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Click hereNot a Typical Day at the Gym
A coworker tells me that I'm a gym rat, which I'm not sure is true. I work out five days a week, but looking at me, you wouldn't know that. Regardless, I am there every morning before work sweating my butt off attempting to be in the best shape that I can be in. Does that make me a connoisseur of the gym? Doubt it.
Being from Lithuania, I have that stocky Eastern European build. I have also had three babies, which does nothing for keeping a flat stomach. I like to think that my light green eyes and big smile makeup for the few unwanted curves. There are people who are smaller than me, but there are also plenty of people who are bigger than me. That's the beautiful part of being a woman...we come in all shapes, sizes, and varieties.
After I work out, I get ready in the women's locker room. I am somewhat modest, so I walk to and from the showers with a towel on. Once I am by my locker, I have no issues dropping the towel while my body air dries. If someone happens to walk by that nook, they may see a buttcheek or boob, which is not a big deal since they have the same equipment. Once I am dressed, I will do my hair and makeup in front of the bathroom mirrors.
I try my best to be ready by the time Eve is out of the shower. Eve is easily fifteen years younger than me, which means she is in her mid twenties. She is thin with long, dark wavy hair. She and I don't often chit-chat, but once in a while we will make small talk. She is a sweet kid. I can say kid because she is in her twenties, and I am forty. However, what I do like about Eve is that she walks around the locker room naked. I admire her body whenever I can because it is quite different from mine. While my stomach has some rolls, hers is completely flat. While my breasts are a size D, hers can't be more than an A. They are so perky and stick out of her chest opposed to mine that kind of hang there. My ass is seriously toned from working out, so there is not much curve to it. However, Eve has a round booty. I admit that I've snuck peaks at her nether region as well. She keeps it shaved minus the "land strip" that conceals her slit. I admire her from afar making sure never to steal more than a glance. That is just some information, which hopefully provides enough of a background to support this encounter.
It was a snowy, cold Saturday morning, and typically I got up and walked the dogs. I do not work out on the weekends because we all need some downtime; however, on this particular Saturday morning I needed to do something. I had no desire to walk in the snow, so I threw together my gym bag and headed off. I decided to do some laps in the pool as opposed to my normal cardio routine, and then I relaxed in the hottub.
I was laying back when I heard someone say, "I never see you here on Saturdays." I opened my eyes, and it was Eve. She stepped into the hot tub.
"Oh. Hey." I said somewhat startled. "Yea...I prefer to walk my dogs on Saturday mornings and leisurely drink my coffee, but this crappy weather made me cranky. I didn't feel like boots and a heavy coat. So hot tub it is." Wanting to talk to this cutie a little more, I asked, "Do you come here on the weekends and the weekdays?"
"Nope. I like to sleep in, but I had to get up early this morning. I thought I'd hit the gym since I was already up and moving." Eve had her hair pulled up in a messy bun with a few curls falling down around her face. She had on a two piece swimsuit allowing me to admire her toned figure. "This may be the highlight of my day." She rolled her eyes but more of a playful way than a sarcastic way.
I chuckled. "I doubt that, sweetie. I am sure a cute little thing like you has lots of plans on the weekends." I may have pushed the line a bit with "cute little thing," but it slipped out before I put much thought into it.
Eve sat down across from me and smiled. "Thanks. But no. I don't typically go out on the weekends. I'm a homebody. Plus I have homework." She sank down into the hot water and stretched out. Her feet grazed my leg. "Sorry about that."
Damn. I was hoping that she touched my leg on purpose. "No worries. What are you studying?" Eve and I continued to make small talk for several minutes about her working full time and going to college part time to be an athletic trainer. It was typical chit chat that two humans would have while sitting next to each other in a hot pool. My lustful thoughts dissipated, and I simply enjoyed the company on a Saturday morning. After about ten minutes I said, "Woo. I'm getting hot in here. I don't know how people can stay in these things very long." I sat up on the edge to cool down. I assumed my conversation with Eve was coming to an end. She surprised me when she sat up on the edge of the spa as well.
"I agree with you," she started. "I don't last very long in here either. Are you getting in the shower or hitting the sauna?" I had no intention of sitting in the sauna after I just melted in the hottub, but I played it cool wanting a few extra minutes with Eve.
"I'm not sure. What're you doing? What's best for my old bones?"
