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Neighbors on a Train

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Chance encounter leads to more.
  • November 2004 monthly contest
9.3k words
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I was sitting in my compartment on the southbound train, heading for Los Angeles. I hadn't seen my girlfriend since she left for UCLA ten months ago. Why am I taking the train? I'm terrified of flying and I fall asleep while driving. But the expense was worth it to have my own compartment where I could stretch out to sleep. I'm six-six and the chairs in the cattle car just aren't conducive to sleeping. Also, I could shut out the kids.

We actually left Seattle on time, passing Safeco Field and heading south to Tacoma. I had a great book but wanted something to drink so I headed to the club car to see what was happening. I was lost in contemplation, thinking about Angela. We hadn't been together since last summer. But I remained faithful. I looked and I had a prurient fantasy or two, but I kept it in my pants. I really thought she could be the one. We met while at the University of Washington. I got my degree in finance and got a job at the software giant (you know which one I'm talking about) while she wanted to further her education and went to LA. Well, this was my first chance for a vacation and I couldn't wait to surprise her.

When I got to the club car, it was packed. I slowly made my way to the counter so I could get a drink. But the milling crowd caused me to bump into someone. I turned to apologize and looked into the eyes of my neighbor, Alan. I smiled at a familiar face and we started talking. He told me he was on his way to San Diego to meet his brother's ship when he got to port in a few days. I asked why the train and he told me he hated flying. I smiled and agreed. We were chatting back and forth and I asked him to come back to my compartment, the bed was folded into a couch and there was a comfy armchair there as well. He agreed and we set off down the halls of the train. Once in the compartment we talked some more. I told him I was going to surprise my girlfriend.

We talked through several stops, and then decided to have dinner once we passed Eugene. Over dinner we talked about the apartments where we lived. It was a great old building in Pioneer Square near downtown Seattle, the area hardest hit by the earthquake two years ago. From my apartment I could see the Pike Place market and the ferry terminal. Alan lived across from me and didn't have a view. But as I was leaving in the morning, over time, I had seen a couple of guys leaving, in various states of undress. I knew he was gay and I could care less. Alan was an EMT and worked for the city. He was maybe a year or two older than my twenty-four. He was tall, about six-three and was strong, but you would have to be to do all that lifting.

When dinner was done, Alan made to go back to the cattle cars where he was sitting. But he was almost as tall as I and needed that extra space. Plus, I really wanted someone to talk to. So I invited him to stay with me. He smiled and said he really appreciated it. He was lonely too. When we got back to the compartment, the porter had turned the sofa into a bed. My plan might have hit a snag. There was no upper birth, the sofa turned into a queen-sized bed. Well, what the hell. I invited Alan in and I sat in the armchair and he got comfortable on the bed. We talked some more and I realized that I really liked him. We had talked in the hall a few times, but I found that he was a great guy. When we were both home, I was going to make a point of spending more time with him.

Alan leaned back against the wall and was watching the view as we passed through the mountains from Eugene to Klamath Falls. I watched him. Like I said he was almost as tall as me and definitely stronger. But he was also handsome. His skin was like milky porcelain. He had a very smooth face; almost beautiful complexion that I knew many women would kill for. His lashes were long and thick. But he wasn't feminine looking; he was definitely a man. He had a dark five o'clock shadow and his cheekbones were more masculine then feminine. He had dark, golden brown hair. His fingers were long and graceful while being strong as well. His legs were long and his feet were big. I mentally shook myself, what the hell was I thinking?

I had messed around a little with my freshman roommate. I wanted to try it and see. We kissed a little and jerked off together. I let him suck me often, but I only tried it once. He was so excited he shot off almost instantly and I choked, and then puked. That kind of killed the passion for me. The year ended and we parted friends, but I hadn't met any other guy or even had an urge to be with one since. But I was starting to think about it. Then I felt guilty because of Angela. Again, just a prurient thought or two, but I would keep it in my pants.

Once we passed Klamath Falls, it was past eleven. We were both tired. We would reach LA tomorrow afternoon and I wanted to go to bed. The next few minutes were awkward. I normally sleep in the raw. Alan admitted that he did too. But we agreed skivvies would do. I shucked my jeans and shirt then turned. I really felt inadequate. I was not even close to being as muscular as Alan. I was toned, more like a long-distance runner, but he was really buff and very defined. I was so much hairier too. It coated my chest and belly, up my arms and legs. My ass was so hairy, all the way up to the small of my back. Like the rest of my hair, it was dark brown, almost black. But I was skinny, almost gaunt compared to Alan. I turned red. Alan just looked at me and smiled. He had a light sprinkling of golden hair on his chest and a thin trail from sternum to belly button before it fanned out into the waistband of his briefs. Well, inadequacies are one thing, but all we were doing was sleeping. So I crawled in first, facing the wall and Alan followed, facing the opposite way.

