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Needy Mother Superior's Dilemma

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Jack visits Mother Magdalene and her Flock.
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[A new story in my Bohemian church series. While this can be read as a stand-alone, you will likely gain more pleasure by reading the stories that precede it first. All characters are 18 or older. If you are religiously sensitive or repelled by bodily fluids and such, this story is probably not for you!]

Jack visits Mother Magdalene and her Flock

Among the clergy of the unique Bohemian Church in Ohio's Rustbelt at the end of the 1960s, no one was more notorious for their voracious sexual appetite than Mother Magdalene. No sooner had Mrs. Tupa, the elderly Czech widow who lived next door to my family, seduced me when I turned 18 and introduced me to the earthy customs of the Bohemian parish, than I made Mother Magdalene's acquaintance, when she and Father Viktor helpfully demonstrated the fine points of anal intercourse to Mrs. Tupa and me.

One of the most important traditions of the Bohemian community was that its members -- both congregants and clergy -- looked after each others "needs", and I soon felt a strong calling to become a catechumen and lay server for the parish, making home visits to the Czech widows who made up the overwhelming majority of the aging immigrant congregation. I shortly moved into the church rectory, where I learned that I was also expected to attend to the needs of the Mother Superior and her small flock of Sisters who all lived together in the parish Nunnery. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it! Father Viktor had tried to devotedly attend to their needs, but he needed help, as he could no longer handle the workload alone.

Thus it fell to me to answer Mother Magdalene's plea -- conveyed through Father Viktor -- that she was "needful" and prayed that I could visit her that evening in the Nunnery. At our communal dinner in the Rectory, the good Mother and most of her Sisters were uncharacteristically absent, with only blind Sister Pavla and Sister Katka present and acting worried and subdued. When I asked them what was up, they would only say that Mother Superior was in a bad way and needed my attention as soon as I could get up there. I assured them that I would be up to look after her as soon as I stopped by my garret on the third floor and picked up my server rucksack.

With Mother Magdalene, you never knew what might be called for. She had a very dominating personality, but she often craved a good manhandling and some Mortification of the Flesh to keep things in balance. It was not my duty to question her needs, but only to attend to them. This I was only too happy to do.

* * *

It was just 7:30 when I slung my rucksack over my shoulder and took the Rectory's backstairs down to the underground tunnels connecting the Parish Church, Rectory, and Nunnery. These allowed us some privacy from the prying eyes of a sometimes hostile public who had no understanding of the Bohemian old ways or our traditions of attending to each other's needs. We had suffered grievously centuries before for our customs in the old country, and old memories run deep.

I meditated on such matters as I trudged through the tunnel leading to the Nunnery. This was actually the first time that I would set foot in the Sisters' enclave and I had no idea what was in store. When I climbed the stairs to their back door and knocked briskly but quietly, my heart was beating louder than my knocks, but the sister on duty responded immediately and let me in.

"Oh, Brother Jack, we were praying that you'd come. Mother Magdalene's in a state. We've done our best to sooth her and meet her "needs", but I'm afraid she needs a firmer hand than we can provide. She's at that time in her cycle when her hormones have taken control and outside reinforcements are needed. I hope you can help!"

The good Sister filling me in was named Denisa, I believe, and she was clearly of common Bohemian peasant stock. Short, busty, big-hipped, and quite sincere and earnest. If only the parish would allow her to replace her ugly thick-lensed glasses with some contact lenses, she'd be a voluptuous beauty in her own right. I made a mental note to suggest to Maggie that she approve such a favor. No one serving the parish should have to suffer from unnecessary homeliness.

Sister Denisa took me up to Mother Magdalene's quarters and knocked softly on the door, which was immediately answered by another Sister, Janinka, I believe.

"Oh, Thank God, Brother Jack. Please come in. We've had to tie Mother Superior down to keep her from injuring herself. She's almost out of control. This is the neediest we've ever seen her. If there's anything we can do, just say the word. We'll keep our vigil, while you 'serve' her. We love her dearly."

The scene before me was startling, to say the least. Maggie was in her black habit, trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey, face down on her bed, with two sisters sitting on her struggling form, as she attempted to unseat them and free herself. I had to act quickly or someone could get hurt.