"You're not old. Besides, even if you are, you're an attractive woman. Anyways, the sauna is good for your muscles and getting rid of the toxins in your body. It's good for you."
Holy shit. She just said I was beautiful. Here I was worried when I said cute little thing, and she just called me beautiful. My stomach did a flip. "Thanks, hun. You're too kind. Since you're the expert, I guess I can do a few minutes in the sauna since it's good for me." Being brave, I asked, "Want to join me?"
"Sure." Holy hell was I surprised. The two of us grabbed our towels and headed to the sauna. While I laid my towel down on the warm bench, Eve peeled off her swimsuit. I sat there in awe, staring at her beautiful, naked body.
"I really admire how free you are just laying in here without anything on, but if I looked like you, I guess I wouldn't be so self conscious." Apparently I took some extra bold this morning.
"We're all women here. Why should any of us feel self conscious?"
"I have baby rolls and too much ice cream rolls. You have none of that."
"Beauty is more than a few rolls, sweetie. You should feel good in your skin. You should try it."
"Try what?"
"Sitting in here without your suit on."
"Ummm...while I can appreciate your kind words, I'm not sure anyone wants to see that. With that said, I really like your outlook on body appearance." Eve laid out her towel on the bench above me. She then laid on her back and bent her knees. Holy fucking hell. Her pussy was inches from my face. Literally inches. It was shaved except for just a strip on her lips. I looked forward, not wanting to be that weird girl. Clearly, she was just being a woman in a woman's locker room. There was no sexual ulterior motive, but holy hell- how was I supposed to focus with that beautiful mound in front of me.
Laying on her back Eve asked, "Your name is Natalie, right? I'm pretty sure that's what I've heard in the mornings." Her question was more to the open air than to me. I shouldn't say open air. It was more like god awful, heat oppressed air; however, I wasn't about to complain.
"Sure is. And you're Eve, right."
"I sure am."
"Natalie, I'm telling you, you should lay back and lose the suit. It feels so good. Having that wet swimsuit on doesn't allow your body to fully embrace the dry heat in here.
"Okay Okay." I said with a heavy sigh. I prayed no one else would walk in. I stood up and stripped down. I laid down on my back quickly.
"See that wasn't so bad was it?"
She had a point. It did feel pretty good. "Not too bad," I replied. We laid there for a few minutes while the sweat dripped off of my face. I enjoyed being so close to this lovely girl, but I wasn't sure how much longer I could last. Finally, I had to say, "Girl, I am melting in here. I need a shower." I sat up, so I could take another quick glimpse at her pussy before she moved.
Eve sat up and pivoted her body towards me. "Ditto," she replied. Her perky A cup breasts had beads of sweat dripping down them. I so badly wanted to touch them. I wanted to know what they felt like in my hands. Her nipples were small- no bigger than a quarter. Mine were larger and darker. When Eve and I got out of the sauna, we were surprised at the number of women in the locker room. "Damn. It looks like the 9 AM class just got out," she said. She then peaked her head into the shower room. "So there is one shower stall open." She shrugged her shoulders.
"Go figure. I have nothing going on. You go ahead. I can wait out here."
"We're both females. We can totally share it." Eve was matter-of-fact.
"Sure why not," I agreed. While she was being practical, I was beyond turned on. I could not get over the turn of events this morning. We grabbed our shower stuff and walked back to the stalls. "Do you like your water warm or hot?"
"More on the hot side," I said. Eve adjusted the water and then stuck her head under the cascading shower. I stood and watched. I was sure she knew that I was looking at her shapely ass and creamy, white skin.
"Since we're in here together, do you mind washing my hair? I'll return the favor."
"No problem. I don't mind." An hour ago we were talking about working out, and now I was washing her hair. Damn, I did not expect this to happen. I lathered up the soap and gently washed her hair. I rubbed her scalp, behind her ears, and the base of her neck. I wanted to run my hands down her back and grab her ass, but I refrained. I took my time though making sure to do a thorough job.
Eve replied, "That felt amazing. We're always so rushed during the week. It's so nice to just take a relaxing shower. Let me do your hair now." She worked her fingers through my hair and scratched my scalp with her nails. God. It felt so good. I could feel the stress leave my body, and for a moment I forgot that a hot, young chick was sharing a shower with me. I was totally lost in the moment and accidentally let out a slight moan. Eve giggled a bit. "I take it that feels good," she said.
