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Not without My Son


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Pushing the door slightly, she looked inside and froze. Varun sat at his desk, naked from the waist down, both hands fondling his erect cock. He wore his wireless headphones and stared at his laptop, which was on the desk. A video played on the screen. She looked at it and recognized herself in the video which was from three years back. It was the last time they'd been to India, for her niece's wedding.

Kavya, Varun and their other relatives had gone to a nearby beach, the day before the wedding. The video showed Kavya wearing a kurta top and capri pants, enjoying the waves. Even with her slim and fit body, Kavya was always mindful of her attire in public. But that day, she had goofed up due to last minute changes in the plan. She had worn a white kurta top over a black bra. The top had quickly soaked and sagged in the water, giving a glimpse of her generous cleavage and the black bra within. Embarrassed, she had wanted to get out of the water, but her nieces had held her back, convincing her that she looked very sexy and should just enjoy herself.

Varun moved his hands away from his cock to adjust something on the laptop. Kavya got a good look of his son's erect manhood. It looked much bigger than her husband's. She couldn't help but salivate at that impressive specimen of man meat, momentarily forgetting that it was attached to her own son. Her sexually starved brain took over as she stood there and continued to watch Varun pleasuring himself.

The video now showed Kavya completely drenched from head to toe. The wet, translucent top and black bra accentuated her lovely breasts as she frolicked in the waves with her sisters and nieces. Varun leaned back in his chair and stretched his legs. He fondled his balls with one hand while slowly stroking his cock with the other. The up and down motion of his hands, gliding over his long, thick cock, mesmerized Kavya, keeping her glued to the spot. On the screen, Kavya leaned forward, bending to pick up a seashell, her cleavage and upper swells of her breasts clearly visible.

Varun lost it at that point. He groaned and erupted, cum shooting high into the air and splashing back on his groin and tummy. He continued to jack off, spurts after spurts of semen shooting out of his manhood as he moaned and groaned with pleasure. His head was thrown back and eyes closed, completely engulfed in orgasmic bliss. Kavya closed the door quietly and returned back to her room.

Anmol was fast asleep on the bed, snoring gently. Kavya was on fire, her mind and body burning with passion after watching her son's cock and cum. She knew there would be no help from her husband to quench her thirst. She opened her drawer and brought out her 6" vibrating dildo which now looked shorter than Varun's cock. Silently, she went into the bathroom to douse the fire burning in her nether regions.

Stripping down naked, she made herself comfortable in the bathtub. Her pussy was soaking wet. She turned on the dildo and set it to a gentle vibration. A loud moan escaped her lips when she touched the tip to her pussy lips. She cried out passionately when she slowly rubbed the vibrating shaft over her pussy and pushed it inside. Images of her son's erection flashed in front of her eyes. She banished it from her mind, but they kept coming back. She finally succumbed to the temptation and masturbated, fantasizing about Varun's cock. She moaned and cried out as she reached the most powerful orgasm she'd ever had.


Tanks, military vehicles and men sounded outside. Everyone in the bunker looked around fearfully, then breathed a sigh of relief as Zambawian soldiers entered the bunker. Lots of panic discussions ensued, with all the civilians asking several questions to the soldiers. With her limited understanding of the local language, Kavya was able to piece together what was being said. The Zambawians had managed to repel the Ugowians from the area back towards the eastern edge of the city. They had reclaimed parts of the city for now and were well prepared to face down any retaliation, which was sure to come soon. The soldiers were evacuating the city and urged all the civilians to move towards the west of the city now while it was relatively safe to do so.

There was a flurry of activities for the next several minutes as everyone packed their bags and prepared to leave. Several people got on the phone with their family and friends to inform them of their latest movement. Kavya requested Mrs. Sumana to ask the soldiers about the area near the railway station where Kaseba lived. The older lady spoke to a young soldier and gestured towards Kavya during the conversation. Kavya was able to understand few words between them but saw their faces somber and tense.

"What did he say?" asked Kavya, when the soldier moved away to attend another lady.

Mrs. Sumana sighed and said, "The area was severely hit during the shelling. Soldiers and rescue workers have been dispatched there. He doesn't have further updates."