I reached into my rucksack and pulled out a varnished wooden paddle that Father Viktor had gifted me with when I first became a catechumen. "You never know when it might come in handy, my lad," he'd said, and it seemed like that time was now. I shoo'd off the sisters who were sitting on the good Mother, and forcefully held her down with my left hand on her back. I raised the paddle with my right arm and gave a mighty swat to her immense arse.

"Smacckkk!" That got her attention.

"Maggie, please!" I shouted. "Calm down, girl. Jack is here."

This was more bravado than anything, but it seemed to work. The large woman was suddenly still and attentive to my presence. I gave her big bum a half dozen stinging swats, and she collapsed into a grateful surrender.

"Just tell me what you need, Mother dear, and let's attend to that. You've got your Sisters all in a panic. They do love you, but you're out of control!"

Mother Magdalene took all this in and allowed me to untruss her, though she still had a wild look to her eyes, as if she was possessed by her deepest cravings and desires. No sooner was she free than she jumped up and hugged me to her in an almost painful Embrace of Eden. I tried my best to open my heart and was almost overwhelmed by the fiery blast radiating from the good Mother.

I shouted over to Sister Janinka to bring a bucket of water -- which she had presciently on hand -- and soak us down. The shock of the dousing finally seemed to subdue Maggie, who looked surprised to find herself sopping wet with me in her grasp, doing my best to maintain my composure.

"My heavens, Brother Jack! When did you get here? The last thing I remember was struggling with the Sisters."

The good Mother had clearly been out of her mind with her unfulfilled cravings, the poor woman. I suspected that it would require a team effort to properly "service" Maggie's needs tonight. Best we skip the usual greeting rituals and get right down to the business at hand. Both the good Mother and I were standing there in our soaked clothes with puddles at our feet.

"Sisters, can you kindly assist Mother Magdalene in removing her wet habit and undergarments? And Sister Janinka, can you mop up the floor and bring a few dry towels? We don't want anyone to catch a cold."

I hastened to remove my own soaked clothing. Luckily, I keep a fresh change in my rucksack, which would come in handy later, when it was time to leave. But for now, it was best if we all just stripped down to our natural state and remained "open". Sister Janinka, a relatively young Sister and a bit of a butterball, brought over a towel and gave me a vigorous drying, with much attention paid to my cock and balls and buttocks. Sisters Denisa and Elvira had finally gotten Mother Magdalene's heavy habit off, revealing that she was naked underneath. They each grabbed a towel and wasted no time in drying her large hairy and voluptuous body.

"Sisters, when we're all dried off, I suggest that you disrobe as well. We have no secrets between us, and if we are to serve the good Mother properly, I am sure that there will be much "flesh on flesh" called for."

The Sisters gave each other knowing grins and shed their simple skirts and blouses, displaying humble bras and knickers which soon came off as well. Sister Elvira, who I surmised must be a devotee of fleshly mortification like Sister Pavla, wore a rather severe looking corset, which required two Sisters' assistance to undo its hooks and stays. Like Dame Taborova, the constant wearing of such a control garment had given Elvira a striking hourglass figure, with a remarkably tiny waist, though Elvira's impressive titties had escaped the warped fate of the good Dame's tragically stretched breasts. Thank God for that.

"So, Mother dear, what is it you need?" I was still not sure that she was fully in the present, but I needed to try.

"Everything!" she shouted impatiently. "I'm so horny I could take on the Cleveland Browns! Korva!"

Whoo boy, I thought, this sounds serious. I summoned Sister Janinka over, as she seemed a resourceful sort.

"Sister, can you run and give a call to Father Viktor and tell him we need Brother Nick and Brother Dougal over here immediately? Code Red!"

The fetching butterball scurried off to make the call, her large keister jiggling like a bowl of Jello as she went. I mentally added her to my bucket list, and returned my attention to the drastic situation at hand.

Mother Magdalene was on her back on the bed, moaning and groaning, as three Sisters were trying to keep her occupied. Denisa was between Maggie's outstretched legs, slurping on her furry cooze for all she was worth, with her glasses all steamed up, while Elvira was grappling and sucking on her left titty, with Ivanka on her right.

Sister Janinka burst back into the room exclaiming, "They're on their way!" It was not lost on me that Sisters Katka and Pavla were nowhere to be found, but I figured it was just as well. I reckoned that Katka was sheltering Pavla from the madness, as the chaotic scene in the good Mother's room would be quite disorienting to a blind Sister, and there would be little she could do to help.

