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Office Meeting Ch. 01

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Good friends & colleagues share masturbation session.
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"Tony, are you ready for our weekly meeting?" Alice asked business-like as I was talking to the mechanic about his progress on fixing the copy-machine.

Alice and I were colleagues working for an advertising agency, and we did have a weekly meeting to discuss various things, although the actual discussing of things tended to be a lot shorter than the duration of the meetings suggested.

However, we were also good, long-time friends outside of work, even though we did our best not to make that too obvious on the work floor to prevent making people think that it would influence the way we did our jobs.

Alice was a black woman, 30 years old and childless but married to Steve, a guy she met when she and I had already been friends for years. I was the one she trusted enough to confide in, which I was really proud of, being a guy myself. This way I knew that Steve was a nice enough guy, but not very generous in bed since they'd gotten married. He was busy with his career a lot ever since the day they had gotten married and it seemed to have its effect on their love life.

I guess at this point it would be wise to make clear what the point is in mentioning all of this. You see, since shortly after Alice and I had become friends, over 10 years ago, we've shared a very special and intimate thing, that we kind of stopped sharing when she got engaged. And that thing is that we used to masturbate in front each other to get rid of sexual tensions.

We never actually had sex, and as strange as it may seem we've never even seen each other's genitalia either. We didn't have sex because we both knew it might have ended up screwing with our friendship - we both had bad experiences in that department -, and we didn't show each other our genitalia to prevent losing control and ending up having sex anyway. We would masturbate in front of each other, and there would usually be something obstructing the view of the naughty bits. We would either have a jacket over our laps, or a blanket, or we would simply be obscured from view in other ways. Actually, this made the masturbation sessions more exciting somehow. We knew what the other was doing by everything but sight. It was something according to the oft-expressed 'wisdom' that sometimes what you don't see is more exciting than what you can see.

To some this keeping genitalia hidden from view for the reasons I mentioned might seem as some weak, maybe even ridiculous excuse of some kind, and maybe it was. But whatever the reasons may or may not have bee, it was the way it started out, and it was the way we kept it.

This all, and I mean the masturbation sessions, stopped once Alice got engaged to Steve as she saw it as unfair to him. She wanted to be faithful in every single way, including in her own fantasies. I tried explaining to her that there was nothing wrong with fantasizing about other things or other people even if you're married, but she told me she simply didn't 'feel' it that way. He gave her what she needed in the sex department and there was something inside of her that told her it was wrong to allow her mind to wander to other things.

Faithfulness in mind, body and soul, she regarded it to be.

However, this way of thinking seemed to stop about a year into their marriage, around the time that she told me that their sex life wasn't what it used to be. Rather than having sex at least five times a week, they were having sex about once a week, and even then it wasn't anything to write home about.

It was a few weeks after she told me this that she suggested that we could once do what we used to do, which was to masturbate in front of each other. It was not that she couldn't do that solo; it was that she needed to share her sexuality with someone else, and preferably more than she, at that time, did with her own husband. Alice wasn't a nymphomaniac per se, but she really loved sex and not by herself.

Nevertheless, the way we did it was the same way it was before she had gotten engaged to Steve. Meaning: there was no physical contact of any sort, and there was no actual nudity, or none that we could actually see anyway. This time, however, besides the reason of our masturbation session not turning into a full blown sexual affair, there was also the reason of faithfulness. In Alice's mind, masturbation sessions while being married were okay so long as there was no contact and no nudity, and only so long as her husband didn't provide her with a decent amount of attention in the sex department. She made that clear yet again, and I agreed to it. It may have been a convenient rationalization for her suggestion that we return to our mutual masturbation sessions, but I certainly didn't care about that. I love her as a person and as a friend and Steve was an idiot if he didn't make love enough to Alice to satisfy her. It certainly wasn't for lack of affection for him on her part. So I accepted her ground rules. We were best friends, and a promise was a promise. That's the way it has always been between her and me.

So we did it at my house once, when she came to visit me alone, rather than with Steve as she usually did. However, it was soon after that, that she told me she couldn't settle for that one time anymore. She wanted to make it a more regular thing, but realized she couldn't keep coming to my house without Steve, without her husband becoming suspicious. As far as what she and I were doing was concerned, she knew Steve would never accept it and so she knew he could never know anything about it.

