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Nails of Faith Twist a Little More Ch. 06

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The move to Finland.
4.2k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/05/2020
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When the couple woke up, they enjoyed each other's company for a minute and then got dressed. The kids were curled up on the couch with April, watching old home movies of Bam, picked carefully so Missy wasn't in them.

"Look mama! Daddy was fun too!" Rebecca smiled when she saw Silke.

"Yes sweetie he was." Silke tried to smile, but was really sad to see the old Bam.

Ville pulled his wife down on the couch, wrapping his arms around her, watching the kids enjoy the video's.

Both their hearts and April's broke seeing Bam being his happy, crazy cheerful self. His blue eyes sparkling, his smile big, not the pale ghost he was now.

"Dad should see this!" Rebecca said after a while. "Can he come?"

The adults sighed, April looked at Ville and Silke to see what they were going to do.

"I'm sorry he can't kulta, he's getting better remember?" Ville said softly, trying his best not to upset his little girl.

"Can we take it to him then? I feel better now!" the little girl was getting worked up again.

"How about we make him a package? Put the video in there, all his favourite things, a few drawings and pictures and mail it to him?" April pitched in.

"Yes! Draw!" Timo yelled.

"Why don't you take Timo to get your crayons Rebecca?" Silke replied, happy to get the kids distracted again. "and I'll get some paper."

"Ok mama." Rebecca smiled, happy with the idea.

"We are taking them to Finland April, they need to get away from here, be distracted with new things." Silke said as soon as the kids were out of the room.

"You just want them as far away from Bam as possible." April sighed "and I can't blame you."

"I'm sorry April, I just don't trust him." Silke sat down next to April. "I really hope he gets better, and then we can start working on his relationship with the kids and us, but for now."

"For now you need to focus on your little family. Keep them safe and happy. I understand sweetie."

"Thank you April, we will keep in touch, you can always come visit, and we will come visit too, we don't want to keep you and Phil away from them."

"I would appreciate that." April smiled before pulling Silke in a big hug.

April and Silke went to draw with the kids, Ville went to take care of their move to Finland, now it was only a matter of telling the kids, Timo wouldn't be such a problem, but Rebecca might be.

A few days later the Valo family was on the plane to Finland, they booked an evening flight to frankfurt so the kids would sleep most of the flight and were awake for their connecting flight to Helsinki.

Rebecca and Timo had taken the news of the move to Finland well, Rebecca insisted on making the care package for Bam a bit bigger now she wouldn't be around to make them every week.

Both were looking forward to getting a new room, Kari and Anita couldn't wait to see their grandkids.

When they transferred in Frankfurt the kids were wide awake, not used to airports like their parents were, they had to see everything and wanted something in every shop. They both got a stuffed animal, Rebecca a fluffy sheep with a pink flower in it's hair, Timo a big rat of the movie ratatouille. Next they had breakfast in starbucks, Ville never liked plane food let alone the coffee they served on there.

The energy the kids had in Frankfurt, changed into whining when they landed in Helsinki. They wanted to play, they wanted to eat, they wanted to sleep, anything but wait for their luggage.

"Maybe you should go outside with them and I'll wait for the luggage?" Ville suggested to Silke as she had threatened to put them on the luggage transport band that would take them away to a very dark place which of course made Timo cry and Rebecca was now comforting her little brother.

"You can't take all our luggage alone, and they are distracted for a minute." Silke sighed, feeling bad about what she said, so she walked over to her son.

"Timo, mama is sorry, I'm tired too." Silke said carefully.

"Going home?" Timo asked with a small voice.

"To our other home!" Rebecca answered happily, looking forward to a new room.

"Other home?" Timo asked puzzled.

"Yes Timo we are going home." Silke smiled relieved when she saw one of their bags turn the corner.

They gathered all their luggage, and walked out, looking for Ville's parents who were supposed to pick them up.

Silke's surprise was big when the first person she recognized was her own mother.

"Mama! What are you doing here?" Silke yelled.

"Anita let me know you guys were coming, and invited me over, she knew it had been a while since I all saw you." Vanessa smiled as her daughter hugged her.

"Thanks Anita!" Silke hugged Anita too.

"No thanks needed kulta."

Silke hugged Kari and then wondered why Ville and the kids weren't saying hello, so she turned around and found the kids hiding behind Ville, clinging to him, preventing him from moving at all.

So Silke walked to her husband and kids and crouched down "Hei there, what seems to be the problem here?"

"No problem, love Isa." Timo said.

"Who are those people?" Rebecca asked silently, peaking next to Ville and Silke towards Kari, Anita and Vanessa who were standing patiently, knowing the kids didn't know them that well.

