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Neighbors Ch. 15

Story Info
Chris is late to report for work at Amber's house.
11.6k words

Part 15 of the 30 part series

Updated 05/02/2024
Created 05/07/2021
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I woke up to the sound of moans from the other side of the door. I was lying on my side against the back wall of the closet. My mouth was still full of Sarah's panties and sweat socks and I mentally added an aching jaw to the long list of pains I was experiencing. I reflexively tried to stretch to alleviate the sore muscles in my....well, pretty much everywhere. My arms refused to budge, and then all of the events of last night hit me at once as I came fully awake. I had spent the night naked, secured in Sarah's closet with my hands locked to my ankles while she slept with some guy she picked up at the bar. Or a friend - I realized I had no idea who he was other than the name "Mark" Sarah used last night.

I listened to the sounds of morning sex. The bed was creaking slowly, and I heard Sarah's panting breath and occasional moans. I had no idea what was happening. My imagination painted a picture of Sarah on her back with her long muscular legs wrapped around the stranger as he slowly fucked her. It was a complete contrast from the rapid energetic lovemaking sounds I heard last night - much more languid, as if they were both slightly sleepy. My penis stirred painfully at the sounds and my vivid imagination. I had literally nothing else to do in the dark except focus intently on what was happening in the other room. I wondered if Sarah was self-conscious at all about having me here, or if it excited her to know I was hearing everything but couldn't do anything about it. She knew the effect the spikes had on me when I got excited and seemed to find it amusing. Of course there was also the possibility that she wasn't thinking of me at all.

I heard Sarah's breathing gradually get faster and heavier over the course of several minutes as the relentless creaking of the mattress continued. Finally I heard her let out a long groan as she came. The mattress kept creaking.

"Oh god..." I heard her whispered voice from the other side of the door. "Don't stop...I need more..." Followed by a low grunt of assent from the faceless stranger.

"God your cock feels so good...sooo big...."

There was a chuckle from the guy.

"You like it, baby?"

"YYEEESSSSS...." Came Sarah's long drawn out hiss, as she started making panting sounds again.

I winced as my own cock tried to erect, reacting mindlessly to Sarah's sounds of pleasure. Unlike the stranger's dick, mine was kept small and encased in cruel spiked steel instead of Sarah's warm pussy. As they kept slowly fucking, I reflected more on the disparity between the two of us. Mark's performance last night was nothing short of amazing as far as I was concerned. I had never lasted more than a minute inside a woman before coming. My attempts at sex were always met with disbelief after I came so quickly, and if I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to sleep with a woman again the disbelief turned to barely concealed pity or even anger. The worst reaction, I learned, was boredom, which quickly signaled the end of my courtship as I would get ghosted or have to listen to why they weren't really ready for a relationship. One woman I dated three times even tried to set me up with her friend, because as she put it via text "She doesn't really care about sex". Listening to Mark and Sarah go at if for hours last night and more this morning made me realize that I had no business competing sexually with anyone like him. Or Justin either, from what Amber had said. It was like they were a different species than me. A species with the magical ability to make women come again and again. I wondered what it would feel like to fuck for hours - that pleasure that I tasted for a mere few seconds, stretched out to seeming eternity. There was simply no way that women like Amber or Sarah would ever choose me as a romantic or sexual partner when they had this other species at their disposal. That's why Mark was fucking Sarah senseless while I was locked up in chastity, naked and bound in her closet, with her used panties and socks filling my mouth.

The longer Sarah's pants and moans went on, the more crushed I felt at this new revelation. It was cruel, yet made sense. All of the events of the last few weeks and even my entire dating life now became clear. It was the reason I was still single and rarely got dates, even with my business success and relatively decent looks. It was if women could sense that I was the wrong species - but that wasn't the best term, I thought. Role. That was it. It was if women could sense I couldn't fulfill the role that they were looking for. And the ones that couldn't sense it found out soon enough when they had the misfortune of sleeping with me.

