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Office Hours

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Lily vists her Professor for office hours, but he knows why.
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Lily waited, checking her watch anxiously, as she leaned against Professor Nowak's door. His office hours were supposed to start five minutes ago, and she always attended. Her grades were excellent, and she had no reason to spend every Thursday in a stuffy office looking over the lecture material with her professor, but she couldn't help herself.

Lily was so close to graduation - it was her final semester of her Master's degree, and soon, all her hard work would pay off. Of course, hard work wasn't what brought her back to Professor Nowak's office every week. It was him. She had never met anyone so passionate, so well-spoken, so helpful, and funny. Lily wanted him. There was no doubt in her mind about it. But she knew she couldn't have him. It was too risky, and she couldn't jeopardize her degree like that. It would have to wait, or she would have to let it pass.

Lily checked her watch again; another minute had passed, and she was growing worried. One good thing about this infatuation was that Lily never missed a lecture and remained undistracted by any of her classmates. An attractive student or funny classmate never made her heart race as Professor Nowak did. How could they compare to him?

"Ms. Fairchild, I'm sorry I'm late."

Lily's eyes snapped up to find Professor Nowak in front of her. His tie was hanging looser than normal, and Lily couldn't help but think he looked rather disheveled. It was oddly charming, his hair loosely falling in front of his face, his glasses fogged from rushing to his office.

"Professor! Don't worry about it. Are you ok?"

Nowak laughed nervously, "Yes, I'm fine. Should we head in?"

Nowak pulled a key from his pocket and fumbled for a moment as he tried to shove it into the lock.

"Are you sure you're fine, Professor?" Lily asked.

Lily had never seen her Professor so disorganized. Fumbling with keys, unkempt clothes and hair, she was beginning to think something had happened on his way to the office.

"Yes, I'm fine," he replied shortly.

Now Lily really didn't believe him. He had never been short with her before - he was always patient and kind. The door unlocked, and Nowak held it open for Lily to enter. She settled on the seat across from his desk, her usual location, and waited for Nowak to trail in behind her.

"So, what questions do you have this time?" Nowak sighed.

Lily watched him in his chair - his regular comfortable demeanor was gone. He was perched on the edge of his hair, fidgeting, eyes downcast on his desk.

"Professor, seriously, are you alright?"

"Look, Lily, I'm not comfortable talking about my personal life with a student."

Lily's cheeks reddened, and she felt her throat tighten. He hadn't called her Lily before, but he'd also never put distance between them.

"I'm sorry. I- you know what, I think I'm ok. I'll head out," she stammered.

"Wait! I'm sorry. I've been having an... eventful day. But I never meant to take it out on you. That's not fair. Seriously, whatever questions you have from class, I'm happy to talk about them."

Lily chewed on her lip, thinking for a moment, "It's alright, Professor. You seem to be really overwhelmed, and I don't need help with anything from class. Your lecture was very engaging and clear."

"Then why are you here?"

Lily glanced up and found Nowak's eyes boring into her own. His anxious demeanour had lessened, and his eyes reflected an intensity and curiosity she had encountered during the occasional lecture.

"I just... wanted to see you."

There was a moment of silence between the two as they held their eye contact. Lily and Nowak seemed to be making calculations of what to say. Should she leave and pretend that she had never come? Maybe she could skip the rest of his lectures and just avoid him on campus.

"You see me twice a week in class, Ms. Fairchild."

"It's different," Lily whispered.

"Not very - you sit front and middle."

"It's not as intimate."

"So you're looking for intimacy?"

Lily's eyes widened, and she felt hot with embarrassment. This was certainly not what she had planned for office hours, and by the dust of red on Nowak's cheeks she imagined it wasn't what he'd planned either.

"Talk to me, Fairchild. What are you here for?"

"I'm here for you," she admitted, breaking their eye contact and staring, mortified, at her feet.

"Do you want to know why I was late today?" Nowak murmured.

Lily looked up and met his gaze. His eyes were softer, and his elbows rested on his desk, hands supporting his chin. His face was closer to hers, and her heart was pounding in her chest.