Ever since I had moved into the Rectory, I had suspected that Mother Magdalene's flock of Sisters in the Nunnery had the duty, for better or worse, of trying to fulfill the good Mother's "needs", especially those still manifest after Father Viktor had shot his wad. They had a team spirit, rather like WNBA players, determined to do their best for the cause. I was impressed with the dedication that the Sisters showed in serving their Mother Superior, but I could tell that their energy was flagging when Brothers Nick and Dougal burst into the room.

"What's up Chief?" Nick asked rather cheekily, looking directly at me before he caught sight of the pile of bodies on the bed.

"Holy Cow!" he exclaimed in obvious amazement.

"Watch your language, Nick," I muttered. "We're dealing with Mother Magdalene here. Show some respect!"

"Sorry, sorry", he gasped. "What do you want us to do?"

"Frankly, I think she needs a 'Rosy Crucifixion' at the very least. You know, like Agata Zelenkova."

"Oh, man!" Nick enthused. "I'm totally on board. Just say the word!"

Brother Dougal was looking a bit more unsure. Since I'd moved into the Rectory, I'd gotten the impression that Dougal was not exactly a "ladies man", if you get my drift. He was a willing team player, like the Sisters, but the good Mother in heat didn't exactly ring his bells, or so it seemed.

"Dougal," I reassured him, "just hang on and let us get Maggie all arranged, and then you can let her suck you off."

He warmed to that proposition. The prospect of a nice blowjob seemed to rouse his enthusiasm.

* * *

My goal for our combined efforts was to get Mother Magdalene so overstimulated that her "needs" would be sated in a colossal blow-out that her nervous system would register as "satisfied". This was one of the techniques that Father Viktor had described to me in his daily catechumen instruction and counseling.

Given the many years that he had been diligently trying to insure that the various "needs" of his flock were met, he had seen and coped with just about every erotic craving and fetish listed in Krafft-Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualis, a fascinating compendium that he lent me for bedtime reading.

Father Viktor had spent one day's entire instruction session devoted to describing Mother Magdalene's insatiable appetites, which were many and varied. It was then that he had gifted me with the wooden paddle, along with a few other devices that might come in handy. I kept them all in my rucksack so that they'd be instantly available.

* * *

But back to the emergency at hand! Brothers Nick and Dougal hastily stripped themselves, with Nick at least displaying a rampant boner. I was rapidly learning that he could be counted on to be up for nearly anything. I gave a loud clap to get everyone's attention and set out my plan.

"Sisters, you've made a great effort in keeping things under control. Now that the calvary has arrived, why don't you take a breather and don't forget to hydrate yourselves! Mother dear, why don't you scoot over and let me lie down beside you on my back. Time for the Rosy Crucifixion. Chop chop!"

Mother Magdalene rolled over and knelt on her haunches, as I positioned myself on the bed, the back of my head resting on a pillow or two and my body laid flat, my stiffened prong pointing up in the air.

"Alright, Maggie! Saddle up! Time for your horsey ride."

The good Mother got the message immediately and clambered on top of me, grabbing my drooling prick and lowering her slippery cunt onto it as it easily slid inside her. She positioned her enormous thighs on either side of my hips and let her sweaty belly and soft bazooms cover my trunk and chest. This was the first time I'd had her full weight on top of me, and it was an overwhelming experience, as if I was buried alive under a blubbery sea lion.

As soon as she was in place, she began to lift her twat up and slam it down again, but before she could really get going, I grabbed her giant buns and made her halt.

"Whoa, whoa, not so fast, Maggie. We're only half way there! Hey, Nick, get that big fat dick of yours up here. Mother's got some fudge she needs packed. And Sister Janinka? Can you fish the tube of lube out of my rucksack and grease up Brother Nick's tool and Mother's love orifice?"

They both hopped to, with Janinka expertly lubing Nick's prong and squirting a good helping of lube into Maggie's florid anus. I was certain that she had provided this service many times before, no doubt for Father Viktor when he was called upon to sodomize Mother Magdalene.

With much huffing and puffing, Nick knelt behind Maggie's upraised rump and tried to wedge his gooey boner into her sphincter. This provoked a series of guttural groans from the skewered nun, and a long drawn out "Korrrrrvaaa!", the Czech expletive for "Fuck". Both of Maggie's holes were generously-sized -- she was a large woman, after all -- but with both stuffed at once, it all felt exquisitely tight. Only a thin membrane separated her vaginal cavity from her rectum, and our mutual friction was heating things up nicely.

