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My Sister's Ex-Girlfriend Ch. 07

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Laurel and Nyssa get married.
12.7k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/22/2016
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"Nyssa, open the door!" Sara whined.

"No, I feel ridiculous." Nyssa hissed through the door.

"No, you're just acting like it." Sara grumbled, and then after a pause reminded her former lover, "You know I can pick the lock, or breakdown the door, both thanks to your training, so you might as well..."

Before Sara could finish her threat Nyssa accepted her fate, slowly opening the door and looking at the woman she once thought she'd marry and asked softly, "So?"

"Nyssa... you're beautiful!" Sara exclaimed breathlessly, "Laurel is going to love it."

"Really?" Nyssa checked, "You don't think it's too much?"

"Not at all." Sara insisted, guiding her ex-girlfriend over to a full-length mirror and making her look at herself, "See? You're perfect."

Nyssa smiled softly, then grumbled, "It's not me though."

"Who cares?" Sara shrugged, "I'll take pants and a tank top almost any day over a dress, but for my wedding? Even I wore a dress."

"I know. I was there, remember?" Nyssa questioned dryly.

"I remember." Sara grinned, before nudging her, "Didn't you fuck my sister in the bathroom?"

"No!" Nyssa protested, truly scandalised, before admitting, "You're thinking of one of our double dates. For your wedding I was good and waited until we got home."

"If you say so." Sara said sceptically, before insisting, "The point is, I felt ridiculous too, even got cold feet. Came up with all kinds of reasons not to go out there and marry the woman I loved, and then the second we were standing at the altar everything clicked, and I wondered why I was so afraid. And now? Now I've never been happier. No offence."

"None taken." Nyssa smiled, "And me too."

"Good." Sara smiled, "So go out there and marry my sister."

There was a brief pause and then Nyssa said firmly, "I assure you, I am uncomfortable in this dress, because I'm in comfortable in this dress. It is not a metaphor for anything. This is the happiest day of my life, and my feet are not cold. They are fine, and I am better than fine. I'm marrying the love of my life, and I cannot wait to start spending our lives together as a married couple. Do you truly doubt that?"

"No, but you can't blame a girl for making sure." Sara pointed out.

"When it's you I can." Nyssa quipped, before gently asking, "But if you're feeling uneasy, can you check on my bride? Make sure she isn't feeling the same cold feet as you were?"

"Absolutely." Sara nodded, but instead of leaving she just stared at Nyssa for a few long seconds.

Which prompted Nyssa to ask, "What is it?"

"Nothing." Sara answered unconvincingly, and then when Nyssa gave her a look she admitted, "It's just... it's funny you know? How life works out sometimes? I remember promising myself I would never get married, and then thinking if I ever did, it would only ever be to you. And now, here we are."

"Here we are." Nyssa nodded, before revealing, "I always desired a bride, and I did think it would be you. But I'm glad it is not, as I believe we have truly found the right person for us."

"Wow..." Sara chuckled, "How did a pair of assassins get so lucky?"

"I have no idea. But I intend to spend the rest of my life earning it." Nyssa confessed.

"Me too." Sara agreed.

"Now, please check on my bride." Nyssa asked, before cautiously adding, "Sister?"

"No problem, sister." Sara smiled, kissing the other woman's cheek before leaving the room.


"So, wanna run away together?" Felicity joked, breaking the silence which had fallen over her and Laurel. Then when she received a stern look for it she began to babble, "What? That would be a hilarious twist given how you two met? And of course I'm joking, because I love Sara, and hey, pregnant here, so I'm not actually running anywhere..."

"It's okay, Felicity, I get it." Laurel reassured, and then unable to resist grinned, "But I'm just not that into you, so you have to settle for Sara."

"What? No, I... it was a joke!" Felicity protested, then sighing in relief when the conversation was interrupted by a knock, prompting her to call out, "Come in."

"Sara, just in time." Laurel grinned as her sister slipped into the room, "Felicity was just trying to upgrade from you to me."

"It was a joke." Felicity repeated weakly.

There was a brief pause in which Sara pretended to look angry, then she grinned and teased, "That's just because she wants to be the filling in a Lance sister sandwich, but like I keep telling her, we've got to invite Nyssa to, otherwise it would just be rude."

"Oh God, you'd like that, wouldn't you?" Laurel grumbled.

