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No Vanilla Ch. 07-08


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She smiled and slid around the booth to snuggle into me. Looking up at me with her big deer eyes she sheepishly said "I had a fantastic night last night. I've had fantastic nights since we got back together. I love every second of our adventures, even when you stretch me beyond my limits. Even when I don't want to be stretched I still love everything you make me do, even the things that terrify me. I wouldn't go back to our old life for anything. The night I went out dancing I told you that I was ready, willing and able to do everything you told me to do, I really meant all of it. But Ryan, I'm not sure I'm ready to ... Um ... Well ..."

I can see she's not sure how to say what's on her mind, so I spoke up for her. "Have sex with other people? Neither am I. But someday soon I will share my little slut's pussy with other people. I may tell you when I think you're ready or I might just spring it on you. Or it may just be one of those things that feels natural and we know it's the right time. For now I don't want to share you. But someday I will pass you around as my slutty little fuck toy." Chris smiled up at me and slid my arm between her braless breasts.

"Chris, we've been very vanilla for almost 30 years. All of a sudden you've become a total slut. Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining about you being my slut. That's what I wanted you to become, like when we were in college. I just want to understand your willingness. I need to know what's driving you. How did you go from being a bitchy, bossy vanilla prude to a sassy submissive slut?"

She looked away from me. "Sir I'm scared to tell you. I've never told anybody about the summer I spent with my aunt." She hugged my arm tighter. "Over the past four months we've grown back together so much that I feel comfortable and I want to tell you about what happened."

She paused for a few minutes then she just started talking with a confident ease.


This part of the story has been censored so many times I have chosen to delete it.


"When I got older and started dating I tried to do like my Aunt said. It was just so hard trying to explain what I liked, what I wanted the guys I dated to do to me. When I was nineteen my girlfriend set me up with her older cousin that was visiting from New Jersey. He was older and soooo cool. On our second date he got really rough. He pinned me against a wall and kissed me hard. He took off my blouse and skirt and told me to strip the rest of the way. He dropped his pants and grabbed me. I told him to stop but he started slapping my ass hard. Then he slapped my tits and twisted my nipples. I called him a fuckwad and he pinned me down to the ground. He started fucking me and slapped me harder and harder. The only thing I could think about was my body and his cock. That's when I understood what my aunt meant about focusing on her body. Nothing else existed in my world except how my body felt. When he was pumping me it was like all my nerve endings were alive. I came harder than I'd ever cum before. He called me a skank and left the next day. From then on I tried to get my boyfriends to slap me and hold me down when they fucked me."

"Do you remember when we got together? I tried to do everything to make you happy. I cooked, cleaned, washed your clothes, typed your college papers, I even stole things you wanted that we couldn't afford. When we had sex I didn't want to scare you by being a skank. I tried that with my other boyfriends. Sooner or later they all dumped me. I had one guy tell me that I was going straight to hell."

"Ryan, I really liked you and wanted our relationship to last. But I was ashamed of my sexual desires. I'm still ashamed that I want pain to make my sex more intense. What I wanted then I still want now. Not a skank but a wild slut. With you I started slow, really slow for me. I pushed you for a little more every day and eventually you gave me what I craved. But I always needed more then and I still need more now. I need to be your submissive slut."

"Then we got married, I got pregnant and we raised a family. My focus changed and I suppressed all of my slutty desires. I hid them in the back of my mind, afraid and ashamed to bring them out into the open. You know the rest. We raised the kids and have gotten them into college and out on their own. I got that management promotion and was put in charge of all those other people. I hate that part of my job. I don't want to tell other people what to do. I don't want to be in control. I became a prim and proper, boring, goody housewife and mother. I was a bitchy boss and I became bitchy to you and the kids. And then menopause hit. Last year I realized the kids are all grown up. I got empty nest syndrome. I got tired and finally I just gave up."

"What changed? Why did you agree four months ago to be my slutty sub?"

