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Click hereDavid really couldn't believe what had happened since he had moved to his new home. Women seemed to be throwing themselves at him! If he had been a younger man perhaps he wouldn't be so surprised but now, at his age?
He most certainly wasn't complaining. The whole village tradition thing intrigued him and he wondered just what else the village had to offer. Or perhaps that should be who else the village had to offer!
However he was somewhat concerned over his encounter with Lucy Black. Her reaction when she suddenly realised that she had been unfaithful was bothering him. Although he couldn't really see that it was his fault, he worried about the possible consequences.
The last thing he wanted to do is cause any trouble in the village so he hoped that Lucy's indiscretion remained a secret The problem was of course that there had been two witnesses and not knowing enough about the two young girls in question David didn't know whether they could be trusted.
The thought of being anyway involved in a possible marital problem didn't sit well with him so David decided he must be more careful if ever a similar situation was to present itself in the future.
Of course Mrs Witherington-Smythe was also a married woman but he had no such concerns over her. It was a very different situation. For one thing she never expressed any guilt like Lucy had and from what David had learnt about the woman he knew there wouldn't be a problem.
Suddenly David was awoken from his reverie by a shout. It was Jasmine calling from the back door. He was in the garden working on his shed and must have been on auto-pilot whilst his mind wandered away.
"Morning," Jasmine called.
"Oh, yes morning Jasmine, sorry I was miles away," David answered giving her a wave.
She waved back and disappeared inside the house. David was happy to leave the girl to do her chores and he continued with his shed...
It must have been nearly an hour later when David decided he needed a drink. It was a very hot day and although he tended to keep himself covered to protect himself from the damaging sun rays today he'd made an exception and had removed his shirt.
Walking into the kitchen he immediately heard a shout from Jasmine, "David...Oh at last, please help, I'm in the bathroom."
Wondering what was wrong David rushed to the bathroom and found Jasmine flat on her back on the floor, "Are you okay?" he asked with concern.
"I can't move, it's my back," Jasmine said fighting back the tears.
David kneeled down beside her and tried to calm the girl, "Try not to worry, we'll get you sorted. What happened, how did you end up here?"
"It's my own stupid fault. I washed the floor earlier and not long after I'd done it came back for a pee. Don't know how I managed it but when I'd finished I turned round to flush and ended up on my back. God I hope I haven't done anything serious, it hurts like hell," Jasmine explained.
"These things are often not as bad as they first appear, can you move at all?" David asked.
"The slightest movement is agony," Jasmine said and her eyes began to fill up with tears again.
"Just try to relax, how about if I pick you up?" David suggested.
"I wouldn't want you doing yourself a mischief, I mean I know I'm not huge but I'm still a bit of a lump," she said.
"Let me worry about that, you just relax," David replied.
Jasmine was laying completely flat with her legs stretched out and her arms down by her sides. She was dressed in her usual clobber, denim shorts and a plain white t-shirt which had ridden up a little to expose her midriff.
David noticed that she wasn't wearing her usual trainers. There was a pink flip flop on her left foot but looking around he saw the other was across the floor. No doubt it had slipped off when she fell and more than likely caused her fall.
He folded her arms so her hands laid on her chest, "Now I'm just going to slip my hand under your neck so I can lift you enough to get my arm under your back okay," David said.
"Okay," Jasmine answered rather nervously.
Sliding his left arm under her back and his right under her knees David carefully lifted her off of the floor. Jasmine was amazed at the strength of the man and he was so gentle she barely felt a twinge of pain. Effortlessly he stood up, "There, hows that?" he said looking down at her.
"Oh thank you, I thought I was never gonna get off that floor," Jasmine replied looking up at her hero.
"How long had you been there before I found you?" he asked.
"Must of been ten minutes or more although it seemed a lot longer. I was calling you for ages but obviously you couldn't hear," she answered.
"So sorry Jasmine, afraid my hearing isn't as good as it used to be," David apologised.
"Don't be silly it was my own stupid fault," Jasmine said.
"Anyway lets get you to the," David was interrupted by a woman's voice and immediately recognised it as Mrs Witherington-Smythe's.
"Hello!" she called.