"Well that is Kari, he is ïsa's ïsa, Anita is ïsa's aïta, and Vanessa is my mama."

"Memaw and pepaw?" Timo peaked around Ville too.

Ville smiled down at his kids and wife. "Yes just like memaw and pepaw." he took Rebecca's hand and Timo's hand, waited till Silke got up and out of the way and then walked over to his parents and mother-in-law.

"Say hello to my little brats." he smiled.

"I'm not a brat!" Rebecca pulled away and stuck out her hand to Anita "I'm Rebecca."

Anita smiled "She's a little character." she said in Finnish to Ville before she reached down and said hello to Rebecca.

"Mama?" Timo reached for Silke. The Finnish had startled him, Rebecca was just wondering what the babbling was.

Silke picked up Timo and said hi to everyone like that, while apologizing too.

"Don't be sorry, he hasn't seen us all that much, it's normal he's shy especially after such a long flight. We'll get you home so you can settle in." Anita smiled as she caressed Timo's cheek, which he surprisingly allowed and even seemed to like.

They all got into the big rental car Kari had rented for the occasion and drove home, not the tower, but the family home Ville had gotten after Timo was born. It was closer to his parents and more practical than the tower, but Ville loved his tower too much to get rid of it.

Timo had fallen asleep in the car so Ville picked him up and they walked in quietly, "I'll go put him in his bed and then help with the suitcases."

"Where is my room???" Rebecca asked enthusiastically, Silke tried to quiet her down but Timo startled awake.

"Shhh enkeli we are home, sleep some more." Ville whispered, Timo curled up against his father.

"Why don't you curl up into bed with him? You look exhausted too." Silke said lovingly.

"And leave you with all the unpacking? No I'll tuck him in and come back down."

"Rebecca, are you tired? Feel like taking a nap in the big bed with all of us?" Silke asked the little girl.

"All together?" Rebecca asked suspiciously.

"Yes all together I'm tired and so are ïsa and Timo."

"I am too, a bit."

By this time Ville's parents and Silke's mum walked up with the suitcases. "Do you all mind if you just drop those and we go take a nap? We'll come over later but we are just exhausted." Ville asked, liking his wife's idea.

"Of Course not, your fridge is stocked with food if you get hungry, just let us know when you are back to feeling human." Anita smiled.

"Thanks aïta." Ville smiled, giving her and everyone else a kiss, Silke did the same and Rebecca stunned everyone by following her parents example.

The foursome walked up to the master bedroom, Ville put Timo down, got his shoes off then took his own shoes off and curled up into bed.

Silke first took off Rebecca's shoes, then her own, she helped the little girl into bed and then curled up next to her.

The foursome fell asleep in a record time, all exhausted from their long flight.

Silke woke up in the arms of the love of her life, she snuggled up with him, still amazed that Ville chose her as his wife. Then she noticed that the kids weren't in bed with them. She looked around but didn't see them.

"Ville the kids are gone!" Silke panicked, still not completely over Bam's acting up and taking the kids.

"Huh? What?" Ville asked, sleepy.

Silke jumped out of bed, "THE KIDS!" she now yelled!

"Yes mama?" Rebecca yelled back, hearing Silke yell in their playroom.

Silke ran to the playroom and found the kids checking out their new toys and playing with them.

"You were still sleeping, so Timo and I came here to play till you woke up." Rebecca said a little scared, she didn't know if it was ok in this new house.

"That is really good of you sweetie." Silke smiled as she sat down with the kids.

"So do you like your new playroom kultaseni?" Ville asked as he walked in too.

"Yes!" both kids replied happy.

"And are you all hungry?" Silke asked, seeing her stomach was rumbling.

"YES!" the kids yelled this time.

"How about we take a quick shower, get on some clean clothes and go out for a late lunch?" Ville suggested not wanting to cook now.

The kids were up for that although Timo rather wanted to take a bath, they quickly let Ville's parents know what they were planning, and if they wanted to join.

One of the fun things in this house was a huge shower so they could all take a shower together, with the kids still small it was handy if they needed to be clean fast.

"Mama bath!" Timo pouted in the bathroom.

"Timo, come take a look at the big shower." Silke tried to convince him.

When Timo actually saw the shower his eyes sparkled "Mama shower too?"

"And big sister and ïsa" Silke smiled.

"All together?" Rebecca asked, surprised.

"Yes all together, isn't that fun? Much more fun than a bath?" Ville smiled at the faces his kids were making.

"Yes!" Timo started pulling at his clothes, Silke helped him, Rebecca was helped by Ville, and they all got in the shower, washing away the long flight, giggling and splashing, one happy family.

