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Naive Teacher in Winston Ch. 04


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The teacher gasped when Lukas announced, staring mesmerized at the beautiful specimen of masculinity in front of her.

"Oh wow, it's huge!" - says Chloe. "Sorry Lukas, I was wrong." - she says blushing at the sight. Andrew makes an upset sound at his girlfriend's words. Lukas was still upset at her and made a mental note to get revenge someday.

No student made any noises for a while, they all waiting to see what the teacher was going to do next. As if hypnotized, Lana starts to reach out for Lukas' penis.

Jim calls her, interrupting. She snaps her head at looks at Jim, quickly putting her hand down.

"Miss Lana, can you continue the lesson now?" - he asks. He didn't want her touching anyone else.

"S-sure... sorry about that. Lukas, I apologize for what I said, it was not nice of me, not an appropriate teacher behavior." - she says staring directly at his dick.

"No prob teach!" - he says turning around slightly, until his cock contacts her cheek.

"Eeek!" - she yelps and backs up a bit in shock. She bumps into Wyatt and his semi-hard penis rubs again her neck and lower jaw.

"Watch out!" - Wyatt says caught by surprise.

"Ahhhh..." - she yelps again, backing against the white board. She shakes all over, having another small orgasm. Chloe is the only one that notices it.

"Miss Lana, the lesson?" - Evie reminds her, trying to bail out the teacher of the situation.

"R-right! Please stop moving both of you." - she pleads. "Now I will show the regions that I explained earlier using their penises as examples." - she explains with her heart beating.

She picks up the pointer and uses it to point at the areas of the penis she is describing. She avoids direct contact, taking turns and showcasing the same areas on each of them.

"Okay, for the last area underneath. Erm... Wyatt... can you... lift it?" - she asks him, nodding at his penis. She didn't have to ask Lukas since he was still hard.

"Sorry Miss Lana, I should not touch it. Maybe you can use the pointer." - he grins.

"I guess so..." - she lifts it up using the pointer and spends a moment describing the region.

"Can you point to the area Miss Lana? We are not sure." - says BJ from the back.

"Ugh... fine..." - she sighs in resignation, using her other hand to point at it.

She finishes her explanation and pulls the pointer away, letting the penis fall. Distracted, she forgot to remove her hand first, and Wyatt's dick lands fully on the back of her hand.

"Eeek! Wyatt, your big peen touched my hand!" - she exclaims moving her hand away. She felt as if it scalded her, like touching a hot pan.

"Sorry Miss Lana, but it was an accident." - Wyatt explains. "Besides, it was your doing." - he reasons.

"And we all know accidents don't count." - grins Lukas next to her. She nods. "Ooops..." - he says, tripping on purpose and landing his penis on her shoulder.

"Get it away!" - Lana exclaims, absentmindedly grabbing the penis and pushing it out of the way. She freezes once she realizes what she has done.

"Oh wow, teach touched my dick! But I guess accidents don't count." - he says laughing. A few of his classmates snicker at her predicament.

'Oh my god, I touched his erect penis... it was so hard, and warm, and big. Definitively bigger than Dens... Lana, control yourself.' - she thinks with her mind in turmoil.

She tries to regain her composure. Her hand can still feel the warmth of the dicks. She moves back and stands up.

"We should end today's lesson here. This is all!" - she announces awkwardly. "You both can get dressed." - she tells them. They start putting their clothes back quickly, not wanting to push the teacher.

"Miss Lana, will we continue on Males next week?" - asks Chloe.

"I guess we will, we still have other areas to cover." - she explains.

The bell rings. And the students start to leave while chatting about the class.

"Thanks Miss Cox, this class almost topped the last! Looking forward to more biology, my uncle will be hearing great things." - Andrew states calmly as he leaves.

"Teach, maybe next time you can touch harder, so I come!" - says Lukas laughing. He leaves before Lana can get a word in.

Still in a daze because of the events of the class, she gathers her belongings and makes her way to the Staff Room.


Interlude --- Winston Secret Chat Group

"Oh boys... the floodgates are open." - says user BjTTT. He then shares the photos of the biology class that he took stealthily.

The best one is a photo of Wyatt's cock hitting her cheek, unfortunately he didn't manage to get one of Lana grabbing Lukas's dick, it was too fast. Now all the males in the village knew what had transpired in the hot and naive teacher's class.


Lunch Break

Lana decides to eat lunch at her desk, she couldn't bear to look at the students anymore. The whole time she ponders what happened, how she ended seeing two of her student's penises and how by accident they ended up coming in contact with her. She even blew on the penis until it was hard!

'Ungg... darn, I am so horny. Maybe Dens can touch me tonight' -- she muses.

