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NS City Chronicles Pt. 01

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A young man is picked up by a wealthy woman at a bar...
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Nathan took another sip of his drink. The Bacardi and Coke went down smoothly, filling his body with a warm sensation that left him feeling relaxed. He turned from his seat at the bar to watch the bar. He caught sight of a girl sitting back in her chair, a bored look on her face as a man with an animated expression on his face spoke to her. He eventually stood up and stormed away, a look of fury on his face. She stood up minutes later, strolling to the bar and sidling beside him. An appraising look crossed her face as she looked him up and down, before she ordered a drink. She was handed a glass seconds later, an amber liquid adorned the glass with a few ice cubes.

Nathan didn't speak, he simply let her appraise him as his eyes drifted up and down her body. The dim light of the bar did nothing to hide her figure, a tiny waist adorned her wide hips, accentuated by a black leather belt with a gold buckle. She had a nicely sized pair of breasts peeking out of her dress and a pendant adorned with a bright blue opal drew more attention to them. She had a smile on her face as he admired her. As his eyes returned to hers, he noticed her nose ring glittering in the light from the bar. Her brown eyes were almost dancing as she looked at him.

She took a seat across from him, the smile never leaving her face. Nathan noticed her strong legs, which obviously betrayed her hours of hard work as an athlete. She daintily swayed, seemingly oblivious to the stares she was receiving from the men around the bar. As Nathan took another sip of his drink, he cocked an eyebrow at her, the question unsaid.

"He didn't like my date night choice." Her voice was slightly husky, deeper than he expected but distinctly feminine. She took another sip from her glass, savoring the flavor before she swallowed. "I might just be single again tonight." She nodded at his glass, "What're you drinking tonight?"

Nathan lifted his glass, "Bacardi and Coke." He felt distinctly ineloquent, tongue tied next to the curly haired beauty beside him. She frowned, "You're at a place like this drinking that?" She carelessly waved her hand around the bar, a well-known, high end bar which catered to a distinctly upper class clientele. The shelves behind the bar were lined with high end spirits, wine and mixers. Nathan turned to look and saw a bartender smirking at him, nodding along as she spoke. "I can't drink with someone partaking in something that cheap." She nodded at the bartender, "Lagavulin 25, neat." She ordered. A second passed and she smirked, "with Coke for the man."

Nathan's jaw dropped, he knew the drink was particularly expensive, featured prominently on the shelf behind him. He saw the bartender pause too, before nodding and reaching for the bottle. The moment passed in silence, he noiselessly poured the liquid into the crystal, diamond cut glass. Nathan glanced at him, seeing the almost reluctance to pour the fine spirit into the glass. Another flit of hesitation passed the bartenders' face as he poured Coke into the glass. He turned his eyes back to the woman before him, the smile hadn't left her face yet. She opened her purse and slid her card to the bartender. "Thank you darling." She smiled at him, her eyes turning away from Nathan for the first time. He was impressed by how curly her hair was, little ringlets fell down to her lower back.

Nathan took the glass and sipped it. His eyes widened as the strong flavor hit him, combined with the coke it was undeniably the best tasting spirit he had ever had. When he felt his brain start functioning again, he saw her smile was even more pronounced.

"Now we can finally talk to each other." She smirked, "I'm Yara, and you?"

"Nathan." He said, "So, were you dating that guy long?

She shrugged, "Not long enough, but too long." She leaned forward and cocked an eyebrow at him, "So what brings a guy like you to a place like this, dressed like that?" Her smile was positively incandescent.

Nathan looked down almost self-consciously, chinos, brown leather shoes and a navy blue button-up shirt which stretched across his shoulders and chest. "Same thing as every other boring guy on a Friday night." He shrugged, sipping his drink, "My stripping gig fell through."

She choked on her drink, and laughed, covering her mouth her shoulders shook, "Is that right?"

He grinned back at her, "Nah, my buddies canceled on me and I saw this place. Thought I'd stop by on my way home from work.'

'So what do you do for work, banking, private security?'

He shook his head, "I work for one of the drug rehabilitation centers in the city. It's more country club than rehab, but it gets plenty of celebrity clientele."

Her eyes lit up, "What do you do there?"

"I'm a psychologist." He grinned, "I listen to them talk and try to stop them from banging another hooker, or trading a Rolex for pills."

