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New Horizons Ch. 08

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Samantha begins training but who's training who?
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Part 8 of the 17 part series

Updated 10/25/2022
Created 04/13/2005
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Chapter 8, Training Team

To my readers: This chapter starts slowly but is necessary to set up future chapters. Thanks for staying with me.

When Jillian called me the day after orientation, I knew that training or whatever it wound up being, was about to begin, and I also knew I'd made a wise decision to skip orientation. She proposed a meeting to discuss the lists and information I'd been given.. After discussing several dates, we agreed on the following Tuesday at one of the smaller meeting places. I took down the location, noting that I was familiar with the area, having a close friend that lived nearby. The office complex was one of three that were destined to be demolished for construction of a new hospital and research center. Nearly all of the tenants had relocated already and the others were in the process of doing so.

"Just casual, Samantha. Jeans, or whatever. I'll be sure to have some snacks and refreshments. I think Beth is bringing some other training materials so we'll be busy."

Oh, I had no doubt of that, remembering the lust in the women's eyes when last we'd met.

When I opened my calendar on the computer, I was glad that I had begun keeping good records right from the start. Beth had been the one to advise that in one of her early conversations after the meeting with Laurie and Wendy. I took great care to pace myself, hoping I would neither burn out, or get so busy that I would miss events, such as chapter meetings.

After a lot of thought, I decided to wear a pair of shorts and a pullover top, and at the last minute, a bra and panties. My hopes were high of seeing the other women naked but I had no way to know and didn't want to seem like a slut or something.

As I entered the offices, I heard bright laugher coming from the rear of the suite and headed toward it. Putting on my brightest smile, I stepped into the room to be greeted by two of the women I wanted to know so much better. Heather was no where to be seen. Disappointed, but at the same time thrilled, I stepped over to exchange greeting hugs and kisses from Beth and Jillian.

Beth wore a pair of old jeans and a button up shirt while Jillian had echoed my feelings and wore shorts and a pullover. "Looks like we planned it, doesn't it?" she asked, turning so I could see her outfit, and that hot ass I wanted to play with.

"Have you made any contacts yet?" Beth inquired.

"I guess you could say that," I replied, proceeding to detail my session with Dani. Before I was even done, the scent of arousal was strong and they were both in the final stages of orgasm. It was precious, watching them trying to be discrete, even when it wasn't necessary.

Without realizing it, I too began feeling the pressure of an oncoming orgasm and I welcomed it. When we calmed, we went into the bathroom and cleaned ourselves up, chuckling at how easy it had been to get us going.

Sipping on iced tea, we gathered our thoughts together to try to accomplish the real reason for our meeting.

"I'm happy for you, Samantha," Beth reported. "I know her membership was a personal goal of yours and you accomplished a major breakthrough there. Of course you can be there and it's sweet of you to want to. Did you warn her about the size of the strap-on?"

"No," I replied. "I was afraid I revealed too much as it was."

"I don't think so," Jillian commented. "She might have backed out if you hadn't prepared her that well. I think you have to kind of go with your gut sometimes. You knew what you needed to do to get her past everything and knowing that you'll be there with her makes a big difference. I think you did a great job."

"Thanks," I replied. "I'm so happy we're friends again too."

"I think this is going to work out fine," Beth added. "I'm not surprised that you made the first step alone. Remember what you did to Allyssa. She does, I promise."

I laughed and felt my face flush. That wasn't one of my shining moments in my book

"Well," Beth continued, "I think you have the general idea and maybe we can offer some suggestions of different ways to go about it. That's why we're called the training team."

I laughed and nodded. "That's what I was hoping. There were a couple of other prospects I wanted to work on too and maybe you can help me with those as well."

"Good. Well, you've obviously been giving it some thought," Jillian observed "To be honest with you, Samantha, we've never had a designated individual to do this for us before. We've sort of left that up to the one that originally nominated them, but we haven't been getting a very high percentage of returning candidates so we thought that with that body, we might have a better chance."

