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Nympho Studies with Mom

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Psychologist brings a son into the research.
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Perspective: Detective Celine Sullivan

To understand a woman like Detective Celine Sullivan, it's necessary to examine her past. In her first year as a detective, she killed a drug trafficker during a shootout. Later, she took an assignment leading an unofficial probe into the small town where she was raised.

You can read her backstory here:

Detective's Gangbang, Town Secret

Celine was troubled by the news that her mother was routinely gangbanged by the town's most prominent men, but she came to terms with it. Eventually she was also claimed by these same men and it changed her.

Or maybe it brought out what was hidden inside of her.

For years she tried breaking these impulsive habits. She searched for alternative outlets aside from sex. No success. Her job was stressful and her life was routinely in danger. The fact was, her only outlets were sex and pornography.

In her mid 40's, all she had was a law enforcement career and her 19 year old son, who was the product of a failed marriage. Being a mom and cop were both full-time jobs. Both gave her life meaning. Only her son loved her in return.

"I want to switch majors," Robert said.

They were in the kitchen preparing a dinner of roast chicken and salad. As they started eating, she let the news sink in.

It was an understandable request. When she was young, she used to get into fights with her parents over wanting to be a police officer, and she refused to be that way towards her own son.

Celine kept an open mind. "Alright, what are you thinking? Do you have a backup plan?"

"Yeah, I do. I might want to become a therapist or psychologist. One of my professors said I have the right attributes for it."

Outwardly, she smiled. Inwardly, she wanted to laugh at the irony that life had thrown her way. For the last many years, Celine had become well-acquainted with the psychologist at the police department.

She raised an eyebrow. "And what do you know about psychology?"

"Only the two courses that I'm taking."

"Have you looked into the job at all?"

"I've done research," he replied. "Why? You seem... I don't know... like the idea is crazy or something."

Discouraging her son was the last thing she wanted. As a mother, all she wanted to do was raise her son the right way, whatever 'the right way' actually consisted of. But the fact was, Celine was never the ideal mother. A woman like her was more fit to be a cop than a loving parent.

Could this be her penance? Could this make up for years of her self-perceived failures as a parent? She loved her son dearly. Robert loved her back in the same way. Maybe this could be a new beginning for them.

"I have a lot of respect for psychologists," she clarified. "I've never mentioned this to you, but I regularly speak to someone at the police department."

"Anything serious?" he asked, surprised by the candor.

"Just the usual. I'm also a nymphomaniac."

Robert laughed, as expected. How else is any son expected to act when a mother says such a thing? Celine sat there and smiled in return. This was a snap decision and now she was committed to it.

"That's kind of a gross joke," he said, but still amused.

"Who said it was a joke?"

A light smile was on her lips and it managed to communicate that she was serious. It took a moment for Robert to realize this. He sat in front of his food, unable to eat, letting the revelation simmer the way it was supposed to.

"A nymphomaniac?" he questioned. "Like the Lars von Trier movie?"

She nodded. "Are you admitting that you've watched von Trier's Nymphomaniac?"

"Parts of it, I guess," he shrugged.

"Don't be embarrassed. It's a great movie and I have to say that it's a fairly accurate portrayal."

Robert shifted the focus away from himself. "Why are you telling me this? I mean, you're serious?"

"You'll have to get used to hearing these sorts of things from different people. Imagine if you work in this field and you gasp every time a patient says something provocative. You'd have no clients."

"It's different from an actual patient," he responded. "You just caught me off guard, that's all."

Fair point, she thought. Now was the time to be the mother she always dreamed of being, but never knew how.

"Before you settle on any career path, I'm going to teach you about psychology. I'm talking about a real world education."

For some reason, this aroused her. Could she have found a new fetish? She'd seen incest porn online; they're commonplace now. She'd also read a few incest themed stories on erotic websites here and there.

But she'd never thought about her son before. It never made sense. Only now, looking into her son's wondrous eyes, did she see the beauty in it. The inner-struggle was returning in full force.