She laughed, "Good for you, you look like you're good at it."

He leaned forward, "You'd be surprised how few friends some of these guys have. Someone to listen and say 'that sucks buddy' and they're bawling."

She nodded and finished her drink, a smirk on her face as she made eye contact with the bartender and nodded again, "I don't think I need to say it, but that's impressive." The bartender reached up to the top shelf and removed a dusty bottle. He poured a generous serving into the glass and turned it to the woman.

Yara looked at Nathan, swirling the glass in her hand, "Here, try this."

He took the glass from her and looked at her over the glass, toasting, he took a deep sip. "My god, that's fantastic." Nathan said appreciatively, "What is it?"

"Limited edition fourty year old whiskey." She grinned, "I think it's about five hundred a glass, and I get doubles."

Nathan nearly dropped the glass, carefully placing it back on the bench he gently slid it back toward her, "So you've got money."

She smirked, "Money isn't a problem for me, I like what I like and I take what I want." She drained the entire glass in one gulp, before signaling to the bartender to refill her glass.

Nathan nodded and looked around the bar, it was certainly nice, but it didn't seem to explain why she was here. "I feel like I should ask then." he grinned at her and cocked an eyebrow, putting his hand on his knee, he affected a voice like a detective in a cheesy noir thriller movie, "What's a dame like you doing in a place like this?"

His eyes widened as she seemingly transformed before his eyes, her easy comfort giving way to primal, barely restrained sensuality, her smile turned catlike, and her eyes narrowed, hardening enough to make him feel a foot tall, "Well mister, I do say I've got a tale of woe and I need to be at this here dive so my peers won't see my shame."

He laughed and kept going, "You high society ladies always seem so out of place in places like this, tell me your tale of woe."

She looked at him, the smoldering sexuality looking like an inferno about to erupt. Then she burst out laughing, and the illusion was broken, the easy comfort and relaxed sensuality was back, "My tale of woe is that I can't find a guy in the city. The last one was an investment banker making plenty of money, yet mine scared him. He couldn't buy or dazzle me the way he did his usual type."

Nathan looked at his Bacardi and Coke, an increasingly poor option in the affluent, albeit clandestine bar they were sitting in, "Consider me dazzled by you then." He touched the glass before finishing his far more expensive, nicer drink.

"I wouldn't call you dazzled, but I think you appreciate expensive tastes." She nodded to his arm, a steel watch clung to his left wrist, "I'd guess that's a vintage Rolex Daytona."

He tilted his wrist up and she grabbed his wrist, she was stronger than he expected as she admired the dial, "No..." Yara whispered, "You've got a Paul Newman?"

Nathan only answered with a grin, "I do."

"You must have a little bit of money to own something like that!"

Nathan shook his head, "I paid $50 for it."

Yara's jaw dropped, "It's a fake!"

Nathan laughed, "I found it while I was looking at antiques in a small town. It had the full set of boxes and papers. They didn't know what they had, I had it authenticated by Rolex after I picked it up."

They slipped into silence for a minute, sipping their drinks before she rolled her eyes, "You're really going to make me ask? Are you single?"

He appraised her again, her olive skin was immaculately smooth and her brown eyes seemed to have a particularly captivating allure to them. "I am, but I'm surprised someone like you is interested."

Yara tilted her head, and her hair fell across her face, "You're easy on the eyes and you don't seem to particularly care that I have money. Most importantly, you've looked me in the eyes the entire time we've been speaking. A rarity, especially with my necklace."

"I've been enjoying chatting with you, I'd hate to ruin it by doing something like telling you I'm interested."

Her hand drifted across his thigh and gave it a squeeze, the fire behind her eyes seemed to spark, and her voice turned into a purr, "Ruin it."

His hand drifted to her hip and he squeezed, "I'm interested, should we go out sometime?"

She ran her hand to his and entwined their fingers, "I've got a better idea, I want you to take my back to my apartment and fuck me like I'm your slut. If you do a good job, we can talk about tomorrow, tomorrow."

Nathan paused for a second, squeezing her hand as he considered his choices.

Her grip around his hand tightened, "You don't have something better to do tonight do you?"

Nathan grinned, "Not at all, but I wanted to see how you handled a non-immediate yes."