"Sorry about that." I was embarrassed. "But you're right. The weeks are so hectic that this just feels so relaxing. Thank you." I assumed that she was done, but then I felt her hands go down my back.
"How does that feel?"
I wanted to say fucking amazing, but I just replied with, "Great, thank you." She continued to rub my shoulders and worked her way down my back.
"Lean against the wall," she said. "That way you won't fall over." I took her advice. I spread my arms slightly and then leaned forward. She moved her hands up and down my back, kneading my muscles. She then moved to my side. Her hands touched the sides of my breasts, and I could feel my pussy begin to tingle. While the backrub was luxurious, my womanhood began to ache. "Did you know that your butcheeks are the most used muscle in your body?"
I did actually know that, but I didn't want to sound like a know-it-all. "I did not. Good to know."
"Do you mind?"
At this point, Eve was not going to hear the word no from me. She leaned into my body just a bit and began to rub my ass. She had petite hands, but damn were they strong. She rubbed my ass cheeks starting on the outside and rotating in. As she kneaded my muscles, her thumbs worked along my ass crack. She never touched the backdoor, but being so close was enough.
"Doesn't that feel good?" she asked. "I ran a marathon once, and afterwards they were doing massages. I got my gluteus rubbed, and it was amazing. I know most people don't rub this area due to privacy, but damn it's a game changer."
This poor girl was seriously just doing me a favor- one athlete to another- and I was dripping wet. Luckily we were in the shower, so she would never know. "You're right," I began, "it's pretty epic."
"Turn around," she said. "You need to rinse your hair." As I rinsed my hair she soaped up her body.
"You know I can return the favor. I don't know all the muscles like you do, but I can give a pretty killer backrub."
"That would be amazing," Eve replied quicker than I expected. She turned around, and I soaped up her back. I tried to copy what movements she did. I pushed her hair to the side and worked her shoulder blades. She leaned up against the wall, and my hands moved up and down her body. She had such a small frame that my hands could reach across her back. I rubbed the sides of her ribs, and one of my fingers felt the side of her breast. I so badly wanted to touch them. I was so close! I was so close! Instead I asked her if she wanted her glutes rubbed as well. "Duh!" she turned her head and grinned. Since there was a height difference I squatted down, so I could rub her ass. I was damn near eye level with the precious flesh. I worked her muscles, but I did not get as close to her crack as she did mine.
And then she turned around without saying a word. She just turned around, and there I was eye level with her pussy. My nose. My lips. My tongue. Mere inches. I swear she was fucking with me, now. She knew I wanted her, but I continued to play it cool. I stood up and faced her. The water was running down my back, and we made eye contact.
"May I rub your front?" she asked in a softer tone.
"You may." She put body soap on her hands and then began to rub the front of my chest near my clavicle. She had to step closer and reach up, so our breasts were almost touching nipple to nipple. She moved her hands to the top of my shoulders and then down my of my shoulders...and then down my arms. Again and again. Then she moved her small hands down my breasts. She rubbed the sides of them and then underneath.
"Is this part of a marathon massage as well?" I wasn't being funny.
She looked up at me and dropped her hands to the side. "Oh my god. No, I am so sorry. I got carried away."
"Can you keep doing it?" Now that I knew we were not in physical therapy, I moved my hands to her small breasts. "Your breasts are amazing." They were so small and firm in my hands. Eve returned her hands to my globes. She began to draw circles around my erect nipple. My areola was dark, wrinkly, and wanted to be suckled. I took her nipples in between my finger and thumb and slightly pinched it.
"That's nice..." she said as she closed her eyes. I continued to fondle her breasts and she rubbed mine as well. After a few moments, I grabbed my right breast, and placed it on her left nipple. I moved it in a circle motion. Eve copied my movement when she took my left breast and brought it to her right breast. I could feel her tiny, erect nub on my large areola. It was erotica knowing we were nipple to nipple. After a few minutes, I took my boldness to the next level.
I moved my hands down her stomach, rubbing the sides. I asked, "May I?"
"You may," she smiled at me. It was cute how she copied my words. I moved my hand down to her pussy. I rubbed her mound with the palm of my hand applying pressure from my palm to her clitoral region. Her soft skin felt amazing in contrast to her neatly trimmed strip. I then separated her lips with my middle finger. I moved my finger back and forth from her dark rose bud to her clit. Eve spread her legs just a bit, and braced one hand on the shower wall and one hand on my shoulder. I then began to draw circles around her clit with my middle finger.