Detective Sullivan ran the city's Narcotics Unit with pride. Because she was dealing with criminal organizations and street gangs, she became something of a psychology expert in her own right. She'd read countless books on the criminal mind and human condition over the years.

With her voracious sexual appetite, she'd read plenty of books on nymphomania. It was how she understood herself and learned about her dark impulses.

Since becoming a mother, she moved away from risky sexual endeavors. It was a difficult habit to break. She cut off contact with many of her old lovers to start a new life. Step by step, she ended her participation in gangbangs and orgies.

Filling the void was an extensive sex toy collection. She relied on vibrators to make herself cum the way she needed. Sometimes she'd sit in front of her computer and watch porn, sometimes she'd lay in bed -- on top of a towel -- and close her eyes, letting her imagination run wild as the vibrations consumed her.

Once in a while, she visited exclusive sex clubs where she could watch orgies from a corner while masturbating. Turning down offers to participate was agony; she was like a recovering alcoholic.

Eventually the detective settled on the fact that she'd never be normal. She was a natural 'gangbang queen' like her mother and they shared the same dark desires for dirty sex that was impossible to control.

Back to the topic at hand; Celine showed case files to Robert on an almost nightly basis. They'd talked about her work before, usually cases she was leading, her safety precautions, the basics.

Now she gave an individual breakdown of the men she was investigating. She explained the psychological profiles of criminal minds and the signs of psychopathic behavior which piqued her son's interest.

Eventually it was time to delve deeper.

One night, she went to her son's bedroom and placed a book on his desk. It was a clinical book on Nymphomania that she'd read countless times over the years. In fact, it was one of the leading books on the controversial subject.

"What's this?" Robert asked, looking at the title in discomfort.

"That's 500 pages of various studies. Read it. I've highlighted key passages and I've made a lot of notes."

"So you were serious?"

Celine nodded, rubbing the book cover. "I am. The notes I've made in there are intimate. I've written things over the years that may shock you."

Her son took the book and flipped through it, seeing the highlights and handwritten notes.

"You don't have to show this to me," he said. "It's private, mom."

Putting the book on the table again, Robert gently slid it back in her direction. To which Celine pushed it towards her son again. It was like a game of table hockey over who'd get the book.

"I insist," she said. "If I'm paying for your education, then I have a vested interest in making sure that you know what you want. Sound fair?"

Robert nodded. "Sounds fair."

This was a new trigger for Celine in ways she hadn't anticipated. Pulling her son into this world had turned into a drug. One that was alluring and unstoppable. Imagining her son reading that book, knowing her most intimate thoughts and actions was a lot to handle.

She found herself masturbating to new things. All of her recent porn searches were mom/son related, whether it be porn clips or erotica stories. Then she found herself thinking of her son. With a vibrator plunged deep into her pussy, she took the biggest leap of them all. The young man she birthed and raised was now her escape.


Celine met with the police department psychologist once a week. She entered the office and made herself comfortable.

For the last seven years, Dr. Priya Varma was the leading psychologist in the police department after the previous psychologist retired. It was a new experience to confide in a young woman and she disclosed her compulsive sexual behavior.

Most officers and detectives loathed their mandatory psych-evaluations. They thought it was useless. Celine, on the other hand, appreciated the chance to delve deeper into the human condition.

"I have two interesting topics today," Celine said. "It relates to what we normally discuss."

Dr. Varma smiled, pen and paper in hand. "Let's hear it."

"I want to love again. Truly love. Masturbating and orgasms can keep me happy. But they can't replace the feeling of having a romantic partner."

The room became silent except for a pen writing notes on paper.

"It's a normal feeling at your age," Dr. Varma replied. "Have there been any new developments in your life? Anything that created this void?"

"Yep. It turns out my son wants to be a psychologist. I support him 100%. To be honest, I'm not the best mother. I never knew how to be a mom."

"And now you feel you owe something."

Celine gave a curt nod. "I've told him about my nymphomaniac diagnosis. I've shown him that book you recommended to me, which is full of my notes. Robert knows most -- but not all -- of what I'm capable of."

