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Now It Ends


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"So do I get my final month's pay and end of year bonus now Jack?" I asked.

He burst out laughing as Olivia walked in with my P45.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

"Alex here just asked for his bonus and pay."

"That's hilarious," Olivia said joining him laughing at me.

I thought 'why not' so I joined in too. This made them stop and look at me like I had gone mad.

"Why are you laughing Alex?" Olivia said.

"I don't know Olivia, why do you let this old fucker screw you every week!?" I said as my laughter grew louder.

They froze as her eyes grew wide and Jack began to turn red with anger.

"I bet mummy and daddy are proud of their slutty little daughter."

She dropped my paperwork on the floor and ran out of the room in tears.

"You bastard," Jack said "Get the fuck out of my office and out of my company before I get the boys to drag you out by your ears."

I laughed as I walked out and into my office to collect the last of my things

I was still laughing to myself as I pulled up to my house. I got out and dropped the back seats. I opened the boot and went inside the house. I walked around the house thinking about what I wanted to take with me. I had a few Romero Britto art works and so took them down and wrapped them in some plastic I had found in the garage. I packed them into my car and continued around the house collecting things. Finally I went upstairs and emptied my wardrobe. I took all my paperwork from the safe including the girl's birth certificates and my wedding certificate.

I found a loft ladder and went up and found all my old stuff. My degree and the family photos were all up there. I went into the master and took all the jewellery I had brought Holly over the years. It must have been over £10k worth and then I took all the handbags, shoes and expensive coats I had brought too. In fact the whole damn wardrobe was purchased by me so I took the lot. I was always the responsible one so I had receipts for nearly everything for insurance purposes, it would serve me well when I come to sell it all.

When I was done packing I realised I would need a TV so I took that too, along with my movie collection and the Blu-Ray player of course. By now my car was way too full. I thought I could lose all of Holly's clothes and a few more items I really didn't need, including some of my old clothes. A new me would require a new wardrobe and the girls would jump at the chance to help me out with that.

I found all the best pictures of me and the girls and packed them into the car. I was in no real rush because Holly wasn't going to be back until gone 2pm. I made a cup of tea and took five minutes. Well you have to have a cup of tea. It's in the Magna Carta I think.

I picked up my phone and called the TV Company and cancelled the satellite, phone and internet. I called British Gas and Southern water to cancel the utilities, it would take a few days but I did not care. I returned to the bedroom and sat on the bed when I noticed something that gave me an idea, one that scared even me.

It was sat at the top of the wardrobe in a dusty old box. It was Holly's wedding dress. She loved it probably more than me. I took it down and then found amongst the box of photographs on the bed our wedding album. I grabbed the duvet cover and snatched everything up and headed towards the garden.

When I was outside I walked to the middle of the garden and dumped everything into a pile. I added all of Holly's clothes and her belongings that I knew I couldn't sell. I made sure I left her underwear alone because, well, I did not want to catch anything.

I went to my car and closed all the doors up. I was ready to go and looking at my watch it was only 1:45pm so I called up Robert Williams and told him I could drop off my P45 later that night with the night shift. That way I could start work afresh tomorrow morning. He sounded delighted and I told him I was already working on plans to win him new customers and improve the hydraulic pumps that would make him super competitive in the market. I think he could feel my enthusiasm and I hoped as I ended the call that I had made his day.

It was now 2pm and I sat waiting for the call. I found some paint thinners in the garage and walked out into the garden and poured it all over the wedding dress. I was about to light the fire when my phone rang.

"Hello," I said calmly.

"WHAT IS GOING ON ALEX?" Holly screamed down the phone.

"Whatever do you mean Holly?" I asked sarcastically.

"DON'T PLAY DUMB ALEX," She continued.

"Calm down Holly, what's going on?"

There was silence and I could hear her breathing heavily. I could also hear what sounded like her sister in the background.

"They told me you have not brought me a new car but sold mine instead."