Chris took my hand and turned in her seat to face me. "I did a lot of soul searching during our separation. Just like you said you did. I read a lot of books; fantasy, romance and erotic books. I drifted toward the erotic books. I couldn't get enough of them. I wanted to be that woman in the book. The one that was being controlled. The lady that was forced to do things she knew were considered socially unacceptable. The prim and proper lady that was turned into a slut and loved it. I wanted to be humiliated, tied up and punished, even whipped with a willow branch. I wanted to be used for sex and not have a care in the world. I wanted to be what you called me, a sex toy. And most of all I wanted to give pleasure to the man in the book. Just like my aunt said to do. I just didn't know how to tell you or how to change back. I was so, so vanilla how could I just start being a slut? Then you open Pandora's Box and I was free." She had a grin on her face as wide as the Mississippi River. "In my mind if you made me be a slut it's ok. I have to do what you tell me to if I'm you submissive slut."

I was silent, thinking about what she just told me. "Chris. Do you masturbate when you read those books?"

"God-dammit." She buried her head in my neck and mumbled "Sir, how do you do that? You always know how to ask me just the right question. The question I'm praying you'll never ask me. The one question that always humiliates me." She paused a long time. "Yes I masturbate when I read those books."

"Do you masturbate any other time? When you're not reading any books?"

She turned crimson and again she buried her face in my neck and answered sheepishly "yes Sir."

I smiled wide. That will be a conversation for another time. "Chris. What do you want now?"

She looked up, confused "now? I want to hide my humiliated face." She looked up and smiled. "I really want to just sit here and tell you everything you want to know Sir."

I laugh. "Yes, I want that too. But what I meant is; at this point in your life what do you want? From me? From us?" I held her hand tight. "Four months ago when you agreed to our Dom/ sub relationship my interpretation was myself taking on all of the responsibilities both you and I had. With that came more control, more authority over everything and especially over you. By doing that I've allowed you to be free of all the decisions of life, except for your work. The tradeoff for you was your submission to my control. That's what I understood you wanted. For me to be the kind of Dom I want to be it is important for me to take care of all of my sub's needs. I want to explore the boundaries of your sexual limits and push you way beyond your wildest fantasies. I need to know what those needs, fantasies and limits are."

Chris nervously looked around to see if anybody could hear her. She almost whispered "I told you last night. I want to be your dirty slutty, whore of a wife. I want to do everything to please you. I want you to stretch me beyond my fantasies but also beyond your wildest pleasures. If being humiliated pleases you then I want it. If being whipped with a willow branch pleases you then whip me. I want to please you in every way possible. If you want to tie me in the window so all the neighbors can see my naked body getting fucked up the ass then I'm ready, willing and able to do that to please you." She paused and smiled. I could sense her squeezing her thighs together very tightly.

"Chris? If I'd told you to suck and fuck Bradley and James right in the middle of the gym because it would please me would you have done that too?"

She hesitated. "Sir, ten minutes ago I told you I'm not ready to have sex with other people. I know that sounds like a contradiction to what I just said but if that's truly what you want. If you're ready for me to have sex with other people then I want to do it to please you. I told you that when you make me do things then in my mind I'm not being a slut, you're being controlling. It makes it ok for me." She reached to my chin and turned my face so we were staring into each other's eyes. "Ryan do you really want me to have sex with other people?" She shivered nervously.

"Chris I want to be free to experiment with all kinds of sex. Someday I you will have sex with other people. I have to know that you'll do as you say and do everything I tell you to do just because it pleases me."

Again she turned my face and looked me straight in the eye. "I told you I will submit to you, but you have to promise me you will never hate me or leave me because I do what you tell me to do." We stared deeply into each other's eyes, searching the other's soul for confirmation. I nodded agreement. Then yes, if it pleases you then I'll have sex with other guys, if you make me." She paused and looked out the window for a minute before she continued. "Ryan, I had so much fun when I went out "Cougar dancing". I loved teasing all the guys, but I didn't want Scott to fuck me. I have you for that, and you promised to keep me well fucked.

"Ah yes my slut, I did tell you I'd keep you well fucked. But I didn't say how I'll keep you well fucked." I laughed an evil laugh.