It was because of all this that she suggested we do it in the office, once, by pretending we were in a meeting. She'd lock the door and tell her secretary that we didn't want to be disturbed for anything, and we did it late in the day so Alice could tell her secretary to go home early. Soon after that however, it became obvious that she wanted to do it more regularly, and I certainly didn't complain; I never wanted us to stop to begin with.

Alice was not only my best friend, but also an absolutely gorgeous black woman, and I've always had a thing for beautiful black women. Alice knew that and used to tease me with it, telling me I was sick and had perpetual "Jungle fever". I told her then that I couldn't help it. There was just something about a black woman's dark skin, the contrast of their pearly white teeth with the ebony face around it, the black nipples, basically everything about a hot black woman's body that turned me on to no end. I just found them looking so sexual, somehow; as if made for hot, steamy sex. If a black woman was good looking enough, I would just feel like licking them literally from head to toe, and I told Alice this. She'd giggle at it, but then she'd masturbate to it when I described such actions in more detail. I never knew if she thought my admission of my attraction to black women was an excuse to masquerade that I was simply sexually attracted to her, or whether she believed me that I really can get worked up over any good looking black woman in the heat of passion.

We had these sessions on a weekly basis now, usually on a Wednesday, marking the day exactly between the points where she would have sex with her husband, on Saturday nights.

And today was 4:12 pm on Wednesday.

One thing that was different in comparison to that first time when we used the office was that Alice had confided in her secretary, Joanne, what was going on. Alice trusted Joanne, and realized she would never tell anyone about it. For Joanne, it was like she paid Alice back for being there for her when she needed to confide in someone. Not all bosses would want to be a willing ear for their secretary's personal problems but Alice did, so she felt an immense sense of pride when Alice confided in her about what she and I did in her office. Joanne, a romantic at heart, quite frankly loved knowing what was happening in the office.

And so I walked after Alice toward her office room, hearing her tell Joanne the usual.

"Joanne, Tony and I will be having our weekly meeting now. You know the drill; we don't want to be disturbed for anything or anybody. And if Steve happens to call, tell him I'm in an important meeting, okay?"

"Okay, Alice," Joanne replied smoothly, a grin on her face as she looked at Alice, then at me as I smiled at her, before Alice and I disappeared into her office, and she closed and locked the door.

I watched Alice walk around her desk, which was almost cleared, except for the computer on the side. I loved how she looked in her business attire. She was a black goddess in a grey jacket and white blouse, a grey skirt and tan nylon stockings, black shoes on her feet. Her long black, curly hair tied in a ponytail at the base of her head. I looked at her face again and again realized how stunningly gorgeous she was, almost supermodel-like. She had high cheekbones, long eyelashes, a cute nose, and succulent looking lips, not too small, not too big; just a little bit pouty and colored a reddish brown without lipstick.

"Mmmm... Nice weather today," she hummed as she stepped out of her shoes and opened the window. She always stepped out of her shoes in her office. She liked feeling comfortable in her 'domain'.

She rotated her chair and sat in it, rotating it back so she was facing me, looking at me with a warm smile. "I can't begin to tell you how much I need this, Tony. I'm getting frustrated more and more. I'm so glad I can share this with you; that I can share anything with you, but especially this."

"You know I never wanted us to stop, Alice," I responded softly. "And I'll always be there for you to share this with. I'm sorry Steve..."

"Please," Alice said, her hand raised and her palm in my direction, giving the 'stop' sign, "Let's not talk about him now. If there is a moment for us, an intimate moment for me to share with someone other than Steve, this is it. I've earned it now. I never wanted to need this again, but I do. More and more I do. To be honest, Tony, I don't know if he's just not interested in sex anymore, whether he is simply too tired, or whether he's fucking someone on the side. And right now I don't care. I didn't marry to be neglected. Right now I'm with you. This is our time."

"I'm sorry, Alice. I'm sorry he isn't giving you all you need. If I were him I'd never hold back on you. I'd give you everything you want, everything you need..."