"Oh it's Dorian, I completely forgot. When I couldn't make you hear, in my panic I called her," Jasmine explained.
"We're through here," Jasmine called out.
David was carefully navigating his way to the bedroom so as not to cause any more damage to his patient when Mrs Witherington-Smythe found them.
"Ah there you are, sorry Mr Little the back door was open and when I couldn't see you anywhere I came straight in," she said.
"That's quite alright. I'm just moving Jasmine to lay her on the bed," David explained.
"Yes yes of course," the posh woman said.
Slowly David made his way to the left side of the bed and carefully laid Jasmine down.
"Where does it hurt dear?" Dorian asked seeing the poor girl grimace.
"It's the bottom of my back," Jasmine replied.
"I am sure one could help if one would allow, after all one knows one is proficient in giving a relaxing massage. We just need to turn you over," Dorian said.
Once David had worked out what the woman had said he found himself intrigued to know more about these two women's relationship. With help Jasmine managed to roll over onto her front.
"Oh dear, those wet shorts will have to come off oh, and your shirt is wet too. Let's see if we can loosen you up a little and then we'll get those wet clothes off," Dorian said.
"It's the reason I fell, the bathroom floor was still wet," Jasmine said, she didn't want Dorian thinking she'd peed herself.
David was glad that Dorian was here and had taken control of the situation. Although he could empathise with Jasmine, he'd had problems with his own back over the years, he wouldn't have known what to do for the girl apart from making her comfortable.
He watched as the older woman massaged Jasmine's lower back. She had moved around to the side of the bed where he stood to reach her patient and was close enough for him to smell her subtle and no doubt expensive perfume.
She was dressed in her usual attire, plaid greyish brown skirt and white blouse. Her pearl necklace hung from her neck and swayed around as she leaned over the bed. She looked her usual immaculate self albeit a little sweaty from the heat of the day.
David felt a bit like a spare part just standing there and considered leaving them to it but became mesmerised as he watched Dorian's perfectly manicured hands, with the fingernails painted in a pale pink, slide over Jasmine's unblemished tanned skin.
His interest intensified when he noticed Dorian's left hand begin to wander away from the small of Jasmine's back and creep up under the girls wet t-shirt while the fingertips of her right hand slid under the waist band of her denim shorts.
"How's that dear?" Dorian asked while continuing to massage.
"That's feeling a lot better than what it was," Jasmine replied, the relief obvious in her voice.
"Good good, now perhaps we can remove these wet clothes now one has loosened up a little. Perhaps you could help Mr Little!" Dorian suggested.
"Yes of course," David agreed.
He did wonder whether there was any real necessity to remove the wet clothing. After all it wasn't as though Jasmine would be suffering with cold, the weather being as it was but nevertheless helped Dorian carefully remove the wet t-shirt and shorts.
"Yes as one suspected, these will have to come off as well," Dorian said when she saw Jasmine's wet pink cotton knickers.
With even greater interest David watched Dorian gently pull Jasmine's panties down the girls legs, over her feet and then drop them to the floor.
"That's better, now let's see if one can make one feel a little more comfortable," Dorian said.
She went back to massaging Jasmine's lower back but her hands were soon wandering further afield. Her left hand stroked further and further up Jasmine's back and occasionally the fingers would slip under the straps of her white bra.
Meanwhile Dorian's right hand wandered lower and caressed each cheek of Jasmine's perfect round arse in turn. It wasn't long before Dorian's middle finger slipped in to the crack and slid backwards and forwards, gradually working it's way lower.
Jasmine let out a low moan when she felt Dorian's fingertip poke against the start of her pussy lips. Slowly the finger slid further and slipped between her lips finding the entrance to her hole.
Although David couldn't see between Jasmine's legs from his viewpoint he knew exactly what Dorian was doing to the girl. Watching her hand rock backwards and forwards he knew full well that Dorian was finger fucking the young girls pussy.
"That's a good girl, just relax," Dorian said in a soft reassuring tone and proceeded to move to the end of the bed.
As David watched Dorian carefully spread Jasmine's legs wide he felt a hand on the front of his shorts. Of course he knew who the hand belonged to and looked down at Jasmine's face that was turned to her left while she still laid flat out on her front. With a coy grin she looked up at him.
