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Office Worker Ch. 03

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Laura's slide from respected editor to office slut continues.
8.2k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/16/2020
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When Laura awoke the next morning, she was incredibly thirsty, but also disoriented. She wore only a pair of stockings, and had apparently fallen asleep over top the covers of the strange bed. Peering around, she spied her heels on the floor, but no other sort of clothing. Arising, she fought the sudden urge to pee while she sought out some sort of covering.

Despairing of finding any before she lost control of her bladder, she grabbed the bedspread and wrapped it around herself before rushing out the door. Fortunately, kitty-corner to her room, away from a staircase, was the open door of a bathroom. She rushed inside and slammed the door before micturating.

The discomfort of doing so cleared her head, so that she remembered where she was and what she had done the night before-as well as the pressure in her rectum reminding her of the plug inserted there. Although her bladder was relieved, her pussy was very tender as she gingerly patted herself dry. Knowing where she was reassured her of the acceptability of her nudity, and she returned to her room to re-make the bed and remove the anal toy. That done, she peeled off her stockings, wrapped the plug into them, tucked them into her shoes, then made her way down the stairs to the kitchen.

Arriving in the kitchen, she found a note from Stephen advising her to help herself to some coffee, but that she should feel free to leave afterwards. She couldn't help but feel rejected and used, even though she had thoroughly enjoyed the debauchery in which she had participated the evening before.

Without taking the offered coffee, she found and donned her dress, slipped on her shoes, and got into her car to head home. Arriving there, she headed upstairs to her apartment before realizing that she didn't know where her other toy had gone. She dreaded what might happen since she didn't locate it before leaving, but mused that she really hadn't been given any indication that she was able to find it before doing so.

The rest of her day was spent relaxing and contemplating her new lot in life. Once again, she had acted impulsively in signing the contract and NDA without reading them, meaning that she could have gotten herself into a real bind. She decided to request the documents again to read over at her leisure. But on the other hand, she was REALLY enjoying what Stephen was putting her through.

Suddenly, she realized with a shock, she hadn't even seen his penis yet. He was the whole reason she was doing these things, to please and pleasure him, and yet she had really only pleasured him mentally, not truly physically. Should that be a deal breaker, she wondered? The realization troubled her the rest of her day, and she slept poorly that night, awakening for work the next morning as tired as she'd gone to bed.

She dressed in one of her new skirts (above the knee, and decidedly tighter than normal), loose blouse, business jacket, and above-the-knee leather heels, and per her new custom, no undergarments. Arriving in her office, she asked her secretary to request her documents from Stephen's organization, then set about her day.

The day passed uneventfully until late afternoon, when Don from Stephen's legal team brought her paperwork over himself. Laura's secretary introduced him to Laura's office, and he looked around appreciatively until the woman had shut the door. Reaching behind him, he quietly locked it before coming around behind the desk where Laura had stood to greet him.

Without a word, he placed the documents on her desk blotter, then unceremoniously but gently leaned her forward so that she was bracing her hands on her desk. One of his hands reached around to grope her breast, while the other worked her skirt up and over her hips. Keeping his hand on her tit, he moved behind her, and with his free hand worked his penis from his pants, then guided it into her. Laura bit back a gasp of pleasure at the demeaning intrusion, but instinctively pushed back onto him and spread her heels so that he would have maximum penetration.

She had the presence of mind before things progressed too far to use her phone intercom to tell her secretary that they were not to be interrupted. The secretary seemed hesitant to agree, apparently hearing the strain in her boss's voice, but agreed nonetheless. As soon as Laura closed the intercom, Don reached around to first frig her clit, then as Laura gasped and writhed in pleasure, reached up to squeeze her throat.

"Clever idea," he growled in her ear. "Wouldn't want your staff to know what a complete and utter whore you are, now would you?"

Laura winced in mental revulsion, even as her traitorous pussy gushed at the derogatory words. Don's hand released her throat, then jerked her blouse off her shoulders so that her breasts jutted out obscenely. He handed her his phone with the "record" button already activated in selfie mode. Understanding that he wanted her to record herself being fucked, in her office, she held it out at arm's length. Don, in turn, grabbed a fistful of her hair and jerked her head up so that her face and tits were plainly in view, as was a portion of her office that would make it obvious it was hers.

