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"If you wish, sure, that's up to you, but I rarely use it. Are you on there often?"

"Not that often, but I am right now, as it happens."

"Would you like me to log on?"

"Yes that would be great, thank you Zoe."

I logged on and clicked the phone off.

We chatted a little in writing. He confirmed that he would like to book a session on one of the next three Fridays.

"Would you like to see my cam before the session?" He suddenly asked.

Without thinking, I said that I would. I used to watch cams a bit, but gave it up and I hadn't seen one for ages.

The beard surprised me. Why? No idea. For some unfathomable reason, I imagined the feel of that on my breasts and thighs. Again why?

Stuart was wearing a dressing gown. I guessed that there would be little or nothing under it, why would there be? Isn't that why guys have cams, to find girls in front of whom they can get their kit off? Isn't that the reason? Isn't the idea to find women to watch them masturbate? Isn't it the plan to get the girl to masturbate as well? Wasn't cybering the name of this game? I knew that it was for I had been that girl several times.

I think it was me that suggested he should stand up. He did. I asked about his body shape. He said that the gown was hiding it. I agreed. There was a pregnant silence as I realised that my towel had loosened and had slipped down over my breasts.

He broke it. "Shall I take it off I have nothing on under it?"

"Yes and that doesn't matter?" I said, trying to sound the professional, artistic photographer, but feeling anything but that as his gown slid off.

He discretely kept the cam above his waist. He looked good. He was slim and fit but not overly so. He had bodily hair, but again, not overly so. He had a nice physique, but one with normal impediments, one with the limitations that makes for more realistic erotic photography.

I suggested he turn round. As he did, he moved further away from the cam, thus showing more of his body. As if with a suggestive will of its own, my towel had now fallen open.

He had a lovely bum, round and full with no signs of wrinkles, flabbiness or, worse, pimples or hair. He diplomatically stood with his back to me making it awkward to reach the keyboard. Several times, I almost saw his front, but not quite. Should I ask? Would he show me? Did I want to? Was that too much too soon?

I didn't know.

Suddenly, he asked. "Shall I turn round?"

I hesitated

"To show my front?" He asked.

Again I hesitated and then murmured. "Yes" my mouth dry and my lungs pumping a little.

It was tense and exciting. It was like being on a date with neither party quite sure how far to go. "That is Stuart," I went on realising that I was cupping my breast and pinching my nipple, "If you want me to look at you."

Slowly he turned. Not to put too fine a point on it, he had a nice cock. Uncircumcised and quite thick, it was of average length, but, if a cock can be this, it looked interesting. And that was not due to the fact that is was visibly hardening.

But then, fuck it, my mother came home and I had to log off. Perhaps it was for the best, though, for my body was aflame with sexual sensations.

I masturbated for the second time that day.

The next morning I sat down, re-read his mail, thought about the cam session and replied.

Dear Stuart

I can make any of the next three Friday evenings, please choose which one. As you will have to travel from Yorkshire, which I guess is about three hours by train into Kings Cross then tube and DLR or, an hour or so by plane into City Airport, shall we say we start at 8.30? As I said, there is no need for a time limit, so I will ensure my availability all evening. Do you have somewhere you can stay or would you like me to book you a local hotel?

Thanks for showing me the cam today. It was good preparation for the shoot. You have a great body, it's photogenic, I am sure and I think the beard will look good on film. I am looking forward to seeing 'it' again real soon.

The bisexual comment, Stuart, was more to do with the viewers appeal than anything else. I would hope my photos of you would appeal equally to men, as I know they will to women!

We haven't yet discussed what you will wear. I would suggest jeans and another pair of trousers, a couple of shirts, long sleeved and button all the way down the front, one white and the other in a dark colour. Oh, and a dressing gown, preferably silk and mid-calf in length. Maybe you could also bring a pair of shorts and swimming trunks, speedo type, tight and brief. I would suggest two pairs of boxers, tight one black the other white, Calvin Kline's preferably. If you have a leather jacket then please bring that and, of course the suit. Anything else you can think of or, would like me to photograph you in, please bring with you. Do you have lens as well as glasses?

