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New Beginnings


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"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry," Jessica said to Rachel. "If you don't want to talk about it right now, that's ok. But, you know, it may be easier to talk about it with someone you don't know that well. At least this way, you don't have to worry about what I think about it afterwards."

Rachel thought about that last point. Jessica did have a point and it could be a way to express her feelings to someone that isn't that close to her. She could tell that Jessica really did show real concern for her. Rachel finally shook her head and looking down at the floor said quietly, "Ok, here it goes..."

Rachel's tale of heartbreak and despair was enough to make even the strongest person shed some tears. She described her terrible ordeal with little emotion in her voice, like she was reciting an encyclopedia full of facts and statements. She spoke about how she was a cheerleader in high school and was going out with one of the members of the football team. Her boyfriend was really good at his position and was being visited by college recruiters. They talked all the time about how they would be together forever. They were both seventeen when she got pregnant with Marcus and they couldn't have been happier. They married soon after graduation. Her boyfriend received an academic scholarship at the university near their hometown and she and their new baby Marcus went with him. He went to school and played football while she got a part time job as a waitress to earn enough for them to live off campus. Life was really good for the couple and their young son.

Then tragedy struck. In his senior season, her husband suffered a horrific leg injury from which he couldn't recover well enough to play football again. Depression began to set into her boyfriend and to help deal with it, he took to consuming vast amounts of alcohol. Once he started drinking, he blamed Rachel for what happened to him and began beating her. As the months and years went by, the violence got worse and worse and Rachel couldn't find a way out. The only reason she stayed was to protect Marcus.

One night there was a knock on the door. Rachel opened it up and saw two policemen standing at the door. They proceeded to tell her that her husband was in a car accident on the highway. They told her it looked like he was driving home from the bar, drunk, when he went to swerve out of the way of something. He flipped his truck and died at the scene. Although there was a faint amount of sorrow because her son's father was dead, there was plenty of relief. Finally, Rachel was out of what could have ended up as a deadly situation for her or her son and now she could finally find something better for the two of them.

Everything around their apartment reminded Rachel of her late boyfriend. She could not escape the painful memories that surrounded her in her own home. One day, after living in that same apartment that harbored such terrible memories, Rachel came to that fateful decision; she decided that in order to truly be free, she and Marcus would have to leave everything behind and move as far away from their painful past as they could.

Days passed as Rachel and Marcus drove and drove. Marcus and her would sleep in the car to stretch what little money they had. After a week or so, they drove through Bellevue. Rachel looked out through her car's windows at the tree-lined streets, beautiful parks and cute downtown business and immediately Rachel knew this is where they belonged. She found a little apartment for rent that was situated on top of a breakfast place in the center of town and she took a job as a waitress in the restaurant.

"That was about three months ago," Rachel whispered, barely able to completely fall apart during the telling of her story.

Jessica covered the remaining distance between them and wrapped the fragile younger woman beside her in a tight embrace. "I am so sorry for everything you have been through, Rachel. You and I have just met but I know you are a terrific person and you should never have had to endure all of that pain."

Though Rachel flinched a little with the invasion of her personal space, after a moment, she welcomed Jessica's embrace. She finally had an opportunity to let her pent up emotions go. She threw her arms around Jessica's neck and heavily cried into Jessica's comforting bosom. She allowed Jessica to console her with soothing words and her hand softly stroking her head.

After a couple minutes passed Rachel's crying spell was nearly complete. Rachel slowly picked her head up and, while wiping the last of her tears from her face, found herself staring into Jessica's bright brown eyes. At that moment, Rachel needed not just to be held—she needed to be loved. She wasn't thinking about where she was or whom she was with—she just needed to be somebody to love her. She timidly leaned in to kiss Jessica, maybe expecting a rebuke, but was pleasantly surprised when she found the older woman began kissing her back.

It was a soft kiss at first; definitely hesitant, but more loving than anything else. Their lips softly melted together in a rhythm that surprised both women with how quickly they seemed to synch. Rachel put her arms back around Jessica's neck and as she did she also let her hands explore Jessica's back. In the meantime, Jessica had begun to move her right hand to the back of Rachel's head silently letting Rachel understand that it was all right to continue.