The danger of fucking a client (or at least, the employee of a client) in her office was erotic, as was videoing herself doing so, especially knowing that he was likely to share it with at least Stephen. More likely was that he would share it with others in the organization as well. She was enjoying more than she cared to admit, and turned on by the way his thrusting into her was making her smallish tits jiggle obscenely.

Soon enough, and as always too soon, Don was pressing himself deeply into her. He grunted as he ejaculated inside her. Pausing to recover for a moment, he reached to take the phone from her, then used her hair to turn her around and push her to her knees.

"Clean it," he ordered. Laura obediently opened her mouth, taking his now deflated penis inside to suck both their juices from it. It was a new debased action, and yet another that Laura inexplicably enjoyed. She had tasted herself before after playing with herself, but never after having sex. Fortunately, she enjoyed both the taste of women, and Don had the best tasting cum that she'd had so far, so she rather enjoyed the task. It didn't hurt that she was acutely aware that he was still recording her.

Incredibly, for a middle-aged man, as she sucked he began to get hard again. Not that she minded-Laura was beginning to realize that she enjoyed performing fellatio. It gave her a semblance of control, despite the service aspect of the task. She slurped on his rod with gusto, eager to get the tasty treat residing in his low hanging sack.

"God, we need you full time in the office," Don groaned. "When's the next time you're in?"

Laura pushed her head as far forward as she could, her nose against Don's abdomen, and held it there for a moment and causing him to groan aloud again. Pulling off but continuing to stroke him, she answered.

"The day after tomorrow. I'm coming over right after lunch," she replied, then went back to slurping on his cock.

"That's perfect," Don laughed. "Ben and his lawyer are coming over then. You'll have a full house to service!"

Laura couldn't help the moan of excitement, and her hand went between her legs to jill herself off. Don laughed even heartier.

"My god, you are a complete and utter fuck slut," he proclaimed. "You don't even know if the lawyer is a guy or girl, and you're already panting like a bitch in heat to have both of them!" Laura pressed her face hard against him, swallowing hard. It was true, she didn't even think that Ben might have another woman as his lawyer, but it didn't matter to her. She just enjoyed being the tool that people used to make themselves orgasm.

"We ought to just have you walk around with a mattress strapped to your back," Don continued. "Stephen was right-a promise of a little work, and a little hint that you might get laid, and you're the easiest piece of ass around."

Laura's hand was a blur between her legs as she frigged herself, her head bobbing rapidly on Don's cock. As horrible as it sounded, it was almost right-she had learned that she not only enjoyed debasing sex, but craved it. Soon enough, the dirty talk and her self-pleasuring had her cumming, Don's cock muffling her squeals of pleasure. Her body spasmed with the orgasm, which seemed to trigger Don.

Don erupted in her mouth, but instead of shooting all of his load there, pulled out so that the last few spurts went over her face and into her hair. Unprepared for such an action, some of his load leaked out of her mouth and onto her chest. Of course, Don got it all on his cell phone. Chuckling, he wiped his cock clean in her hair, then tucked himself back into his trousers.

Tweaking Laura's tit, he winked at her. "See you in a few days," he leered, then walked towards the door. Opening it, he looked back over at her, still on her knees behind her desk, breast heaving, scooping up the cum that had fallen on her chest to lick it off her fingers. "We'll look forward to having you over!" he exclaimed, then left-the door still wide open.

Fortunately for Laura, her team seemed to be all gone. She crawled into the knee hole in her desk, wiping her face and slurping Don's cum. She knew that she wouldn't get it all, but she thought she should at least make the effort before going to the bathroom to finish cleaning up. Just in case there were any hangers-on around the office.

Laura adjusted her blouse and skirt, noting that both were badly wrinkled. Although her jacket would cover most of her blouse, there was no denying what she had done, with the remnants of cum crusting on her skin and in her hair, and the odor of sex perfuming the air around her. Peeking out of her office door, she was relived to note that she was the last in the office.