With us being longtime friends, I usually didn't talk this way to her. Not like a puppy in love kept from the object of my affection by someone or something else. This was me starting to talk her up. This was me making the move toward the purpose of our weekly trysts.

"Mmmm..." Alice murmured, sitting back in her office chair, the sides of her grey jacket sliding more to the sides, the chest hidden by her white blouse more obviously sticking forward now. I could see that the arousal in her had already started, as her nipples had already started to poke through her bra and her blouse. "Everything I need?"

"Everything..." I said in a low tone, trying to sound as into her as I could. "Whatever you'd want, I'd give to you. However you'd want it."

"Tell me, Tony. What would you do? How would you start? Where would you start?"

"Well..." I began, my voice slightly raspy, as if saliva was stuck in my throat. "I'd start kissing you softly, on those beautiful juicy lips of yours. As I'd hold your face between my hands I would kiss you again and again, our lips smacking, our noses pressing into the other's. My hands would move softly from your face down to your neck, stroking it softly, one of them going back to stroke at the base of your head where your hair starts to grow out, softly running my fingers upward into your black curly hair as my other hand would move further down, over your chest."

"Mmmm... Would you use your tongue? Would you slip it into my mouth and play with mine?" Alice asked, her voice almost moaning. Her eyes were closed, her chest was heaving just a bit faster.

"You know I would," I responded, licking my lips. "You'd feel my tongue softly entering your hot mouth, running over your white teeth and your gums. I'd love the feeling of your hot breath blowing into my mouth, the scent of mint penetrating my nostrils. I've love the feeling of your saliva mixing with mine as my tongue would search out yours, playing with it; wrestling with it for supremacy. As my hand would softly start squeezing one of your breasts through your blouse, the same one you're wearing now, our mouths would close over each other and we would pant heavily as we would neck. You'd feel my tongue reach all parts of your hot, wet mouth and your tongue would reach all parts of mine. We'd take turns sucking each other's tongue, fucking the other's mouth slowly. You'd groan and I would be able to feel the tremors of your vocal cords on my tongue as you'd suck it."

"Hhhmmmmm..." Alice groaned softly, for real, her eyes closed as she envisioned what I was telling her.

"I'd feel your nipple harden in the palm of my hand as I'd continue squeezing your lovely... tit," I said waiting ever so slightly before saying that last word, knowing the sound of it would have an effect on her. She loved it when my words would gradually become dirtier. She loved the moment words like 'breast' starting turning into 'tit'.

"Would you keep squeezing it? Would you keep squeezing my tit?" she asked with an erotic tone in her voice, hardly pronouncing the final 't' as she opened her eyes slightly, squinting as her own hand starting rubbing upward over her stomach along her blouse, reaching one of her breasts and resting there. It looked so hot to me to see her dressed like this, dressed properly like a business woman, and yet having a hand on one of her breasts. There was such a contrast between her proper attire and what she was actually doing. And she knew it too. She knew I loved that contrast. You'd somehow expect a woman dressed like a slut to openly put her hand on her breast, but not someone dressed like a decent, even powerful woman. You'd expect someone like Paris Hilton to grab her tit, but not Hillary Clinton. You'd expect a common slut to grab her tit in front of someone, but not a business woman. She knew it turned me on to see her get horny while wearing her business attire. She'd heard enough of my tastes and fantasies to know everything that turned me on.

The nasty inside of the wholesome; the dirty inside of the decent.

"Oh yeah," I continued. "I'd keep squeezing it as I'd keep sucking on your tongue and make you suck on mine. I'd squeeze it until I'd know your nipple, your hot...black...nipple, wouldn't get any harder...and stiffer...and bigger. I'd squeeze your tit until your nipple would be as stiff as it's ever going to be. And I'd rub your back with my other hand, feeling your body heat against it. As I'd play with your soft tit my other hand would rub your back, going down, feeling the strap of your bra under your blouse and moving over it, downward, until finally I'd reach your behind."

"My behind?" she asked softly, her voice rasping a bit in subdued excitement.

"Yeah. As my one hand would continue to squeeze your hot tit, my other would start squeezing your hot... ass."