Jessica broke the kiss first but only momentarily did her lips leave Rachel's body as she began to nibble softly on Rachel's neck causing Rachel to silently shudder. Her hands began to move softly down Rachel's shoulders, arms and back. Rachel could feel her heartbeat rising as she rubbed Jessica's back through her dress. A quiet moan escaped her lips when Jessica started to lick and softly suck on Rachel's earlobe.

Jessica smiled when she heard Rachel's reaction. "Rachel, darling, you deserve someone to care for you," Jessica whispered in between her oral manipulations of Rachel's ear. "You deserve to be loved. Let me show you what true love feels like."

No answer could escape Rachel's lips right away. She knew she loved what Jessica was doing to her. Rachel had never thought of making love to another woman but she also knew that Jessica was right. She did deserve to be loved. And if Jessica was willing to do that for her than why shouldn't she go through with this.

She gently, though reluctantly, pushed Jessica away from her oral manipulations of her ear. Looking deep into Jessica's eyes, Rachel gave the affirmation that Jessica had been subconsciously anticipating ever since they met at the baseball park. "Please," Rachel quietly pleaded to Jessica. "Please, Jess, make love to me."

Jessica smiled and lovingly placed her hand on Rachel's cheek, "I promise to make this the best night you have ever had." Jessica then got up from the sofa and offered her hand to the young blonde. Rachel took Jessica's hand and slowly made their way up the staircase to the second floor where the bedrooms were located.

Before they could begin their extracurricular activities, both women realized that they had a few motherly duties to take care of. The women told their children that they would be sleeping over and both boys were beyond excited as it appeared they were becoming fast friends. Rachel and Jessica needed to ensure both children got washed up, changed and put to bed; throughout these tasks, Jessica would sneak a touch of Rachel's skin that would make the younger woman shiver with anticipation of what was to come.

Once both children were in bed, sound asleep, Jessica led Rachel into her master bedroom. Rachel entered the enormous room first while Jessica followed and closed the door behind them. She then turned to face Rachel. Slowly, Jessica removed her heels, one at a time, seductively walked up to the blonde and kissed her hard on the lips. Rachel returned the favor passionately, standing on her toes due to the height difference between the two of them. Tongues fought each other as they moved first from Rachel's mouth then back into Jessica's. Rachel's mind disappeared into the sheer pleasure she was experiencing from such an erotic scene. She was so lost in the kiss that before she knew it, the backs of her legs bumped into the king size bed in the middle of the room.

The two women climbed onto the bed together and, kneeling on the mattress, continued to make out. Jessica knew she had the most experience so she thought she should be the one to progress the events a little bit faster. Her hands made their way down Rachel's back to the hem of her blouse. She grabbed the blouse with both hands and pulled it over her lover's head with only the slightest interruption of their continued kiss. Having removed the garment, Jessica's hands gently caressed Rachel's breasts through her black satin bra causing Rachel to break their kiss and loudly moan. Jessica's hands then moved back around Rachel's body and skillfully removed Rachel's bra. The sudden exposure to the cool air caused Rachel's nipples to stiffen. Between the cool air and sexual excitement pouring through her veins, she could not remember another time when her nipples were this hard.

After a couple minutes of gently massaging her breasts, Rachel felt herself being moved into a lying position on the bed. Rachel looked longingly up at her brown-haired lover as Jessica reached behind herself to unzip her dress. She couldn't believe her eyes as Jessica pulled her dress off; she was totally naked, apparently her subconscious had this planned the entire time.

"You look beautiful," Rachel breathed, barely able to be heard by Jessica.

Jessica saw the amazement in Rachel's eyes and laughed. "Thank you, baby." She motioned toward Rachel's pants and remarked, "But now, I think you are a little overdressed." With that, Jessica reached for the button on Rachel's pants, unbuttoned them and slid them, along with her panties, down over her tanned legs and threw them on to the floor of the bedroom.

Jessica started to move her hands all over Rachel's body. Every time she reached a sensitive spot, Rachel would moan giving Jessica valuable information of where Rachel loved to be touched. As she continued her feeling up of Rachel's body, she eventually moved her fingers toward Rachel's pussy. Jessica moved further up the bed so she could resume tonguing Rachel's ear with as she teased with the area around Rachel's pussy.