I realized that Amber had surely sensed this right away, but had the foresight to create a different role for me. A role that I could fulfill. A role that maybe I was born to play, I thought wryly, reflecting on my undersized sex organ. I couldn't provide sexually for her, but I could provide financially. And make her life as easy as possible by cleaning house, cooking, running errands, and all of the other myriad things she had me do over the past two weeks. So much made sense in this light, including her cruelty to me. Teasing me about Justin was simply helping me to understand my role in her life, as did her exacting ways she wanted her chores done. The more she treated me as a servant or someone less than equal to her the more I fit into my place in her life.

I listened helplessly as Sarah came yet again, this time with a series of small cries culminating ina long drawn out moan. I heard the guy start to breathe heavily as the mattress creaks increased in speed.

"Not yet...not yet..." I heard Sarah gasp in a loud whisper. "I need another. this..." The guy groaned but slowed down, complying with Sarah's demands.

I heard the sounds of shuffling on the bed and assumed they had changed position. Again, my imagination tried to color in my missing sense of sight. I pictured Sarah's lean body laying on her belly on her bed with her red hair flowing on the sheets beside her, while the stranger lay on top of her, fucking from above and behind. His long, thick cock easily penetrated her from this angle and she opened her legs slightly to give him even better access. I grimaced in pain as the collection of spikes seemed to bite down hard all at once. I would have cried out if it wasn't for the makeshift gag in my mouth.

It was hard to keep track of time, but something like ten minutes or so later I heard Sarah's ragged breathing rise in a now-familiar cadence. She started speaking slowly between gasps for air.

"Yes...yes Mark...oh..that's good...keep it up....yes....yes..YES....oh my fucking god...I'm going to come AGAIN!" The last was in a high squeal following by a series of loud grunts as I assumed Mark finally had his long-awaited orgasm. Several minutes of relative silence ensued as I tried hard to regulate my own breathing, afraid I might be heard through the door. My cock was raging and my heart was pounding from frustration and arousal, and I had to breathe through my nose which sounded impossibly loud in my ears in the sudden quiet. Sarah's voice cut through the lull.

"Ok Mark - that was great fun. Time to get going - I have a full day today."

Mark groaned.

"Aw, come on babe. Let me sleep in a bit. It's Sunday."

"Sorry - time to get up."

I heard someone - Sarah I assume, get out of bed and the rustle of clothing. A few seconds later I heard the bed creak and a louder footstep and the clink of a belt buckle as I assumed he was pulling on some pants.

"Ok ok ok...can I see you again? That was fucking amazing."

Sarah laughed.

"Maybe. We'll see. Why don't you leave me your number and if I want to see you again I'll text?"

"What? Why can't I get your number? Let's trade."

I could practically see Sarah shaking her head.

"No. I get your number. That's how I do it."

Grudgingly, Mark read out his phone number and I heard electronic clicking sounds as Sarah entered it into her phone.

"Ok - got it. There's an Uber on it's way for you so hurry up and get dressed."

I heard the sounds of kissing for just a few seconds, then Sarah interrupted.

"You're sweet. Now I need to get moving. Take care!"

Mark lightly protested as their voices drifted down the hallway. I shifted my weight, trying in vain to get comfortable on the hardwood floor. I considered that I was quite lucky it was late Spring and quite warm in the enclosed closet or else I could add being cold to my long list of discomforts.

I waited in silence for several more minutes before I heard the front door open and close, and Sarah's light footsteps approached the closet door. It opened abruptly and I found myself blinking in the sudden bright daylight.

Sarah was standing in the doorway dressed in the same oversize t shirt she was wearing late last night when she came in the closet to check on me. I could see up her long legs to her upper thighs, but she held the hem down firmly, knowing no doubt that I would try to use my view from the floor to look up her shirt. She pointed at the floor near her feet with the other hand.

"Out" She said, in the same calm but commanding tone she used last night.

Groaning with effort, I slowly started to inch my way across the hard floor. With my hands so tightly connected to my ankles I could just shuffle an inch at a time; scrambling with my feet and raising my shoulder to slide forward slightly. It took a solid minute to get out of the closet. It was incredibly humiliating to have to worm my way to her feet like this, while she just stood by watching me impatiently. My face was red from more than just exertion when I finally looked up at her. She swiftly knelt down, with her knees together pointing away from me. She glanced at my mouth and nodded in satisfaction.

