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North of the Border

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Coming home from the hunt.
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Author's Note. Those of you who always complain that I don't finish my stories (at least to your satisfaction) should take a pass on this one.

It wasn't very sporting of me, shooting them from cover while they didn't know I was there, but the circumstances called for it. There were six people in the clearing. One man was holding a knife to a man's throat while another man held a gun on a woman and a third man was tearing at the clothes of a young woman.

My first shot took the knife holder in the forehead and he dropped like a puppet whose strings were cut. The man holding the gun turned toward to sound of the shot and my next round tore his throat apart. The man tearing the clothes off the woman stepped away from her and raised his hands above his head in the universal sign of surrender, but unfortunately for him I wasn't taking prisoners and my third shot was another middle of the forehead shot.

I didn't have a problem killing them. They weren't even close to being the first. Uncle Sam taught me how and then saw to it I got plenty of practice shooting bad guys.

With the three down I held my position to see if there were any others around who might be a danger. The man and woman hurried over to the woman whose clothes were being torn off.

As I watched the happenings in the clearing, I thought back on the circumstances that put me where I was. I was in Texas, a little south of Presidio, hunting wild pigs and I'd just bedded down in my sleeping bag for the night when I heard a woman scream. I grabbed my AR-15 and went to see what was going on. I got to the trees surrounding the small clearing. I observed what was going on in the clearing.

It wasn't at all hard to figure out who the bad guys were, and so I took them out. The one who had tried to surrender had to go too, as I had no intention of getting the local law involved. In fact, my wild boar hunt was over and by daybreak I hoped to be halfway home to Colorado.

I was curious about what was going on. I stepped out into the clearing with the AR at port arms and walked to the three in the clearing. As I came up to them, I pointed at the one whose clothes were being ripped off and asked if she was okay.

The man, clearly a Latino and probably Mexican since we were close to the Texas-Mexican border, said in pretty fair English, "Thanks to you she is fine Senor."

The story I got was he had paid the knife holder and the gun holder to smuggle him and his family into the United States and get them to a cousin who lived in Las Cruces. They met the two men just outside of Ojinaga, and once they were across the border, they had met up with the third man who was the one who would take them to Las Cruces. They were brought to the clearing and the man said he wanted a little sweetener for what he was doing and started tearing at Juanita's clothing.

I asked where their car was and he told me it was just down the road from the clearing. I asked him if he could drive and he said yes. I went over to the bodies and searched them. I found three thousand on the knife holder and another two grand between the other two. I handed it all to the man, Roberto was his name, and told him to get his family into the car, follow me and I would lead him to Las Cruces.

It was only a five-hour drive, and when I got them there I waved goodbye and headed to Denver.


Because I cut my trip short, I got back from it three days early. I was surprised to find my driveway filled with cars. I guessed my wife, Ann, probably had some of her girlfriends over for a card party.

I went inside and found out I was half right. It was a party, but there were no cards in sight. Steph, Ann's best friend, was on the couch being fucked by some guy I didn't know. Bess, one of the girls Ann worked with, was bent over the arm chair being fucked by a guy Ann worked with and whose name I couldn't remember.

Seeing that, I had no doubt about what I was going to find when I got to our bedroom. As I went by the spare bedroom I looked in and saw Ann's brother Tom fucking another one of Ann's co-workers. As I approached our bedroom, I heard a man's voice yell, "I'm almost done. Who is next?"

When I reached our bedroom, I saw I was right. Ann was on our bed and being fucked by her boss.

Did I mention I had my phone out and filming everything? I suppose it goes without saying that my appearance caused a bit of chaos. Steph saw me, cried out "Oh shit!" and tried to get out from under the guy boning her. The guy fucking Bess pulled out of her and backed away from her with his hands in front of him like he wanted to push me away and an expression on his face that said "Hey man; not my fault. I'm just going along."

Tom's facial expression when I went by the spare room was "What the fuck! You aren't supposed to be here," but the look of absolute horror that Ann had on her face was a look I was sure I would remember for years.

Rick, her boss, thought he was some macho dude and he jumped off the bed, assumed some sort of karate stance and I just laughed at him. I knew how this sort of shit worked. If I went after him, I would be the one the cops put the handcuffs on because he was an invited guest of Ann's. If I could get him to attack me, I could wax his ass and get off Scott-free.

That's the reason I laughed at him. You didn't laugh at "Big Bad Rick!" I followed up the laugh with, "You look ridiculous standing there in a bogus martial arts pose with your limp wimpy little dick hanging down."

That did the trick and he came at me. I did mention I was filming everything since I walked in the door, right? I guess he thought that since I had the phone up and filming, he'd get a clear shot at me and if he got that first shot in, he could waste me. As he came at me, I tossed the phone at his face and when his hands went up to ward it off, I kicked him in the nuts. His hands went to his crotch and he went to his knees.

I walked over, picked up the phone and stood him up, put his left arm in a hammer-lock and frog marched through the house to the front door and then pushed him, naked, out onto the front porch and then closed the door and turned on the porch light.