Tears welled in Kavya's eyes and she shivered with hopelessness. The older lady hugged her and said, "Don't lose hope, Kavya. Go, find your son." Kavya nodded, strengthening her resolve. She wiped her tears and said her goodbyes to Mrs. Sumana. Packing her bags, she left the bunker and came out onto the streets of Tumora.

The entire area resembled a ghost town except for the soldiers and military vehicles. Residential and commercial buildings alike were blackened, either completely destroyed or crumbling. Debris from the explosions littered the road. The trees stood like skeletons, black or charred and devoid of leaves. The roads were cracked and destroyed at several places. Kavya looked at her destroyed apartment building. That had been her home and now it was gone. She picked up her bags and set off to find her son.


Two months ago -

Kavya relaxed on the sofa in her living room, watching a new movie with Varun. They both sat close to each other. Kavya rested her head on Varun's shoulder and he draped his hand over her back. She felt warm, cozy and comfortable snuggled against her son.

It had been a week since Anmol had left. Political ties between Zambawi and Ugowia had hit an all time low. Zambawi's President had been assassinated, plunging the country into chaos. Ugowia had denied allegations but the general consensus seemed to indicate their hands behind the President's assassination and their intentions to invade Zambawi due to it's strategic location and mineral resources. Clouds of war were dark in people's minds. Anmol wanted to be out of Zambawi if the worst came to pass. To make the necessary arrangements back home, he went to India alone.

As soon as Anmol left, Varun had become bolder in his display of physical affection towards Kavya. The hugs and kisses were frequent with kisses no longer just on the cheeks but also on the neck and nape. His erections were harder and more obvious. He took her out to shopping and restaurants, brought her flowers and constantly complimented her good looks. Kavya had pushed all her reservations to the back of her mind and enjoyed all of her son's attention. She felt younger and happier like never before. She felt conflicted whenever Varun rubbed his erections on her during their hugs, but it made her feel all the more desirable with a thrill of mischief.

Kavya lay on the sofa and put her legs in Varun's lap, pulling the hem of her nightie up to her knees. He happily took hold of her bare legs and started massaging them. Off late, he had been giving her daily massages which she loved. She sighed contentedly as her muscles relaxed under his fingers. Within few minutes, she felt his cock hardening in his shorts, the slight bulge brushing her leg. She felt a naughty thrill and surreptitiously rubbed her leg on his bulge, feeling it grow bigger and harder. Varun kept massaging her legs while looking at the TV. She suppressed a smile when he squirmed and adjusted his erection in his shorts.

When the movie ended, Kavya got up from the couch. The bulge in Varun's short was massive and there was a small wet spot at the tip of the tent. She smiled to herself and told him she was going for a shower. She sashayed towards the bathroom and got inside, leaving the door slightly ajar. As she suspected, she glimpsed in the mirror that Varun stood outside the bathroom.

She untied her hair and brushed it, looking sideways into the mirror at Varun. Slowly, she opened her nightie and slid it off her body. She wore a black bra and panty, giving her son a good look of her sexy body from the back. She glanced again in the mirror and saw that he had fished out his cock from his shorts. It looked painfully hard and he was slowly stroking it. She trembled with excitement, contemplating her next move. With deliberate slowness, she reached behind and unhooked her bra and teasingly slid it off her shoulders, showing her entire naked back to him. She smiled as she saw him in the mirror, eyes wide in shock and delight, stroking his cock faster. She placed her hand across her breasts, supporting the globes and hiding them. Stepping into the bathtub, with her back still towards him, she closed the curtains.

Her mind whirled with desire and pent up sexual frustration. She removed her soaking wet panty and threw it out from above the curtains. The shower calmed her mind and brought her back to her senses. Shit! What the hell am I doing, teasing him like that? Guilt and conflicts resurfaced their ugly heads and bothered her, berating her shameful thoughts and actions. She cleared her head, wrapped herself in a towel and stepped out of the bathtub. The bathroom door was still slightly ajar, like she had left it. There was no sign of Varun and her panty.


Kaseba lived just three kilometers away but the streets were difficult to navigate now. Everywhere Kavya looked, scenes of death and destruction saddened her. Burnt buses and cars were abandoned on the road. Some streets were completely blocked with destroyed buildings. Few civilians made their way through the rubble while others skirted the road completely. Soldiers assisted in evacuation.

