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Nicholas' Bargain


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Nicholas glared hungrily at the girls smooth shoulders. Her hair was strange -- dark brown now, but then a true crimson under certain lighting. It was pulled up and exposed her arched neck but tendrils danced about her shoulders and the effect of her on the eyes was mouth-watering. He had been watching her silently since she had arrived, knowing when she had entered by her scent, that same girl who had walked up the spiral staircase a day ago like a queen and he had been plagued by her ever since. By her scent especially -- not acrid or putrid as other humans, but smooth and layered. It had confused and tormented him. He had wanted to claim her as she sat submissively with the other wallflowers and had been perturbed by the depth of his desires. Then she had disappeared and he had felt a feeling very similar to -- and foreign -- panic and when she had returned...

"Who are you?" he heard now.

Lara looked up into icy blue eyes, took in black hair, slightly tousled and long enough to cling onto and then a sharply contoured mouth...'Kiss me, touch me everywhere', she begged silently.

"Meet me on the balcony in five minutes," the dance finished with no more conversation and he yielded her to the crowd before she had a chance to confine his beautiful yet hard face to memory, a memory she would relish for many years for all its excitement and unreality. She looked away from the sight of his disappearing back, feeling suddenly uneasy.

"Who was that man you danced with?" Amelia walked over and asked in interest.

"I- I don't know."

"Well what did you talk about? You both looked intent. I saw him yesterday - and this morning on my daily walk in Hyde Park, come to think of it. I believe he is acquainted with my father. Handsome, but I've always fancied blonde men."

"Yes..." Lara trailed off, feeling suddenly scared.

Now that he was no longer there, she felt normal again and unsettled. Strange, but being with him had made her feel almost...entranced.

"You see, didn't I say you would dance with the most handsome of men? He is surely the pick of the lot. I wonder if he is on the marriage mart?"

Lara barely listened to her cousin's speculations. "I think I shall sit down for a while. I'm feeling rather unwell."


Nicholas waited. And waited. He knew she wanted him just as much as he...fuck! What was she doing to him? The blonde daughter who belonged to him, whose blood belonged to him, was dancing about without a care in the world inside and all he could think of was snatching the brunette and pulling up skirts, pounding into her hard, using her fiercely and then dismissing her from his mind whatever her condition. With the way he felt now, he did not think he would be able to spare her life. He felt on edge, restless.

No doubt Hampton had eyed him by now but he was a docile lamb and knew not to set his human army on him. Yet. His thoughts wandered uncharacteristically once more... perhaps the brunette was playing with his mind? No, but she was mortal, he knew that. He felt a wave of violence as he tried to deny the truth. As well as reluctant empathy for his select acquaintance's and what they had suffered. He needed to posses her. Needed to. But he couldn't. With any other woman, mortal or not, he would woo and then fuck them hard until he reached satisfaction. But with her, once would be one time too many. He would not be able to let her go because his mate, he knew, was some fifty feet away in a room full of sweaty, putrid mortals, terrified and trying to avoid him. Canny woman, she, he thought almost proudly. She scents the danger and has gone into self-preservation mode. Sadly, he knew she would not win.

Decision made, he did not feel regretful that he would hurt her body in his violence by taking away the virginity humans were so cursed obsessed with. He did not feel remorse that she would be ruined in this high society that looked down on fallen women. He felt nothing very much except for how best to accommodate his own self-interest. He wanted and he would get. And that was that.


Lara stole a second glass of champagne from a distracted lady and finished the tall glass in two mouthfuls. What she was about to do was madness but for once she would not be the scared mouse she always was. In any event, her limbs were refusing to still; she was restless, eager and frustrated but about what, she hardly knew. She headed to the balcony determinedly.


Cole pounded into Amelia with quick, sharp thrusts in the library. Though she could feel her climax building she refused to fall over the edge just yet and asked him to stop in a breathless command. She knew by his tight face that he was close but she also knew that he would do whatever she said. He withdrew and panted hard.

"Do that thing, Cole. Make me come that way again."

Cole's mind was foggy at first before he got her meaning. If he wasn't so hard he would laugh at her sudden timidity. He carried Amelia in his arms and set her on the floor from their previous place on her father's desk. Lying down on the carpet, he told her to turn away from him and hover over his face.