"Among other things." Sara admitted shamelessly, approaching her sister, "But I'm willing to let you two have your honeymoon first.

"Oh, how generous." Laurel rolled her eyes, before the two sisters chuckled and then hugged.

After a few long seconds Sara pulled back and told her sister, "You look beautiful."

"Thanks." Laurel smiled as she pulled away, then bit her lip as she looked at herself in the mirror and cautiously asked, "Do you think Nyssa will like it?"

"Are you kidding? She's going to want to tear that thing right off of you." Sara grinned.

"She better not." Laurel grumbled, "I told her a million times, I've been dreaming of this since I was a kid, and I want to keep this dress as a reminder of this perfect day."


Laurel should have known saying such a thing out loud was just asking for trouble. Hell, it was a miracle that her sister's wedding to Felicity had gone off without a hitch, and she should have probably known it was asking too much for them to have another wedding like that, but foolishly she had gone ahead with the plans that she had since she was a child, albeit with another bride instead of a groom.

It had of course blown up in her face, but even in her wildest nightmares she couldn't have imagined it would have been because of evil doppelgängers of herself and her friends from another universe. That's just not what little girls thought about, or at least it wasn't what she had thought about, and yet it had happened to her, and now her special day was thoroughly ruined.

By the time the smoke cleared and the threat had been fully dealt with Team Flash had lost it's oldest member, someone Laurel only knew in passing, but it was still terrible, the priest had been killed before he could finish the ceremony, and there were who knows how many others dead or injured from the surrounding area. Also while it couldn't compare to death and injury, the wedding dress of her dreams was thoroughly ruined, as was Nyssa's equally breath-taking dress.

In fact pretty much everyone's clothes were ripped, tatted and burnt beyond repair, and they all sat glumly outside of what used to be a nice church, until literal Nazis ruined it! Oh God, Laurel was the Black Canary, who had faced all kinds of pain and trauma, and yet at this moment she felt as if she was about to cry, even Nyssa's arms bringing her only a little comfort.

"It's ruined!" Laurel whimpered numbly into Nyssa's chest, those tears finally beginning to fall, "It's ruined!"

"It's okay." Nyssa reassured softly, something she'd never done before meeting Lance sisters. Then when she got a look from her bride she quickly reminded her, "Everything was insured. Admittedly not against Nazi invaders from another universe, but between us we will make sure we get what we are owed, and then we will just do the ceremony over."

There was a brief pause and then beside despite herself Laurel chuckled softly, "Was, was that a joke?"

"No." Nyssa frowned, "Which part would have been a joke?"

"The... never mind." Laurel gave up before even really trying, "But what if it happens again? What if we are cursed? How can I just get over something like this, when I know this was how our wedding went?"

"Ah come on sis, the day isn't over yet." Sara reminded her sister as she and her wife approached the two brides, "The way I see it, we can remember this day is a disastrous wedding, or an eventful one."

Seeing the predictably confused looks on the faces of their friends Felicity quickly chimed in, "We were prepared for something like this. As Nyssa said, not Nazis, but between multiple teams of heroes we've collected quite the number of enemies, and it's hardly surprising someone tried to spoil our fun. But we won't let them. Not if you're willing to get a little, creative."

"She's just being modest, by the way." Sara beamed at her wife, "I was just assuming everything would work out okay, but Felicity was the one that came up with a backup plan, because she's so smart, wonderful, and-"

"Get to the point Sara!" Nyssa said flatly, not wanting her bride to endure more pain.

"Right." Sara blushed slightly, before explaining, "The point is, we don't need a priest. We can marry you."

"Myself and Sara signed up to get ordained online, just in case something like this would happen. And one of us would be injured, or..." Felicity trailed off, not wanting to complete her sentence, before happily adding, "But, we're both fine, and honestly, we'd both like to marry you, if that's okay? To each other, I mean. Not... erm, and we still have plenty of witnesses, sooooo..."

"And as for venue, we have the perfect spot..." Sara grinned.


"Arrow HQ? Really?" Laurel sighed.

"What? Everybody here knows about what we really do with our spare time, and as that's what truly defines us, what truly defines the two of you, why not?" Sara argued.

"I know... but..." Laurel grumbled, hesitant to point out, "This, isn't where me and Nyssa got together. It's where YOU and Felicity got together."