Civilians sat on the streets under makeshift shelters shading them from the hot overhead sun. Many of them had injuries and all of them had the vacant stares of having lost everything. Somewhere someone or the other cried, clutching the dead bodies of their loved ones. Kavya shivered at the thought and hoped to find her son alive and well. She continued her walk towards Kaseba's house.


One week ago --

Kavya walked to her apartment building after closing her bakery. It had been a busy day with lots of customers. There was panic on the streets with talks of war with Ugowia. People had been buying food and groceries in bulk over the last few days. Kavya's bakery items were almost sold out, faster than she and her assistant could make more. With so many customers, she had to keep her bakery outlet open for longer than usual. It was already late in the evening. She was tired and hungry.

She opened the front door of her house and stood in surprise. The living room had been cleaned and tidied. Smell of fresh flowers wafted in the air. The dining table had been decorated and transformed with nice, scented candles and cutlery. Varun ushered her in.

She smiled broadly and asked, "What's all this?"

"It's for you, ma. You always say you've never had a candlelight dinner."

"That's nice! I am starving."

"Freshen up. I'll set the table," he said. Kavya noticed that Varun was already dressed in a nice shirt and trousers, well groomed for the occasion.

She quickly took a shower and went through her wardrobe. Varun had dressed very handsomely like a gentleman and she wanted to dress complimentary to him. She changed into a figure hugging green gown. It was sleeveless, showing a lot of skin on her back with a generous cleavage. She had bought it long back, on a whim, but never had an opportunity to wear it before. She fixed her hair in a new style, pilling her black locks on her head, which kept her neck and shoulders bare and on display. She put on some make-up and perfume and joined Varun at the dining table. He stood like a gentleman near the table and smiled as she came into the living room. He pulled out a chair and got her seated.

"You look gorgeous, ma," he said, visibly mesmerized by her appearance. She smiled and thanked him. The dinner was delicious. Varun had outdone himself this time, cooking a sumptuous meal of fried rice, chicken curry and salad. Post dinner, they poured some whiskey and Varun put on some music.

Few drinks later, he asked her for a dance. Kavya got to her feet and Varun pulled her closer to his body, placing his right hand on her waist and her left hand on his shoulder. They waltzed to the rhythm of the soft music. She felt a good buzz from the alcohol, lowering her inhibitions. She felt Varun's hands roam softly on her bare back. His sensuous touch felt good on her skin, tingling her senses. She felt his breath on her neck and then his lips kissed her neck, then her shoulder.

She closed her eyes, getting weak in the knees with passion and desire, losing her sense of propriety. Varun placed more soft kisses on her bare neck and shoulders. Kavya's pussy became moist, sensing her need and ache for a good fuck and a powerful orgasm. Oh, what's happening to me. I can't stand this anymore. The barriers in her mind started to fall away. She was in the moment and it didn't matter anymore that this was her own son. She wanted to be loved, to be desired, to be passionately made love to. She was ready to surrender herself and let the night take it's own course.

As the song came to an end, Varun whispered into Kavya's ears, "I love you, ma. I want to make you mine."

The last notes of music faded, the room was silent. Varun's declaration of love and desire rang clearly in her head, like the striking of a gong, reverberating across her mind, shattering her fantasy. Her son had just clearly articulated what had been on both their minds, what they had been gradually moving towards from the last few months. It was no longer just an unspoken abstraction. The illusion was broken and she was yanked forcibly back into reality. Shocked and overloaded with guilt, Kavya stepped back from her son. Varun's expressions were full of love and desire.

She slapped him hard across his face, yanking him back to reality with her.

She had tears in her eyes as the expression on his face changed to hurt and disappointed. She knew the slap was unfair, it wasn't his fault, not entirely. She was equally to blame for not stopping his advances, for encouraging and teasing him. She felt disgusted with herself. Varun looked at her, his hand on his cheek which had turned reddish, shocked at the sudden slap. He blinked and looked away, then without another word, he left the house. Kavya sat alone in the living room couch, in a state of shock and disbelief.