With great dexterity her left hand had quickly negotiated it's way inside his shorts and after opening his fly had released his penis. Although flaccid Jasmine still had plenty of cock to wrap her hand around and after doing just that began to pull on the thick shaft.
Returning Jasmine's smile with one of his own he turned his gaze towards Dorian. She was now laying on the bed between Jasmine's legs with her head poised just above the girls perfect round arse and staring at his penis.
David then watched as the older woman lowered her head, closed her eyes and took a long slow breath in through her nose, "Oh my darling girl," she said in a sensual seductive tone.
Once again she took another long slow breath through her nose, "Oh my gorgeous girl, one always smells so scrumptious!" she said in the same manner.
David was now in no doubt that the two woman had been intimate before, at least once and quite likely more. Jasmine let out a sudden groan of pleasure when she felt Dorian's tongue touch her pussy lips and her hand squeezed David's penis firmly as though hanging on for balance.
"One tastes so divine!" Dorian said in her usual posh way.
Once again David looked down at Jasmine's face. Her lustful eyes stared at his cock while her hand stroked along it's length. With an occasional groan her eyes would close momentarily and then open to stare again.
Returning his gaze towards Dorian he watched her nose appear and then disappear from Jasmine's arse cheeks which was accompanied by the slurping sound of tongue on pussy. Occasionally her eyes would flick up to catch a glimpse of Jasmine's hand wanking David's long thick cock that was now fully erect.
Again David looked back to Jasmine's face and saw she was studying a drip of pre cum as it dripped slowly from his knob and like a string unravelling from a reel dropped towards the floor. Suddenly her eyes closed tight and she began to moan loudly causing David to look back down at Dorian.
She had raised herself up and was licking between Jasmine's arse cheeks while fucking her with her finger or fingers or maybe thumb, David couldn't see which. Jasmine's hand squeezed harder and faster as her impending climax drew nearer.
"Come for mummy," Dorian encouraged.
Jasmine's moans became louder.
"Come for mummy while she licks your sweet little arse," Dorian encouraged further.
David felt the steady rhythm of Jasmine's hand on his cock falter as the girl succumbed to her own pleasure.
"Come on mummies fingers while they fuck your gorgeous little cunt and mummies tongue teases your arsehole," Dorian said to bring Jasmine to orgasm.
David watched the young woman's face contort as though she was in pain and her breathing stopped. Her hand squeezed his shaft tighter than ever and forced another drop of pre cum to escape from the bulging knob as her climax consumed her...
Jasmine began panting to replace the oxygen her orgasm had deprived her of which signalled to Dorian that she could relax her own efforts. Withdrawing her fingers from Jasmine's sopping wet pussy she kissed each buttock before climbing from the bed.
"So, how does my patient feel now, have we managed to ease your pain dear?" Dorian asked and one at a time sucked on her wet fingers.
"Oh, my back! Yes it feels much better, thank you!" Jasmine replied as she bathed in the remnants of her climax.
"Good, I knew it would help if we took your mind off of the pain," Dorian said as she moved from the end of the bed towards David, "Now I can't leave my boy in that state can I."
Dorian hitched up her skirt to enable her to kneel down in front of David. Jasmine still had her hand around his thick shaft and had been gently wanking him but had to let go when Dorian turned David to face towards her.
"There's my big handsome boy, lets get these clothes out of the way so mummy can see you properly," Dorian said already tugging David's shorts and underpants down.
"Oh yes that's better," she said now David was almost naked apart from the clothes around his ankles and the trainers on his feet.
Pushing his penis up and holding it against David's body with her left hand Dorian pressed her face against the shaft so her nose was to the right and began to sniff up and down.
"Oooh how delightful!" she said, obvious delight in her voice.
Replacing her left hand with her right she kissed the shaft as she moved her nose to the other side and again sniffed up and down the whole length. Lowering her head and tilting it to the left Dorian kissed the soft clean shaven skin of David's ball-sack.
She licked all over David's big balls with all the urgency of licking an ice cream that was beginning to melt, occasionally sucking some of the smooth loose skin into her mouth.