As Jessica continued with her oral and physical manipulations on her lover, Rachel continued to get more and more excited with all of the different sensations she was experiencing. She was beginning to lose herself with how good everything felt when she heard Jessica whispering in her ear, "All you need to do tonight is relax and let me love you. Tonight is all about your enjoyment." With those words, Jessica moved back down Rachel's petite body.

Jessica spread Rachel's legs and gazed at her beautifully shaved pussy. Jessica just couldn't wait to taste the juices that were ready to spill out of Rachel's willing vagina. She poked her tongue out and lapped the whole way up Rachel's pussy, enjoying not only Rachel's taste but also the way Rachel moaned the entire time her tongue made its first journey on her pussy.

Rachel's acceptance of her tongue on her pussy was the last barrier that Jessica needed broken; she now felt comfortable that Rachel wasn't going to freak out and leave. She explored all over Rachel's entrance. Using her right hand to hold Rachel open, Jessica would alternate between nibbling on her moist lips to sticking her tongue as far as she could go into Rachel's hole to licking directly on Rachel's clit. Reaching up with her left hand, she grabbed a hold of Rachel's right breast, massaging it and tweaking the hardened bud on top to give extra heat she was giving to her partner.

All of these new sensations were driving Rachel crazy with passion. She had never felt anything like this before. Jessica was hitting every spot that made her crazy—almost like she knew what would set her off. It did make sense, she reasoned. Only a woman could really know what another woman would enjoy. She could not get enough of Jessica's tongue inside of her. She reached down between her legs and grabbed a hold of Jessica's hair trying to force as much of her brilliant tongue inside of her as possible. The whole time Rachel was moaning and yelling to the manipulations happening to her.

Rachel was beginning to feel herself coming closer to her climax. Her panting was becoming louder and more harried as Jessica continued to pleasure her. Her grip on Jessica's brown hair was like a vice and her legs began to tighten around Jessica's head in an effort to keep these extraordinary sensations to continue. Jessica knew Rachel was close to cumming and she responded by rubbing her finger over Rachel's clit while she continued to lick her delicious pussy.

"Oh God! Don't stop, Jess! Don't stop! Don't stop! I'm gonna come! I'm gonna come! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!"

Rachel erupted into the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced. It felt to her as if she was floating above the bed watching herself go through the most amazing feelings she had ever felt. Rachel could never have known that an orgasm could have been so extraordinary. And through the whole orgasm, Jessica kept right on licking and sucking her pussy lips and tonguing her hole.

As Rachel started to come down from her orgasm, Jessica slowed her pace on Rachel's pussy, but continuing to give her the attention she felt she deserved. While she wanted to take it easy on her, Jessica was determined to bring Rachel to another orgasm in an effort to show Rachel that she was absolutely someone worth having the time and effort spent loving. And with her experience, Jessica still had a couple tricks up her sleeve to make that happen.

Rachel was basking in her afterglow; for a minute or two, she honestly wasn't aware where she was. Slowly, her mind came back to reality. She again felt those pleasurable sensations from between her legs, picked her head up to take a look and was greeted by those big brown eyes of her new lover. A feeling of warmth came over Rachel right then; a strangely familiar feeling that she remembered from a long time ago. It is the feeling she gets when she looks at Marcus every morning; the feeling that she had for her boyfriend before his injury. It only meant one thing to Rachel—she was falling in love with Jessica.

Seeing Rachel had recovered, Jessica took her right hand and sucked on her index and middle fingers, getting them nice and wet for what she had next in store. This time, instead of focusing on Rachel's puffy lips, Jessica took both of her fingers and slowly inserted them into Rachel's box. At the same time, she placed her mouth over Rachel's clit and gently started to lick at her newly sensitive clit.

When Rachel felt the contact of her clit with Jessica's lips, her body nearly jumped of the bed. It was all Jessica could do to maintain contact with Rachel's clit. Though Jessica was bigger than Rachel, the sudden spasm was almost enough for Jessica lose control. Rachel could feel Jessica's fingers filling her up and combined with Jessica directly sucking on her clit had her moaning even louder than before.