While I had been in the bedroom dealing with 'Macho Rick,' almost everyone else had dressed and left. Except for three people. Tom, who said he was staying to make sure I didn't hurt his sister. Steph, who said she was there for Ann if she needed, and of course, Ann. Steph asked me what I was going to do and I told her I would be divorcing Ann.

"Why? It was just some recreational sex. There was no love involved."

"Not the way I see it. She took the same vows I did. I've lusted over other women, but I never did anything other than lust. I've had the screaming hots for you since the day Ann introduced us, but I swore to forsake all others and I never even gave you a hint about how I felt. Ann took the same vows and broke them, and from the looks of things, this has been going on for some time now.

I went back to the bedroom where Ann was sitting on the bed and crying. I told her to stop crying and get out. She sobbed out:

"I don't have to leave. This is my house, too."

"No, it isn't; not any more. Remember the prenuptial your father insisted I sign before we got married?"

Ann's family was fairly well to do and her father wanted to make sure the family business stayed in family hands. I didn't care about his stupid business; all I wanted was his daughter, so I signed it without even bothering to read it, tossed it in a drawer and forgot about it.

Until my brother caught his wife cheating and divorced her. His wife made out like a bandit and my brother got hosed. One night when we were having drinks at Bud's Bar, he told me he wished he'd had a prenuptial like me.

Out of curiosity I dug it out and read it. There was an infidelity clause that said the guilty party left the marriage with nothing except their clothes and whatever they had in their own name. Everything Ann and I had was held jointly, so she was screwed.

Ann dressed and left, no doubt taking her naked boss with her.


The next morning I was at the bank when the doors opened, and I closed out all of our accounts and opened new accounts in my name only.

Next, I found an attorney and got the divorce started. I also found out we lived in a state that allowed alienation of affection suits. When I asked if it mattered that her boss was also the owner of the company she worked for, he asked if I knew if the company had a Company Policies and Procedures Manual and I told him it did.

He asked if I knew whether or not it had a section in it on relationships between a supervisor and someone he supervises, and I told him I was pretty sure it did, that Ann had a copy of it at the house and I thought it was still there because all she left with was her clothes. I looked when I got home that night and the manual was still on the shelf in our home office. I took it to the attorney the next morning, he read it and the said, "We've got him!"

The papers were served on Ann and her boss at work and in front of everyone who worked there.

Two days later, another party was heard from.

Ann's father was sitting on the front porch when I got home from work. After the greetings (which were cordial) were out of the way, he asked if we could go in the house and talk.

Once inside he said, "What's this nonsense about you divorcing Ann and kicking her out of the house? It is her house too."

"I caught her cheating on me and I put her out of the house. It is all on you. Remember that agreement you made me sign before we got married? In case of infidelity, the cheater leaves with only their clothes? Remember that?"

"She's human, Bob; she makes mistakes like all the rest of us. Ann loves you to death. Surely you can get past this. I know you love her."

"Maybe if it was a onetime slip-up, but from what I've found out, it has been going on for over a year now and with more than just one man."

"That agreement you signed was only meant to keep the business in family hands."

"Then you should have structured it that way. The way you wrote it was a straight if one of us cheated they got nothing. It is all on you. You wrote it. You made me sign it. It is all on Ann and you."

"You need to ease up on her, boy. If you force me to get an attorney for her it could get nasty."

I took my phone out of my pocket, pushed the necessary buttons and said, "You want nasty? I'll give you nasty."

I held the phone up so he could see for himself what I walked in on. He watched and then with surprise said:

"Wait! Was that Tom?"

"It was."

Then he heard the "I'm almost done. Who gets it next?" come out of our bedroom as I walked up to the door. Then he got to see his darling daughter and her lover scramble to get off the bed.

I shut off the video and said "How nasty would it be for all your friends and relatives to get the very own personal copy of this?"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Of course I would. You stay out of it and the day the divorce is final I'll destroy it and no one except you, me and my attorney will ever have seen it. You get Ann an attorney and fight the divorce and I'll go nuclear. Your choice."

Then he surprised me and pulled a.38 revolver out of his pocket and told me to give him the phone.

"Why? What are you going to do with it."

"Delete that damned video."

"Okay," I said' "Nuclear it is," and I handed him the phone.

He waved the gun at me and told me to go over and stand on the other side of the room. I did and then watched him push the buttons to delete what I had of his daughter, set the phone down, stand up, and say, "See you in court," and left the house.

Once he was gone, I went to the computer and sent the video to my mother-in-law. Half an hour later daddy-in-law was on the phone.

"You rotten son of a bitch! How could you do something as low as to send that trash to my wife?"

"I told you if you fucked with me I'd go nuclear on you. I couldn't believe you were stupid enough to believe that I wouldn't have back-up copies. So far, your wife is the only one I've sent it to. Fuck with me again and the whole world will see it."

"Asshole!" he yelled and hung up.