Her grip relaxed on his hand and she started brushing the tops of his fingers with her fingertips. "You're going to pay for that." She smirked.

He stood up and offered his hand to her, "I'm looking forward to it."

They left the underground bar, eyes following them both up the stairs as they departed. Nathan briefly admired her ass as she took the lead in walking. Her visibly muscular ass betrayed the fact she clearly felt comfortable in the gym.

"I think you'll like my apartment." Yara said, hooking her arm around his and nodding in the direction they needed to walk.

"Is that right, why's that?" He returned, looking at the stares of people around them. Yara definitely caught attention everywhere she went.

"It's a surprise." She smirked, starting to stroke his arm, "We're close."

Nathan looked around, they were walking across a row of freshly renovated and refurbished townhouses, he knew that these were some of the most expensive places to live in the city, "You weren't joking about having money." He observed.

She grinned, "These old things? I don't live here." She nodded to a massive building across the street, "I live here."

Nathan craned his neck to look at the building, it was a modern architectural masterpiece, forty stories high with enormous windows and glittering gold lights shining through every surface. He paused, taking in the sheer splendor of the building before moving forward.

"Impressed yet?" Her smirk ever more pronounced.

"It's alright." he grinned, and they kept walking. Yara's grip around his arm tightened as they got closer.

The doors of the apartment building silently slid open, giving way to a warmly lit, expansive lobby. A tall, burly doorman with a shaved head and tight-fitting suit looked up from the front desk. "Good evening, Miss Yara." He said politely, before turning his attention back to the desk.

She strode right past him, breaking her grip on Nathan as they reached the elevators, hardly taking in the ridiculous architecture and accouterments around the spacious entry. He recognised the grand piano as a Grotian-Steinweg. He saw a sign giving directions to the apartments' bar and restaurant, the name felt faintly familiar but he cast it from his mind.

As Yara fumbled with her purse, Nathan came up behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her tight against him.

She tapped the button and pressed a keycard against the panel, and stepped through the open elevator doors. Nathan followed, staring at her as she took a relaxed pose against the opposite wall to him. He mirrored her pose on the other side, watching her eyes as intensity built in them.

The doors slid shut and she launched off the wall, pinning Nathan to the wall and sliding her tongue in his mouth, her hand running down his chest, down his abs, to his cock, and she started stroking it frantically through his pants, "Fuck." She growled, "You look so fucking good." her kisses got more intense as she gripped him tight.

Nathan responded in kind, kissing back harder and roughly gripping her ass, flicking up her dress just over her ass, he kept it over her cheeks as he gave her a hard spank! and he felt her melt into him even more intensely. Her hand pumped his cock through his pants aggressively, and he responded by running a hand to her throat and he tightened his grip around it. He could feel her fumbling with his zipper, trying to get his cock out.


Yara broke the kiss, stepping back, her face flush and she moved beside him, affecting a bored look at odds with her appearance and heavy breathing. Nathan looked down, his clothes were ruffled and his shirt was half-out. He brushed his hand against hers and she responded by squeezing tighter than before, her lacquered fingernails leaving marks on the front of his hand.

An older woman and her husband strolled into the elevator, checking their phones and hardly paying them attention. They had no idea what they had interrupted.

Nathan looked at Yara, she tilted back her head and let out a long, sensual sigh. He wondered how far up they'd be going.

How long it would take for that to start again.

Each second felt like hours, but Yaras' grip on his hand never wavered, it felt like it was tightening more than before, a bite of pain from her nails felt like it was creeping in.

Finally the older couple departed the elevator, faint sounds of music coming from the floor.

Nathan took the lead, pinning Yara against the wall just as the doors slid closed, his hand around her throat tightening and his lips pressing against hers. He felt her purr in approval as her hand went back to his cock, stroking it back to full hardness. His free hand went under her dress, feeling the soft warmth of her ass and the fabric of her thong. He yanked at it, and felt a satisfying snap as it fell apart in his hands. Dropping it to the floor he ran his hand to her clit and found her soaking wet, tightening his hand around her throat he started intently rubbing it, looking deep into her eyes.

She sagged a little and started rubbing his cock even more intensely, her soft moans starting to echo around the elevator.


