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New Rider 4

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Marry 'em young and raise them the way you want them. (4/6)
11.8k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 03/21/2024
Created 03/16/2024
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This work of fiction is part of a series; if you did not already read the preceding chapters, please do that before starting this part of the story.


~~~ Shopping for Gifts ~~~

Over the next couple weeks, the girls and I sparred. Captain Arden and Nate came to visit us, and they practiced with the girls as well. We worked on their proficiency with swords, bows, and staves. Once the captain and I were happy with their proficiency in those skills, I moved on to training their magic.

I set Tala to practicing her meditation and trying to reach out to touch her magic. She hadn't even realized that the spark had appeared inside of her. She was starting to get frustrated that she could not feel it or touch it. I told her to calm herself and focus on the meditation, I told her that I thought I had an exercise that we could do to help her focus on her magic. We would work on that after I got Eryn squared away.

Eryn was excited. She had been given the basics - which she demonstrated for me. She remarked that her lightning spells seemed to be twice as powerful as they had been before we had bonded. I told her that I had expected some improvement - especially since we were both lightning-mages. As a dragon, I have access to more realms of magic but lightning was my base - and I had anticipated that my magic would bolster hers.

She seemed to be good there, so I focused on meditation techniques - to restore her pool of mana - and some battle tactics.

As Eryn meditated, I slipped back over to work with Tala some more. I took her by the hand, and we walked over to check on the bees. They were busy. A regular caravan of workers was leaving the nest, browsing through the wildflowers, collecting the pollen, and carrying it back to the hive. Winter was coming and they seemed to be working to build their food supply as fast as possible before it got cold.

Tala and I stood, in the middle of the hubbub of activity, and held each other. There was something about all of this that seemed magical to me, and I was drawn to it. She was willing to do whatever I wanted, and we ended up just standing in the middle of all of the wondrous commotion, kissing and cuddling, smiling at each other and gazing into one another's eyes.

"Close your eyes," I told the young orc woman as I held her close. Her head was lying against my chest. "Can you feel them with your magic?"

In my mind, I watched them. They were like golden will-o-wisps, buzzing back and forth, storing away their food, checking in on their queen.

"Oh!" Tala gasped.

"What?" I asked, excited that she might actually be seeing something.

"I can see - or sense - the queen. She's like a big glow-bug on a dusky night."

"Can you see the drones or the workers?" I asked.

"They're like smaller glow-bugs," she said, her voice full of wonder. "I can see them but they're fainter."

"What else?"

"The wildflowers," she replied.

"What do they look like?"

"A light wispy green - everything just kind of glows."

She gasped.

"What?" I asked, unable to keep from grinning.

"There's a snake in the tree to my right - and - down the hill there's a brown bear moving this way. I think he's scented the honey and is coming to investigate."

It seemed like her aspect was nature - some kind of druid or something. In my mind, I could see everything she was describing. It looked the same to me. That was part of how I knew where people or animals were - and how I could trace their scent. It wasn't my primary aspect but - being a dragon - I get a little of everything and can work to strengthen it. I had worked on this aspect quite a bit. My dragon senses could smell too - and I got other information from my various other magical abilities but there was something special about the buzz of life happening all around. It was part of what drew me to the hive.

"See those brambles, around the stump where I placed the hive?" I asked her.

She focused quietly for a moment but smiled when she sensed them.

"See if you can push them to grow bigger. Let's keep your wooly friend from preemptively ruining our honey harvest and tearing up our only colony."

My eyes were open. I alternated between watching Tala concentrate on her magic - and watching the effect she was having on our surroundings.

"I think ... I think I need to be closer," she admitted.

"You may actually need to put your fingers on the briars," I told her. "If you can do this without touching them, that would be pretty incredible for your first try. Keep your eyes closed; use your magic, guide us to where we need to be."

I grinned as she squeezed me a little tighter and then began moving the two of us towards the hive. Her face was glowing - not from using her magic - just from the joy of everything she was discovering. I couldn't help but giggle at her.

"What?" she asked, giggling as well.

"You are so fucking adorable right now," I told her.

"Pretty sure that's the first time anyone has ever told an orc they were adorable," she replied, grinning - her eyes still closed as she maneuvered us through the flowers and bees.