"Good boy. You kept my used panties and socks in your mouth all night." She smirked slightly and shook her head.

"Did you enjoy being locked in a closet all night?"

I replied with what I hope sounded like a no.

She reached out and patted my head, as if I were a pet.

"No, I can't imagine you did. I bet you wish you were in a nice warm bed instead. Did you have time to think about what you did to get in that situation?"

I nodded vigorously. I had indeed. There wasn't much else to do all night except hit send on my phone and listen to Sarah and Mark go at it for what seemed like hours. Might have been hours, for all I knew.

She reached up and bundled her wild red hair in her hands, pulling it down and over one shoulder.

"Now the most important thing - are you planning to disobey me again?"

I shook my head even more vigorously than before.

She thought for a second.

"Do you need to use the bathroom?"

Suddenly I realized I did, quite badly. I hadn't peed in almost 12 hours. I had deliberately blocked it from my mind since it wasn't really an option for me in the closet. I nodded.

Sarah rose and left the room, returning just a minute later with the key to the locks securing the cuffs around my wrists and ankles. She bent over and grabbed the straps around my ankles. With a click, she released the longer strap connecting my hands to my feet. I slowly stretched out on the floor, groaning in relief to be able to finally stretch out my limbs.

Sarah tapped the sweat socks sticking out of my mouth.

"These stay in. I don't need you to talk this morning."

I grimaced but nodded. My jaw was aching. I had long since become used to the taste and scent of her socks and panties.

Sarah stood and crossed her arms under her small chest.

"You've got 2 minutes."

My ankles and wrists were still bound, the only difference now was the long strap connecting them was loose. I knew I couldn't walk so I began to shuffle on my hands and knees painfully toward her bathroom. Every muscle was protesting after my long night spent bunched up on the hard floor, and my knees exploded in pain, not fully recovered from my ordeal. Luckily it was just a few feet to her bathroom. I hesitated but decided not to close the bathroom door. Sarah hadn't directed me to and I felt it would be best to show her I was completely compliant. I slouched my way to her toilet and used it to stand up. It was my first time on my feet since last night.

"One minute" I heard Sarah call from her room.

Quickly I sat down on her toilet and pushed my caged penis down. I tried to relax and after a few seconds the pressure in my bladder overcame any sort of shyness and I released a long stream. I shook the cage for a few seconds after I was done and grabbed a square of toilet paper to dab the end of the tube before I flushed and made my way as fast as I could on my hands and knees back to Sarah's bedroom.

I stopped and sucked in my breath when I came around the corner. She was facing away from me. She had taken off the t shirt and was pulling on a jog bra. From my angle I saw a slight hint of the side of her small breast before she yanked the spandex bra in place. She turned to face me. She was dressed like she typically did for my workouts - yoga pants and a jog bra. She walked over to her bed and sat down, pointing at the floor near her feet. I scrambled to where she indicated.

She looked down at me as she fixed her hair into a ponytail with the help of a scrunchy.

"Help me with those" she directed, nodding at her running shoes and socks next to me.

I quickly grabbed the socks and rolled them on her feet. She arched each foot slightly to help me but otherwise ignored me as she scrolled on her phone. Kneeling in front of her, I was right at the level of her crotch. I closed my eyes for a second as I felt the spikes start to bite. when I opened them again Sarah was looking down at me curiously.

"Did you like listening to Mark and I last night, Chris?"

I didn't really know how to respond. I slowly nodded my head as I started to slip on her sneakers. I recognized the slightly sweaty smell emanating from them from the socks she had stuffed in my mouth last night.

"Honestly I had sort of forgotten you were in there or I might have suggested we go to his place."

She stretched, placing one arm over and behind her head and pulling it down with the other. I admired the way her abs flexed. I could see the hard points of her nipples poking through the spandex jog bra.

"I guess you never saw him - he was pretty hot. And a good dancer. He had his hands on me all night at the club, and I could sort of tell he was packing, so I thought what the hell?"

She laughed as she switched arms.

"I don't think he really noticed the underwear you bought me, Chris. He was in too much of a hurry to get them off of me."

I gulped as I pictured the faceless Mark tearing off the expensive underwear I had paid for yesterday, revealing Sarah's naked body.