"Hey Lana, how was your day?" - greets Roger, interrupting her thoughts.

"Hi Roger, it was strange. And yours?" - she asks, still very red in the face.

"Not bad, trying to teach taxes to students is a bitch!" - he laughs. "Have to go now, see ya!" - he says, bending down and hugging her.

She awkwardly hugs him back and Mary comes in the room. She nods at Roger, he nods back.

"Hey Lana, sorry I don't have time to chat, but I want to know all about your sex ed class tomorrow!" - she says giving Lana a kiss on the cheek.

"Tomorrow?" - asks the naive teacher confused.

"Didn't Dennis tell you? There is a team dinner at my house!" - she announces.

"Oh right! Silly me, he did mention it. Okay, see you tomorrow." - Lana says.

"Oh, before I forget, here. Enjoy, don't rub yourself too much!" - she chuckles. "Ta-ta!" - she says and leaves.

Blushing furiously at the insinuation of masturbation, Lana takes a look at the book. It was indeed the book called 'Kim's Adventures by DonnerBBQ' that Mary mentioned yesterday during lunch.

'Humm, what was it about again?' - wonders Lana.

She reads the summary which says: "The misadventures of a young teasing wife who starts to enjoy exposing herself at work events, much to the chagrin of her husband.". Lana quickly looks around and hides the book in her purse. She would have to check it out later. Maybe.


Afternoon -- Staff Room

Lana, being the teacher responsible for the Staff Room this afternoon, was dreading it, thinking that at any moment she would be interrupted by a student asking for her help. She starts to prepare materials for her future classes.

Nobody comes in for the first couple hours, until she hears a knock on the door.

"Come in!" - she says nervously.

The door opens and Evie comes in. They both smile at each other.

"Hi Evie, what can I help you with?" - the teacher asks.

"Hi Miss Lana, thanks for today, it was super informative. I was very curious about all of it before. Can't wait for future lessons, they are great!" - says Evie with a big smile.

"Aw, thanks dear. Glad you enjoyed... it was a bit much, but oh well." - says Lana shrugging.

"So, as I mentioned, I am part of the Art and Drama clubs, and we don't have many female members besides Miss Hunter. Can you come by and help us with a couple exercises?" - says her pupil making huge puppy eyes at the teacher.

"I couldn't say no to you, I am your teacher after all. Glad to help." - the teacher says warmly.

"Yay! Okay, the Art Club is Monday and Drama is Wednesday! Thanks a ton Miss Lana!" - she says squealing. Lana hadn't seen her so happy before, she is thankful to offer help.

"You are welcome, see you then." - she tells her student. Evie hugs her and skips away.

Nothing else happens during the designated period, so Lana wraps up her work, grabs her materials and makes her way home.

During her walk home, her mind races about the events of the day: Lukas' penis photo, telling her students she hadn't seen a real-life peepee before and then agreeing to let two of them show it to her. She even knelt between them, all the while admiring and ogling their naked penises!

She got hit on the mouth, on the cheek, on the neck, on her jaw and even on the back of her hand by her student's penises! Oh my. Not proper, but a small mishap.

Worse of all, like a slut she blew air directly into Lukas' peen to get it hard. And then touched it! It was an accident of course, so it didn't count.

Wow, what a busy day. She could still feel her coochie lightly throbbing. Their penises were so big and thick. Maybe she should ask Dens for some 'help'.

What would Dennis say? What would Dennis say... I guess she would have to tell him.



Lana tidies up the house and starts to prepare dinner for Dennis. During dinner, the loving couple talks about their respective days at work.

"Excited for dinner tomorrow babe?" - asks Dennis.

"Very! I want to meet your team, and you can meet Mary, my colleague, she is great." - says Lana.

"I heard great things!" - says the fiancee smiling.

"Oh, that reminds me, Jack, our neighbor, invited us for lunch. His wife and son are finally back from their trip." - she tells him.

"Ah sounds good, I heard about a fantastic public pool, maybe we can go Sunday." - proposes Dennis.

"Perfect! You know I love water, can't wait to jump in." - she says happily.

"So, how was your classes today?" - asks him curiously.

"Erm... well, I was a bit bad today..." - she says and explains to him what happened in detail.

He is holding his breath the whole time and reacting with monosyllabic words. He interrupts her when she mentions she was asked to blow onto his penis.

"And d-did you blow him?" - he asks with a raging boner in his pants, unaware of his double entendre.

"Well... I had to... I promised and it made sense. So, I blew air onto him until he got erect." - she says embarrassed.

"Wow..." - says Dennis, almost coming in his pants. "D-did you... touch it?" - he asks.

"Not at that moment..." - she says shyly.

"You did touch it!" - his erection had never been as hard as it was at that moment.