A silence lingered in the room. This was the most stunning news she delivered in this room in years. Seeing the psychologist at a loss for words was an impressive feat because police psychologists hear a lot of sensitive things.

"Interesting," Dr. Varma said tepidly.

"Surprised by this?"

"I am. I've never heard anything like this in my career or academia."

Celine blushed. "I know, I know. These sorts of things... mothers aren't supposed to reveal to their sons."

"How do you feel about that?"

"Get on your knees and find out," the detective said.

The detective pulled her pants down to her ankles. She spread her knees so her wet pussy would show.

As usual, Dr. Varma put the pen and paper down, got down on her knees, and crawled towards the detective's wetness. A dark brown pretty face between the toned white thighs.

Perspective: Dr. Priya Varma

Entering into a sexual relationship with a subject is a career-ender. Period. She'd be stripped of her license if this were ever reported. She'd never be allowed to work in this field again.

Priya wasn't even a lesbian. Far from it. She was a woman whose parents immigrated here from India and she was raised with conservative values. But something was alluring about Detective Sullivan that was hard to resist. It was primal and struck her in the core.

After giving oral sex in the office, the detective left, and Priya went to her laptop. Her mind was in an absolute frenzy. Although her mouth still tasted like vaginal fluids, all she could think about was her job.

She opened a Doc and laid out a new plan:

SUBJECTIVE: For today's session, Detective Sullivan discussed a few important thoughts. A) Her son Robert wishes to explore the psychology field for a career. B) Her self-view of being a bad mother has grown and she sees helping her son as a remedy. C) She has a strong sexual attraction to her son.

OBJECTIVE: The client seemed determined today. She knows what she wants out of this. There was confidence in her eyes and demeanor. She views these factors as a cure to the aforementioned problems.

ASSESSMENT: Detective Sullivan's nymphomaniac tendencies have largely remained dormant these past few years. It's only a matter of time before she reverts back to her old habits -- which I've long argued are quite dangerous, and she knows the dangers. Everything that Detective Sullivan requested today is also dangerous, which she also knows.

This was the first session she expressed sexual fantasies for her son and she seemed overpowered by it. I predict it's inevitable that she will enter into a sexual relationship with her son, and without PROPER GUIDANCE, it would likely destroy their mother/son relationship. Detective Sullivan's nymphomaniac tendencies are difficult to control and needs to be managed accordingly.

PLAN: I've been given express written consent to release all information (notes and files) to her son -- and only to her son -- for the purpose of explaining how clinical psychology works. I will be meeting with Robert on a weekly basis at my home office.

Sexual interaction between the mother/son is inevitable and I believe it's best to ease the son into these matters. I will observe Robert's reactions carefully until further notice.

Excluded from her notes (as always) was the excitement between her thighs and her sexual relationship with the subject.

She hadn't been this intrigued in years. Most of her work revolves around PTSD, trauma, stress, alcohol abuse, etc... With a woman like Detective Sullivan, there was always a twist. A chance to learn and explore something new, even if it meant getting sexually involved in ways she never dreamed of.

She picked up pasta and salad from a local Italian restaurant on the way home and ate dinner with her two sisters whom she lived with; one was a nurse, the other was a teacher. After dinner she talked on the phone with a friend, followed by an hour of tv.

Then it was back to work in her home-office. Having a son involved was strangely arousing. Priya could understand why a nymphomaniac would dive into those waters. As a medical professional, she should have discouraged any thought of this. She should have put up the red flags.

Instead, she needed to see how far this could go.


On Saturday, she gave her sisters cash (not that they needed it) to go out shopping so she could have the home for a few hours.

Arriving on time, she welcomed Robert and they went straight to the home-office, which was filled with books, files, and comfortable furniture. It was exactly what you'd expect a therapist's home-office to look like.

It was the first time Priya had ever acted as a teacher, giving the young man a brief tutorial on how the job is done. She was impressed by Robert's knowledge and willingness to learn. She felt her pussy turn wet.

"Tell me about your mother," Priya said. "What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of her? How would you describe her?"