"Do you like this?" I whispered to her.
"Yes. Yes. I do. Mmm...yes. I like that," I continued to draw circles. I then moved my finger to her entrance.
"Can I slip inside of you? Is that too much?"
She did a slight chuckle. "I think we're passed too much." I slipped my middle finger into her dripping wet pussy. Even though we were in the shower, I could feel her wetness on my finger. She was so tight. So small. I moved my finger in and out. I then took another slight step forward, so I could get a better angel. My finger moved deeper into her womanhood, and I could feel her G spot with my finger. I curled my finger and began to feverishly rub her G spot. I pushed up on it, so she could feel the pressure. I moved my finger back and forth. Back and forth. After several minutes of this, I could feel her vaginal wall begin to tighten. She said nothing, but I could tell that she was getting close. I kept my pressure and speed consistent. A moment later her grip on my shoulder tightened, and I could feel her contract. She got so tight and let out a slight whimper.
"That was amazing. Thanks."
I removed my hand and smiled. "It was my pleasure. Aren't you cold? I've been standing under the water. Switch me spots. Eve moved under the water, and I could tell that she was feeling relaxed. She took a moment and allowed the warm water to wash down her body. It was a beautiful sight.
When she opened her eyes, she said, "Only fair that I return the pleasure, but I want to try something...if you don't mind."
"Well that depends. What would you like to try?"
"I want to taste you. It's a perfect time to try something that I've been curious about. I mean, you clearly clean. We can rinse off when we are done. Why not?" She shrugged her shoulders- again as if she was just merely being practical. There was a bench in the shower stall. Eve looked at it and said, "What if you put your foot up here, and I will just squat down. Can we try that?"
"Why not." Hell, I could be practical too. If this adorable woman wanted to eat my pussy, who was I to stop her?
Eve moved the bench slightly, and I lifted my leg up. She squatted down in front of me. And then looked up at my face. "Okay, you have to direct me just in case I suck at this." I gave her a thumbs up. I know that sounds lame, but I was pretty sure that this chick had forgotten that we were in a locker room where other people were literally feet from us. With that said, I completely forgot about them when I felt her tongue reach my slit. She licked up and down a few times, but then she used her fingers to separate my lips. She flicked my clit with her tongue. I jerked slightly.
"Did that hurt?"
"Ugh no. It's good." She continued. If this was her first time tasting a woman, she was a natural, but based on her skill, I wasn't convinced that I was her first rodeo. Eve dug her nose into my mound to brace her mouth. She then moved her tongue up and down on the side of my clit. I rubbed her head with my right hand as she fucked me with her mouth. She sucked my clit as if it were a tiny cock. I could feel her lips around my little pearl. I rubbed the top of her head, wanting more. Needing more. Eve must have known what I wanted, for she slid a finger inside of me. She began to move it in and out as if she were fucking me. She then added another finger, which made my pussy feel nice and full. Eve switched her technique in which she licked the top of my clit while humming slightly. The vibration was enough to send me over the edge. I attempted to be quiet, but I was pretty sure I heard people chuckling outside of the shower. I didn't care though. After I finished with my climax, Eve stood up and rinsed her face off.
"Really? That was your first time doing that?" I asked, trying to catch my breath.
" was my first time in the locker room shower..." She had a guilty smile on her face. I just shook my head and returned the grin.
We finished up in the shower and got out. I walked back to my locker with the towel wrapped around me as usual. Eve walked around the locker room naked. I still stole a glance even though I had just had the real deal.
We continued to chit chat while we got ready.
Eve asked me, "Do you think you'll go swimming next Saturday?"
I replied, "If you're going to be here."
She smiled and said, "I think I like my new Saturday workout routine."
For the record, this was completely made up! I would never have the guts to do this, but whenever I see Eve now while I'm getting for work, I will totally think about this story!
So delicious. I love Eve's sense of humor and her realization that you're so into her.
So well written and wonderfully hot as always, polyatthepen! I hope we get some more stories about Eve.
Great little flash tale of some hot gym shower action. Thanks for sharing!
Wow. I love the natural ease of this story. Top shelf erotic enchantment to revisit from time to time.
I loved this. You opening yourself to this is amazing. I loved when you bring multiple new facets to your characters and broaden their sexuality. Your stories continue to get hotter.