Dressing went fast too as the kids were hungry and thus co-operative, a cab was waiting in front of the house to take them to the restaurant.

Their parents were already waiting for them, Ville and Silke said their hello's, the kids once again hiding behind their parents.

"Aw come on sillies, say hello to your grandparents." Ville smiled as he turned around, picked up Timo and placed him next to his mother, Silke did the same with Rebecca and her mother.

During lunch, the adults cached up, letting the kids adjust to their new surroundings, laughing with the kids faces when Ville and his parents spoke Finnish or when Silke and her mother spoke Flemish.

"What are you saying mama?" Rebecca asked at one point.

"What a wonderful little girl you are." Silke smiled. "but seeing you are so shy my mama doesn't want to believe me."

"Then why don't I understand you?"

"Cause I'm speaking Flemish."

"ïsa too?"

"No ïsa is speaking Finnish." Silke smiled

"You should speak normal!" Rebecca pouted.

"You all sure that is Bam's daughter?" Anita asked.

Ville and Silke looked at each other, did either of them ever spill the truth to them?

"Just look at her pouting! She has the Valo pout down alright!" Anita laughed.

Everyone looked at Rebecca and indeed, her pouting did look a lot like Ville's and everyone laughed, even Rebecca.

"Can I go sit with" then Rebecca looked at Silke "what do I call her?" pointing at Anita.

Anita smiled "You can call me whatever you want, grandma, Anita, mummi, what you call April."

"Can I go sit with mummi?" Rebecca picked what she liked best.

"Off course you can sweetheart."

So Rebecca slipped off her seat and walked to Anita to get on her lap, the little girl started talking to her and asking her all kinds of things about Finland.

Ville and Silke were happy to see her open up, Timo was watching his sister intently, now and then asking Anita something too.

After lunch they went for a walk in the city, let the kids see their surroundings, get some fresh air after the long flight.

When walking along the harbour, Ville had to jump out of the way of a biker.

"OI!" Ville yelled.

The biker stopped, and went back, when he saw who he almost ran over he tossed his bike on the ground and yelled in Finnish "Ville! Sorry! You back in town?" Before hugging the singer tightly.

"Hei Jussi, else you wouldn't be running me over." Ville laughed.

Rebecca walked over to her dad and Jussi, put her hands on her hips and said "ïsa and stranger stop talking funny! Talk normal!"

Jussi looked down at Rebecca and laughed "Hello there little princess, but you are talking funny and normal."

"I am not!" Rebecca replied undignified.

"You are, ïsa is Finnish for dad."

Rebecca looked at her father, hoping he would say she was right.

"I'm sorry kulta, Jussi is right."

"Hmm ok then only funny words I know!" Rebecca said determinant.

Jussi laughed, picked up Rebecca and twirled her around, everyone looked scared at the couple, scared that Rebecca would start screaming, but no she seemed to take to Jussi in a heartbeat and was laughing her little heart out.

"So are you staying long?" Jussi asked as he put Rebecca back on the ground.

"Yes, till the tour starts, so give me a call to catch up." Ville replied.

"Will do!" Jussi smiled, getting his bike, ruffling Rebecca's hair and taking off.

"No! Jussi stay!" Rebecca begged.

"I can't kulta, I have a meeting to go to, but I promise to call your ïsa to come and visit, ok?" Jussi smiled, the little girl's begging going straight to his heart.

"Pinky swear?" Rebecca held out her pinky.

Jussi smiled, "pinky swear." and then the drummer took off, already late for his meeting.

"Ïsa you have your phone with you?" Rebecca asked as soon as Jussi was out of sight.

"Yes I have." Ville smiled, endeared that Rebecca had fallen for Jussi, but well could he really blame her? Jussi had looked gorgeous.

"Is it turned on?"

"Yes it is, would you like to have it in your purse?" Ville smiled, knowing she would bug him every minute otherwise.

"Can I?" Rebecca got a huge smile on her face.

"If you promise to keep it safe in your bag, not take it out every five minutes, it's loud so you will hear it if it rings."

"Thank you ïsa!"

And their walk continued until Timo complained he was tired again, they decided they had enough for today and went back home, Rebecca was starting to pout cause Jussi hadn't called yet.

Once home, Timo was put into bed for a nap, Rebecca curled up on the couch holding Ville's phone.

"Rebecca certainly loves Jussi." Ville smiled.

"Yeah, he better call soon or you might need to get a new phone." Silke smiled as she sat down in Ville's lap.

"He better, I miss spending time with him." Ville sighed.