"Turned out to be a good call for me. He was actually really good in bed. I think I came like twelve times." She laughed and looked down at me as I tied her shoes.

"Honestly I thought it would bother me knowing you were probably listening to every sound we made, but it really didn't. I guess because of your little situation down there..." She nodded at my chastity cage "...I don't really think of you as a man, at least not sexually. If that makes sense. It's kinda like you're one of the girls."

I winced as I tied the last knot.

"Well, maybe not one of the girls exactly - something else. I don't know. I'll have to think about it."

Sarah glanced down to make sure I tied her shoes securely, then stood up. I was struck again by her imposing physique- tall and lean but also muscular.

"Come" she said, as she strode down the hallway to the living room. I scuttled on my hands and knees after her. She stopped in the living room next to the water and sponge I was using last night before she shut me in the closet.

"You're going to finish the job you should have done last night" Sarah directed, crouching down next to me.

"I'm going out for my run, so I'm going to have to restrain you like last night. I don't want you snooping around in my stuff."

She reached into the small rear pocket of her yoga pants and pulled out an open padlock.

"On your side, Chris."

I slumped over until I was lying on my left side, feeling terribly exposed. Sarah ignored my caged dick, reaching between my ankles where the long strap was dangling. She connected it to the strap around my wrists and pulled until there was only a couple of feet of slack before slipping a lock in the belt holes and snapping it shut. I was now restrained like I was last night - able to crawl and move my hands but only a couple feet from my ankles, ensuring I couldn't stand up or do anything easily.

I looked over Sarah's shoulder as she secured my restraints and noticed the time on her microwave. I froze. It was almost eight! I was supposed to be waiting on Amber's porch for her to get me to start the day's chores for her.

I grunted to catch Sarah's attention and nodded in the direction of the clock. She glanced and saw what I was looking at and laughed.

"Oh...don't worry. I already texted Amber and told her you were going to be late today. I don't think she'll be happy about it but that's not really my problem, is it, Chris?"

I grimaced, at least as much as I could with her panties and socks stuffed in my mouth. I'm sure they were soaked through with my saliva at this point - they had been in my mouth for hours.

Sarah tugged hard on the straps, making sure everything was securely fastened before standing up. She bounced on her toes a few times and stretched again.

"I always get a sort of high when I cum" she said with a laugh. "When I was swimming in college I had my boyfriend go down on me for hours before a big swim meet."

I closed my eyes and tried to think of anything else, but of course my imagination immediately filled in the picture - Sarah naked in her dorm room, her red hair spread out all over her pillow. Her boyfriend between her legs lapping slowly at her pussy as her hand entwined in his hair, making sure she he didn't think about stopping until she was satisfied and ready for the meet. I moaned with pain as the chastity spikes punished my active imagination.

Sarah looked down at me and smirked.

"It must really be difficult being in that tiny cage. I have no idea how you put up with it. I'd last like five minutes. If I had a penis, I mean."

She smiled as a sudden thought hit her.

"You know, I'm running a marathon next month. Maybe I'll text Mark the night before and find out if his tongue has as much stamina as his cock."

I winced as the spikes predictably made their presence felt.

"After he gets me off a bunch of times I'll kick him out so I can get some good sleep. Maybe I'd let you listen from the closet again. Would you like that?"

I nodded, slowly. It would be sheer torture and I wasn't sure that my penis would make it through another night like last night, but I knew I wouldn't be able to turn down the opportunity to hear Sarah orgasm over and over again.

She laughed and ran her hand over her ponytail, checking that it was secure.

"Alright - I'm off. I'll probably do eight or nine miles so I'll be back in seventy five minutes or so. I want these floors shining when I get back or you're going back in the closet for the day. Do a good job and I'll let you be on your way to Amber. Understood?"

I nodded quickly. She called out over her shoulder as she strode down the hall to the front door.

"See ya!"

She closed the door tightly behind her and I was alone in the house. I noted the time and got started. My knees were still in bad shape and it was painful to move, but it was also painful to scrub since I had to put more weight on them. At least the painful throbbing from my cock subsided gradually and settled into a slight ache.

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