She looked utterly confused, and not a little skeptical.

"Trust me and if I have it my way you'll be coming thrice."

She did as he said quickly.

With her nice, plump ass hovering above his face and her body turned away from him, Cole bent Amelia exactly how he wanted her and directed her to take him into her mouth and with understanding she lowered and shoved his cock into her mouth greedily. He bucked once before bringing her down on top of his face and smothering his face in her pussy. Opening her with two fingers, he thrust his tongue inside and then took her clit between two fingers, manipulating the hard piece of flesh with rhythmic squeezes.

Amelia thought she would die; it was more a pain than a pleasure at this point. It was too much. She cupped Cole's sac in her hands and massaged in a way she knew made him grunt all the while feeling herself clamp around the stiff invading tongue inside her. She rubbed his throbbing cock head against her lips, coating them in his liquid before taking him fully into her mouth. Just then, he forced three fingers inside her slick hole before sucking on her clit the way he did on her nipples. She cried out and worked faster on his cock, taking all eight inches inside her mouth and nearly choked before his hot, thick cum exploded in her mouth. At the same time, her cream shot from her pussy and she felt him eagerly swallowing it all like the good boy that he was.

After, as she lay in his arms, she knew that she would never find a man who would satisfy her like Cole. Climaxing was easy enough with any man she knew by now, but Cole...with Cole it went beyond that. She would have him somehow, she didn't care how, but she would. She thought vaguely of the Marquess who had been trying to woo her for months. Should she accept him, she would be a Marchioness, the mistress of his palatial Surrey mansion and one of the most socially powerful women in England. But her heart had already been caught, and seemed to have little desire for riches and gold.


It was a moonless, starless night yet the candles scattered about the gardens offered enough light to see by and created a languid atmosphere.

"I don't know who you are, and I don't want to know," Nicholas heard behind him and turned sharply.

He stood in exactly the same place, the same position since he had arrived outside some time ago. From the very edge of the balcony, he looked down at the steps that led to the gardens and there she stood. She was a fool. A beautiful fool. Well, she was human, after all. She was also doomed.

Lara shifted from foot to foot, the dew from the grass dampening her slippers. She stared at the black haired, blue eyed man as he silently inspected her. He was not like any man she had seen before. He seemed to be one and above everyone else, literally now as he lorded over her on the balcony. His manner was almost as if he were silently laughing at everyone. And there was something...something about him that made her feel weak and unsure, the way she often felt when she was rubbing herself between her legs when she first got started, that pleasant and tinging light pressure that always soaked her fingers.

Nicholas took the steps slowly, in no great hurry, and stopped just before her, his boots almost touching her hem.

"You can still walk away," he said

The girl looked at him confusion. "Don't you want me?"

She stared in fascination as his jaw flexed. "Oh, yes. I want you." Nicholas' face was unsmiling, his jaw hard and his square chin stubborn.

"Then -- then take me."

"Do not condemn me later in that pretty head of yours for not giving you a chance," he grinned suddenly and the smile was so overpowering that her breath caught.

The man was beautiful with a serious expression. Smiling, he was devastating.

"Are you a maid?"

"What?" she asked dazedly.

Now it was his turn to stare in confusion. He was not using his lure over her, so there was no reason for her to look so misty eyed.

"Are you a virgin?"

Her chin seemed to lift then as some of the dreaminess faded. "No."

A slash of half pain and half anger -- relatively untested feelings due to his control and reign on his emotions - burned through him at her simple word. It mattered to him that she wasn't when he always distained of inexperienced girls. It mattered because the thought of another man -- of an unworthy, pathetic mortal - panting over her made him feel violent when he had decided to be tender and pleasure giving and relatively unselfish with her. One decision he would stick to, however, was that even though he had accepted - despite its illogic -- that there was a very large chance that she was His - his intended, his mate, his chosen - he would not pursue it after this night.

He had never wanted a mate, had never desired the pairings that his acquaintances had; lifelong partners who were devoted and faithful to one another. The thought amused him for all its impracticality. He needed no woman to latch onto him for all of existence even if she had eyes like the green fires of the underworld or skin that made him feel weak.