"Ow I see where Rebecca gets her infatuation from now." Silke teased Ville.

"We are close friends, nothing more!" Ville blushed.

"That blush right there tells me you at least thought about him differently. And who could blame you really? He's cute, toned, funny, a bit like a young Bam really..." Silke rambled.

Ville glared at her "Jussi is nothing like Bam! He's sweet and loyal and decent and "

Silke interrupted Ville "I'm sorry! I don't know Jussi all that well, he just seems like a fun and cute guy."

"I'm sorry too, guess Bam will be a sore point for a while." Ville hugged Silke.

"Is daddy moving here too?" Rebecca asked after hearing her dad's name.

"No sweetie remember he has to get better first?" Silke smiled.

"Ow yes, ïsa can you call Jussi?" Rebecca held out his phone to him.

"If he hasn't called by your bedtime I will, but remember he had a meeting?" Ville smiled.

"But I want to show him my room!" Rebecca pouted.

"And who says you can have strange boys in your room missy?" Silke said sternly.

"He isn't a stranger! He's a friend of ïsa!"

"Yes mama, he's a friend of mine and now of the entire family." Ville chimed in with his daughter.

"Guess so, don't you have a 69 eyes DVD we can watch?" Silke asked in the hope this would calm Rebecca down.

"I should have somewhere!" Ville got up almost tossing Silke to the floor.

"Guess you like seeing Jussi in action!" Silke laughed as she sat down next to Rebecca. "Do you know what Jussi does?"

"No, does he sing like ïsa?"

"No he plays drums like Gas."

"But he isn't like Gas!" Rebecca said "He's pretty like ïsa!"

"Thank you sweetheart, let's see if you like the 69 eyes." Ville smiled.

Very quickly Rebecca was dancing with Ville in the living room, Rebecca playing air drums, Ville singing along, and Silke quickly got the camera out to tape the entire scene.

It was adorable to see how those two had fun on the eyes music. When the DVD was done, Silke asked her daughter the silly question if she liked the DVD.

"Mama! I want a drum set! Jussi can teach me! Please?"

Ville laughed, when they talked about having kids they always said if their kids ever asked for an instrument they would get it, Silke regretted agreeing to that now.

"We'll see about that sweetheart."

"But I want to drum!" Rebecca pouted.

"Well maybe Jussi will let you play his." Ville smiled, thinking about getting one as a surprise and putting it in the tower.

"Can we call Jussi now?" Rebecca smiled at the mention of Jussi.

Ville looked at his watch and sighed, knowing Rebecca would be a pain until she talked to Jussi "Ok You can call him, but if he says he's still busy you just hang up ok?"

"Ok!" Rebecca got Ville's cellphone, handed it to Ville so he could dial the number then grabbed it again.

"Moi Moi Ville, mitä kuuluu?"

"No it's not ïsa, it's Rebecca." Rebecca answered.

"And who is Rebecca?"

"Jussi! You promised to call me!" Rebecca got upset.

"Aw but this isn't Jussi sweety, it's his boyfriend." Jonne answered.

Rebecca didn't know who Jonne was so she gave the phone back to Ville "It's not Jussi!"

Ville took the phone and listened to who it was.


"Hei Ville, it's Jonne, Jussi forgot his phone. Who was the girl?"

"My daughter, we ran into Jussi before his meeting and lets just say she likes him."

"Well I can see the attraction." Jonne laughed "He isn't back yet, should be any minute now."

"Well when he does, remind him to call her? Else we won't get any rest, especially not after seeing a 69 eyes dvd."

"Do you have any plans for dinner?"

"No we are still adjusting to the change in time so we'll have a quiet evening."

"Ok else I would invite you and your family over for dinner." Jonne said.

"Give me a second." Ville said then turned to Rebecca "will you go check on your brother for me?"

"How about Jussi?"

"He isn't home yet."

"Ok then." and the little girl went upstairs.

"Kulta do you feel up to having company for dinner? Jonne invited us to dinner but I thought it would be better to have them over with the kids?"

"Jonne? Them?" Silke asked, confused.

"Jonne and Jussi have been a couple for a while."

"Ow, sure but can we get take away or something? Don't feel like going cooking just yet."

"Of Course sweetheart." Ville smiled.

"Jonne, how about you and Jussi come over here? It's easier with the kids and all."

"Sure if it's not too much trouble!" Jonne replied enthusiastically.

"No, we'll just get some take away if that's good with you guys."

"Don't worry about the food! Jussi and I will bring the food, do the kids have anything they don't eat?"

"Well they are pretty picky with greasy stuff and meat these days..."


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