"I can think of several bodies that are better than mine," I replied, "and I haven't seen yours yet so I might add some more to the list."

Jillian laughed and went to get us some beverages.

"It's not just the body," Beth continued, "it's the attitude, the willingness to try new things, experience new ideas, and things like that. Your handling of your test with Allyssa was outstanding and far and away the best we've ever seen. Most women just ignore her until she almost rapes them. You were quick to see an opportunity and you took a chance. That's what this is all about, Samantha. Taking a chance on a candidate and knowing when an opportunity presents itself and then the timing of your presentation. I've seen that as a natural thing with you and that's why I suggested you for this very important job."

"Pay sucks, but the benefits might be worth it," Jillian commented as she returned with our drinks.

"You do realize that this is a voluntary assignment and there is no pay involved," Beth quickly added.

"Oh, I expected that." I replied. "As Jillian so aptly put it, I'm in it for the benefits."

We spent the next half hour going over such things as chapter and group membership limitations, and retention data, which was quite impressive. We discussed nomination procedures, and the type of candidates that were desired as well as the ones less desirable. The entire screening procedure was discussed and I almost wondered at how I was approved. I asked about the bondage groups and was told that while there were four chapters, bondage was not encouraged, and was strictly controlled.

"I'm glad we discussed that, just in case I meet someone who is interested in it. I thought about it once but I think I'll just stay with the group I'm with now. They do use some of the bondage techniques but it isn't their focus from what I've seen so far."

"No," Jillian agreed, "and it's a good group. I used to be in that chapter before I got so involved with the overall operations. Cricket is a great advisor and you'll find her to be a good friend as well. By the way, I heard about your adventures with Justine."

I flushed at the reminder. "I'm not sure I wanted to hear that."

They both laughed. "Samantha, you're a legend. Justine is so tall and imposing that no one has ever challenged her that way. She was absolutely thrilled and won't stop talking about it. Your last chapter meeting made me wish I was still a member of the chapter."

"Speaking of chapters," Beth said, "we try not to put a new member into the chapter of the person that recommended them. They have the right to request it, and sometimes it works out well but it can have serious ramifications on the other members so try to avoid it if you can."

"I have no idea who recommended me," I reported."I'd love to thank them."

"She's carefully avoided meetings where you've been for a while. You'll see her soon though. By the way, she is extremely proud of you and was thrilled when you accepted this position. She just wanted to wait for the right time and circumstance to let you know. She's suggested several nominees but I'll let her discuss that with you."

"Is there a specific approach I'm to take with prospects?" I wondered.

"That's your decision, Samantha," Beth replied. "Every candidate is different. I'd study every bio carefully and look at the photos as well as the follow up reports to see at what point they refused to continue. The better you know your candidate, the more apt you are to get them back. I've even followed a candidate for a short time on several occasions just to get to know them better. Just be sure that you are never confrontational. You have to be accepted as a friend and non-threatening at all times. I've got some suggested meeting places for you similar to the one that Melissa uses, and all expenses you incur within reason at a restaurant or whatever, will be reimbursed. I use a separate credit card for that to make it simpler. When you met Melissa she took several minutes to study you for signs of nervousness or fear. Know your candidates mental state and you'll have a better success rate."

"What about prospects that refused the anal penetration?"

"That's a tough situation, but don't lose a prospect because of it. I like the way you handled that with Dani. Do whatever you can to get them to accept it, because it is a sign of their willingness to try new things, and try to calm their fears. You've been there and experienced it for the first time at your orientation. I know you didn't really want it done to you but you accepted it. That's the big thing...acceptance of new and perhaps less than ideal experiences. If a prospect vehemently objects for whatever reason, we can waive that part of the ceremony, but it means that everything else becomes more important. The candidate committee may reject a prospect if they know so keep that in mind. We only have a few chapter openings left, thirty-eight, to be exact. Our maximum membership limit is two hundred, at least until further notice."

"You say two hundred for a maximum yet I haven't seen more then forty or so at the orientations." I observed.