He didn't get a lawyer for Ann and the divorce skated through.


I was a bit surprised when two days after the divorce was final, I received a phone call from Steph.

"Did you really mean it when you said you had the hots for me?"

"I did."

"I'm free tonight."

I'd not had anything to do with a woman since I filed for my divorce. Old fashioned, I guess, but I was still married and felt I'd be a cheater also if I did something with another woman while still married to Ann. The divorce was final and I was needing so I asked what she would like to do.

"How about dinner, drinks and some talking and see what happens?"

"Can do. Pick you up at six?"

"I'll be ready."

That evening after dinner and over drinks I asked her about the timing of her call.

"Simple really. I know what kind of guy you are. I knew you wouldn't have anything to do with another woman while you were still married. Was I wrong?"

"No; you read me right, but how did you know I was now free?"

"Ann was a mess at work and when I asked her what wrong she told me the divorce was final. You do know that she loves you, don't you?"

"But not enough to stay true to me."

"It wasn't all her fault. A date rape drug was used on her the first time and the asshole filmed it. Told her she was now his to use whenever he wanted or he would see to it you got the video."

"Makes no difference. If she would have come to me after that first time and told me about it, we would probably still be together, but she didn't love me enough to trust me or trust in my love for her. Why are we ruining our date talking about her?"

"So what's next?"

"I already told you I had the hots for you so the next step is up to you."

"My place or yours?"

"Mine's closer."

"Then why are we sitting here?"

It was exhausting. She blew me, I ate her, we screwed missionary, went sixty-nine followed by another missionary. Then some more sixty-nine followed by doggie. When I fell to the bed next to her I thought I was done. Then she said:

"Got enough left to do my ass?"

My cock twitched at that. I'd never done anal. Ann always refused to try it.

"I don't know. When I fell beside you I thought I was done."

"Bet you I can get you up. Want me to try?"

"Go for it."

It took her a bit, but she got it done. Then I told her would have to lead me through it as I had never done anal before. She gave me a strange look when I said that and I asked her why the look and she said:

"Ann loves it up the butt."

"Another thing to hold against her since she never did it with me."

Steph talked me through it and I liked it. I liked the tightness and the way it gripped my cock. When we finished she went to the bathroom and came back with a soapy rag and a towel and used them to clean me off while saying:

"Want it nice and ready for the first one when we wake up in the morning."

That was my first indication that Steph was going to stay the night so I asked her what she had to do the next day and she laughed and told me:

"Stay here and play with you. Will that work for you?"

"I had something I was going to do, but nothing I can't let go until another day."

We were lying in bed and as I was waiting for sleep to take me I wondered where this was going to take us. I got the answer to that the next morning over a late breakfast.

We woke up cuddled next to each other. Her hand slid down to cock which responded to her touch and we were off again. We went three times before breaking to go out and eat. Over pancakes and bacon she said:

"I don't want to give you the wrong impression. I'm not interested in a long-term relationship. I already know I'm incapable of staying true to any one man, but if you are interested in a friends with benefits relationship I'd be all for it."

I had nothing else going so I thought "Why not?" and told her to count me in. We spent the rest of Saturday and the first half of Sunday abusing each other's bodies. It should go without saying that she left me wrecked when she finally went home. She was still trying for more when I couldn't even keep my eyes open.

Three months into our FWB relationship my attorney called me to let me know that my lawsuits were settled and after his fees were deducted I ended up with one point three million. About a month after that Steph said that our FWB relationship had run its course, but she hoped we could keep the friends' part and I told her we could.


I dated a couple of different ladies over the next six months and managed to get laid enough to keep me happy. But I never found one I wanted to tie to.

It was a Tuesday night and I stopped a Tres Amigos for dinner. I had my face buried in the menu when the waitress came to take my order. I ordered the house Margarita, three cheese and onion enchiladas with rice and beans and the waitress said:

"Very good Senor. Perhaps you could see that I get home safely when I get off work tonight?"

I looked up at her in confusion and said "What?"

"Did you not appoint yourself my protector that night near the Ojinaga-Presidio bridge?"

"That was you?"

"It was."

"I couldn't tell. You were all bundled up and your head was covered with a scarf. I thought you would be in Las Cruces."

"I could not find work. There were many border crossers like me. Many more than there were jobs. A cousin suggested I come to Denver because there were plenty of jobs I could work." She looked at her watch and said "I must get your order in. Perhaps we could talk later?"

She left to put my order in and as she walked away I noticed she had a figure that did justice to her pretty face and I decided that perhaps we should talk later.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

Good ending!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

Karma or kismet? Is giving up an uncertain love and marriage worth 1.3 million dollars? You bet her prenuptial it some consolation prize. Tres Amigos means you might hit something more than your AR 15.

AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

Very intriguing start but then fizzled out.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Started off well. Went downhill from there. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Started off with a bang (actually three of them). Good middle. Weak ending. A nuclear exchange with some BTB would have made for a five-star rating. Three stars.

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