Suddenly Dorian pulled away leaving David's fully erect penis to sway around loose and stick up at it's natural forty five degree inclination. Sitting back on her heels Dorian pulled her blouse from her skirt and deftly undid the buttons. Moments later it was laying on the floor behind her and was soon reunited with her white bra that seconds later fell on top.
David's cock twitched in response to the sight of the posh woman's naked chest. Still kneeling she lifted herself up and cupping her right breast raised it up to meet with David's large knob that she pulled down with her other hand.
"There, that's what my big boy wanted," she said poking her stiff nipple into the wet slit, "you wanted to see mummies titties didn't you!"
Movement from his left caught David's eye and his attention was divided between the two women. Jasmine gingerly raised herself up and slowly, with the odd grimace of pain managed to sit on the side of the bed.
David caught his first sight of the younger woman's vagina. It was clean shaven and he could clearly see the wet protruding lips of her labia glinting in the light. His attention shifted back to see Dorian, cupping both of her breasts in her hands, wrap them around his shaft.
"Fuck mummies titties my big handsome boy," Dorian said addressing David's penis rather than it's owner.
On each upward thrust from David Dorian ran her tongue over the bulging knob, licking up a fresh blob of pre cum that pulsed out on each stroke. Jasmine had managed to get herself on the floor and was kneeling to the side of the action and her right hand stroked up David's inner thigh from behind him.
"Ah my dear Jasmine, help me with this gorgeous monster," Dorian said as she released David's penis from between her breasts.
As the two women took up position each side of his erection and began running their puckered lips along his shaft he could see they had done it before. If it had been an Olympic event they would have won a gold medal, they were perfectly synchronised.
Without a word being spoken Dorian suddenly moved back to kneel directly in front of David again while Jasmine leaned back and grabbed his rock hard shaft in both of her hands as they both instinctively sensed his approaching climax.
Dorian cupped her breasts in her hands and holding them firmly together lifted them higher, "Mummy needs your cream!" she said.
Jasmine wanked faster pulling David's cock down to aim the knob towards Dorian's waiting tits. A sudden flow of clear liquid pumped from the tip quickly followed by a forceful stream of thick spunk that splattered against Dorian's pearl necklace.
The flood gates had opened and several more streams of spunk splashed over the woman's tits and necklace while Jasmine kept wanking David's throbbing cock.
"Oh you naughty boy!" Dorian exclaimed as though in admonishment but clearly enjoying the moment, "what a mess you've made all over mummies titties."
Dorian jiggled her tits around with her hands and seemed fascinated by the gooey mess as it dripped from her necklace and ran down her cleavage. Looking up she leaned forward and kissed the big glistening purple knob in front of her and as she withdrew another stream of cum splattered against her lips.
"Mmmm, lovely," she said licking her spunky lips.
Turning his gaze to Jasmine he saw her looking up at him with a sultry smile on her face. The palm of her left hand rubbed over the end of his big cock and without breaking eye contact with him she raised it to her mouth and licked up the spunk she had collected.
When David looked back at the older woman she had already picked her bra up from behind her and was pulling the cups over her breasts. With cum still dripping from the pearl necklace he watched it soak into the white material that was already absorbing the spunk from her tits.
"Well dear, I think it's about time we got you home!" Dorian said to Jasmine and then turned to David. "I wonder Mr Little, would you have something to cover the girl? She can't wear those wet clothes."
"Erm... yes of course," David said after thinking for a moment while he pulled his own clothes back on.
As he looked for one of his shirts for Jasmine to wear he thought of the irony of what Dorian had said. She didn't expect Jasmine to wear her damp clothes but was quite happy with her own wet bra now soaked in his cum.
"Here this should cover you," David said passing one of his t-shirts to Jasmine who was now sitting on the bed.
The shirt easily covered her and looked like an oversized dress once she had carefully slipped it on and stood up. When David looked back at Dorian he was amazed to see her fully dressed and ready to leave but not quite her usual immaculate self.
The light sparkled from the spunk on her chest and wet patches were growing larger by the second on her white blouse...
These stories are hot !! Keep them coming they are very enjoyable reads. Thanks for sharing.