"There's a good reason for that, Samantha. We only have so much room at the orientation sites so we have to restrict attendance. No one attends all the sessions though. It would burn you out."

"I'm close to that already," I agreed. "I'm not complaining though. It was rough last month because of the two orientations and a special chapter meeting. Maybe I'll slow down now."

"Or not." Jillian warned. "You may find that this new position puts a lot of stress on you and if it does, you just have to slow down. There are no deadlines or anything so watch yourself and don't be afraid to back off."

"Why don't we do some roll playing, Beth. That might give her some ideas and give us a better idea of what we need to focus on."

"Let's pick a candidate that is on the top of your list and see what we can come up with."

"Well, there is this one that kind of intrigues me. She hesitated when she got the invitation and replied that maybe she might be interested but never replied to follow ups. I'd like to meet with her and try to find out what is holding her back. She's been a lesbian for a while so it's not the stigma that holds her back. Unless she has a new lover who doesn't want her to be involved and that's possible. Maybe I can get them both to apply;

"Just remember, Samantha, that they wouldn't both be in the same chapter. It just causes too much friction," Beth reminded me.

"Unless," Jillian mused, her brows knitted beautifully. "Unless we do what we were talking about trying with chapter eleven Beth. Remember, we thought about changing that to a couples chapter when it almost fell apart a few months ago? They only have a few members right now, I think two or three so it wouldn't be all that hard if we wanted to try it. Let's just keep that possibility in mind and discuss it with Laurie and Wendy. By the way, Samantha, Laurie said to remind you that we will be having monthly meetings to go over everything."

I groaned and put my head back, trying to figure out how I'd fit them in to my schedule but I most definitely would find a way.

"Ok, back to our candidate," Beth said. "You will need to get her past the "maybe" and on to "I"ll try it again". Jillian, what do you think about using the pool area at the Windward?"

"Windward?" I asked. "What's the Windward?"

"It used to be a motel, Samantha, before we took it over. We're presently doing a complete renovation and eventually it will be one of our special events sites. For right now though, the pool and snack bar are open to special members only."

"Tell me more," I requested, trying to visualize the set-up.

"Well," Beth began, as she began pacing the floor. "We can use some of the members as shills, for lack of a better name. You'd invite her to join you at the pool. While the two of you talked, the members could begin shedding their suits and swimming nude, maybe even taking part in some playful activities designed to enhance the ambiance. Let's try some roll playing so you can see what I mean"

We moved furniture around so that chairs sat around the round table, and another chair was placed on the opposite side of the room.

"Samantha, you take the roll of the candidate, and I'll take your roll. Jillian will be on the opposite side of our imaginary pool, setting up a tease."

Beth sorted through her literature, placing several items in a folder, then placing it on the table in front of the chair she would occupy, which forced me to sit on the side of the table with the best view of the pool and Jillian's act.

Beth had me seated as she came into the scene, smiling and extending her hand.

"Hello, Julie, I'm glad you made it. Did you have any problems finding the place?"

"No, not at all. Your directions were quite precise. I thought I would have a problem getting past the security gate, but she waved me right on in."

Beth laughed as she released my hand. "I made sure that your pass was there with your photo on it. I was inside, touring the renovation work. It's going to be a great facility when it's done. Did you wear your suit? "

"I almost didn't but it's such a beautiful day and the pool idea was so inviting. Did you wear yours?"

"I never wear one," she replied. "That's one of the nice things about this place. The fences and trees completely shield the pool from any possible voyeurs. I come over here as often as I can, and so do a lot of the other members. You're one of the first non-members to see the place."

"I have to say, it's very beautiful from what I can see so far. When are they planning on completion?"

Hopefully in time for us to have a grand opening before the weather starts to change. We have a similar pool inside but it isn't ready yet."

"So what did you want to talk to me about? I know you said you had some information and some questions."

She got up to walk around behind me, placing a piece of paper in front of me. "Well, for one thing," she began, "according to your candidate profile, you wanted to become a member of "Totally Woman, " but you never returned any of our inquiries or replied to our attempts to follow through with you. I guess I'd like to know what we aren't doing that we should be doing.