Nicholas pulled the brunette toward him then, his face harsh and although his hands were hard they caused no pain. He swung her into his arms before striding in quick, long steps to a deserted area, deeper into the house gardens. They were far enough from the house now where her cries would be unnoticed. Before her feet had touched the ground, he was pushing and up her skirts and pulling off her drawers, feeling for her garters, revealing her skin layer by layer.

The champagne was working its way into Lara's system and while she felt shaky and nervous, she also felt bold. She took a deep breath and pulled away from the man's snatching hands. She could not see his expression, only his beautiful, soft back hair as he knelt before her, his wide back strong.

It was now or never.

"I want you to eat my pussy," she ordered.

Nicholas stopped in his task and looked up. How could he have originally thought she was untouched? Never had a woman demanded of him. Never. But the lady would get what she wanted; he wasn't in a mind to be stubborn over the opportunity to taste her cunt.

Feeling mortified at his silence and his direct, unblinking stare, Lara tried to tug her skirts down and flee but before she could even try he had lifted her down onto the dewy grass and flipped her skirts to her head. She had a moment of indecision before a hard, wet tongue slipped between her labia and her breath caught in sheer disbelief that this was all happening to her, disbelief that this beautiful, severe looking man was doing this-- and that she had taken leave of her senses enough to allow it. But Amelia had told her how to be safe, how to avoid the unfortunate consequences of fornication. She had just never believed she possessed the boldness to give into her hidden desires. But here she was now, feeling the drag of his tongue on the area she played with at night when she lay in bed or in the bath, an area she knew to be her clit from Amelia.

"Fuck, you're wet," she heard and wanted to die of shame.

She could feel her wetness coating her thighs, and wished it would stop. What felt like a nose buried itself in her mound and all shame was forgotten. The pressure of it nudged her clit and she moaned. When she next felt that nose, it was resting on her soft bush and the stiff tongue was trying desperately to thrust inside her untouched hole making her cry out in confusion over the warring sensations.

"Oh, God."

Nicholas barely heard the call to her maker and wanted to laugh. In the next moment, there was little reason to laugh. Now that he had tasted her on his tongue, he knew was addicted.

"What -- what is your name," he heard distantly.

He didn't honour her with an answer but tongued her clit.

"What, Oh-" Lara panted, "Is your name?"

She started hard when his beautiful hard face appeared before her. He looked cruel. Could one be cruel yet beautiful? How had she missed it before? Suddenly, though her pussy was throbbing and tingling, a small fear dampened her arousal.

He must have seen something on her face for he tried to relax his features but it didn't work. He looked almost, almost...grotesque. She closed her eyes tight and opened them to rid herself of the image. Before she could shakily raise herself from her back in confusion and rejection, she felt his fingers toying with her slit. Sliding up, then down, wet and slippery. She -- she must tell him to stop. She bit her lip at the pleasure and tried to concentrate on her thoughts but all she wanted to do was grab his hand and push against it hard, to rub his large palm and his hard knuckles -- anything -- over her mound again and again until she exploded.

"Nicholas," she watched his beautifully carved, hard lips form the word. His lips were damp, his chin damp, his nose...her eyes rolled back as he massaged her.

"Nick -- Nicholas," she murmured

"May I continue, my lady?" she heard that gravely voice ask.

She didn't know if she replied but she must have done for in no time at all, he was bent over her again, his hands cupping her thighs hurtfully, before his lips opened once more over her pussy. This time, she didn't have time to ask questions because her clit was clamped between his lips with a sharp pressure until he was drawing upon her like a babe drawing fiercely for milk.

"Nicholas," she screamed, her back arching from the hard ground as a hard orgasm slammed through her body.

When she opened her eyes again, it was to find his fixed features studying her face. His firm hands slipped the sleeves of her dress down bearing her breasts to the cool air. He watched for her expression as he, almost clinically, pulled at her left nipple. Lara felt lazy, content, but at the pulling on her nipple moaned slightly. He rubbed the piece of hard flesh between his thumb and forefinger for a few moments, sending a pleasant sensation right to her mound before once again pulling hard on it, so hard this time that her back lifted to follow the movement. Before she could clasp a hold of his shoulders, he was bending his head and slipping the stiff flesh into his mouth, sampling the taste lightly.