You asked me an interesting question, which had not occurred to me until I read it. That also prompted some other thoughts in me. Having now thought quite deeply about it, Stuart, I think I can say your assumption in the pps may be wrong. That is, of course, if you would be comfortable and agreeable to me photographing you in various stages of my undress.

What I was thinking, was that after I take a few shots of you, pretty much fully dressed, for say half an hour or so, during which time, hopefully you will relax, we would move onto something that will be completely new to me. That would be me modelling as well as you, in fact, me modelling with you, at the same time and taking shots of both of us using the delay timer on the camera.

How does that sound to you?

Please let me know ASAP when and what time you would wish me to book the studio?

Yrs, highly expectantly


PS Enjoy the attached sequence of me undressing. I could do something along those lines for you.

I sent the mail knowing there would be no reply until Wednesday for it was New Year's Day.


I don't usually go out with a guy with the clear intention of fucking his brains out. But I did on that New Year's Eve 2007. I do not also usually go out wearing particularly sexy underwear. But I did that night. It felt well, right I suppose. And also, I don't usually go out with guys around my age. I prefer older men. Late 30s and early 40s are my faves; they have still got the go but also have the sexual guile, experience and patience that makes for fantastic screwing.

But this New Year's Eve I was with a twenty seven year old who had a great reputation for being sexually just like guys of his age should be: quick to recover and can fuck several times in an evening. Usually quantity isn't what I look for, preferring the quality of the fuck or fucks to their length or number. But this New Year, with my new 'profession' providing so much stimulation for me and Stuart's mails and the chat and cam show on messenger having aroused me so much, I was after sheer quantity. I wanted hard, raw dirty sex with Steve and I wanted as much of it as I could get. That really was unusual for me.

I was like a bitch on heat getting ready. I got even hotter slipping into the black thong and the low cut, totally see-through, black lacy bra. And when I slid the black, fishnet, seamed, hold-up stockings up my legs and pushed my feet into the strappy high heels and looked at myself in the mirror, I almost made myself cum! God what arrogance and vanity I thought, stroking one of my hardened nipples. Thinking back to Stuart and forward to being shagged by Steve later tonight made me shudder. Resisting masturbating for the third time that day was hard.

Steve liked the little black number I wore. It was a real dinner party dress, tight and low cut round my tits and above the knee but loose down below. I knew that I would show off quite a lot of what men like girls to show off; their tits and stocking tops!

I threw my overnight bag into his car, for I was staying at his place, which was just a short walk from where we were going to the dinner party. That had gone well. I didn't drink that much, for I find sex better when sober, it's easier then to stay awake.

We left earlyish, around one. By quarter past, Steve was ooing and ahhing at my underwear as my dress fell in a pool round my feet. By half past, he had fucked me on the sofa.

We had a snack and a couple of drinks, watched some of the live Take That concert he'd recorded and after less than an hour he was at me again. This time he took my bra and panties off. As he bent me forward until I was nearly 90 degrees at the waist signalling for me to support myself with my hands on the table he said.

"I think we'll leave those sexy stockings right where they are."

It was almost an all-night fuck. He had me from behind as I have just described then we went to bed and slept. And we had a nice, slow languid shag with loads of foreplay in the morning.

I got home, by cab at just after 11 and felt that I just had to write to Stuart. I was enjoying corresponding with him. He wrote quite well, though rather carelessly, for he frequently didn't use capitals to start sentences and he made numerous minor grammatical, spelling and composition errors, but who really cares? He got his points across well and in an appropriately descriptive manner.

Hello Stuart

I hope you had a good New Year. I don't know when you will get the chance to read this, but I am writing it at mid-day on the first day of a new year.

I had a nice time on New Year's Eve, a quiet dinner party with friends in Islington, where I used to live. I stayed with a mate last night and just as I was going to bed, I thought of our potential session. I have had another idea that I thought I should share with you. Hopefully, you will be able to read this mail as simply a continuum of the one I wrote before going out last evening.

