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Odd Jobs Ch. 01

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COVID restrictions make life interesting
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Authors Note: All characters in this story are of legal age (18 years old) and no underage sexual content is included.

Golly what to classify this as? I could easily put it into several categories. Erotic couplings, light group stuff, a little taboo stuff with sis and mom, plenty of action with older women. Let's just say that if you don't like what you're reading, just skip ahead a little. This story goes a lot of places. It's intended to be a 'what kind of trouble can a guy get into in the pandemic' type story, and trust me, he manages to get himself into a whole lot of situations by thinking with the wrong head."


I met Molly when I was eight. We moved in next door and she was the first friend I made. That friendship grew quickly and we saw each other daily. My second best friend was Brian, who lived just a little ways down the street. As time passed, the three of us were inseparable. In the summer we spent hours in the pool behind Molly's house, and played well into the evening almost every day. Only school slowed us down, and not really all that much, since the three of us were in the same class. Elementary gave way to middle school which gave way to junior high. You'd expect us to drift away and find new friends, but that didn't happen. If anything, Molly and I got closer as time passed. By the time we hit high school, my younger sister was hanging out with us, nearly inseparable, from Brian. As high school progressed it became apparent to me that Molly and I were destined to be together.

When I was accepted to MIT Molly was both ecstatic for me and unhappy. It meant that we wouldn't be going off to college together. I'd be going half way across the country and she and Brian would be just going down state. That last summer was so important to us. We spent almost every waking minute together. Several weeks before we had to head off to school, the four of us went on a double date to a late movie. It was nearly midnight when we got back to Molly's house. Brian dared us, all four of us, to go skinny dipping. My sister, a year younger than the rest of us, objected about getting naked in front of her brother, but eventually agreed.

It was the first time I'd actually seen Molly naked. Well, all the way naked anyway. We'd of course played around some, touching, kissing, that sort of thing. We would partially undressed each other as we played and touched. But for outright sex, we'd both agreed years ago that the two of us were going to wait until we got married. We were doing our best to be faithful to that promise to each other... until that night. Rubbing against each other in the pool in the moonlight, feeling each other's bodies pressed together as we kissed, it was more than our nineteen year old hormones could withstand. While my sister and Brian moved off into the dark to "leave us alone", Molly and I decided that it was time to forgo that promise and to do what we had both been wanting to do for months.

We slipped from the pool and stood on the side by the filter, blocked from the view of Brian and my sister by the pool and by anyone else by the seven foot high privacy fence and bushes. We were so nervous that we spent long minutes just standing and playing with each other. We could hear my sister off in the back corner of the yard moaning in pleasure, which made things all the more difficult for the two of us. When she finally did gain enough courage to turn around and bend over, I was nearly ready to explode, and explode I did as she tried to get me lined up to push into her. I embarrassingly came all over her pussy without ever getting inside her. At first we were horribly frustrated. Given the situation I got her to climax using my fingers, which I'd done many times, both of us vowing to try the next day when we could be alone and more relaxed.

The next morning we did try again. The two of us undressed each other slowly, taking our time to touch and kiss and tease everywhere. Molly wrapped her lips around my cock and tasted what it was like to suck on me and I spread her lips and tasted her juices. We were both quite excited again, but determined to actually get me inside before the inevitable happened.

I have often wondered what would have happened, what would have been different, if her mother hadn't walked into her bedroom just as I was crawling over the top of Molly. Mrs. Ericson was surprised to walk in on us, and quickly put a stop to what we were about to do. Not that she objected to what we were going to do, but to make sure that I'd had "the talk" first. I told her I had, after which she asked if I was just stupid or if I intended to get her daughter pregnant. The comment hit me like a ton of bricks. The two of us were so intent on doing what we had failed to do the night before that we didn't even think of birth control, either the night before or now.