Lara sighed. He went on like this, sipping, a light pressure and she ran her fingers into his hair wondering if it would be as soft as it looked. Her fingers were buried between the cool locks now, massaging his skull unconsciously before falling to his ears, rubbing them in pleasure. In the next moment, her fingers were talons on his ears, his temples, his head as he clamped his teeth around the areola, the suction of his mouth so hard and deep that it was painful. Her womb contracted and she cried out, trying to push him away whilst her legs had other ideas and were climbing, clamping around his hard thighs.

"Lara! Lara, where are you? Emily Davenport said she saw you by the double doors, I-"

The distant call vied for attention, but so did the hard, rough pressure pushing into her stomach.

"Amelia," she murmured.

Nicholas' muscles tautened as the brunette called out that name. He lifted his head slightly and glanced down at the girl with a closed expression. She wanted it badly, he could see. He reached under her skirts again. Soaking wet. He pulled his fingers down to her hole and felt the lips gaping open slightly in blatant invitation. Thankfully she could not see his inhuman expression, her eyes closed in pleasure. He would be finished quickly, he calculated in a detached manor. He needed only to hold her down and then he could get back to the task he was damned well here for. Amelia was his for the taking and he would consume every part, every element of her as was his right. His body knew it was she and the name coursed through him, leaving a warming, satisfied sensation in its wake, like a man who had searched and searched and finally found his lost dog. His little pet was scant inches from him and now had a name.

But there wasn't time. He smelled the other human getting closer. Despair -- he did not know the name for it, however -- filtered through him and he rose from the brunette -- Lara. The name echoed through his mind and he closed his eyes.

Lara opened her eyes heavily. Nicholas was looming before her, his face expressionless. The scary, detached facade jarred her into moving her sluggish body. He had not taken her virginity yet, but she was sure he had been close by the pressure of his cock; sure she had felt its heat burning through his trousers and onto her naked stomach.

He said nothing nor helped as she shakily struggled to her feet. She looked around as she heard shuffling footsteps in their direction. Rubbing her arms briskly over her naked arms, Lara looked searchingly at his face.

"Go," he said monotonously, and it was as if his previous presence in the ballroom, his seducing personality had evaporated leaving nothing very much behind and the strange thought chilled her.

Go she certainly would. She would have run and put as much distance as she could between them had her legs not been so weightless. She felt only sheer relief that Amelia had interrupted. God love her! She nodded once, jerkily, and hurried away with the feeling of burning eyes trailing her.

To be continued...

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redsolesredsolesover 11 years agoAuthor

Thank you anon, I know and have acknowledged further down that the grammar, punctuation and just about everything else in between is clumsy and severely amateur. This was the first thing I'd ever written - I'm no accomplished author and don't consider myself good at all. If it was perfect I'd be thrilled but I was a weary student at the time of writing with a need for escape, my head buried in countless books. Forming this story out of a small idea I had one idea was my escape. I'm sorry if the errors detracted from your enjoyment of the story. Things like 'fue' instead of 'due' - just realised that the D and F keys are next to each other...mistakes like that are so easy to miss when you keep re-reading, trying to look for errors. If I could devote all my time to writing I would - and I would do my best to ensure there were no mistakes. Such is life!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
lovely, but EDIT

follow fue to their flippant natures?? due

To renegade on the agreement ?? renege

that humans greatest fears? human's

You must change right this instance? instant

"Thank you, Tom. You are most kind to attend me so."

"Er, it's Tom, my lady." ?? sense?

so cursed obsessed with? cursedly


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
loved it

a little confused though, if he could read her mind why was he wondering if she was a virgin or not. maybe i didnt get it . im going off to read the next chapters

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

well, he needs to win an award for sexiest male character i've come across in a while! off to start the next chapter...

redsolesredsolesabout 13 years agoAuthor

Thanks anon, I really appreciate your feedback. Second part was submitted, just waiting for it to be accepted. (also I'm glad you appreciated the whole Victorian women vs sex thing as there were certainly some promiscuous unmarried ladies back then who created all sorts of scandal by sleeping around etc!)

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