Hurrying towards the bathroom, she was dismayed to note that the janitorial staff had marked both the men's and women's rooms as unavailable. She was faced with a dilemma-use one of them anyways, and risk letting a member of the general staff know what she had been doing, or risk being discovered on her way to her car?

Laura decided to take the chance and head to her car, although she slightly mitigated the risk by using the stairs instead of the elevator. The boots she was wearing didn't exactly lend themselves to multiple levels of hard concrete stairs, but she managed them both without mishap nor encounter.

Once in the parking garage, however, she was less fortunate. The security guard was close at hand, and eyed her suspiciously.

"Identification, please." It was a command, not a request, and Laura was acutely aware of her condition as she fumbled for her corporate ID.

As the guard reviewed the tag, his demeanor changed from suspicion to concern. " Are you alright miss?" he asked. "Do you need me to contact the police?"

Laura spent considerable time reassuring him that she was, indeed, ok, and that there was no need to involve law enforcement. The guard was still concerned, but eventually realized that Laura wasn't going to budge. Allowing her to leave, he watched her closely as she made her way to the level housing her car.

Once there, she took off her jacket and placed it in the back seat, then drove home. Forgetting her jacket in her car, she made her way to her apartment, blushing as she encountered a pair of young men who broke their conversation as she passed.

"Did you notice that chick?!?" the one exclaimed to his friend. "I guarantee she was braless, and would swear she'd just been fucking!"

The other young man laughed at his friend and teased him. "No wonder you can't get laid. Don't be talking about women like that where they can hear you and you might give yourself at least half a chance once in a while!"

Laura hadn't yet passed out of sight, and couldn't help but turn and speak. "Sometimes, you luck out and find a woman who DOES like it," she called after them. Giving them a wink, she continued on to her apartment, aware of but unable to hear the excited conversation between the duo.

There, she quickly washed up, changing into lounge pants and a t-shirt, again acquiescing to Stephen's instructions of no undergarments though. Realizing she had no food in the house, she again placed a food order on her app, then settled in to read again.

A short while later, a knock came at her door. Opening it, she encountered a young woman who looked vaguely familiar. The lady eyed her up and down even as she extended the bag of food, her eyes lingering at the level of Laura's chest.

"Pity," said the delivery girl. "I was half expecting you to answer the door naked again."

Laura blushed at the realization that this was the girl she had flashed, to the other woman's amusement.

"Hey, it's your place," the delivery person said. "I'm not here to judge. But it was an extra tip just the same."

Again Laura flushed, this time embarrassed that she hadn't yet tipped the girl. Making an inane excuse, she retrieved her purse, finding only a fifty dollar bill remaining inside. The young woman looked at her in surprise.

"I appreciate it, but this much really isn't necessary."

Laura was again (still?) embarrassed, and explained that the bill was all she had on her. The young woman waved it back and forth a few times contemplatively.

"I don't have change for it on me," she apologized. Laura rushed to explain, but the woman brushed her off. "We'll count it towards your next delivery, fair enough?" Then she winked at Laura. "Although I'm sure we could come to other arrangements as well," she smirked, then left with a flirtatious glance over her shoulder.

Laura read while she ate. Afterwards, she disposed of the few leftovers since there wasn't enough to save, and began to clean her apartment. For some reason, she felt lonely, and the actions pointless. She stopped, then found her stockings from the Sunday before and unwrapped the plug from inside.

Going into the bathroom, she douched her derriere, then lubed and inserted the plug. Deciding the delivery girl was right, it WAS her apartment and no one else could judge her, she defiantly finished cleaning in the nude.

Finished, she left the plug in and sat back down to read. Shortly, however, she became chilly, and decided that rather than throw something on that she would just have to wash later, she would just adjust the heat.

Resuming her seat, she read until she was tired, then slipped the plug out and washed it carefully before slipping in to bed.

The next morning, she carefully showered and groomed herself, then dressed in a surprisingly classy off-the-shoulder cowl top, smoky stockings, and wrap skirt that ended about mid-thigh. She noted that she would have to be careful during her time at the office whenever she sat down among others to avoid showing her stocking tops, but rationalized that it made for a rather trendy look not unprofessional among some of the other women in high positions within the company.