Mrs. Ericson took us both down to her bedroom, where she had a huge king-sized bed. She had me methodically examine her daughter's body, instructing me on how to touch, kiss and lick her to make her feel good, on body parts other than just her pussy and nipples. She then had me lay down and did the same with Molly, instructing her on how to touch, kiss and lick a man to make him excited, and more. She instructed her daughter on how to put a condom on a man's dick and then helped guide the two of us together for our first penetration.

I thought the lesson would end there, but to my surprise, she had me watch her undress and then used her own body to help me learn how to pleasure a woman, having me do things to her so she could tell I was doing it right, and then practicing it on Molly. By lunch time, we'd experimented with numerous sexual positions, learning how each one felt different and provided different stimulation to each of us. In the process I'd made Molly climax three more times various ways and Mrs. Ericson twice. The final lesson was what she called "more advances stuff". Laying on the bed, I had Molly over my face, licking her pussy to another climax while Mrs. Ericson straddled me and rode herself up and down my shaft, climaxing on me and bringing me off in my first climax inside a woman without a condom.

That evening she gave us a box of 100 condoms, and hoped it would last us the three weeks until it was time to leave for school.

I thought things were great! But then it was time to go. I missed Molly horribly. We talked and skyped every day. I think my roommate in the dorm was getting tired of listening to the two of us have virtual sex. Then came the call I'd never expected.

My sister called, breaking the news to me that she had been on a skype call with Brian when Molly walked into the camera frame, naked. I of course quickly called Molly and after some prodding, she admitted that she'd been having sex with Brian in my absence. That was the worst day of my life. I lost the girl I thought I was going to marry and my best friend in the same phone call. I hung up on her and refused to take her calls. It was more than I could deal with and there was no amount of apologizing either one of them could do that would remedy the betrayal that I felt.

In an attempt to help cheer me up, my roommate took me along to a party at a sorority house, and talked one of the girls into "cheering me up." Off in her room on the third floor of the house, she took her shirt off, helped me pull my pants down and gave me a very good blow job, aiming my cum onto her big soft tits. In exchange I undressed her the rest of the way and gave her the best oral sex I knew how, making her climax twice in an hour before the two of us fucked for a final mutual orgasm. Somehow, after that, I got very popular in that particular sorority. I had frequent invitations to come over by various girls, occasionally by more than one at the same time. By spring break, I had a number of girls having sex with me on a regular basis, and a reputation as the best fuck on campus.

Then the world changed. The Covid pandemic invaded. All the students were sent home.

I sat at home and avoided both Molly and Brian. They both tried to see me, but I simply refused. There wasn't anything I wanted to talk to them about. It was finally Mrs. Ericson that came to see me.

"Molly told me about what happened," Mrs. Ericson said as we sat on the sofa in the family room, my parents both off in their separate offices working remotely.

"Yeah?" I asked, trying not to be angry, but having a hard time not feeling it. "Did she tell you that sis saw her naked in his apartment?"

"Yes. She said she just was using his shower. But that you wouldn't listen."

"She told me that too. But after awhile she admitted that she was feeling down and alone after I left and that she let Brian give her oral sex to cheer her up, as she put it. After that they just started having sex whenever. I wasn't even gone a week and he was banging her."

"She didn't tell me that."

"Well. That's why I stopped talking to them. There wasn't anything they could say that would fix that."

"No," she said with a sigh. "I suppose if I were in your shoes, I'd have felt the same way."

"Thanks. But it doesn't help that much."

"You two were always so close," she said, reaching out and gently resting her hand on my leg. "I'm truly sorry."

"Yeah. Me too."

"You know. Your mom says you're just sitting around doing nothing when you're not online for school. Would you like to come over and do some odd jobs for me? Since you left for school, a lot of the little things you used to do for me have gone undone."

"Thanks. But I'd rather not see Molly."

"I don't think you will be. Not intentionally anyway. See, she's not living with me right now."

I looked at her curiously. "She's not?"

"No. In fact, she's still down at State with Brian."

"I thought they closed school?"

"They did. But he had to drop out and get a job. He has a family to support now."

