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Office Space

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Working late can have its benefits.
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Same old dead end job. Same old scary and geeky co-workers. Same old stale coffee. I looked over the pile of papers on my desk and sighed with the weary resignation that life just plain sucked. Pulling open the drawer of my desk I tossed in my purse and pulled out a couple of bucks from my cash stash and headed toward the little café across the hall. I ordered my customary large diet soda and a sausage and egg breakfast burrito and headed back to the office with my breakfast. I slid down into my chair and vanished behind the high walls of my little hell, the last cubical on the left in the far back of the office. To say that I was in a rut was an understatement; life in general had just become the endless practice of repeating the exact same thing. There were no challenges in life anymore, no excitement, no thrill, no lust to live. Just make ends meat, pay bills, slug through another bought of paperwork to improve the companies' bottom line so the executives get a nice bonus. Ain't life grand?

I suffered through my eight hours in hell and headed home. I contemplated just continuing to drive and not looking back but of course I had to go home; the cat would miss me. It was sad to think that the only two things in my life I really enjoyed and looked forward to were driving my car, a silver Honda Civic EX the first thing in my life I had paid for myself and took great pride in, and coming home to my obsessive compulsive cat, Max. Max was an odd duck. He was like a child more than a cat, he followed me everywhere, screamed when he couldn't find me, suffered mad fits of jealousy if I even looked at another cat, and was the one 'person' on this earth who truly loved me with no strings attached. Unconditional love really did only come from pets; Max was my proof of that. No matter how many dead end losers I wasted time with, Max still loved me. No matter what clothes I put on or what I weighted, Max still loved me. No matter if dinner was Kraft Mac and Cheese every night, Max still loved me.

I pulled into my parking spot at around six o'clock. I picked up the mail on the way in and dropped it on the coffee table, more bills to pay. I stalked into the kitchen and grabbed a Diet Pepsi and crashed on the sofa. Max appeared on cue and took his place in my lap. I fell asleep watching CSI.


It was Friday! The mood in the office was always better on Fridays. It didn't really matter that most of us would spend our weekends doing laundry or watching re-runs, something about not having to dress up and go to work the next day made Fridays better. Or at least my Friday would have been better had I not seen my desk. A huge pile of crap sat in my chair, a pink post-it happily perched atop it.

"Hi Betti! I need all these reports put into Excel format and sorted by date, also please make sure that the numbers total and that there aren't any accounts missing. I need this by Monday at ten! -Jan"

"Son of a bitch!" I hissed.

Leon poked his head over and winced as he caught sight of my workload. "You know she only does that cause you let her get away with it. All it'd take is her missing one deadline and she'd be out of here and you'd be free." "Pfft, yeah right Leon. She'd still have the advantage since she's banging the company President on the side, I'd get fired before she would."

Leon shrugged and disappeared back into his cubical. Office politics sucked. Jan got to walk all over us 'grunts' because she had a killer figure and gave out blowjobs like they were lollipops. She was a six foot tall blond bitch and I hated her. I grabbed my stress ball and poked holes in it with my fingernails. This totally sucked! I was going to have to work late tonight and probably come in tomorrow to finish this shit! This is what having a good work ethic got people these days. I picked up the pile of papers and dropped it on my desk so I could sit down and boot up the computer.

Jan was such a prima donna. She got away with everything, a cute giggle and a wiggle of her tush and men let her do whatever! I sighed and stared at the wall. I wasn't an ugly woman by any means, I was of average height, I wasn't super model thin but I wasn't really chubby either I was just curvy, I had plain brown eyes and light brown hair which was long and always in a ponytail. But since I wasn't a knockout I didn't get away with anything. I muttered and set to work on the stack, best to start at the beginning.

I worked through lunch, opting to shovel down a Cup O' Noodles rather than leave for an hour and run errands as usual. I had made a small dent into the pile of accounts but there was no doubt I'd be working late tonight. I looked at the picture of Max on my wall and muttered my apologies to the cat. The hours rolled by and it seemed like the stack of papers was never going to get any smaller. I wondered at times if they were breeding and I just hadn't noticed yet. At five o'clock the mass exodus from the office commenced, I waved at Leon's goodbyes and settled myself in for a long night. The entire building emptied at five. Almost no one ever worked late in this building and when it was empty it felt like a tomb. I ignored the oppressive feeling of dread and continued down the pile of account invoices praying that I'd see freedom soon.