The rocking of the train soon had me asleep. Even the occasional stop in Northern California couldn't wake me. One of our first stops in the morning was in Sacramento. I woke up when the train had stopped. I found myself with Alan wrapped around me. I normally sleep on my back and he was lying with his head on my shoulder and an arm and leg thrown over me. I wouldn't have cared regardless, but I was glad just to have someone in my arms. It has been a very lonely ten months. It's so easy to get used to sleeping with someone beside me, but a bitch when they are gone. So I just lay there for a few minutes, savoring the moment. Then he woke up. He sat away from me and started apologizing.

"I'm sorry Bill. I just miss having someone to sleep next to."

He looked vulnerable and a little sad. "I understand Alan. It's been a long time since someone slept next to me too. Don't be embarrassed." He broke out in one of the largest grins.

We got up and got dressed and headed for the dining car as we set out from Sacramento, heading for the coast. Over breakfast, he started relaxing again. We talked a lot. We talked about his job and then mine. He was interested in it all. And I found myself just as interested in his work. We had a lot in common: music, movies, books, everything. We were still talking when we got to Santa Barbara. The six hours just flew by. We were heading into Los Angeles when I asked what his plans to get to San Diego were. He told me he was taking a bus. I told him that I was renting a car. Since it was Thursday, I knew Angela would have class tomorrow. I told him that we would drop off my stuff and I would take him to San Diego and come back and spend the weekend with Angela. He was hesitant at first, but I talked him into it.

We got to the station in LA and we got my car and drove to Angela's place. It was about seven and traffic wasn't too bad. We pulled up in front of the little house she was renting and we got out. I walked up to the door and rang the bell. But Angela didn't answer the door. David did. He was a graduate student we both knew from our time at the University of Washington and who had talked Angela into going to UCLA during last summer. He looked shocked to see me.

"David. Is Angela home?"

"Bill. What are you doing here?"

"I came to see Angela. What are you doing here? Study session?"

He ran his left hand through his hair. I noticed a gold ring on his finger. It all clicked into place. I looked over at Alan. Pity flooded his face.

"So, when did you get married?"

"Last month. In Vegas."

"I see. Well. I think I should go."

David tried to say something but I just held up my hand. "Just tell me one thing. Did you and Angela get together after you got to Los Angeles?" His guilty look told me everything I needed to know. I just turned around and walked back to the car. I handed Alan the keys and had him drive. The self-pity party was in full swing.

"Pretty stupid, huh?"

"Bill. You couldn't have known."

"She stopped calling so often. She kept talking to me as if she were further and further away. I am such a fool."

"Come on. She should have at least told you she was getting married. It also sounds like she was juggling you both. Oh shit. I'm sorry, I didn't mean…"

"Yeah. Pretty stupid."

"Bill, I am so sorry. I didn't mean…"

"It's okay. Look. Can we just go find someplace for me to stay. I want to get really drunk and then I'll take a cab back to the station and catch the train back to Seattle tomorrow morning."

"Look, Bill. Why don't you come to San Diego with me? You have this time off. You can come with me."

"That's really nice of you Alan, but I really think I should just call it good."

"Come on, I don't have to pick up my brother until Sunday. We can hang out and do stuff around here. What do you say?"

"I don't know. I think I would be rather lousy company."

"We'll go get drunk tonight after we find a hotel. Then we will decide in the morning, okay?"


Alan drove for a couple of hours. We ended up in Anaheim. He told me it was closer to San Diego than LA and we could hang out and have some fun. We checked into a hotel with a restaurant and bar about ten blocks from the convention center. Alan got us a room and we headed for the bar. I'm not proud of myself, but I got absolutely pissed drunk. Unfortunately, it only took three drinks to do it. I don't drink often and it showed. I don't think Alan was even buzzed. He helped me up to our hotel room and he put me to bed. I was too buzzed and giggled a lot because I was embarrassed.