Jessica had Rachel approaching her second orgasm in no time. She quickened her pace of her fingers and sucked Rachel's clit in time to her thrusts causing Rachel to moan and scream her approval. Rachel tried to hold off the impending orgasm but failed. She exploded all over; the muscles in her pussy clamping down on Jessica's fingers as though it never wanted those fingers to leave.

Once Rachel was able to relax after her most recent orgasm, Jessica was able to remove her fingers from Rachel's pussy. She crawled her way back on top of Rachel to share in another passionate kiss. Immediately, Rachel could taste herself on Jessica's face and was surprised to find she didn't really mind the taste.

"Rachel, you are incredible. Your boyfriend was such a fool to treat you the way he did," Jessica said. "Now, there is one more thing I want to do for you. Is that ok?"

"After what you just made me feel, you can do whatever you like," Jessica replied.

"I was hoping you would say that. I will be right back," Jessica said. She smoothly got off the bed and walked toward her closet.

Rachel remained on her back on Jessica's bed, softly stroking her sensitive pussy, closely watching Jessica moving boxes on the top shelf, wondering what she was had in mind. The answer came quickly afterward as Jessica removed the last box from the shelf. Jessica opened the box and took out the contents—a black harness with an eight-inch flesh-colored dildo attached to the front of it and a small bottle of lube.

"What is that?," asked Rachel, even though she had a pretty good idea what it was.

Jessica smiled at Rachel's innocence as she carefully stepped through the openings of the harness. She then tightened the harness around her hips, squirted a little bit of the lube into her hand and stroked the plastic dildo, coating its entire length with the lube. Leisurely, Jessica sauntered back over to the bed, her new appendage bouncing slightly as she moved. "Honey, I just want to love you the way you need to be loved. Would you let me do that for you, baby?"

Rachel could not get over how sexy her older lover looked with her strap-on around her gorgeous hips. As Jessica climbed back onto the bed, all remaining reservations were gone in her mind. She knew without a doubt that she would love whatever Jessica was going to do. Right now, at this moment, she needed to feel Jessica inside her. Rachel gave Jessica an almost imperceptible nod, letting both herself and Jessica know she was willing and ready.

Jessica slowly advanced between Rachel's legs on her knees, stroking the plastic phallus in anticipation of what was to come. She rubbed the tip along the length of Rachel's waiting pussy drawing a gasp of anticipation from Rachel. Moving her hips forward just a little, Jessica began to insert the dildo into moist folds in front of her. A long drawn out moan escaped Rachel's mouth as she felt the intrusion in her pussy. Jessica pressed her hips forward slowly but deliberately; she wanted Rachel to be as comfortable as she could be before progressing further.

With every careful thrust, Jessica would feed another inch or two of her dildo into Rachel. As more and more of the dildo slid inside the blonde, Jessica changed to a more comfortable position, from on her knees to lying on top of Rachel. Finally, after a couple more little movements of Jessica's hips, both women felt their hips touching each other's, Jessica's entire shaft now totally inside of Rachel.

"Are you ok?", Jessica whispered.

"Uh huh," Rachel nodded in unabashed pleasure. "Please fuck me, Jess."

Jessica didn't need to be persuaded any further. She began to move her hips over her lover's, using long, slow thrusts to reassure Rachel that this wasn't just some fuck between two strangers. What was happening between the two women was an unspoken act of love that both Rachel and Jessica understood. Rachel wrapped her legs around Jessica's thighs in an attempt to get as much of Jessica inside her. The brunette continued her deliberate pace for a few minutes while she alternated between nibbling Rachel's neck and collarbone. Every once and a while, the two ladies would come together for a sensual kiss that only increased the passion between them. With every stroke of her dildo, Jessica was bringing out the most amazing feelings in Rachel.

"Harder," Rachel pleaded. Jessica obliged by increasing her pace, progressively slamming her dildo faster and faster inside of Rachel. Rachel's body started growing hotter with a light sheen of sweat began to break out along her body as she moved toward her ultimate peak. Each time Jessica's hips thrust downward, Rachel would moan and scream with pleasure. The sound of their hips coming together added to the eroticism of the sensual atmosphere that had been building up in the bedroom.

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