Robert thought for a moment. "I think of my mom as someone who's principled. Growing up she always yelled at me for getting into trouble. She's career-driven. I see her working all the time and reading at night. You get the idea."

"Is she a good mother?"

"Yeah, she is. Definitely."

"She thinks she's a bad mother," Priya said.

Robert seemed shocked by that. "No way. She's always hard on herself. I think she's a great mom. Look at me, I turned out alright."

The slight tension in the room eased when Robert chuckled at that last part, still surprised by the question.

"Regardless, your mother has a lot of guilt," Priya added. "She often tells me that she's so focused on her work that she's neglected you. That she never knew how to love you. Although that love was always in her heart, she couldn't express it."

"I don't know what to say," he shrugged, bewildered by the discussion. "I think she's too hard on herself."

"You know she's a diagnosed nymphomaniac, correct?"

His cheeks turned a shade of red. "She mentioned that."

"Do you believe it? Be honest with me."

"I think the term is overblown. I don't know. I'm not a doctor, obviously. I just think it's weird."

Priya nodded. "Well, I have detailed reports that I've kept about your mother. She's authorized me to disclose everything to you."

She placed a file on the table which was a compilation of key excerpts regarding his mother. It felt traitorous to do, going against her oath as a medical professional. But she kept reminding herself that the subject gave all the necessary approval.

Putting a more intimate touch on things, she took a few pages and read some passages aloud; Detective Sullivan's description of the first gangbang experience. It made Robert's eyes widen listening to every detail of men taking turns with mother's mouth and body.

Normally, Priya took her emotions out of things, but this was different, and she accepted the fact that she'd be aroused during this session. A hazard of the job. Reading the parts where Detective Sullivan's mouth was flooded with cum was exciting because of the effect it had on Robert; the young man was squirming.

"It's a lot to absorb," Priya said with the utmost sympathy. "These are the most intimate details of your mother's life. And they go far beyond the average woman. But maybe this can be useful for you."


"One, this could give you a real advantage if you're going for a doctoral degree. Two, your mother could use your help. In fact, you may be part of the solution to your mother's nymphomania. Here, let me show you what I'm referring to."

Priya got her laptop where a video clip was loaded. She clicked 'play' and put it on the table so Robert could see.

It was an old video recording of Detective Sullivan -- sitting in the private office at the police department -- discussing gangbangs and the mental effect it had. The video was recorded years ago when Celine was trying to break those habits and end those hardcore escapades.

As the video went on, it was increasingly clear that the detective was so aroused recounting the events. In the video, Detective Sullivan said, 'I'm so fucking drenched, I can barely contain myself. Can I show you?' To which Priya replied, 'You can show me anything.'

Priya saw the bewildered expression on Robert's face as the video continued. It was a positive sign that Robert didn't attempt to stop the video from playing. Instead he just watched as his mother removed her pants to expose an extremely wet pussy.

Detective Sullivan masturbated on the video while continuing to explain the gangbang and how sex was interfering with her job and raising her son. Her fingers plunged deep, and when they'd pull out, they were dripping with the most enticing fluids.

By showing these videos, Priya was aware that she could be destroying a relationship between a mother and son. In her estimation, it was worth the risk. She had to know where this would lead.

Judging by the look on Robert's face, the strategy was working. She watched him squirm in the seat, eyes glued to the screen. Priya was happy to know that everything was going as she predicted.

"I have several hours of recordings made over the years," Priya said. "Your mother has become my professional obsession. I'm intrigued by her."

The video showed Detective Sullivan leaning back and making herself cum. Priya muted the sound of orgasm so they could talk.

She continued, "Notice your mother's glazed eyes. In certain angles, look at the wetness of your mother's vagina. Notice the labored breathing. Your mother has all the signs of hypersexuality. What you see here isn't a failure of moral values. It's a legitimate medical condition."

"You really think it's a medical condition?" he gulped, eyes glued to mom's climax.

"Again, judge the content for yourself. I'm sure a young man like yourself has seen plenty of online pornography. Have you ever seen anything like this? To me, this looks like an addiction. It's compulsive behavior."


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