"Well... it was an accident..." - she says.

Lana proceeds to tell the rest of the events of the class, including her misfortunes with the penises.

"I g-guess it was an accident." - he says. "Wow, I can't believe it." - he continues, with his eyes trying to imagine the scenes she just described.

"Sorry Dens! It was all so fast, and it made sense at the time. I want to be a good teacher, don't be mad!" - she says desperately.

"Hun, I am not mad, just surprised. But I guess it is okay, this place is way more open than our old town, so I guess it can't be helped. Get on with the culture." - he tries to reason.

"You know that I would never do some improper on purpose." - she says.

"Of course, I know you babe. It's okay. Just be careful with it, okay?" - he says insecurely.

"I will be careful, probably nothing else will happen. No more accidents." - she says resolute.

"Okay, now.... It was kinda hot...." - says the fiancee, giving Lana a sultry smile.

"Oooooh... I am a little bit horny too... how about we..." - she says but is interrupted by the sound of his phone going off.

"Ugh, sorry, it's Justin, my co-worker, gotta take this." - he says, and answers the phone.

He starts discussing with him and makes a signal to Lana that it will take a while. She gets up and starts cleaning up, then gets ready for bed. She comes back to the living room, where Dennis is still on the phone, but now is also using his laptop. He pauses his call for a second.

"Sorry babe, this is going to take long. Please go to sleep without me. Good night!" - he says, kissing and dismissing her.

Slightly frustrated and still extremely horny, she gets into bed and turns off the lights.

She can still feel the wetness between her legs and her nipples are as hard as erasers. She needs some relief. She thinks about reading the book Mary lent her, but decides against it, she doesn't want Dennis to catch her.

Picking her phone up, she scrolls to the photos of Lukas' manly penis. She starts to touch herself by looking at the photos of his hard and thick dick. She recalls the events of the class. She starts to moan as her orgasm approaches. She shoves the blanket in her mouth to muffle her sex sounds.

'Their throbbing penises... their big dicks... touching me... rubbing against me... so hot... in front of the class... look at this... how big and hard it is... I am so close... touch me... expose me... coming... unnnngggggggggggg...' - she thinks, coming hard and twitching all over.

She had just climaxed more powerfully than she ever had before.

To be Continued in Chapter 5, "A weekend of fun, with selfies, team dinner and a pool."



Thanks for reading. Any feedback is appreciated!

Sorry again it took so long, was very sick during the holidays. Ta-ta!

~ Potato Head

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GSaintGSaintover 2 years ago

Very good chapter!

I like her inner monologues. She starts calling her tits slutty and a "pecker" penis and even dick :-)

This is a hot and fun story and I can't wait to read part 5.

Thank you so much for your contributions!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

how about a some shaving? slick is in' how about getting lost in bad part of shop saves the day..

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Yes I agree with the previous commenter. This would make the Story a lot hotter.

vikster89vikster89over 2 years ago

Reading back, I think I agree with the previous commenter that the husband is better off being dumb/naive and unaware than a willing cuckold. Cheating becomes more risqué and taboo as a result.

Can't wait to read for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

how's the progress coming along? almost done the upcoming chapter?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

More humiliation for the teacher without her husband knowing would add more excitement. Him knowing about everything seems less ideal and not fun

HypnoGXHypnoGXover 2 years ago

Amazing story, I liked it a lot, I see the teacher killing herself having sex with general and when you do it with the husband, it will be all broken hahaha. I hope she gets used to being patted on the ass and slapped soon.

potatoHead42potatoHead42over 2 years agoAuthor

Thanks everyone, writing ch 5 and will include lots of kissing.

It’s a fair point about the husband anon. My goal is this to the a cheating story too, however the husband will also participate and be corrupted by his co-workers and ladies at the village. We just haven’t seen too much of his pov yet.

Ch5 should have some of that ;)

Captain_StrangeCaptain_Strangeover 2 years ago

Loving the story so far, looking forward to the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is shaping up to be another cuckold husband s*** wife story. Husband seems oblivious to everything and gets excited over the prospect of his wife being involved with other men I guess. Of course he has a small dick and she's fascinated by the neighbors bulge in his pants. It's only a matter of time before she screwing the neighbor and forgetting all about her husband. At least when he does finally get around to screwing her she'll be all broken in for him

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hopefully chapter 5 is soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good work Ph. I hope you are recovered and well. The stories are really done well. You editing has only left very insignificant happenings, so continue on if you can. You are doing well.

vikster89vikster89over 2 years ago

The next chapter can't come soon enough! Great slow burn. Would love to see more innocent kissing and eventually make-out with the students bur that's for future chapters I guess as she slowly starts to enjoy doing slutty things in class. Can't wait for the next installment!!

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