Pausing at her bathroom before she left, she grabbed the plug and lube, tucking them safely in her purse before donning a pair of power heels that matched her top, then drove in to work.

Her morning consisted of an editorial board meeting in which hers was the flirtiest top in the room, but her skirt not the shortest. That honor went to Sylvia, a woman who was whispered to have slept her way to her position several years before, and one on whom the skirt now looked almost ridiculously like she was trying too hard to seem enticing still.

The meeting finished, the few moments Laura had left was spent in her office's conference room, reviewing the work of Ed-one of her staff members-trying to develop him to the level of the rest of the team. Looking at his work, she impatiently shoved the chair next to her out and motioned for him to take it. Pointing at an area where she had previously made recommendations, she slid forward unconsciously in her seat to better make her point, accidentally her knee running hard into his.

Speaking about his failure to address her recommendations, she realized that his attention had wandered to their touching legs, and his eyes had dropped to where her stocking top was completely exposed to his intense gaze.

"Focus," she snapped to him. Amusedly, he gave the impression that he was humoring her, rather than actually paying attention. Laura slapped her hand down on his manuscript copy, and rather than adjust his attitude, the action only seemed to make him more insolent.

Despairing of redirecting him, Laura made her recommendations yet again, then dismissed him. While a good member of her staff, Ed could be far better than his work currently showed, and could easily be one of the rising stars of the company if he were to actually apply himself.

Returning to her office, Laura pushed thoughts of Ed from her mind as she gathered her things needed for the afternoon with Stephen. Before leaving her office, however, she lubed and carefully inserted the jeweled plug, then stood to smooth her skirt back into place. Giving her farewells, she made her way to the parking garage, taking giddy pleasure in the deviant toy hidden from the notice of the professionals she encountered on the way.

Arriving at Stephen's building, Sally bounced out of her seat to greet Laura with a full body hug and open-mouthed kiss. Pulling back, she whispered excitedly in Laura's ear, "I've heard so much about you! Promise me that you'll make some time for me before you leave today!"

For some reason, Sally's exuberance made Laura shy, and it was reflected in her reply to the affirmative. Sally laughed at Laura's reticence, hugged her tightly again, then released her so that Laura could go into the actual office area.

Liz was the first to notice her, and linked her arm through Laura's as she headed towards the conference room.

"Evidently, you turned Stephen's head in a whole new direction," she said immediately. "We've been hustling the last few days to adapt to some of the ideas Stephen attributed to you. I just pray that if you keep up the expectations you raised on your first day-HALF day-that the rest of us will be able to keep up."

With that, she pressed tightly against Laura so that the two of them could enter the conference room door together. Don looked rather harried, as did Toni. Only Stephen seemed collected, but Laura was able to detect a fine undercurrent of stress in him as well. It took her a moment to realize that the conference room table had changed. Instead of the heavy wood table that had been there before, now there was an ultra-modern glass table.

The top was scattered with paperwork, but Laura was acutely aware of being able to plainly see everyone's knees underneath-with Toni wearing a skirt so short that the hem was drawn up right up against the fold in her hip joints. She would have to be very careful when moving if she didn't want anyone to see beneath her skirt at all.

"Laura's off-limits until she gets up to speed," Stephen commanded, then gestured for Liz to take the lead.

"Since Friday, we've been working at developing the organizational and unique leadership-level presentations that you recommended," she started as Laura took a seat. "Obviously, there will need to be some fine-tuning after Stephen visits Ben's organization, but we've done a pretty good job at roughing things in. We have presentations for the senior leadership, mid-level leadership, and up-and-coming leaders. We're hoping to have you do some final editing once you and Stephen have visited Ben's place."

Laura turned a shocked gaze to Stephen. She hadn't dreamt that she'd need to travel with him, although she welcomed the thought.

Stephen assuaged her fears. "You're insightful," he told her. "As well as perceptive. We've done some snooping on you, and found out that your team out performs the others at your company because of the time you've spent developing them. I want you to use that eye for us as well, and you can't do it from behind a desk." An amused thought crossed his face before he verbalized it. "Although, you apparently could do it from BENEATH one," he chuckled. A ripple of relieved laughter went around the room, and Laura blushed at the backhanded praise.

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