You know I have done many modelling sessions over the past year or so. During that time, I have gathered together a large wardrobe of outfits and masses of underwear; panties of all descriptions and colours, matching bras, basques, stockings and suspender belts et al.

My mate mentioned something about clothing and that triggered off a thought process. It goes like this.

As part of my photography cum sexual therapy services, maybe I should offer to bring some of my outfits with me. Then when I photograph you, I can change into what you ask me to wear. How does that sound?

As I often do, I have now thought more about it. I had an hour's tube journey home to Essex this morning. I could also add on posing with my client and using the timer on the camera. Now doesn't that open up some possibilities?

Please try to answer this along with the other points I put in my last mail.

Thanks and again happy New Year

Your glamourgirlphotographer 'therapist'


Ps I have attached a couple of outfits as examples. Let me know what you think of them.

I sent it.

Hi Zoe,

Wow, you have been busy, on line and off it and it sounds like your New Year's Eve was really nice, mine was very quiet, as usual.

I read both e-mails with trepidation and excitement. After we had chatted before New Year, I had wondered what you thought. I had offered to show you my cam, but had never intended to show so much of myself. I was surprised how I had managed to disrobe and almost shocked that I had engaged in your polite request to see my front. You had been so professional and kind my confidence had increased massively. I guess it is that exhibitionist streak emerging.

Your comments about my bum had certainly affected me and the way you complimented me on 'my front view' had seriously turned me on. Suddenly, I was gripped with the notion that I wanted you to see my bum and cock, I was almost desperate to show you for real, the thoughts and language that were forming in my mind were almost lurid. I stopped myself; my mind was racing far too fast and far too far again. I think it was probably a good thing that your mum came home. I think I may well have shown myself up and done something ridiculous if we had carried on much further.

thanks for the examples of your modelling which are more than a little inspirational. I have studied them and find the prospect of the shoot even more exciting as a result. thank you for explaining your idea of bisexual to me, I had never thought about being with another male before, but your suggestion has definitely aroused my curiosity, especially after the comments you made about my bum (thank you for those too). It has made me think about showing more of that part of me, I hope that doesn't offend you, but would you take a picture of that part of me in close up and in detail? I hope this request doesn't come across as too peculiar for you to contemplate. your kind comments about my body have encouraged me enormously.

Having now seen your topless picture I know that if you strip as you shoot I certainly will be carrying an erection, forgive me but your lovely frame has already induced that response. I would be delighted if you would do that and indeed the idea of you wearing your outfits as well, excites me. Would you be happy with us posing together? I am assuming it would just be standing and you would remain clad in your outfits or bra and panties.

I would love to be pictured stripping from wearing a business suit, if you would be okay with that? I will happily bring one with me if its ok. And you did say there was a shower at the studio, could I get cleaned up after the journey and before we start?

Thanks a lot


I think that we had become quite good friends in writing. That was nice and bodes well for our meeting and the photographic session that we had pretty much now organised. I felt as if I knew him, perhaps too well in fact. I was comfortable writing to him about intimate topics and sending him highly revealing photos of me: something I rarely did to people I would be likely to meet in the flesh, as it were!

I had booked the studio and had said to Sandra I might be working into the night. Although she was away, she had told me someone would be checking on the place, so not to be worried if there was a caller.

"So if you are going to get up to anything naughty Zoe, make sure you keep the door locked," she had said over the phone adding. "Oh and if the session goes on a bit and you want to crash, you can do that either, in the studio, as you know there's a nice big bed or, up in my flat, you know where the spare key is don't you?"

I always like to make sure all the details are attended to so, on the day before our scheduled meet, I sent a confirming email.

Hi Stuart,

Hope you are well and are ready for tomorrow; I am so looking forward to it. Although I have been on both ends of the camera in a studio many times, I have never done anything quite like what we have planned.

You asked about taking photos of your bum. Not only would I like to, I insist. That's not just because you have such nice one, rounded and full, yet pert and firm, but also because photogenic ally and erotically they are of immense importance. Also Stu, men's bums turn me on!