"I'm not sure," I replied. "I mean, it sounded so good at first, the chance to be with like-minded women in a safe and secure setting appealed to me,.but I have to admit that I'm a pretty shy person, quite private if you know what I mean."

"I do know what you mean and that's one of the wonderful things about Totally Woman. There are so many events and chapter meetings, but you aren't obligated to do anything at all. It's all about opportunity. The opportunity to enjoy our lifestyle without any stigma whatsoever. You don't have to keep looking around to see if anyone is watching you, or sneaking around to make sure no one sees where your going. It is a relaxing, comforting feeling.

"I like the sound of that," I replied. "but I heard that the sex is pretty intense."

"Oh it can be," she admitted, "but it doesn't have to be. That's just it. You choose your level of intensity. For that matter, you are perfectly free to just watch the others and masturbate your brains out if that's your choice."

I laughed at her wording. "Is it expensive?"

"Not at all. In fact, it's free. We do accept donations to the trust fund and things like that to help keep our group going but we are well funded. The only cost to you might be some special outfit you decide to wear for a certain event but that's up to you. The chapter meetings are completely casual and the orientation meetings are whatever you want to wear, although the mode of dress gets a bit interesting at times." "Am I required to attend all the meetings?"

"Not at all. I don't know of anyone who does, to tell you the truth."

"You keep mentioning my orientation. What is that, some kind of initiation or something?"

"Something like that. Is there anything in particular you want to know about it?"

"What is it and what do I have to do? Like I say, I'm a private person and quite shy most of the time."

"Julie, I can assure you most of us fit that description when we went through orientation. To be honest, it is set up to see how open you are to new sensations, new ideas, and new activities. Does that help you?"

"I'm not sure. I think so, but I don't know what else I'd have to go through."

"You are blindfolded, caressed and kissed as you are stripped. Then you are placed on a bed where your feet and hands are restrained. After that, you would have sex with several women, oral and finger-play, and they would have sex with you. There would be the use of a dildo at some point as well. The sex would be tender, loving and very sensual."

"Is that all?"

"There is also a point where you are placed on a special table on your stomach. You are once again restrained and a strap-on is used for anal penetration. It is done very carefully and only after you are well prepared and lubricated. Your cheeks are spread to minimize the discomfort and the penetration is very slow, and very tenderly performed."

"Uh, I don't know about that. No one has ever even put a finger in there but the doctor and that was just one time. Is that absolutely necessary?"

"Well, there are circumstances when waivers have been granted, Julie, but it is important since it shows your willingness to accept new experiences and an open minded attitude."

"I don't know." I replied, showing some hesitation.

"Let's forget about that for a few minutes to let you think about it," she said. "I'll go get some refreshments. Do you prefer a soda or iced tea?"

"Tea please," I replied, then watched in surprise as she actually went to get some refreshments. In the meantime, the sound of a chair being moved drew my attention to where Jillian was preparing to go in the pool. She slowly stripped off each item of clothing, until she was totally naked. I studied her firm C cup breasts, the light cinnamon colored aureola, and the darker, and very erect nipples. Lifting her breasts in her hands, she molded and kneaded them in her hands, then began toying with the nipples, tugging and twisting them. Even from that distance, I could hear her sounds of arousal and found my body begin to respond in kind. She was clean shaven, and her very inviting slit was quite visible, especially when she ran her hands down her legs and moved up over her thighs to press into her sex as she spread her legs. She leaned over the chair to give me a good view of her fingers moving into her sex as her ass swayed so beautifully. If I'd ever doubted that I wanted her, the doubts were forever gone.

I didn't hear Beth when she returned, setting our drinks on the table, then moving around behind me to run her fingers through my hair as she caressed my neck and face. "Isn't she beautiful?" she asked. "I could sit and watch her for hours."

"I can see why," I replied, not entirely in character. I was now enthralled by the young beauty that was posing and fondling herself in plain view of my hungry eyes.


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