"Not that it matters," I told her, "but I have a feeling that your mom found herself a human or elf boyfriend when she conceived you. Regardless, you ARE adorable and I'm so happy to see you discovering your magic."

"You gave it to me," she said.

"Maybe I did - or maybe my magic just made it easier for you to find," I told her.

"Thank you," she said, kissing my chin. "Thank you for not turning me away."

"I am very happy that I didn't, my lusty little orc," I said, leaning down to kiss her soft lips - and run my tongue over her dangerous tusks.

She giggled and asked, "Why do you do that?"

"What?" I asked.

"Tongue my tusks," she said, smiling broadly.

"You're my wild, dangerous, exciting, beautiful princess," I told her.

"I'm no princess," she sighed.

"Am I a prince?" I asked her.

"A king," she proclaimed.

"Then you are the queen that I've chosen to sit on my throne with me," I told her.

"You picture me sitting on a throne?" she asked.

"I picture you mounted on my rigid cock, writhing sensuously as I try to hold court with my petitioners without moaning your name as you squeeze yet another orgasm out of me with your temptuous cunt," I told her.

She opened her eyes and looked at me. Her hands moved from my waist to my ass, and she pulled my loins against hers.

"You realize you're about to make my heart explode right now, don't you?" she asked, as she claimed a kiss from me.

"Get those briars around that hive, little orc. I'm about to drag your gorgeous ass to the middle of this field of wildflowers and slam my prick into your cunt until my seed explodes into your womb."

Tala mashed her eyes closed. She reached her hand towards the briars, and I watched as the vines widened and grew - growing up and around the stump and the section of tree that held the hive that I'd brought here. Soon a latticework of thick brambles protected the whole thing. She opened her eyes and looked into mine. She smiled, looked at my lips, and rolled up onto her toes to claim another kiss.

I growled at her and sucked on one of her tusks before running my tongue across her bottom lip.

"Gods, you turn me on so much!" she purred.

I picked her up and carried her several steps into the field of flowers. I set her down onto her feet and we started tearing off our clothes and making an impromptu bed.

"Lie down," she ordered.

"Yes, my queen," I told her.

Her eyes were full of feral lust. My heart was racing, just watching the hunger in her face.

She used her mouth only long enough to stare into my eyes as she sucked the head. Then she was seated on her throne - sliding my aching cock within her tumultuous center. She growled as she slowly ground herself on me - in rocking motions that drove my rigid prick in and out of her grasping twat. My palms rested on the fronts of her thighs. The muscles of her legs pulsed as she worked my dick in and out of her pussy. Her face was rapturous. I wanted to touch her perfect breasts - to devour them - but there was no way I was interrupting my little dusky green beauty right now. She was doing some amazing things to my cock, and I really wanted to pump her full of seed. Maybe my gift would finally take hold this time.

Tala growled and moaned as her climax approached. I watched in amazement as a group of honeybees alighted in my little orc's hair and on her shoulders. In the sunlight, it made her glow like some kind of goddess.

Her vagina clenched and her face told me that her peak had arrived. I let go of the hold I'd been keeping and allowed myself to cum as well.

"Fuck, yes!" she crowed. "I love you so much!"

"I love you, too, my queen," I told her.

Suddenly, Eryn's face appeared inches above mine, and she leaned down to kiss me softly.

"How did you sneak up on us?" I asked her, laughing, after our lips separated.

"I learned a new trick," she announced, giggling.

Tala reached down and ran her fingers through the blonde's silky hair. She smirked at me when she felt my cock twitch inside of her. I loved watching my girls care for each other.

"So?" I asked the little nymph who was still hovering above my face.

She giggled again and said, "I can hide myself in a ray of sunlight."

"No shit?!" I asked. "That's pretty fucking cool!"

"I know," she said. "Neither of you even sensed or saw me."

"In my defense," Tala said, giggling. "I was a little distracted."

"I noticed," Eryn replied, standing up on her knees to suck the closest of Tala's nipples before taking her face in her hands to kiss her.

The wood elf was completely naked. I helped myself to a handful of ass and then groped her thigh, sneaking my fingers between her legs to tease her body - so close to the entrance to her treasury. I didn't quite touch what I knew she wanted. I wanted to hear her beg.

"Gods!" she purred as she finished kissing Tala.

"He's still hard, my lady," Tala told her. "I'll go check the hive and you can have your turn."

