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New Neighbour Pt. 11


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"Honestly Ma'am, I don't. It would be interesting to hold it again, and to remember how it felt, but it's not mine. It's yours and I will never touch it without your express permission."

"I believe you boy, one hundred percent but I love having total control over you and taking away your choices."

With that she found the thick leather belt and a pair of leather cuffs and secured my hands by my sides.

"That's better isn't it boy?"

"Yes Ma'am, it always feels good to be bound and helpless. Thank you Ma'am."

She held my cock firmly and slowly pumped it while looking me in the eyes. I stared back and moaned quietly. As always I was lost in her eyes. I could see her passion and her cruelty in them. Every time I looked into them I knew exactly where I stood. I was hers. I was her toy, just a plaything that she was going to extract as much pleasure from as she could.

She pulled me by my cock.

"Come on boy."

We went up to her bedroom and she put me on my back with cushions under my head and backside. She climbed on top and got herself comfortable in the sixty nine position. The pillows made it comfortable for both of us to get busy.

"Take as long as you like boy and don't worry about what's going on down here. Always remember that you are here for my pleasure."

I didn't need reminding but Ma'am was simply reinforcing the point. She pushed herself back a little and my mouth was pressed into her beautiful pussy. It was time for me to do what I did best, bring Ma'am slowly to an incredible orgasm. Her pussy was already wet and slippery and my tongue glided easily across it. I played with her lips, I gently penetrated her, I moved my mouth slowly up and down using my own lips to create more friction. I heard her sigh as she got even wetter. She knew she was in for a wonderful ride and the anticipation was arousing her almost as much as my touches. She had my balls in a tight grip with one hand and her other was holding my shaft tightly, pulling down so that my swollen head was completely exposed. Her lips swallowed my glans and her tongue began to swirl around my most sensitive spots. Somehow my cock managed to get even harder as her soft but insistent tongue teased me. I was concentrating solely on her pussy. I put the amazing sensations she was causing to the back of my mind and closed in on her clit. I kept my tongue still, and moved my whole mouth instead. The movement of my tongue on her clit was mirrored by my lips on hers. Her mouth was full but I could feel her breathing through her nose on my exposed balls. I realised that what she was doing to my head had got me a little hot under the collar so I tried to slow things down on her pussy in the hope that she would ease up a little too. I was under control for now but Ma'am wasn't making things easy for me. Her tongue didn't stop, it was constantly moving from side to side, up and down. I dragged my mind back to Ma'am's clit, that was what I needed to think about. I had to concentrate on all the little spasms and twitches in her body. I took her clit as deep into my mouth as I could, sucking her into me. I let my tongue play very softly across her, building her up very carefully. Fortunately she responded in kind and her tongue slowed it's progress over my shiny glans. I was determined to try and repeat her previous orgasms when I had managed to delay her orgasm as she came. This was a new trick so I thought about it as she got close. Suddenly my cock popped out of her mouth but any ideas I had about the tease torture relenting were quickly proved wrong. She pushed my cock down against my stomach and went to work on my frenum, my ever so sensitive frenum. He tongue made small gentle circles, sometimes tiny, sometimes a little bigger.

I had to concentrate on Ma'am's imminent orgasm. Her tongue was creating the most delicious sensations in my cock and if I thought about that for a second I would be in serious trouble. I could feel her inner thighs starting to tremble and her breathing accelerating. Fortunately her tongue stopped as her moans became more frantic. My tongue was moving quickly, but very lightly over her clit. Just before her orgasm hit I slowed my pace and she very slowly tipped over the edge. I was barely touching her but she had passed the point of no return. However because of the lack of stimulation it took many seconds for the orgasm to take hold. Then suddenly her whole body tensed, then starting shaking. She moaned loudly and shuddered on top of me. I kept a delicate touch on her clit as wave after wave of pure pleasure crashed through her.

"Yes, yes baby. Keep going. Oh fuck."