I woke up the next morning fairly early. Alan was already awake. He was on the floor doing sit-ups. I watched him flip over and do push-ups. He did over one hundred. I couldn't stop watching the play of muscles in his arms and back. He was magnificent and now I knew how he was so incredibly well muscled. There was a knock on the door and Alan stood and got it. A room service cart was wheeled in and he noticed I was awake. He smiled at me and told me that breakfast was in order because he had a lot for us to do. So we ate, showered and dressed. I should have been surprised but I wasn't when we walked the ten blocks to the gates of the happiest place on Earth. Within minutes we were laughing and jumping around like kids. We rode every ride; even the kid's rides based on fairy tales, and ate hot dogs and popcorn.

That evening, while sitting in the back row of a boat floating through a lagoon infested with pirates, I stared at his laughing face. I came to the conclusion that this was one of the best days of my life. I reached over and grabbed his hand and squeezed. He looked at me and we were both smiling. Then the smile faded as we slipped over a hill into a cave. By the time we were passing a pirate ship cannoning the hell out of a town, we were kissing. His mouth tasted like the cotton candy we had eaten a few minutes ago. I was lost in the sensation of his tongue brushing mine. I sucked on it, pulling his tongue deep in my mouth. I felt his groan through his chest. Then he turned the tables on me, and my groan was wrenched from me. It was loud enough that I heard it over the singing robotic pirates. That split us apart, but the connection was still there. The fire was still burning. I had to keep touching him and him touching me, just a brush of my hand along his arm or against his thigh. Something had been unleashed between us. I just hoped that he would go along with it. I needed to feel close to someone and fate or some other higher power put him in my path.

We left the park and walked back to the hotel. The door had hardly shut behind us and we were kissing and groping each other. He pulled off my shirt and clawed his fingers through my chest hair. When he scraped my nipples my knees gave way and I sank to the floor. Alan couldn't have known, but having someone run their fingers through the hair on my chest, slightly pulling on it, made me so incredibly hard that I could hardly breath. It had always ranked high on my turn on list. He followed me to the floor, whispering in my ear how hot I was, how hard he was. I shut my eyes and shuddered. Then I attacked him, removing his clothes, slipping them from his muscular frame. I had him down to his briefs. His erection pushed to the side over his hip, tenting the side of his underwear. He turned from me to pull down the bedding. I saw him from behind and I watched his ass move under the soft cotton of his underwear. Then I noticed the tip of his cock, poking in his underwear over his hip. He was long, very long if I could see it from a full back view. My mouth watered. He turned to me and his eyes were dilated and his breath was hitching.

"I didn't travel prepared, Bill."



"Oh. I traveled prepared."

I went to my shaving kit in the bathroom and grabbed the strip of rubbers. I came back into the bedroom and saw Alan, lounging on the bed, one leg lifted and bent at the knee. He rocked it back and forth and I could see his erection rub into the tight cotton of his briefs that were a little transparent from his excitement. I had a feeling that if I reached down into my underwear, I would find myself in the same dripping condition. The thought alone almost had me lose it.

"I should probably wear two of these."

Alan stopped moving and looked up sharply. "What do you mean?"

"It's been a really long time since I had sex and my control is questionable."

The look of relief on Alan's face made me wonder. "Alan, did I say something wrong?"

"No. I was just having an insecure moment. I thought you were commenting on me. I didn't want to take offense. But I am really glad you clarified." With that he grinned.

"Alan, that was the last thing on my mind. I know you. This is unexpected, but I can't imagine not being with you. I'm just so on edge I could shoot right here, right now."

"That's an idea."

With that Alan stuck his hand over his cock and squeezed the tip. I heard him moan. And felt that simple caress deep in my jeans. Then I watched him cup his balls and run his thumb over them, separating and emphasizing each of his testicles. All the while, he slowly rubbed the head of his cock. I was breathing heavily, panting my desire. I was standing in front of the bed, wearing my jeans and underwear and nothing else. I watched as Alan removed his hand from his scrotum and moved up to pinch one of his nipples. Then he told me to do the same. I moved my hand up, tweaking the tight nub. The first twinge had me moaning. Then I watched him run his fingers through his chest hair.