She looked dreamily "it is kind of an exciting fantasy to think about. You making me, you'r slut, fuck James or Bradley, or Scott. MMMMMMMM." She snuggled into my arm with a much tighter grip.

"Chris, we need to set up some boundaries. We should've done that already and I'm sorry for not making sure it was a priority. I wasn't being very responsible with my duties as a Dom."

"Sir, I don't want to make boundaries. I don't feel free that way and I know you don't either. I want you to be free to experiment with sex any way you want."

"Ok but if you don't have boundaries I do." I scowled at her "no scat, no golden showers and no bare back. Not unless they have papers." She started laughing uncontrollably. "What's so funny?"

"Ryan I love you. But I always assumed because of my past experiences before we got together that I had so much more sexual experience than you. Maybe not in how many times I've been laid or by how many different partners I had, but I've tried a lot of non-vanilla sex. I was a slut long before you and I got together and you were a very vanilla, missionary boy."

"Honestly Ryan, I have no idea what you just said. What's scat, and golden showers or bareback. Sir, I'm not fucking a horse." She grinned kind of scared "unless... well I guess if it pleased you. No I just can't do that."

Now it was my turn to laugh. "My love. Some people get turned on from golden showers which is pissing on somebody or being pissed on. Scat is shit and bareback is sex without a condom. With papers means they've been to a doctor and have a clean bill of health. No STDs. Sorry, sexually transmitted diseases."

She leaned her head onto my shoulder and squealed EEEEEEWWWWWW followed by roaring laughter from both of us. "Ok. I do want some boundaries. I accept those and no animals. If I think of more I'll let you know. Oh, come to think of it I never, ever want the kids or work to find out that I'm a slut. I really need that part of my life to be very bland vanilla. And no marks on my face, no hitting me so hard that you leave me black and blue. If you switch me and leave welts they can't be so bad that they last more than a week and I have to be able to cover them up with clothes. I don't want to end up in the hospital. Those are my boundaries."

"Ok, I agree. I'm glad you feel secure enough that you can come to me with more boundaries if you think of any. Remember if I start something, anything you don't want to do or you're scared beyond your limits you have to use the safe word and we'll stop. We can talk about whatever it is that scared you and if we need to we can add it to our boundaries list."

"Sir, I want as few boundaries as possible. They confine us. I want us to be free to experiment, trying whatever's safe. And if it's illegal. You need to keep us both out of jail. You said you'd never let me go to jail."

"Chris, tell me our safe word."

Without hesitation Chris said "vanilla." She was smiling her wicked smile "and for the rest of the weekend I'm saying no vanilla."

I smiled as my mind whirled "Oh baby you're in trouble now." I reached my hand out and pinched her nipples lightly. She giggled. "Chris. Why do you call me a fuckwad? Are you pushing me to command you? To take you by force? To be rough? To be like that boy that was rough with you when you were a eighteen?"

She was slow and a little shy. I can see the embarrassment in her eyes "Yes. I told you, I need you to be in control of me. When I can let go and free my mind of everything my body gets my full attention. My pleasure is tenfold. It also allows me to please you. I feel so close to you when you control me. Does that make any sense to you? Sir, please don't hold back any more. I'm yours to use, to control. I have my safe word. Please give me the chance to really please you. It drives me to seek the next level of pleasure. I may cry at the pain but it gives me strength and focus. When you slap my ass or my tits there's intense, searing pain. My mind is instantly clear of everything except my body and you. What you did to me back at the gym was so strong I almost came right in front of the studs. When I was in the shower I came three times, without even touching myself. My pleasure, my orgasms were because it was so pleasing to you. It's what made you happy and that gives me intense pleasure."

My head was spinning with delight. Her pleading was so sincere I'm sure she will do anything I tell her to do. I am better understanding my submissive slut's needs. Being a Dom isn't just whipping the hell out of subs. It's a mutually rewarding relationship. For me, being a Dom has a lot of freedoms but it also has a lot of responsibilities. I love the control I get to wield over Chris. She gave herself to me to literally do with as I please. She just told me if something pleases me then she has given me permission to do it. "Chris you've given me the best belated Christmas present EVER. I love the pleasure you give me by being my submissive slut wife. I'm glad it gives you pleasure when you please me. But I also respect my wife and the mother of our children. I don't have any desire to make you black and blue or stick needles through your breasts. But there are things I want and you're going to give them to me. Thank you. I love you."