I continued with light touches for a few seconds and tried to judge when to give her more. She was still bucking and shaking but the movements had become slightly less frantic so I applied more pressure. She reacted immediately so I gave her more. I realised she was going to have another orgasm as my tongue pressed down on her very sensitive clit. I made sure my tongue didn't flick at her as she was super sensitive so I just vibrated it on her. She came like a train, loosing control completely and crying out in ecstasy. She jerked her clit away from me, it was too much. Her whole body was quivering as her second orgasm ran it's course. It took a couple of minutes for her to recover, then she turned around and gently slid me inside her soaking pussy with a little shudder of pleasure.

She sat up, fully impaled on my trembling cock.

"Your tongue just gets better and better baby. You're going to turn me into a nymphomaniac, I can't get enough."

I smiled and licked some of her juices of my lips.

"My pleasure Ma'am. I love making you cum, its a beautiful thing."

She rocked slowly back and forth.

"How are you doing baby? I gave you a good going over and you seemed to survive easily."

"I wouldn't say it was easy Ma'am, but I somehow managed to control myself. The brainwashing, along with your relentless training is obviously working. Thank you Ma'am. The less time I spend worrying about myself, the more time and energy I can devote to you."

I matched her gentle rocking with little thrusts of my hips and she made a low growling moan.

"Oh yeah, that's good baby. So do you still think about when you're going to have an orgasm?"

"Sometimes Ma'am but most of the time I'm just enjoying being so incredibly horny all the time, and how good it feels. I wonder if an orgasm would change that."

"I've probably got you to a point where it won't. In fact you will almost certainly feel even hornier when you cum. Your mind has forgotten how good an orgasm feels and is now completely focused on how good feeling horny all the time is. I will need to retrain you after you cum, lots more tease and denial, lots more edging, so you remember that endless denial is the norm for you."

She leaned forward, elbows on my chest and stared into my eyes. She was thrusting more intensly into me now.

"You can't get enough denial can you baby? You love being rock hard and desperate, don't you? I love it too. I love keeping you like this. I gets me so worked up. Baby, I'm going to use your cock to have another orgasm and you will lie there and take it. Can you feel my pussy contracting on your desperate cock? Oh yeah, yeah."

I could, I could feel every millimetre of her beautiful tunnel sliding over my tortured member but all I was thinking about was how much pleasure it was giving her. I stared into her eyes, watching her as she moved faster and faster until she came. I moaned with her, my muscles tensed with hers and I trembled with her. I did everything except cum. I was in my own personal world of ecstasy as she came all over me.

She slumped across my latex covered body, breathing hard.

She sighed, "enough. I'm done. Good grief boy, stop getting me so turned on."

She gently pulled herself off me and lay beside me. Snuggling into me, her hand found my cock and gently massaged it.

"It's Christmas eve tomorrow, when are you going back to your mother?"

"I need to go in the evening Ma'am. My mum's sister is coming over, then we'll have Christmas lunch. I should be able to come back here later that evening. Is that OK with you?"

"Of course it is. Its important to be with your family if you can at Christmas. We can exchange presents when you come round. I hope you remembered my spending limit boy."

"Of course Ma'am, it's the thought that counts, not how much you can spend."

Ma'am was manipulating me more forcefully now, gripping my solid shaft tightly and going up and down the full length. I groaned in frustration as my member trembled with pent up lust.

"You need to understand the next step boy. At some point I will give you permission to orgasm. However that does not mean that you will necessarily have an orgasm. All it means is that if I decide to make you cum, then you can. Your self control is admirable boy, you are doing very well indeed but there will be times when I want to take you to the edge and turn you into a trembling desperate wreck."

I wasn't far from that now. As always happened, I found my self control was tested far more when I didn't have something to concentrate on, like Ma'am's pleasure. At the moment I had nothing to think about other than Ma'am's words and her hand going firmly up and down my needy cock. I heard her words in my subconscious, she had said that I would be unable to cum without permission. I didn't have permission but I was feeling so turned on. However I didn't seem to be getting to the edge, her hand felt amazing but my level of arousal seemed to have plateaued. I was just riding the waves of pleasure, enjoying the arousal for what it was.

"Good boy, very good. We need a shower, you've been in that latex for a long time now."