"I was preparing to see you. I knew you would be here, waiting like always. I considered not coming at all and emailing everyone saying I was sick."

"Oh," she was surprised, and hurt. She didn't realize he disliked her so much.

"Seeing you is exhausting, Lily. Every lecture, every office hour, every time I close my eyes."

Nowak was slowly leaning further and further towards Lily as he continued to speak.

"Your attentive eyes following my every move, your perfume lingering in my office, you know sometimes I even find one of your hairs on my jacket," he let out a forced laugh.

"I can't escape you, not when I'm here, not when I'm home, not when I'm in my car, not when I'm in the shower - you follow me everywhere."

Lily's breathing grew shallow, "Professor..."

"Stop, don't... don't speak. I can't take it anymore. Either get out of my office, or stay and lock the door."

A smile broke out on Lily's face, and she stood, abandoning her bag on the floor. She moved quickly to the door and turned the lock before facing Nowak and leaning her back against the door. She was breathless - how many sleepless nights had she spent fantasizing about this exact scenario? Of him stopping the lecture and bending her over his desk? Of her kneeling under his desk and sucking him off while he sat in meetings? Lily had spent so much of her time wanting this man.

Professor Nowak stood and drew his curtains across, smirking. Lily was growing wet with anticipation already. So desperate to have her fantasies become a reality.

"How many times have you come to these office hours with this in mind?" Nowak asked, carefully placing his jacket on the back of his chair.

"Every time, Professor. I've never needed extra help... I just wanted to be close to you," Lily replied.

"Dirty girl."

Nowak moved with authority and poise as he positioned himself in front of his desk, leaning back against the hardwood.

"What did you want from me, Ms. Fairchild? Extra credit?" He teased, smirking as his head tilted to the side.

"No! Nothing like that. I just wanted to feel you."

"Feel me how, Ms. Fairchild? Tell me about these fantasies of yours."

Lily crossed her arms nervously, embarrassed at the idea of confessing her lewd dreams to her Professor.

"Lily... If you don't tell me about how you've misbehaved, how am I supposed to punish you?"

Lily's eyes widened as Nowak began unbuckling his belt. He slid off the leather belt and began folding it in half, snapping it once when it was in place.

"I wanted to feel you inside me, Professor," Lily whispered.

Nowak began moving towards her, "Be more specific, Fairchild. What part of me? Which hole of yours?"

"Please," Lily whimpered, "I- I don't think I can say it."

Nowak placed a finger under her chin and tilted her head up, "In that case, answer a different question. How many lectures of mine have you been distracted?"

Lily swallowed, her mouth feeling suddenly dry, "all of them."

Nowak clicked his tongue in disapproval and leaned in closer, his nose brushing against hers, "That's a lot of my time you've wasted, isn't it, Fairchild? Ignoring me in lectures, showing up to office hours when you don't need help... That's quite naughty, don't you think?"

Lily tried to nod, but his finger held her in place, "Yes, Sir."

"Does thirty sound fair?"

Lily's eyes widened, "thirty what, Sir?"


"I- I don't know, thirty sounds like a lot!" Lily whined.

"Well, you've been distracted in my lectures twice a week for ten weeks, and you've used my office hours recklessly once a week for ten weeks. I think thirty sounds generous, don't you think, Fairchild?"

Lily let out a breath, "When you put it that way, it does seem fair, Sir."

"Good girl," Nowak cooed, letting go of her chin, "Go lean over the desk for me."

Lily moved to the desk and bent over, resting her torso and chest on the hardwood surface. She felt Nowak approach from behind, his hands feeling her hips and ass. Lily shivered as Nowak pushed up her skirt and danced around the waistline of her leggings.

"I think your punishment will be more effective with these off." Nowak murmured, his voice thick with lust.

"Yes, Sir."

"Good girl."

Goosebumps raised on Lily's arms as she felt the soft material slide painfully slow off her ass and down her legs. They pooled around her ankles, and she felt his hands rub against the bare skin of her thighs.

"You want to earn my forgiveness, right?" Nowak asked.

"Yes, Professor, more than anything."

"Then, you don't mind if I take these?" he snapped the top of her panties against her hip, and she sucked in a sharp breath.