"I know." Sara grinned sadistically, "Right over there, on those mats, where Oliver is now standing on. It was magical."

Which caused Felicity to blush, but she quickly pointed out, "What Sara meant to say was that your apartment wouldn't fit everyone, so this is really the best place."

"And besides, you spent months pining for each other in here, and then acting like a sickeningly in love couple, so again it's perfect." Sara pointed out.

"I don't know about perfect, but it will do." Laurel grumbled, before turning to her bride, "I just want to marry you. Right now, before anything else goes wrong."

"Me too." Nyssa said softly, gently cupping Laurel's face.

"Great..." Sara grinned, before adding in a teasing tone, even though she was serious, "But you might want to skip the sappy speeches this time."

Laurel glared at her sister, before grumbling, "Yeah, you're probably right."

"I always am." Sara teased with a grin, before calling out loudly, "Everybody listen up, we all know why we're here, so like my sister so romantically said, let's just do this before anything else goes wrong."

"I'm going to kill you." Laurel grumbled, causing Sara to stick out her tongue at her.

Ignoring that Felicity called out, "We are gathered here today to join Laurel Lance and Nyssa al Ghul in holy matrimony. If anyone here today knows any reason these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Only a few short seconds later Sara quickly added, "Great... Laurel, do you take this woman to be your wife?"

"I do." Laurel said without hesitation.

Sara smiled, and turned to her ex-girlfriend, "And do you-"

"I do." Nyssa interrupted quickly.

"Then by the power invested in us by the Internet..." Felicity grinned.

The two blondes then announced together, "We pronounce you wife and wife."

"You may now kiss the bride." Sara grinned.

For the briefest of moments Laurel wanted to turn to her sister and her bride and complained how rehearsed that sounded, and how much joy they were taking out of this nonideal wedding, but this entire time she had been staring at Nyssa al Ghul, who was now her wife, and she was overwhelmed by the desire to kiss her.

And of course before she could do anything about it Nyssa stepped forward, pulled her into her arms and gently but forcefully kissed her. Oh yes, as always Nyssa was taking control, Laurel happily letting her and then melting into that kiss as their friends cheered and clapped around them. Then Laurel found herself being pulled more firmly into strong arms as the kiss was broken and they turned to smile at their friends and family.

It wasn't even close to what Laurel had been planning all these years, but it was still wonderfully magical. The room was even cleared so that she and Nyssa could enjoy their first dance, before the rest join them, Sara and Felicity dancing close enough to them that Laurel could see them smiling goofily and giving them thumbs up. Which made Laurel grumbled 'dorks', but smiled gratefully at them for saving her special day.

Of course it was late, and there was nothing to eat and drink, so it wasn't long before their friends and family made their excuses and then went looking for a better equipped after party, while the two brides eagerly returned to where things had began between them for a real celebration.


"Wait, stop!" Laurel insisted, pushing Nyssa away from her once they got through the door of their apartment.

"What's wrong, my wife?" Nyssa asked, both were pausing as they enjoyed those last words. Then Nyssa guessed, "Do you not trust me to take off your dress?"

"No." Laurel said flatly, and unapologetically.

There was a brief pause in which Nyssa glared at her bride, before reluctantly admitting, "You're probably right not too, but only because I desire you so."

"I appreciate that." Laurel smiled softly, before promising, "But if you can keep your hands to yourself long enough, I promise to make it worth your while."

Nyssa wasn't convinced anything could be worth not touching Laurel right now. Then again there was no way she could touch her enough in this moment, and she had survived this long denying herself so she could deny herself longer. It was what she was trained for after all. To wait for the right moment, and denying what she wanted for the greater good.

Even if that had meant she'd already wasted a lot of time that she could have been with this woman. But it was what Laurel wanted, and it was now Nyssa's sworn duty to make her wife happy, that wonderful thought soothing her enough so that she could follow Laurel into the bedroom with their clothes intact.

"Sit down, and enjoy the show." Laurel insisted once they were inside.

Without hesitation Nyssa sat on the edge of the bed and waited for her reward. She wasn't waiting long before, predictably, her bride began giving her a strip tease. Laurel had always been good at them, but admittedly this was a rare treat which Nyssa didn't get to enjoy that often because she was always tearing off Laurel's clothes, often literally.