"Hmmmm... Would I like it, Tony?" Alice asked as she licked her lips with her soft-pink tongue, her hand squeezing her tit. "Would I like feeling you squeeze my hot ass?"

"You know you would. The moment you'd feel my hand on your butt, squeezing it, squeezing the flesh of your ass through your skirt and your panties, you'd press your rear back against my hand, inviting me to squeeze it even harder. You'd love feeling my hand squeezing your tit and my other hand squeezing your ass so much you'd groan into my mouth like a needy... slut. Like a needy... black... slut, loving the feeling of a white man squeezing her tit and her ass. You'd love that, wouldn't you, Alice?"

"Oh yeah... I'd love it so much, Tony. I'd love feeling like a needy black slut in your white hands. I'd love feeling your hands on my tit and my ass, squeezing me. It... It would make me... wet." Her fingers were squeezing her stiff nipple through her blouse now, making it harder still, and making both of them stick more obviously forward through her blouse. I'm sure she really was getting wetter by my words.

"Tell me what you'd do next," Alice groaned now, her dark eyes staring at me through slits, openly playing with her nipples through her blouse as she sat back in her chair.

"Well, after being convinced that your nipples couldn't get any stiffer, I'd squeeze them with my fingers through your blouse, just as you're doing to yourself right now. I'd try getting those lovely tit-nubs between my thumbs and index fingers through your blouse, and squeeze them, and twist them. I'd do it, and I'd feel your body convulse once, twice, from my fingers playing with your sensitive nipples; your hot breath quickly bursting into my mouth along with your body convulsing as your lips would come from mine, tiny little spit-threads connecting our wet lips. It would make you so horny you'd hump your ass back against my other hand. God, it feels so hot, Alice. Your ass feels so hot against my hand; even through your skirt it seems to sears the palm of my hand."

My manner of speaking now switched from what I would do, to what I am doing, even though we were still apart, and would stay that way; sitting in our own chairs. My hand had begun to squeeze my crotch through my pants. I was as hard as a rock, and I had to hold back on touching my bulge too much or risk cumming in my pants from Alice reacting to my words. Just the fact that I was making this hot woman horny was turning me on. No penetration, no touching of any kind; just words, and it was enough for her to play with her nubs right in front of me. God, she was hot.

"S...Squeeze them, Tony," Alice moaned with her eyes closed, imagining that what I was describing was happening real-time. "Squeeze my nipples between your fingers. They're tingling, and burning. You're making them feel so good, squeezing them and twisting them with just the right amount of force."

Meanwhile she was doing it to herself, no doubt imagining her fingers to be mine.

"Are you getting wet, Alice?" I asked with a low, husky voice. "Is your... pussy... getting wet from my fingers squeezing your hot black nipples and your hot ass? Can you feel it leaking out of you? Can you feel the juices run out of you and into your hot little panties?"

"Oh, Jesus, yesss..."

"That's what I wanted, Alice. I want you to get wet from me twisting your hot nipples and squeezing your hot butt. But I'm not going to touch it, Alice. Not yet. For now I'm going to leave your pussy alone. I want to play with you some more, until you've soaked your whole panties. I want to play with you until you can wring those fucking panties and make it literally drip with your juices. Just let it run, baby. Let it run out of you into the crotch of your panties. I want to see your tits, and taste them. I want to run my tongue around those hot, black buds of yours and suck them between my lips, feeling those rubbery black tips push into my tongue, wash them with my spit. And then I want to suck those chocolate tits into my mouth, stuff them right in there. Would you like that, Alice? Tell me you would like that."

"Oh, fuck yeah... I would... I want you to suck my hot black tits; lick my hard nipples; bite them gently. Do it to me."

I could hear the springs in her office chair squeak from her moving body. I knew she wasn't going to bare her breasts. We had made that deal, not to show each other our private parts. We'd made a deal to use nothing for titillation but the sounds of voices, our words, and the suggestion of what we were doing without actually showing anything. All that I knew of her tits, and what I'd do to them, came from my fertile imagination. I'd probably never know if my descriptions of her tits even came close to the real thing.

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