"No, Sir."

"Such a good girl!" Nowak praised.

Lily felt his hands snake under the top of the underwear, but instead of sliding them down like the legging, she felt him begin to pull. The fabric dug into her hip as he began tearing them apart. Lily strained to look over her shoulder and saw Nowak bring them to his face, smiling, before tucking them in his back pocket.

Nowak smirked at Lily before placing his hand on her ass once more, "You're such a good girl for me, Fairchild. It's hard to believe you've wasted so much of my time."

"I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't mean to! I just didn't know what else to do."

Nowak caressed her cheek softly, "So sweet... I think after this punishment, you deserve a reward. But I can't let you go without a punishment! That might encourage bad behaviour."

"Yes, Sir," Lily sighed.

"Can you do me a favour?" Nowak asked.

"Anything, Professor."

"I want you to count."

Lily's breath hitched, and she gripped the desk tight, "Yes, Sir."

"Good girl," Nowak whispered before leaving a kiss against her naked ass.

Lily's eyes squeezed shut, and she heard the belt jingle slightly as he positioned it properly. Wind swished past the leather strip, and she felt it slap against her- leaving a stinging sensation in its place. It was softer than she had been expecting, and she assumed he was being gentle for her first time.


Another swing.

"Two... Three.. Four..."

Nowak's belting grew stronger as Lily became more comfortable with the feel of leather on her skin.

"Ten... Eleven..."

Lily felt herself growing more aroused, her pussy becoming wet and her head filling with foggy desire.

"Nineteen... Twenty..."

Her words were breathy and uneven as she continued to count. Her fingers dug into the desk, legs bracing, ass stinging - she was on fire.

"Twenty five... Twenty six..."

It was almost over. Her punishment was drawing to an end, and her reward was fast approaching. Though she would admit, being belted by her hot professor wasn't much of a punishment.

"Twenty eight... Twenty nine..."

One final crack. The belt struck her harder than before, and she felt heat radiating from her behind. Her pussy was soaked, and she gasped for air agony and bliss twisted around her.


Nowak's soft hand rubbed gently over her ass as Lily panted, "You took that so well, my love. I'm so proud of you," Nowak cooed.

Lily trembled. His sweet words filled her head, and all she could think of was how badly she wanted to kiss him, to feel him, to fuck him.

"Turn around, my love," Nowak commanded, with a softness to his voice.

Lily slowly stood and faced him, her ass still throbbing from the belting. Nowak patted the desk, and she hopped up, feeling the cool wood press into her raw flesh. He parted her legs gently and stood between them, face once more hovering close to hers. A soft smile played on his lips, and his hands cupped her face. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on her nose, her cheeks, her lips. Lily smiled, wrapping her arms around him and returning the kiss deeply. His lips were soft, and his breath fresh. He nipped at her lips gently and caressed her tongue with his own.

Nowak's lips moved down her neck, nipping and kissing down her flesh. His hands tugged impatiently at her sweater, untucking it from her skirt. His mouth latched onto the skin of her stomach as he pulled the sweater off of her. Lily unclasped her bra, moaning gently as he left trails of bites across her. She tossed it carelessly at the floor and pushed back against Nowak before grabbing his tie. She made quick work of undoing its sloppy knot and pulled it loose. Lily then moved to unbutton his shirt as Nowak began undoing his pants.

He kicked off his shoes and pants frantically as his hands moved to Lily's breasts. Caressing and groping the soft flesh, teasing her nipples between his fingers, and feeling her body against his.

"Please, Professor," Lily whined, "Just fuck me already!"

Nowak groaned and pushed her shoulders back. Lily laid back across his desk as he pulled her hips against him. Nowak moaned softly as he rubbed the tip of his erection against Lily's pussy, covering the head in her arousal.

"You're so wet for me, darling."

"I'm always this desperate for you, Professor!" Lily whimpered.

Nowak grinned and sucked in a breath, staring at the naked woman in front of him, "I know, sweetheart. I see the way you look at me - you're not as subtle as you like to think."

Lily flushed and covered her face with her hands.