When I was modelling, I think mine was shot more times than any other part of me. In fact, when I go through the shots that the photographers have sent me, they always do that to help the model develop her portfolio, there are more from behind than from the front: not sure if I shouldn't be a little disappointed at that; I mean, what's wrong with my tits???

I have been putting my mind to some poses and, of course, will discuss them with you tomorrow. I thought you might like to mull them over on your way down. These are not necessarily in order, for you might wish to do the 'strip from your suit sequence' first.

Shot 12.1

Stuart facing away from camera just wearing tight, white boxers. Hands on hips, legs parted

Shot 12.2

Same pose, but boxers pulled down showing the start of the crease

Shot 12.3

Same pose, but one arm by side and top of boxers down level where the bum cheeks end.

Shot 12.4

Stuart bending forward, his crease on show, the folds of his boxers hiding everything else.

Shot 12.5

Shot of my hand pulling the boxers further down.

Shot 12.6

My hand, with very dark fingernails, resting on S's back, as if pushing him forward. He is almost at ninety degrees, the boxers are round his knees. The shot will show my hand and his opened cheeks in very close-up.

Shot 12.7

Stuart in same position, but legs wider apart. Camera angle will be between them so that the back of his scrotum and his c***, if flaccid will be in shot centre.

So yes, rest easy, Stuart, I have been thinking about your bum quite a bit, it features heavily in my shooting schedule, which I will be completing as you travel down tomorrow.

I'm pleased you like my ideas on me undressing with you and wearing various outfits, by the way it's your last chance to suggest any you would particularly like to see me in.

Of course we could pose together, I would like that.

As a general concept, and as part of my catalogue of services, I had envisaged staying partially clothed and yes standing. But Stuart, there are always exceptions to every rule. There were many exceptions when I was modelling, so I don't see the need for that to change.

Stripping from a business suit sounds great. We can do some where you start off fully clothed and gradually strip. Also, I would like to experiment with just wearing the suit, being naked under that and me shooting lots of pics as you firstly become erect and then slowly disrobe.

There is a shower, but if you stay at the Travelodge you won't need it beforehand or after. Under the lights, though, it does get very warm and both of us might need it during the session. Would you like some shots of you in there?

Anyway S, I think that about covers everything so have a safe trip tomorrow




"Well for a lot of the time he treats me like a cunt, so as a wedding present, I thought I would give him some pictures of my cunt."

That was the main gist of the telephone conversation I'd had with Susie, a bride-to-be who had contacted

She was very much 'the Essex girl' made good; a person I could identify with, for that was where I was born and now, once more, live.

The county of Essex lies to the East of London, bordering on what is known as the' East End'. In years gone by that was a tough area dominated by London Docks, but like 'Docklands', as it's now called, much of it has been 'gentrified.' It now provides upscale living for the hordes of dealers and traders of derivatives, forex, equities and bonds working in the banks in Canary Wharf and in the City. Earning astronomical sums for, essentially, gambling, Essex has proved to be a fertile breeding ground for the 'cityboy yobs.'

And of course, where's there's 'loads of money' there is always 'loads of crumpet' as girls are known in Essex or city boy speak; that is when girls are present, when not they are usually referred to as 'cunt.!' This 'Essex crumpet,' or cunt, has its own look, style, behaviour, dress code and way of speaking; basically, loud, flash, garish and don't give a fuck. Their clear ambition is to hook a cityboy earning two or three hundred grand and upwards and live the 'life of Riley' in the Essex bars, restaurants, tanning, nail and beauty parlours and the upscale shops. Nice if you can get it, but to get it you have to put up with a cityboy, give me a snake anytime.

Susie had done her hooking and was due to be married in the South of France, naturally, with the honeymoon predictably in the Maldives.

She was twenty-eight, Carl her futures dealer was just thirty, they had just bought a million pound flat in Docklands.

She was slightly overweight, but in an over-made-up-way, she was attractive. Her shoulder length, straightened hair had the obligatory highlight and extensions and on her ankle and lower back she had the inevitable tattoos; I was half expecting a pierced nipple as well.

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