Nathan loosened his grip around her throat and turned to look, but Yara didn't. She finally succeeded in freeing Nathan's cock from his pants. She grabbed it and dragged him out of the elevator, directly into an enormous, open room with bottom-to-top glass windows with views all over the city. Nathan guessed it was the penthouse, but the grip around his cock took his attention.

"I'm going to give you a real fucking treat." She growled, fire in her eyes, her hands ran to the back of her head, quickly tying her hair into a ponytail. Walking to the windows she flicked off her shoes and dropped to her knees, "Come." She growled.

Nathan followed her, his cock throbbing. As he reached her, she took a deep breath and inhaled his cock, taking the full length into her throat. He moaned loudly, his knees almost buckling. Yara kept his cock deep down her throat as her hands unbuckled his pants and they fell down around his ankles. She hungrily slid her tongue around his cock and moaned, sending vibrations through his cock. Nathan moaned loudly and grabbed hold of her hair, giving it a light tug as her eyes locked on his, slightly watering as she hollowed her cheeks and sucked hungrily on him.

It was indescribable, it felt like nothing he'd felt before. Her hand snaked out to massage his balls, keeping gentle pressure on them as she worked hard to drain him. After a minute, she finally broke off from his cock, spit dripping off it. She licked it up, taking it down her throat again before stroking his cock, "Look at the view, baby." She purred, "All those people out there that would kill to be here, and you're looking down on all of them."

Nathan looked down, the world seemed small, but he felt something strangely intoxicating about it, having his cock serviced by the gorgeous woman in front of him. It felt delicious, a strange feeling of confidence started to work its way through his body.

He grabbed hold of her head and pushed his cock back into her mouth, and grabbed both sides of her head. He started his facefucking carefully, making sure she could handle it. The feeling of his cock sliding down her throat was divine, everything he could have hoped for.

Yara shot him a look, challenging him to go harder. He gripped the sides of her head firmly and started viciously slamming his cock into her. He watched her snake a hand down between her legs and she started frantically playing with her clit. Her free hand kept massaging his balls, and he kept thrusting deep into her. He felt the faint tingling of an orgasm and pulled his cock out of her mouth. She moaned and hungrily kissed his cock, licking up the sides of his cock, before kissing his balls.

"You're not done yet, are you?" She said, between kisses.

He gently pulled her up by her hair, and slapped her ass again, this time pulling her dress off and leaving it in a pile around her feet. He drank in her body, firm and tight with a blue and pink infinity symbol on her left hip, and a bra that looked like it was part of an expensive two-piece set. He ran his hand down her stomach and started playing with her clit, his cock pressed against her stomach, making it slick with her spit. Yara ground onto his fingers, kissing him hard as she began to shake. As his fingers continued, she broke the kiss and her mouth widened, her breathing becoming more labored and her legs began to shake uncontrollably. With his free hand, he gave her juicy, muscular ass a spank! that echoed around the room.

She almost collapsed, and he wrapped an arm around her to keep her upright, keeping his fingers going as she grabbed hold of him and sunk her teeth into his shoulder, biting him hard as she began to moan loudly.

Nathan lifted her off her feet and kept his hand firmly under her ass, letting her bite him as his fingers kept rubbing her clit. He walked to the window and pressed her against it, looking at the view below as he felt her body begin to surrender to another earthquaking orgasm.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" He smirked at her, removing his hand from her clit and steadying it on her hip. He lifted her carefully, until her pussy was angled perfectly for his cock to take her. He gently eased her down onto the first inch of his cock, moaning softly as he watched her eyes widen.

"Nothing." she breathed, "I didn't say anything." she tilted her head back against the window and exhaled, "Not a goddamn thing." and she gripped his shoulders, "Do whatever you want."

Nathan grinned and thrusted his hips up into her, pushing his cock inside her. She felt light in his hands, and he felt himself slowly getting into a rhythm. At the bottom of one thrust, he unhooked her bra and let her tits spill out, her nipples diamond hard and almost begging to be touched.

Yara read his mind, grabbing her tits and pushing them into his face, "You feel so good you asshole, where have you been my whole life?"

He started to pound into her harder, looking down at the view again, loving the sensation of her body in his arms. Steadying her with one hand, he began to spank! her ass again, one cheek then the other. The sounds echoing around the room were delicious, and her moans were starting to intensify again.


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