I pulled her into a deep passionate kiss. Our fingers were laced together and she tightened her grip. "I love you too my Dom. I am yours to command." I paid for our breakfast and we left.

Chapter 8

We drove in silence, holding hands, both of us deep in our own thoughts of the morning events, and Chris' revelation. Chris still doesn't know where we're going. Our destination is an hour's drive from our home to keep our sexual adventures out of the eyes of our family and neighbors. It's one of the reasons we go to the gym downtown on the weekends. Our week day gym is too close to our home and the kids. Chris has a pristine, vanilla reputation at home and she needs to keep it that way for her career and our family. Neither of us wants the kids to know she's a sub. I will sustain discretion around home.

This part of the city is rough, dirty, and dangerous. I pulled up in front of the shop I picked out, "Ink Spots." I talked to the owner while Chris was in the shower and explained what I wanted. He is a psychiatrist turned tattoo artist. The name of the shop is a creative play on words. A cancelation in his schedule allowed him time for Chris.

Chris looked at me. "Come on slut." She just stood next to the car as I walked to the shop. "Unless you want to change your boundaries or use the safe word."

She shook her head no. "I don't ever want to use my safe word." She was terrified. "What are we doing here? Sir, please tell me? What's going on?"

"Get your ass over here. I don't want you getting mugged out there." She shuffled her feet on a very slow walk to join me.

We stepped into the shop and a little bell on the door tinkled. Chris jumped. The artist came out from the back. "Hi. I called on the phone about an appointment. This is my submissive slut Chris." Instantly Chris turned red. "She has an appointment to get a tattoo today." I explained again what I wanted to the artist. Chris's eyes almost came out of her head.

Chris was standing inches away from me, pleading "Sir, NO. Please this time I insist, NO. I won't let you. Everybody'll know. Please don't make me do this." She knew it was no use but she tried anyway.

I pushed her away from me "I'm not going to make you do anything. If you don't want to please me then you can leave." I pointed to the door.

The artist patted Chris on the arm "you're going to love it. I'll make it special for you. Let me go draw it up."

Forty five minutes later Chris lay on the bed with her pants and panties about half way down her ass and her blouse half way up her back, with the first ink spots on her back. We shared a soda while the artist worked. I sat next to Chris the entire time and held her trembling hands. Her nausea from this morning was back. She started to get ill and turn red. I thought she was just nervous but I could see her belching a lot like she was going to throw up.

The tattoo took a couple of hours to complete. When he was done my slut had a beautiful tramp stamp over her sweet ass. It was truly a beautiful work of art. I designed a V shaped tribal looking thing that has vines wrapped around it with colorful flowers. Under the V and below her bikini line where the words RYAN'S SUBMISSIVE SLUT. It was in a circle with RYAN'S on the top and SUBMISSIVE SLUT on the bottom. In the center of the circle was a pair of puckered full red lips. The words RYAN'S was in black and the word SUBMISSIVE SLUT was in a special ink that only showed up under black lights. It wasn't visible unless I wanted it to be. During family or business Chris could keep it covered. If she wanted to completely cover it she could. If she was at a pool with kids around she could easily cover the whole tattoo with a one piece bathing suit. She has control, if I let her. Either show it or not depending on the audience and my wishes. Sometimes I'll exert my control and make her show it, even though she doesn't want to.

I didn't let her see what it looked like until it was finished. She had an idea because she heard me talking to the artist. After it was done she looked in a mirror to see. She smiled weakly "It's kind of cool looking. It makes me feel kind of bold and daring and young."

"You are beautiful. This only adds to your beauty." Then I flipped on a black light.

She gasped "Sir? Why?" She saw the elation in my face and smiled agaom but I could see doubt and shame in her eyes. Shame that the whole world, with one glance will see that she is my submissive slut. She's marked permanently with my mark and the whole world knows she is my submissive slut forever.

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