Initially Nyssa hadn't thought Laurel could do that much in a wedding dress, but she should have known better than to doubt her wonderful bride, because The Black Canary slowly danced for her in time with some music she put on, wiggling Nyssa's favourite parts of her in front of her face before agonisingly slowly unzipping the dress and pulling it down.

Then Nyssa had to clutch the edge of the bed to stop herself from attacking Laurel with her mouth and hands, as The Black Canary was dressed in the most beautiful underwear she'd ever seen. Admittedly it was similar to the other things she had worn, but usually that was black because of her chosen code name, whereas this was white to match the special day, and just so wonderfully lacy.

Oh, and the way that bra hugged Laurel's breasts made them look like an extra cup size, which was really saying something. And that thong barely covered Laurel's pussy, which was already wet, and when she turned around to show off her butt again it was like a tiny piece of string in between her ass cheeks, revealing that her forbidden hole was plugged and ready for Nyssa to use it.

Such things weren't unusual for Laurel to wear, because she knew just how wild it drove Nyssa, but to think she had been wearing such things under her wedding dress, after making such a big deal of today, was truly mind blowing. Especially as the prim and proper Laurel Lance, and now Laurel al Ghul much to Nyssa's delight, had got married with a butt-plug in her bottom so she could properly please her ass loving top on their wedding night.

Something Nyssa got an even better look at as Laurel bent over and slowly pulled down her thong. She then straightened up, turned around and pulled off that bra equally slowly. Nyssa was particularly sad to see that go, but she couldn't complain, especially as afterwards her wife closed the distance between them and encouraged her to stand up so she could slowly remove Nyssa's dress and underwear.

Once they were both naked Laurel softly confessed, "I love you, Nyssa al Ghul."

Without hesitation Nyssa softly retorted, "I love you too, Laurel al Ghul."

They exchanged a soft smile, and then Laurel gently pushed Nyssa down, crawled onto her lap and asked, "How much?"

"More than words could ever do justice too." Nyssa promised.

"Enough for you to let me go down on you first?" Laurel pushed.

They both knew this was a big ask, so Nyssa didn't reply without hesitation this time, but eventually she nodded, "Okay, but then you're mine."

"I always was." Laurel promised, "And I always will be."

Laurel then kissed her new wife softly and then pulled away to worship her body. Or at least that had been the plan, but despite her promise Nyssa held her firmly in place with a strong grip on her thighs and deepened the kiss. Not that Laurel could complain. In fact she did the exact opposite, moaning happily into Nyssa's mouth and then massaging her bride's tongue with her own when it invaded her mouth.

Besides, Nyssa might have temporarily taken control from her, but she was yet to flipped their positions, insinuating that she had every intention of living up to her word, she just wanted another long making out session first, and Laurel was more than okay with that.

Then just as Laurel was the one becoming lost in it Nyssa broke the kiss and smiled softly at her, causing The Black Canary to smile with blissful happiness at her top before she jumped into action trying to please her like the submissive little bottom she was. At first this just involved gently kissing the side of Nyssa's neck, an area which was normally her dominant lover's alone to play with, but tonight Laurel would linger there to show two could play that game.

That she was just as capable of digging her teeth into Nyssa's neck, and then licking and sucking it better to mark the other woman as her territory. Because that's what Nyssa was now. Oh yes, Laurel had been Nyssa's for a very long time now, but it was also vice versa, especially now they had made it official and got hitched in front of their family and friends.

Which was enough for Laurel to give Nyssa's ear the same treatment, and whisper things into it such as, "Oh baby, I love you so much. You're my world. And now I'm going to show you that. Mmmmmm yessssss, I'm going to eat your pussy so good. Just like you taught me. Yes, I'll be a good little lesbian wife and show you just how much I love you. And how much I love that pussy of yours."

Admittedly it wasn't the most original dirty talk in the world, but it was clearly having a very positive effect on Nyssa, and it wasn't even that long before Laurel went back to licking, sucking and nipping at her wife's ear. For that matter it was not long before she started kissing her way down Nyssa's chest and up one boob so she could wrap her lips around one of her lover's nipples, which again got a positive reaction, this time in the form of a hand coming up to press against that chest.

Which made Laurel smile around that nipple, because of course Nyssa had to be a little bit in control. But to be fair it was their wedding night, so it was only fair to let that slide. Especially when she had more important things to concentrate on, namely the nipples which she started going back and forth on.


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