She gave my cock a sharp and unexpected slap and jumped off the bed. I followed her to the shower and she peeled the sticky suit off me. She threw it into the corner and told me to clean it later. Much as I loved latex, it was lovely to be free of the tight suit and for my skin to feel fresh air again. She made sure my hands were secure again and we showered together. Ma'am kept her body against mine as much as possible and she spent an unnecessarily long time cleaning my cock.

She stepped back, "here it comes baby. I think this might take a while. The cold water hit me hard, straight in the groin. I jumped but managed to stay still. Ma'am was right, it took nearly ten minutes for my cock to slowly soften. She actually had to put the ring on with the water still running just to make sure it stayed flaccid enough. She turned the water off and quickly jammed the cage over me. It had to be quick as my shaft was already starting to fill up.

We went downstairs and I made drinks.

She stared at me over her cup.

"I never expected this."

I gave her a quizzical look, "what didn't you expect Ma'am?"

"I didn't expect you to become such a good sub. No, scratch that. I didn't know that you really were submissive. Some people think they are sub. Some just do what they are told, they acquiesce, they bow and nod and simper. Some fight, always moaning and arguing, always looking for a way out. A real sub is hard to find, like a real man is hard to find in the vanilla world. But you, despite your lack of experience, have taken everything I've thrown at you, and you've grown every day. You have trusted me every step of the way, it's beautiful Tom. Thank you."

I was taken aback by this. I knew Ma'am was proud of me, and that we had something special but this was very heart felt and earnest.

"Thank you Ma'am, thank you so much. I think it's beautiful too. I am young, but I'm no fool, and I knew that you were a good person straight away. I had no idea we would end up here, like this, That scene, or whatever you want to call it, in the stables when I first worked for you, I was yours right then. You triggered something, it was a light bulb moment. I didn't understand it then because I was so innocent. I wanted that power and control my life. You had it, and it was so effortless. I knew you were real, I'm just so glad that I didn't run away. It was pretty scary but I'm sure you know that. You haven't put a foot wrong Ma'am and I would not be the sub and the man I am without you. Thank you Ma'am."

She put her cup down and smiled.

"Come here boy."

We embraced tightly, she kissed me then pulled her face away so she could look me in the eye.

"This is good baby, really good."

I felt her push her body into mine and I responded immediately. She giggled.

"At this point most couples would fuck like crazy, but we're not like most couples. I am very tempted to let you share my bed tonight, very tempted."

She put her hand between us and gently cupped my balls and my cock got even harder.

"Would you like to spend the night curled up with me boy? Unlocked and able to do anything you wanted to me?"

She was pulling my balls rhythmically, pulling our bodies together. I was beside myself with arousal yet again.

"Let me off the leash Ma'am and I will fuck you like a madman. I'll go all night and all morning. You'll be begging me to stop as I fill you up again and again. But until that point I will stay desperate, I will stay locked, I will stay denied, and I will stay the horniest man on the planet."

She let go of my balls and moved her hand to her pussy. We kissed passionately and through my need I felt her body jerking against mine as she quickly brought herself to another orgasm. She broke off the kiss with a cry of pure passion and slumped into me. I held her quivering body until she gathered her wits while my cock danced an erotic jig between us.

"You're a bad influence baby. Oh god, I just can't stop cumming when I'm with you."

"I don't care Ma'am. I love your orgasms almost as much as you do. I want you to have another right now. Please let me use my tongue to give you another Ma'am. Let me slide my eager and well trained tongue all over your clit. The more you deny me, the more I want to make you cum."

As I spoke I edged her to the sofa and gently lay her down.

"Keep me in chastity forever Ma'am. Deny me, tease me, use me.

I quickly dipped my head and got between her legs. She was as wet as I could remember. The smell and taste just drove me crazy. I was all over her pussy, lapping and flicking at her sensitive clit. She cried out in pleasure as I grabbed her thighs and held them tight. I was lost in her centre, in her core.

I felt the heat radiating from her, I heard her ragged breath, I felt her thighs trembling against my arms as she neared another orgasm. My hips were thrusting involuntarily into thin air, my cock trying uselessly to fuck the steel that cruelly imprisoned it but I didn't care. All I wanted was the magic of Ma'am's orgasm to engulf my mouth and tongue. All I needed was her pleasure to fulfil me.