"A family? What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"Apparently she didn't listen to the talk. You know the one we had that day? She paid attention to everything but the being safe part," she said quietly, rubbing her hand on my leg gently, almost as if trying to ease the blow that her words conveyed.

"You mean? She and Brian..."

"Are expecting? Yes." She nodded. "I know that has to hurt, but you should know. I mean if you should happen to see her, she's starting to show now, and I wouldn't want you to find out that way."

"Oh god," I answered, suddenly feeling even worse than I had before.

She leaned towards me, moving her hand from my leg to my shoulders, pulling me towards her. I felt my shoulder press into her chest, the softness of her breasts pressing against my arm as I leaned my head against her shoulder. "You know that I've always thought of you as the son I never had. I thought you and Molly had something real, something that would last. I'd have never guessed it would turn out this way," she whispered as she stroked my hair with her other hand, gently kissing the top of my head. "I'm so sorry it turned out like this."

We sat like that for long minutes until I gently pressed my hand against her thigh to push myself back upright again. I looked at her and whispered, "Yeah. I'm sorry too."

"You know. If there's anything I can do to help. I don't know what, but if you think of anything, you know, all you have to do is ask."

"Yeah. I know. Thanks," I answered quietly.

"The pool is opened up and ready to use. Water is a bit cool yet, but my yard is as much home to you as yours, so feel free any time you want to come over. Just come on over, okay?"

"Sure. I appreciate that." I nodded.

"Well. I need to go get back online. I'm actually just on my lunch break."

"I thought you were working downtown?" I asked as she stood up.

"No. They switched us to online yesterday. I'm still trying to get the hang of all this tech stuff. I was never all that good at it to start with."

"Well. If you have any problems, just holler. If an electrical engineering student can't help there's a problem," I said with a slight smile.

"I will," she said before leaning down towards me. Her hand reached down and pressed against my leg as she leaned low enough to give me a gentle kiss on the forehead. I couldn't help but notice that I could look right down the front of her blouse and see almost the whole front of her lace clad breasts. She squeezed my leg and then straightened, looking down at me for several seconds before walking away.

The news about Molly had been a shock. As much as part of me had written them both off, some deep down part still cared, a lot. Finding out she was pregnant just finished what she started months ago.

Over the next few weeks I tried to put that out of my mind. I worked on my school work which seemed twice as hard remotely. I also started going over and occasionally helping Mrs. Ericson with some odd jobs around the house. She'd been divorced for as long as I'd known her, but she somehow always managed to keep the house up. Now that COVID restrictions were in place, I learned she'd done that primarily by hiring work done through a number of handyman repair services. Unable to get anyone to come make repairs changed that dynamic, and I offered to help out where I could. I learned that there were actually quite a few places that I could help.

The email I got from the company I planned on interning with over the summer was like getting a dagger to the heart. When I wanted to go to MIT it was clear that the money my parents put away for my college education would be enough to cover the tuition and fees, but I'd have to find a way to contribute to my room and board costs. My agreement with my parents was that I'd work summers at the best job I could find, and put at least six thousand into a fund we set up to cover room and board. The rest I could keep for spending money. But if I didn't have a job for the summer, there was no way I'd make that kind of money, and no way I could go back to school.

Mrs. Ericson, being the clear thinking person she was, had a simple solution. She'd pay me for the work I was doing, and the work that I'd volunteered to do already. It wasn't like she couldn't afford it, and if I wasn't doing the work she'd be hiring someone else to do it anyway, so why not. I agreed.

"Mrs. Ericson," I called as I walked into her home office one morning.

"David! Good morning!" she said, seeming almost a little startled, as she swiveled in her chair from the desk that sat in front of the second story window, overlooking her backyard, to face me. "I thought you were going to trim those bushes along the back fence this morning."

"Um. Yeah. I am," I said, letting my eyes travel down her body. Her hair and face were made up like she was headed out to work as was her cream colored blouse. What didn't look quite so ready to go out the door was below that. She had high heels sitting next to her desk, ready to put on, stockings on her legs, and, well.... From what I could see under the tail of the blouse, underwear, but no skirt or pants. I couldn't help but think to myself that she looked like she was playing with herself. As soon as I got my mind out of the gutter, I stammered out, "I was trying to find the lopping shears you said were in the garage, but I didn't find 'em."