"I'd rather have you sit behind me, wrap your arms around me, and torture my breasts as I ride his cock," the blonde replied.

Tala giggled and said, "That works too."

The orc leaned down, kissed me, and said, "Thank you, my lord."

"I'm pretty sure I enjoyed it more than you did, sweet girl," I replied.

She lifted off of my cock with a small frown but grinned at our little wood nymph and offered a hand to help her get settled into place.

In the end, Tala's hands rubbed over Eryn's tummy and mons. I took charge of the breast and nipple abuse. I would call for a switch, every once in a while, and Tala would take over massaging the elf's chest. I moved my hands to her thighs and ass.

In no time at all, our horny little elf was crying out as she gripped my pectoral muscles in her fists and came on my penis. Her clasping cunt evoked another magical load from my cock, and I growled as I filled her.

Eryn purred as Tala wrapped her in a hug and kissed the sides of her neck and face.

"Gods, that was amazing," Eryn cooed.

I ran my palms and fingers up and down her strong thighs, massaging her muscles and stretching out her enjoyment of the afterglow.

"Oh! Hello, little friend," Eryn said, looking to her right.

I rolled my head to my left and saw the young brown bear that Tala had sensed. The little mongrel lumbered over and looked at the girls before sticking his tongue out and licking Eryn's cheek. Tala laughed and scratched his head.

He looked over like he'd just spotted me and moved his face from Eryn to me - sticking out his tongue and licking across my lips. I laughed and sputtered. The girls were holding their sides and laughing. Eryn's cunt was doing nice things to my cock as her stomach muscles pulsed and twisted.

"Hello, little scamp," I said, reaching up to scratch his chin.

The girls laughed as he purred at me.

"Alright, then, beastie," I told him. "Back up a bit and let us get untangled. Since we took away your treat, maybe I'll slip into the cave and get you a strip of dried venison to make up for it."

The girls laughed as the little bear actually took a step back. Tala helped Eryn up and then dropped to her knees between the elf's thighs to claim a sweet treat for herself. The elf twined her fingers into the green girl's dreadlocks and then pulled her up for a kiss.

They noticed my cock rising back to attention and knelt to clean me up before standing and pulling me to my feet. We all got dressed. Eryn scrambled onto the bear's back and scratched his ears. He tossed his head from side to side and took off galloping across the field of wildflowers as Tala and I laughed while Eryn squealed and tried to hang on.

When she finally toppled to the ground, the kindly beast came over to nuzzle her and give her kisses. She giggled and tried to shove him away. I scratched his ears to distract him while Tala helped Eryn to her feet.

We made our way back to the cave. I got the girls to distract him, and I jogged ahead to see if I had some pemmican left that I could give him. Once I found a couple small strips, I came back out of the cave and gave pieces to each of the girls.

By the time we had given him all of our treats, he was performing all kinds of tricks to earn his rewards. He would sit on his hind legs and hold his paw up so we could press our palms to the pads of his foot. He would stand on his hind legs. He would lie on the ground and roll side to side.

"Alright, then, little mongrel," I told him. "Scamper off home now. We need to visit Mire's Edge and I don't think they'll let you roam the streets with us."

As we headed down the mountain, the bear followed. I tried several times to dissuade him, but he wasn't having it. I finally decided that we should just ignore him, and he'd find something else to do. We talked and visited as we walked, and he followed behind.

Eryn showed us her trick with the sunbeams. The incredible part was that she disappeared from my magical senses as well as my sight. She couldn't move quickly but she was silent and invisible. Tala and I watched her appear and disappear several times but struggled to replicate what she was doing. We went back to our journey and the elf continued appearing and disappearing.

I finally looked at Tala and said, "The only sense I get of where she is, is that there's one sunbeam that seems a little denser than the others. It's not quite an outline of her body - more like she's cocooned herself inside of it and it's bulging a little."

We walked several more steps before Tala said that she could see what I was talking about. She pointed to where she thought Eryn was hiding and the elf reappeared just as I nodded. The shiny little nymph giggled and pirouetted before darting off to another spot and disappearing again.

Suddenly, Tala disappeared, and I looked over and gasped, "You figured it out?!"

<"It was like you said,"> she spoke into my mind. <"She's slid herself inside of the sunbeam and wrapped it around herself.">

I stopped, closed my eyes, and sensed for the beams of light that streamed down around me. For some reason, it was harder for me to see them. Once I found one, I "gripped" it in my hands and pushed myself inside.