"Awe, don't be embarrassed! It's... endearing. The way you stare at me, the way you shift in your seat when we talk. Such a needy little slut, aren't you?"

"Yes, Professor," she sniffled.

"Good girl," Nowak smirked, leaning in and kissing her feverishly as he slid his cock inside her.

Lily gasped as she felt him press inside her, filling her with his cock. His tongue slipped in her mouth, tangling with her own. She wrapped her legs around his waist, locking in place as he began fucking into her. He wasted no time picking up speed, and Lily was overwhelmed with the sensation of him deep inside her.

"Quiet, darling, my office isn't the only one in this hall," Nowak warned as moans tumbled from Lily's mouth.

"Give me your tie!" she begged, trying to contain her wails of pleasure.

Nowak pulled his tie off his shoulders and handed it to Lily, continuing to thrust harshly into her. She quickly balled it up and shoved it in her mouth to dampen the sounds of her blissful cries. Nowak groaned at the sight of her biting on his tie, snapping his hips more erratically into her.

"Such a good girl," he murmured as he dug into her hip with her fingers. His right hand found its way to her pussy, and his fingers began teasing her clit as he fucked into her.

Lily's eyes squeezed shut, and her fists clenched as he began rubbing gentle circles on her clit. Her jaw was shut tight, saliva soaking the fabric of his tie. Delight pooled in her stomach and swirled through her body as Nowak pounded into her. His hair flopping in front of his eyes, his glasses falling down his nose, slightly fogged over. The sounds of them slapping together filled the room, and she watched him rub against her frantically.

Nowak groaned, swiping his free hand through his hair, pushing it out of his face, "Is this what you wanted? Is this what you've been thinking about in my lectures?"

Lily nodded desperately and watched his lips pull back into a satisfied smirk.

"Such a dirty girl... to think my star student was just dreaming of getting fucked brainless the whole time."

Lily clawed at the desk, overcome with passion and ecstasy.

"Tell me, slut, do you want to cum for me?" Nowak asked, his tone much gentler than his words.

Lily nodded again, the tie still blocking her from making any coherent sentences. Nowak began moving faster and harder, hitting deeper within her as his fingers expertly teased and played with her clit. She felt herself growing tense, her eyes shut, and she bit into the tie as her pussy began convulsing. Lily felt pressure growing in her lower stomach as her legs twitched. She groaned and felt herself let go.

"Good girl! Such a good girl!" he whispered, pulling his cock out from her and continuing to jerk it off into his hand. Lily let the tie drop from her mouth, and she sat up, chest heaving.

"Do you want one more reward, angel?" Nowak asked, smiling gently.

Lily nodded wordlessly, and Nowak beckoned to her. She slid forward off the desk and stood in front of Nowak.

"Kneel for me darling. And let me see that pretty tongue."

Lily fell to her knees and held her mouth open, staring up at Nowak as he closed his eyes. His lips parted slightly, and his face was euphoric. He continued bucking into his hand and moaning softly. His eyes opened, and he met Lily's gaze, smirking slightly before emitting a final loud groan and climaxing. Thick ropes of cum coated Lily's mouth and splattered on her face. She watched in awe as Nowak gently stroked his cock a few more times before letting go.

Nowak smiled softly and squatted to be eye level with Lily, "swallow," he whispered.

Lily obediently swallowed, and Nowak placed his hand on her hair, stroking gently, "Such a good girl."

He reached for his tie on the desk and used it to wipe the remaining cum from off of her face.

"Get dressed, sweetheart."

"Yes, Professor."

"Oh, and Fairchild, I expect to see you here next week for office hours."

"Yes, Professor."

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Great!! Thank you

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

At the end of a semester, one of my male profs posted his address on his office door. If you wanted to see your grade before it was officially posted, you could go to his apartment. I imagine some female students figured out a way to adjust their grades.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Nice premise.

Sex is rushed. Too rushed.

Needed more dialog where she's forced to tell him details of what shw wants to do to/with him, and what she wants him to do to/with her.

Does she masturbate to thoughts about him? How often? What makes her cum?

Nothing with her ass? Nothing with her breasts? She doesn't tease his cock and balls?

Four stars.

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