"Oh yes, did I forget to tell you that?" I said.

"What are you talking about Alex? What's going on?" She started to sound panicked,

"Well from now on if you want a car, you can pay for it yourself," I said trying to remain as calm as I could. My heart was racing.

"WHAT," She yelled "I...I...don't understand Alex," She said meekly and sounding very confused.

"You heard me just fine Holly. You want it, you can buy it. Now if you will excuse me I need to tidy up the kitchen."


I said nothing.


Again I remained silent. I could hear her out of breath as though she was walking at pace to her sister's car. The slamming door confirmed it. I knew she was on her way. In her state she could convince her sister to be here in 5 minutes.


"Yes," I replied almost too calmly.

"Did you say you were in our kitchen?" She asked suddenly realising what I had said.


"Why are you not at work?" She asked.

I said nothing.

"Alex...Alex...ALEX..." She was now breathless and I could hear the panic and confusion in her voice.

I put the phone down as she continued screaming my name.

I walked outside, struck a match and lit the pyre. Our past went up in flames as I walked away. I took our marriage certificate from my pocket and tore it into pieces and left it on the kitchen table along with a single photograph of us all on holiday in Disneyland. It was a great time with many happy memories, I wonder if she thought so too.

I got into my car and drove away. As I got to the end of the street I could see in my rear view mirror Holly and Jennifer pulling up to the house. Neither of them looked up, they just ran into the house. I switched my phone off, smiled and pulled away.

The A3 was virtually empty as I drove towards my new home. For some reason I could not escape the feeling of dread that clung to me. I knew that this would not be the last time I would see Holly and as soon as my plan advanced she would do everything to track me down and make me pay. It was just the type of person she was. I also knew she would bring the girls into it and I did not want them to be burdened with our problems, especially as they had to focus on their studies.

I was in Sutton by 4pm and decided I had time to visit a local phone shop and set up a new mobile phone contract. I also managed to catch the administration team at work to process my P45 and I met Freya my new secretary. She was pretty young but held herself very professionally, a complete contrast to Olivia.

I made my way back to my new flat which was completely empty. I had running water and electricity so I found the kettle I took from home and made a cup of tea. I moved my stuff in and ordered a pizza. I picked up my old phone and switched it on, the service had been terminated. I smiled to myself knowing that Holly was now without a phone too and that should give the girls some breathing space before I get to speak to them. I found my sleeping bag and arranged it out in the lounge and waited for dinner. I had some furniture arriving at the weekend but for now I was at least glad to be away from Holly.

I switched on my laptop and located the voice recordings I made in Jack Walker's office. I uploaded the content and played it back to hear the incriminating evidence of his infidelity with Olivia. I grabbed two USB sticks and made a couple of copies. I wrote the addresses of Margaret Walker, wife of Jack and Peter Lewis, boyfriend of Olivia and then placed a stick into each one. I would post them tomorrow before work. Finally I decided to call my daughter Sophie to let her know the latest and not to let on to their mother where I was. To my surprise she admitted that she hadn't even spoken to her mother yet. But of course I guess she had no phone to be able to do that.


In the week that followed I managed to get my flat furnished and wasted no time at work in contacting customers of Walker Engineering and convincing them to switch to Sutton. They saw what we were offering and jumped ship very quickly. A couple decided to stay with Jack but the majority hated the guy but tolerated him because of the superior products we offered. I knew it wouldn't take long for Jack to find out why his business was losing customers but I really did not care.

I also knew that with all the utilities now cut off at my old home Holly would realise I was not coming back. There is no way she could afford the bills so I knew it was safe for Toby to start the sales process. Sarah delighted in being the one to get the ball rolling and by the end of the week the signs were up. It was at this time I was contacted by Ava.

Apparently Holly had moved into her parent's house and they were not happy that their little princess was a cheat. Holly was after my blood of course and livid by what I had done to her. Strangely I found that hugely satisfying but knew this was not the end to it.