"Oh. Goodness. I'm sorry. Let's go see if we can find them," she said quickly, turning back to the computer and clicking something on the screen before pushing back and getting up from the chair. I couldn't help but notice that the tail of the blouse wasn't quite long enough to completely cover her panties, and the red lace underwear looked surprisingly sexy as she walked past me. I followed her out of the office and down the stairs as she headed for the garage. She opened the garage door and walked out barefoot, heading to the far wall, weaving between boxes and around her car. She moved several boards that were leaning against the wall and low and behold, there, hanging on the wall were the lopping shears that I'd spent half an hour looking for. She lifted them off the wall with one hand and turned around to hand them to me at the same time I was stepping towards her to reach past and lift them from the wall myself. As she turned, we ended up face to face with her chest pressed to mine.

We stood there for long seconds, neither of us moving, both of us holding the shears. After what felt like an eternity I stepped back, suddenly feeling embarrassed. I could see she was blushing as well as breathing surprisingly heavily. "I'm. Um. I'm sorry," I said, stepping back another step, taking the shears that she finally let go of.

"Yeah. Me too. Um. Those should work," she stammered.

"Yeah. These should do fine," I said, feeling my cock swelling in my pants. "I... Um... I better go start," I mumbled, stepping back again and then turning quickly away before she could see the huge bulge I could feel in my pants. I walked quickly out of the garage and closed the door behind myself, standing in the back yard, just feet from the back door, panting as if I'd been running, my heart pounding in my chest.

It was only a year ago that she'd given Molly and I "the talk". It was a much different talk than the one my dad had given me years before. I could still remember the feeling of her bare skin against mine, the hardness of her nipples between my fingers and in my mouth and the soft sweet taste of her pussy as I licked her to climax that first time. All the sensations of that day seemed as fresh as if they had happened yesterday. I know her intent was to teach us, to make sure that I was giving her daughter the fulfillment she felt Molly deserved. But along the way, I couldn't help but feel that she was enjoying it as much as her daughter, especially towards the end.

I stood there until my mind and my body started to slow down and then headed to the fence line to start trimming the row of tall thin bushes that extended well above the height of the fence, effectively adding additional privacy. There were only a couple houses in the whole neighborhood that could see into her yard. One window on the second floor of my house was one, a couple windows on Mrs. Rodriguez's house next door and the second floor back windows on two houses behind her house. Even then, because of the bushes there were large swatches of yard that were completely private, including the pool deck, which was the original intent of the bushes.

I spent several hours working my way around the yard. The day was getting hot and I quickly got rid of my shirt, working in just my shorts and shoes. I stopped a couple times to put on more sunblock and toss some pool water on my head and body. Most of it ran down my body and soaked into my shorts and briefs, but I didn't really care.

"David!" I heard Mrs. Ericson call from the back door.

"Yes ma'am?" I called back from the top of the ladder I was standing on.

"Would you care for some lunch?" she called.

"Sure. Be right down," I called back before climbing down the ladder. I leaned the shears against the bottom of the ladder and headed up to the house, walking past the pool on the way. I opened the back door and stepped inside, sliding the patio door closed behind me.

"Goodness. Look at you. SWEATTY!" she said, crinkling up her nose at me. "Tell you what. I'm still making lunch. Why don't you go take a real quick shower? You can use my bathroom. And leave those soggy shorts in the bathroom! You can put them back on after lunch!" she said as I started towards the staircase near the front door. I headed up and walked to her bedroom, pushing the half closed door the rest of the way open before stepping in. I pushed the door closed and bent down to pull my shoes and socks off. I couldn't help but remember the last time I was naked in this room as I pushed my shorts and briefs off. I carried my soggy clothes with me and dropped them on the bathroom floor before stepping into the shower and turning the water on.

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