At about seven o'clock I stopped and went into the kitchen to warm up a microwave dinner. It was time to face facts, I wasn't getting home before ten tonight. My pile of work was greatly diminished, almost gone, but I still had to run a report and make sure all the invoices were accounted for and that they were totaled and ready for Jan on Monday. The office building really was tomb-like tonight. I rubbed my hands over my arms and peered around the office. I didn't scare easily and I wasn't one of those hysterical fantasy types either but it just seemed too quiet. I stepped out of the kitchen with my dinner and nearly jumped out of my skin as a loud roaring began behind me. Startled I turned and immediately felt like a moron as I saw a cleaning man vacuuming the carpet.

I smiled and darted back to my cubical where I couldn't help but look back over at the guy. He had to be new, I didn't recognize him and I vaguely recalled the old oriental man who had been working this building saying he was going to be retiring soon. The new janitor was a total dish! He was about six foot tall, broad shouldered, dark black hair, brown eyes, well muscled without being body builder gross, and his skin was light brownish, possibly of Latino descent. I grinned as I thought that he definitely filled out the coverall better than the old man had! Christ I dropped down in my chair quickly and felt a blush creep up on my cheeks; I really needed to get laid if I was thinking this way! God, how long had it been? I fiddled with a pen and lost count somewhere around nine months... I was so hopeless.

I worked on running the report between bites of chicken with vegetables, watching the little hourglass turn as I finished off the less than appeasing dinner. Tossing the tray in the garbage can I went back to fiddling with my pen and listened to the sound of the vacuum running across the room. The computer continued to think so I got up and strolled across the office and back into the kitchen to get a Diet Pepsi from the fridge. I stepped out of the kitchen and bumped right into the janitor, sputtering as I spilled soda down the front of my blouse.

"Oh Crap!" I exclaimed.

"Pardon me, seňora" The janitor ducked his head and stepped out of my way.

"No, excuse me; I should have been paying more attention." I smiled and looked at the name patch on his jacket. His name was Manuel. I turned back into the kitchen and wetted a towel in the sink to blot the brown spots on my white blouse hoping that they'd come out in the wash. I turned around to see Manuel standing in the door watching me, and I felt my face warm again with a blush. I chided myself again for being a nit whit. I slipped through the door feeling my thigh brush against his leg as I exited.

I returned to my cubicle and groaned putting my head down on the desk. What on earth was wrong with me? I was acting like a stupid school girl with a crush. Uggh I needed to get out and get a life. Sighing I stared at the computer screen, watching the hour glass turn end over end as the computer churned and ground out the report. Bleh, never fast enough. I closed my eyes for a minute to contemplate life...


I felt the hand on my shoulder gently shaking me and muttered something vile. Why on earth would anyone being bothering me just when I was starting to enjoy being asleep. I muttered another oath and slowly opened my eyes, finding myself peering into the dark chocolaty brown eyes of Manuel.

"Seňora, you fell asleep." Manuel looked down at me.

"Mmm hmmm." I yawned and stretched languidly.

"You work too hard." He nodded at the computer. "You should go home to your husband and get to bed."

"Home?" I puzzled for a minute then smiled. "I'm not married, only the cat is waiting for me."

"Ahh, well best not to keep el gato waiting." He smiled.

He had a kind smile, I decided. I looked at the computer then shook my head and stood up from my chair. I needed sleep, and some time alone. I turned and was smack tight against Manuel's chest where he stood in my cubicle. I hesitated, my mouth opened to ask him to step out of the way but my words caught in my throat and I just stood there staring at his face. I needed to move, needed to go, go down to the car and go home. But I just stood there, stood there looking at him with my life on pause. I could feel my nipples hardening against the still damp fabric of my bra and the white blouse I was wearing which was also still damp.

I never quite figured out why exactly I decided to kiss him, but sometimes spur of the moment impulses are the best ones. Manuel tasted like heaven, his lips parted under mine and he allowed me to enter his mouth with my tongue. He didn't resist the bold advance I had made and I felt his hands slide down my sides to rest on the swell of my hips. My butt bumped up against the desk behind me and I sat back on it pulling Manuel between my knees. My fingers worked the zipper of his coveralls down to his groin and I pulled it off his arms letting it drop to his feet leaving him in just a t-shirt and his shorts. Every inch of him was a work honed image of perfection, sleekly muscled and darkly tanned.

Manuel slid my skirt up my legs and bunched it at my hips as he stepped back between my knees and pressed me back onto the desk. His weight was an erotic turn on and the heat of his skin caused me to arch my back to rub against his chest. He kissed me and I felt his tongue slide into my mouth and play along the contours of my mouth as he unbuttoned my damp blouse and pushed it off my shoulders. I heard his t-shirt tearing even before I realized that it was my own fisted hands that wear ripping it off of his chest, letting it hang open in the inches that separated our bodies. He grinned bracing himself on one hand on the desk and tore the fabric of my bra letting the two cups fall uselessly to either side of my torso.