Later that night, Varun sent her a message that he'll be spending the night at Kaseba's house.

Kavya went to bed alone. She couldn't sleep. Her mind was in turmoil. She hoped it still wasn't too late to talk to Varun and undo everything, stop all this nonsense. Uneasily, she drifted off to sleep.

She woke up early next morning to the terrifying sounds of explosions and air raid sirens.

Ugowia had finally attacked Zambawi.


Kavya finally reached Kaseba's neighborhood and looked around in dread and despair. The entire area had been flattened from the shelling. Not a single house or building was left standing. Charred and blackened pieces of wood and concrete lay everywhere in a jumbled mess. Few people were moving about, helping the wounded. She dropped her bags and moved around, calling out to Varun but her son was nowhere in sight. Kaseba's house was almost completely destroyed with only few walls still standing. Overwhelming hopelessness overtook her and she broke down, crying and calling out to her son.


Kavya stopped crying and looked around. Varun emerged from the back of the destroyed house. They stared at each other for few moments, then rushed into a tight hug. Relief flooded Kavya's heart as she held her son, alive and well, in her arms. She hugged him tightly to remind herself that he was truly there with her. Varun hugged her back with equal fervor. Kavya pulled back to look at her son's face. She gently swiped away the hair out of his face and laughed with joy, kissing his forehead and cheeks. Varun pulled her closer and planted a kiss on her lips. It was the first time, he had kissed her on the lips. While she was surprised, she didn't really mind. He was safe and with her, that's all that mattered. She didn't reciprocate the kiss but didn't pull away either.

"I thought I'd never see you again," Varun said.

"So did I."

They both laughed again and hugged, afraid of letting go. They retrieved her bags and Varun led her to the back of the house and down into the basement which was a small bunker. Kavya looked around the place. Unlike the previous bunker she was in, this one was well furnished with beds, furniture, refrigerator and other amenities. It was also packed with many household items stacked in the corners and in boxes.

"The three of us hid here as soon as the explosions started, then gradually saved anything from the house that we could," he said, answering her puzzled looks.

Varun introduced Kavya to Kaseba and his mother Lupita. Kaseba was a handsome and muscular, 20-year-old, slightly taller than Varun. He had deep brown skin, black hair with brown eyes. Over the last few years, Kavya had heard a lot about Kaseba, but had met him only once before. He was Varun's closest friend and Varun often spoke of him like a brother he never had. Lupita was a tall, slightly curvy woman with chocolate colored skin and curly black hair. She smiled warmly at Kavya and hugged her.

"Thank God, you're alright. We were so worried," Lupita said with a heavy accent which sounded different to Kavya.

Kavya was surprised at the hug and genuine warmth radiating from this woman. She hugged her back. "Thanks for taking care of my Varun," she said.

Lupita waved it off. "I should be thanking him. So helpful. Such sweetheart, your son."

"Hello," Kaseba said to Kavya. "Nice to meet you again. You're all that Varun talks about. I wish we had met under happier circumstances." Kaseba's accent was less pronounced than his mother's.

Kavya smiled and nodded as she gratefully accepted a glass of water from Lupita. She deposited her bags in a corner. Varun and Kaseba chatted fluently in the local language. Both the boys went outside to look for food and water that they could find. The rescue workers were distributing food packets and some rare shops might have opened, now that the Zambawian forces were in the area. Kavya checked her phone.

"No signal," Lupita said. "Some towers were destroyed. Engineers from the telecom company are trying to fix."

Lupita sat in front of Kavya. "Varun said your husband gone to India. What's your plan?" Lupita asked.

"Anmol said the Indian government is planning for a rescue operation for the Indian students at the University. I and Varun can join the students when that happens. That's our only hope now."

"I've asked a guy to come pick us up. He's friend of my late husband. He'll drive here and take us out of the country. Kaseba and I are going to Mbansi. I have family there. You both can come with us. Go to India from Mbansi."

"That's really kind of you, Lupita. Let me talk to some of the students first. I don't want to bother you unnecessarily."

"It's no bother. You'll be good company. We'll talk all the way," Lupita said, smiling.

Kavya smiled back. She immediately liked Lupita and her genuine warmth and ever present smile.

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