Seconds later we both got what we needed as her orgasm crashed through her. She pushed my head away as soon as she came, she really had had enough now.

I looked up at heaven. Ma'am's body was displayed in all it's post orgasmic glory. I had done that, I had given her the best gift a lover can give their partner and as always I was incredibly happy and content. I became aware of the dull ache in my balls from being hard in the cage for so long, but even that made me happy.

Ma'am roused herself.

"That was actually a little bit naughty boy, you took the lead there which is definitely not your role. But given the outcome I think I'll let you off this time."

She laughed, I could see how satisfied she was.

"Sleep baby, I need to sleep. Get down to the dungeon."

It didn't take long to secure me in my usual resting place but it took longer than usual for me to sleep. My cock just wouldn't give me peace but eventually I dropped off and slept like the dead.

It was a slow start to Christmas eve. Ma'am was clearly still sated from the night before and I was a little tired from lack of sleep. I could catch up tonight though as I was going back home later. I cooked breakfast while Ma'am had a long and apparently very funny video call with Steven and Sarah. We shot the breeze for a while then it was time for me to leave. Back home I was greeted by a slightly frantic mother who was fretting about food and decorations. I got the Christmas tree up and decorated then took an emergency trip to the supermarket to get a couple of things that were clearly vital to a successful Christmas, namely an extra bag of potatoes and some napkins. On my way back I pondered the essentially pointless trip I was making. We had plenty of potatoes and napkins. Last year there would have been a row, this year I just did as my mum asked, no questions, not even a raised eyebrow. My mum wanted me to do something for her so I just did it. I concluded unsurprisingly that I had changed since I met Ma'am. It wasn't just a sexual thing. I wanted to please, I wanted to do the right thing. I was happy to put myself second and to put other people first. It gave me pleasure to do that in all aspects of my life.

It was nice spending some time with my mum. Her sister arrived in the afternoon and we chatted and played cards until dinner. I went out with a couple of old school friends in the evening and had a few beers. It was just like old times, being home and seeing friends. I went to bed fairly early, it was strange not only being in my own bed, but being free of the sleep sack that I had grown fond of in a strange way. I wondered what Alexis was up to. We had exchanged a few texts but her replies had been pretty short, terse almost.

I was woken up by lots of noise coming from the kitchen. Downstairs I found my mum and aunt wrestling the huge turkey into the oven. It looked big enough to feed an army, I had the feeling that turkey sandwiches were going to feature heavily after Christmas. We were going to be eating at some point in the afternoon, so after the turkey was sorted out we exchanged presents and played silly games for a couple of hours. I laid the table as the ladies sorted out the vegetables and other bits and bobs. I was surprised when my mum told me to set four places for lunch.

A little later there was a knock on the door. I could see blurry looking Christmas hat through the little opaque window in the front door, I opened it and there was Ma'am. She gave me a big grin.

"Hello Tom, aren't you going to invite me in?"

I was surprised to see her but recovered quickly.

"Hi, err, Louise! No one told me you were joining us, please come in. Merry Christmas!"

My mum came over and gave her a big hug.

"Hi Louise, how are you? I'm so glad you could join us."

"It's a pleasure to be here and thank you so much for inviting me."

Ma'am was wearing a Christmas jumper, covered in robins and little Christmas trees, I laughed, "love the jumper Louise, it really suits you."

She laughed too.

"Don't be sarcastic Tom, at least one of us is trying to get into the spirit of things."

She turned to my mum and surveyed all the pots and pans, "something smells good, you shouldn't have gone to so much trouble."

"Think nothing of it Louise, you've been a good friend these last few months, it's the least I could do."

Ma'am hadn't mentioned that she had been spending time with my mum. For some reason that made me slightly nervous as I suspected my name had come up in conversation more than a few times. I gave Ma'am a stare and she just winked at me with a grin.

"Something wrong Tom? Don't worry, your mum has only shown me all your baby photos once. You were such a little cutie!"

"Mum!" I did a pretend face palm but we were all laughing.

We settled down for a huge lunch, Ma'am had got presents for everyone but she had correctly guessed that my present to her might be personal and said that we could open our pressies back at hers later.

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