I let out an excited gasp and twisted my fingers in his hair as he covered one of my puckered nipples with his mouth dragging his tongue and teeth lightly over the hardened nub. I flexed and pushed off of the desk to rub the dampening fabric of my panties against the front of his shorts, caressing the hard bulge of his cock. He nipped at my nipple causing my body to jerk at the jolt of pain that heightened the erotic pleasure then trailed his mouth down the valley between my breasts and continued down my stomach. I whimpered as I felt his fingers hook on the waistband of my panties and drag them down as he traveled down with his lips, sliding the scrap of fabric down my legs till it dropped on the floor.

I briefly contemplated the last time any partner had preformed oral sex on me, realizing that it had happened perhaps once in my lifetime, before all thought fled my brain the second I felt Manuel's warm tongue drag over the throbbing nub of my clitoris. I cried out and thrashed, dimly aware that my office supplies had just been flung across the cubicle and not caring one bit, as my hips lifted to his mouth in a wanton fashion. He placed one hand on my lower abdomen and held me down as he dragged his tongue in a slow exploration of every inch of the folds of my sex giving extra attention to the swollen throbbing pebble of my clit. I was going to die, every exquisite second of torture was driving me closure to madness and he was the devil in disguise.

Manuel used the fingers of the hand not holding me down to probe the wet opening between my legs, he slipped two fingers inside of the tight hole and stroked in and out as he lapped my clit with his tongue. Holy Jesus! I felt like I was coming apart at the seams, I'd had an orgasm before but not one like this. I was afraid I was going to have a heart attack as I felt my body convulse into a shuddering boneless form lost in the pleasure of my own release. He stayed between my legs, licking and stroking his fingers inside me until every last shudder of pleasure had faded.

I felt him step away and muttered something incoherent, shifting slightly on the desk. I felt his weight cover me again and moaned without opening my eyes as I felt the hard hot thrust of his engorged cock slide up along the inside of my thigh and brush against the wet folds of my sex. He kissed me and I could taste myself on his lips and tongue, he palmed my breast and plucked my nipple bringing me back to the present from my orgasm fog. I wrapped my arms around his body and clung to him kissing him back with a fevered excitement; his hands slipped under my ass and tugged me to the edge of the desk. He thrust into me hard and I felt like fainting, he was hot and thick inside of me. He pulled slowly back till he was nearly out of me then angled down and thrust back in, rubbing the length of his cock along my still throbbing clit sending a double shot of pleasure up my spine.

I moaned against his neck and bit his skin, he tasted salty on my tongue and I licked the place that I had just bitten to get a better taste. Manuel thrust hard into me again and I felt his balls slap against my ass as he plunged in to the hilt. He roughly palmed my breasts and crushed my mouth under his again sliding his tongue into my mouth. He pulled himself out of me and flipped me over on the desk, setting my knees on the edge of the desk and pulling my feet open as he thrust in from behind. I arched my back and cried out as it felt like he was going to split me in half, the pressure and fullness made me feel weak. I braced on the balls of my hands and pushed back against him as he thrust in and out of me from behind, my breasts swayed like heavy fruits and the material of my skirt swayed against the front of my legs and over my ass.

Manuel thrust into me harder and faster, pushing upward into me over and over, he stroked my sides and ran his hands over my ass, playing with the pucker of my asshole to cause me to clench my muscles reflexively. I felt tight and aching, feeling my insides tense again in the preparation for a release, his cock was thrusting into me at a rapid pace bringing me closer to the edge. I yelped and arched my back like a cat as I felt myself begin to cum, the convulsions even more intense around the thick cock buried inside me. I heard a colorful Spanish oath and felt Manuel spasm inside me, a hot rush of cum spurting into me as he orgasmed inside me. His hands held tightly to my waist as we both rode out the final waves of release.

I groaned and slid down on the desk. I could definitely get to liking working late.


Monday morning dawned bright and cheerful. I smiled as I got ready for work and cheerfully greeted everyone on my way in. I picked up the pile of paperwork I had left on my desk Friday night and walked back toward the managers offices. Jan was in with Catherine. Catherine was one of the corporate owners of the company who visited from time to time to check on financials. I smiled and stepped in.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt." I smiled. "Jan I wanted to let you know that although I worked all day Friday and stayed until ten o'clock that night I didn't manage to get your financial report done. I got a bit of food poisoning and couldn't stay another two hours to finalize the report but I've e-mailed you what I got done since you needed it by ten this morning. I'll leave these original invoices on your desk."

I smiled and turned and quickly stepped from the office. I heard Catherine begin to speak behind me as I left.

"Jan, what the hell are you doing having another person running YOUR financial reports! You should be doing that yourself, if you're not capable of doing your own reports perhaps we should re-evaluate your position here."

Oh, life was good.

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