By the weekend I was invited to another dinner party and Toby and Sarah's house. I was told Amy was going to be there and that she had been asking about me to Sarah. I discovered she had divorced a few years ago and has been single since her husband left her a year before the divorce. Apparently she did well out of the divorce, getting the house and full custody of the kids as well as financial support. Sadly she has been sceptical of men ever since. Sarah told her all about my situation and from then she wanted to meet me. That was why they planned the earlier dinner party. She was a two years younger than me and had two older teenage children. I felt like I was being set up but I decided it wouldn't hurt.


The dinner was a complete success and I found myself completely relaxed for the first time since I planned to escape Holly. Amy knew what I was going through and did not push me or make it obvious that she liked me. We got drunk, danced together and at the end of the night we exchanged numbers. She told me to call if I needed somebody to talk to and I thanked her. I slept in the spare room of Toby's house but these hangovers were getting harder to fight and coffee was doing nothing to help.

Sunday morning brought good news. After only a week on the market I had received two serious offers. I accepted one for £550k straight away. I knew it could be some time before it completed but I made arrangements for the money once it was finalised. I would set up ISA's in the girls names and then ask Toby to spread the rest amongst numerous investment funds. I would also pay him back and take a chunk in cash to keep in my home safe. I still felt the need to protect myself.


As another week passed I was delighted to find out from Toby that the sale could be very quick. I contacted a removal company and instructed them to empty my old house. The girls called their mother and asked her if she wanted anything and she was now even angrier and threatening. I promised the girls that it would soon all be over.

On Tuesday morning I was talking to one of our new clients who had been in a meeting with Jack Walker over a possible renewal of a supply contract. He had told Jack that he would be moving to Sutton Engineering and Jack was not surprised. He had found out that Walker engineering had to cut 50% of it's' staff due to loss of work. He also informed me that Mrs Walker was divorcing Jack for adultery. I had absolutely no sympathy as I was totalling up the commission cheques in my head whilst talking.

I had no idea what happened to Olivia and her boyfriend but I knew he had got my gift if Mrs Walker had received hers, and even if he hadn't I am sure it was well known why Mrs Walker was divorcing her husband. I wonder what her friends and family would think of her cheating with an old man.

To reward me for all the new work I was given a brand new Land Rover Discovery HSE. I was thinking of treating myself anyway but Robert and the bosses were so pleased with me and the way the company was headed that I was given the car and a fair few thousand in commission. Well it was actually more than £30k.

I was looking out of the window of my office admiring my brand new car when a familiar looking Ford Focus pulled into the car park. I froze as I realised who it belonged to. It was Diane's car. Holly's mum. I sat down at my chair and waited for the inevitable call. The bitch finally found me.

My office phone began to ring and I picked up,

"Mr Price there's a woman here in reception claiming to be your wife," Freya, my secretary said.

"Tell her I'm in a meeting and I'll be down in an hour."

Three hours later and I peered out the window and she was still sat there. I exhaled loudly and decided to leave for the night. If she saw me then I would have to deal with it, if not I would just drive on past. It was not like she knew what car to look out for. I left through a side door and made my way to my car.

I was just getting into my car when I heard a screech of tyres and before I knew it there she was pulling up behind the car and blocking me in. She leapt out of the car and stormed up to me with a face like thunder. She looked like hell and her clothes were obviously her sister's old ones and it looked like her hair hadn't been brushed in weeks.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!" She screamed as she threw a slap in my direction and missed,


"Yeah I hate you too Holly. Now say what you have to say then fuck off out of my life," I said trying to remain calm.

She just looked at me with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"You've ruined my life you bastard," She said whimpering pathetically.

I said nothing. I just continued listening.

"You destroyed all my stuff, my wedding dress and my clothes."

So far it was all about her and why wasn't I surprised.

"Then you go and cancel everything forcing me to move in with mum and dad," She continued.