I found my hand subconsciously following the same trail on my own chest. All the while, he slowly rubbed the head of his cock. His underwear was almost translucent from his pre-cum. He was breathing hard, his cheeks, chest, and neck was flushed. My jeans were so tight; I was so incredibly hard and trapped. It was torture. I shifted my feet and felt a moment of intense sensation. I gasped. Alan smiled then hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his briefs and shucked them down his legs and then flicked them off his ankle, hitting me straight in the crotch. My knees buckled and I landed on the edge of the bed. I looked my fill of Alan's exposed body. He was physical perfection. His shaft was straight and long and stood so incredibly hard that it almost rested on his belly and he was only half reclined. I wanted so badly to take him in my mouth, my first experience not withstanding. But it wasn't to be. Alan reached into my lap with his foot and squeezed me then pressed hard against me. I exploded. Each spasm had me calling out. I could feel each tremendous wave propel fluid from me into my pants. It was the most intense orgasm I had had in a long time. My vision was blank, my hearing gone. I was centered on the amazing sensations centered in my crotch. As my breathing slowed, my senses began to return. And then I felt the blush rise up from my chest until I knew my face was flaming. I looked up into Alan's smiling, laughing face.

"That was amazing Bill. I have never seen anything so incredibly erotic as watching you cum. I hope it was as good as it looked."

"It was amazing, one of the best ever. But it was kind of one-sided. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. The moment you said you were on a short fuse, I decided that I wanted the edge taken off." He kneeled in front of me and unsnapped my jeans before pushing me back on the bed and pulling them and my underwear off my legs. "Because now that it's my turn, Bill, I want you to last for a good long while."

Those words had my still plump cock stand back at full staff. Then I watched as he picked up my briefs and licked at the sticky mess. When he looked at me and said ‘yum' I almost shot again. I have never been this randy before. Okay, so I have only slept with three women and my freshman roommate. But my response was even more amazing than the weekend I discovered masturbation when I was sixteen (okay, so I'm a really late bloomer and don't sleep around). But I couldn't imagine a better way to spend an evening than exploring this explosive chemistry between Alan and myself. And from the gleam in his eye, it was going to be quite the exploration.

Alan pushed me back on the bed and placed a pillow behind my head. Then he started kissing and raking his hands through the hair on my chest. I felt him move over me, reaching for the condoms still clutched in my hand. He tore one off then rolled it down me. The sensation had me groaning and bucking my hips. Alan told me to calm down and let him take care of everything. Then he threw his leg over me and sat, taking me into himself slowly, moving in scant millimeters down the length of me. Once seated, his ass resting on my thighs, he let out a long sigh, full of an almost unrecognizable contentment. Then Alan looked in my eyes and smiled. A smile of happiness and joy as he began to move, lifting himself up then moving down, gracefully, slowly. The muscles in his arms and chest bunched with energy as he grasped my chest, digging deeply into my chest hair, pulling slightly. The pain and pleasure of the simple connection was incredible. I was fisted in heat, a velvet sheath so warm and tight, I felt myself on edge again, close to tripping. I reached out and took his erection in my hand. I was amazed at the soft, silky skin, the texture and feel of it as it rolled beneath my fingers. I started to move my hand over him, moving over the velvety skin covering his incredibly hard shaft. But he brushed my hand away.

"Let it happen on its own."

I moved my hands up to feel his chest, brushing my fingers in lazy patterns, discovering that he had more chest hair than I had thought. The golden red of it merged with his skin tone, making it appear he wasn't as hairy as he was. I felt the muscles tighten in his chest and belly as I moved my hands over it. I could feel his pleasure as he started squeezing me as he moved. His entire body started to tense, curling in on itself. I watched as his cock stiffened even further, moving up higher and higher against his belly. His testicles began to lift up against his body. He kept squeezing my shaft with each rhythmic glide of his motions. I felt myself build, but not as fast as Alan. All of a sudden, he pulled hard on the hair on my chest, clawing at my pecs as his hands closed into fists. His head lowered against his chest as I saw his legs quiver. Then he raised his head to stare straight into my eyes and cried out as my belly became flooded with his release. Each pulse of semen that left his body I could feel as he milked my cock with his ecstasy. It was too much. I pulled at his hips, driving myself hard, grinding my hips into him as I came. Each spasm had my calling out my pleasure. Eight, nine, ten rapid pulses of fire left me. I was drained with pleasure, weak with release. Alan collapsed against my chest with enough exhausted force that my arms went around him with instinctual speed. The wealth of tenderness that hit me almost staggered me. It definitely stole my breath. I found myself stroking his back and cupping his face before lifting it so I could place a gentle kiss on his lips. Slowly we drifted off and I slipped into one of the most contented sleeps of my life.

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