<"Yes!"> Tala told me.

From within the beam of light where I'd hidden, I saw her reappear. I moved to my right a couple steps. She focused and then walked over and poked her finger at the spot where I was hiding. I slipped out of the beam of light, wrapped my arms around her, and pulled her up for a kiss.

"Hey!" the wood elf complained, coming over to get equal treatment.

I laughed and scooped her into the hug, giving kisses back and forth between the two of them.

"Gods," I complained after a bit, "why do we even get out of bed in the morning? I could just lie and cuddle with the two of you all day long."

"Sounds good to me," Tala giggled.

"Come on," Eryn called, taking my hand and pulling me along. "We need to get to town so we can get home and fuck."

Tala giggled and darted after the blonde to try to pinch her on the ass.

The bear bumped my backside with his muzzle and then stepped up to walk beside me.

"I think we're going to have to name him," I told the girls.

They turned and looked back at the two of us, laughing when they saw what I was talking about.

"Honey?" Tala suggested.

"Sounds like a girl," Eryn objected. "Winslow, Arizona?" she suggested.

"What the hell kind of name is that?" I asked.

She shrugged and said, "I don't know."

"Sunley," Tala said.

I looked down at our traveling companion and said, "What do you think, Sunley?"

He stopped walking, sat on his hind legs, and waved his right paw at me. I stepped over, leaned down, and gave him a hug. He licked my neck, below my left ear.

"Alright, Sunley," I said, stepping back. "Let's go, bud."

We got a few looks from the townspeople we encountered but Sunley behaved himself, so I didn't feel obligated to use my magic to corral him. When we got to the brewery, the girls went in to check on Bree. I waited in the street with Sunley.

"Try this!" Tala squealed, bringing a mug out to me. "Bree's mead is super tasty!"

I took the mug and tried a sip - and then another - and soon the mug was half-empty. Sunley turned his head to the side and looked at me. He was sitting up on his butt and his hind legs. I turned and held the mug for him.

"Take it in your paws," I told him. "Hold it."

"Lord Striker," Tala laughed, "he's not going to ... oh!"

I had placed my hands on either side of the mug - to show him what to do - and Sunley suddenly mimicked what I was showing him. Once he had it in his paws, I moved it towards his mouth. His tongue snaked out and brushed over the rim - where I'd taken my drink. His little bear eyes sparkled, and he just about dumped the cup as he tried to get his tongue inside. Eryn came out to see what we were doing and the two of them laughed as they watched the bear lapping the mead from the mug. I'd been hoping to get him to drink it, but he was delighted with the way it made his tongue buzz and he couldn't stop lapping it up and swallowing it down.

"What are you ...?! Oh my! Is that a wild bear?" Bree asked.

"Less and less wild as the day progresses," I told him, laughing. "I think you've found your first customer."

A small crowd had begun to gather to watch Sunley drinking the mead. Soon they were asking what the beast was drinking and Bree and the girls brought out more and more samples for the people to try.

"You're a greedy little fellow, aren't you?" one little boy asked Sunley.

"Greedy Bear's Mead!" Bree exclaimed. "That's what I'll call it!"

At that point, Sunley had finished the contents of the mug and was looking inside to see if he could find any more little drops that he'd missed. He looked at me and I swear he was begging for more.

"Alright, greedy bear," I told him. "If you behave yourself, maybe we'll come back and visit Uncle Bree again and get you another sweet treat. Right now, though, we need to go check on Uncle Arden."

I handed the mug back to Bree, laughed, and said, "Make sure you wash that good. No telling where that mouth of his has been."

He laughed and said, "I may just write his name on this one and keep it for him."

"Come on, then, you big brute," I told Sunley.

He dropped onto his four legs and followed beside me. Eryn bounced over and climbed onto his back for another ride, scratching between his ears. The little boy who'd called Sunley a "greedy bear" looked up at the wood elf - who caught him by the armpits and pulled him up to sit in front of her. His giggles were infectious as we walked along.

A very concerned mother suddenly appeared out of thin air to claim the child from Eryn, and she handed him over. He tried to slip out of his mother's arms to climb back up with Eryn. I told him that, if he behaved, maybe he could have another quick ride the next time we visited.

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