She just looked up at me and waited for me to speak.

"Is that all Holly?" I asked.


I thought for a second before inviting her into my car. She was taken aback but I did not want to be a public spectacle any longer. As we sat down I could see just how bad she looked. It looked like she had aged and I thought all this plus the STD had an effect on her appearance.

"Please come home Alex, can we put all this behind us, I forgive you."

What did she just say? Were my ears deceiving me?

"You forgive me?" I asked, hoping I misheard.

"Yes Alex, I will forgive you for destroying my belongings and my life.

"Are you delusional Holly?" I asked.

She just looked at me like I was the crazy one.

"You openly cheat on me and disrespect me when I give you everything and you have the audacity to say you forgive me."

"But, but I thought..."

"No Holly, you only think about yourself. I will never be with you again so go away and be with one of your lovers," I said coldly.

She shifted uncomfortably in the chair and I knew.

"I guess as soon as you were suddenly single they had no use for you?" I asked.

"They blamed me for giving them the STD and said I was just a bit of fun. They said they would never want me as a girlfriend because I am a cheating bitch."

For a second even I thought that was harsh but she had made her bed.

"Well that was obvious Holly. So go and find someone else."

"My friends treat me differently now we are separated and their husbands have started to question their fidelity meaning I have been kicked to the curb, I could be a bad influence if you can believe that,"

The word separated stuck in my mind. I knew it meant I was still connected to her and they made me sad.

"My parents are disgusted and people in the town have heard about my STD, no doubt thanks to my so-called friends and lovers. And now some of the factory staff have lost their jobs and I'm to blame for that too,"

The truth is she was in part responsible for all the bad things that had befallen her. But I did have sympathy for her. She messed up and was paying the price but how big was that price. She had a great life and she ruined it through greed and disrespect. However I knew I had to move on.

"I have nothing left Alex. I need you and I want you back in my life. I have no money and no job. When will I get my share of the house?"

There it was.

"At no point have you told me you love me. You just need me Holly but I do not need you. As for the house I defaulted on the mortgage and lost it," I lied.

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She was shocked by what I had said but at least I knew what this visit was all about.

"I want a divorce," I said.

"No please Alex, of course I love you. Over 20 years together and I made a little mistake and you burn me down."

"A very big, unforgivable mistake Holly and I will never come home to you."

"PLEASE ALEX," She screamed, her cries echoing through the car.

"I want a clean break and if you agree to it I will give you £30k in cash," I offered.

I saw her face change and a new resolve replaced the tears.

"NO," She yelled,"I will fight you in court for everything. There is no way you lost the house, you are too smart for that."

Shit. She was right and now she had me on the back foot.

"Okay Holly. I'll put it this way," I started, "You will never get a penny out of me."

She moved her hips round and fronted up to me.

"I'll fight you for everything and more Alex."

"You have no money Holly and I will move my assets around so much you will spend a fortune trying to track down the money. I'm smart remember so by the time your solicitor finds it you would have racked up a bill that would wipe out any gain. I suggest you take the money I'm offering or I funnel that away too. Your call," I said sternly and never letting my eyes leave hers.

"YOU BASTARD. I loved you and gave you children and this is how you treat me?" She said angrily.

"Thanks to me our girls will go far. They won't be liars, or cheats and they will be selfless and not selfish like their mother. So take the money and fuck off out of my life."

My anger was beginning to come to the surface and she looked at me as though I was a stranger.

"OK," She spat. "I'll take the money and agree to the divorce."

"Good. I'll get it arranged."

With that she got out of my car and slammed the door shut. Seconds later she sped away and out of the car park.

The following day I filed for divorce on the grounds of adultery and a week later I arranged to meet Holly at the girl's flat. The sale of my house had gone through but I held off investing it until the papers were signed. We attempted to be civil in front of the girls but it was a struggle. I handed Holly the cash and she signed the papers. I kissed the girls goodbye and wished Holly good luck.

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