"Alright, Dougal, your turn now. Get up here and shove your penis into Mother's mouth."

The bed was definitely getting crowded, and I was worried that it might collapse under our combined weight. However, it seemed sturdily built, and even with four of us positioned together on it, it barely made a squeak. I was on my back, with my prick up Maggie's cunt, and she was squirming all over me while Nick was rogering her behind. Fitting Dougal in was something of a challenge. To get his cock in position to penetrate Maggie's mouth, he had to practically sit atop my face, while his hairy balls tickled my chin. His "man stink" was powerful, but it was not an aroma that turned me on, alas.

"Damn! Brother Jack," he muttered through gritted teeth, "I didn't get a chance to take a whiz before we beat it on over here. I have to go really bad!"

"Maggie", I shouted. "Dougal's full of pee. Would you like him to share his Holy Water?"

"Good God Almighty! Hose me down, Sweetheart." Mother Magdalene yelled. "I'm so thirsty, I could take a gusher."

Mother Magdalene raised herself up off my chest and opened her mouth wide. Dougal immediately cut loose a blast of urine aimed at her gaping maw, though he also managed to soak her face in the process. The spray filled her large mouth, but was so copious that it overflowed it, dripping down on me like a blocked gutter. Egad, what a mess.

Once his flow had stopped, I reached up and helped Dougal shove his equipment deep into Maggie's mouth and took several deep breaths of oxygen, clearing my senses.

Without her head-gear or wimple, Mother Magdalene's hairdo was revealed as a short soft crewcut that Dougal took pleasure in running his fingers through. With all her goodies out of sight, he might as well have been getting a blowjob from a horny sailor making the most of Fleet Week in San Francisco.

Mother Magdalene was reveling in having her every orifice stuffed. In order to breathe, she was forced to snort air in and out of her nose, while her eyes bulged out as if her head was about to explode. She did seem to be rushing toward some sort of explosion, but I doubted it would be her head. She was jamming her crotch back against Nick's and my prongs and then up again.

But before she got too far along, Sisters Denisa and Elvira came over brandishing a pair of sturdy wooden rulers and staring fixedly at Maggie's enormous buns. I had no doubt that they knew what they were doing, when they started chanting, "Bad Mommy Mommy!" Whack! "Bad Mommy Mommy!" Whack! Maggie pulled Dougal's boner out of her mouth and let loose with a groaning "Aaauuuugghhh!" as he ejaculated cum all over her face and she gave herself up to a series of bone-popping orgasmic jerks. I could feel Nick cut loose in her bowels with a spermy enema, and I had to exert my Cremaster muscles to avoid filling her pussy with fertile spunk.

As everyone disengaged and Mother Magdalene rolled herself off of me, I was left lying on my back, feeling a bit dazed and wiped out. This was not lost on the ever-alert Sister Janinka, who hurried over to my bedside and whispered in my ear.

"Brother Jack! This hardly seems fair. It seems like everyone had their needs attended to, except for you! Please allow me to help."

Without a moment's pause, Sister Janinka reached over and engulfed my half-limp dick in her eager mouth, slurping it noisily and working it to a nice stiff state. Then, she let it pop out as she grasped its base and yanked it up to reach my hairy balls and gave them a good tongue bath. Then back to licking and sucking my boner with an enthusiasm worthy of Mrs. Tupa. Once she had me on the very edge of a massive cum, she slathered up her middle finger and slid it up my anus, making me cry out. I came like gang-busters, blasting it down her warm slick throat, as she caught and swallowed it all.

Sister Janinka attended to all this with the sweetest, most loving manner, as if the pleasure was not only mine, but hers as well.

"There you go, Brother Jack. How was that?" She looked at me with the most innocent smile, as if she didn't already know the answer.

"Amazing. Totally amazing."

I looked on in wonder, as Janinka glanced at her stink finger that she'd jammed up my sphincter and then, staring at me with big puppy-dog eyes, slid it into her mouth and sucked on it like a popsicle.

The intimacies that our Bohemian old ways allowed and celebrated were precious entrées to ways of knowing and being that the present era rejected. But with caring souls like Sister Janinka quietly at work, our precious customs and traditions would live on, attending to our needs and assuring the grace and blessings of the Almighty.


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