a too rapid climax, and reversed myself on top of her. I brought my knees up toward her, opening her legs even further and leaving her love channel easily available for my use. But before I could proceed, she reached down and grabbed me urgently drawing me toward her and placed my swollen head between her succulent lips. I pushed forward smoothly and buried myself in her with one stroke, eliciting a moan and arching of the back from my lover. I began to rapidly stroke myself in and out of her as she clung to me as though she were drowning. Her moans kept time to my thrusts and we quickly came to a simultaneous climax, shuddering together in a series of diminishing spasms as our lust spent itself. We finally stopped, I on top supporting myself on my knees and elbows, as our breathing slowed. My now flaccid took finally exited its warm sheath and I moved and laid down beside her.

We exchanged light kisses briefly, and she got up and put on her robe. She returned to me and kissed me once more, then left my room. Although I had still not found out who she was, I was not longer tormented by this lack; in fact, I did not consider it a lack at all. The pleasure that she gave me and the knowledge that I had given as much to her over the course of my visit was sufficient.

The next morning the three girls and Mary and I climbed aboard the carriage for the trip to the train station. We had been able to arrange for the girls and me to take the same train to make the travel arrangements simpler.

We arrived early and sat in the waiting room for some minutes, the girls seeming a little subdued compared to the night before, a condition which I attributed at least partly to the quantity of wine which they had imbibed. Finally the train was called.

When it began time for the girls to take their leave of me, they each embraced me. Marjorie and Penelope both gave me a light kiss on the cheek and Susan extended the duration of the embrace to the limits of decorum. Since I had stopped playing the guessing game, I gave Susan's actions no more significance than either of the others'. The girls went toward the train leaving Mary and me together to say our good-byes.

"Thank you for everything," I said. "This has been the best convalescence I've ever had."

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