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On Holiday with My Dad Ch. 06

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Miguel takes Ben and Gary to a secluded nudist beach.
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It was strange waking up with a third person in the bed. Miguel was lying face down between us, with his arm flung over my chest and one leg over my Dad's leg at the other side.

He was still sound asleep, probably used to sleeping late after a shift in the bar.

Dad was definitely awake though, his morning wood throbbing against his stomach. He put his finger to his lips to be quiet, then crawled down, parted Miguel's bum cheeks and teased his hole with the tip of his tongue.

After a minute or so, Miguel stirred, opened his eyes and smiled at me, then had a look over his shoulder at my Dad, who grinned at him before licking and sucking on his twitching brown pucker, getting him lovely and wet.

I turned onto my front and put my arm round Miguel's shoulders and we kissed, exploring each other's mouth with our tongues.

His eyes lit up as Dad entered him, filling him with his thick 8inch shaft and gently thrusting against his round little bum.

I watched Dad's face as he fucked and he gave me a wink, holding up two fingers, then putting them in his mouth and wetting them, before using them to probe my hole.

As he fucked me with his fingers, he slowly pumped his hips, banging into Miguel's hole, supporting himself on one muscled arm, making all the veins stand out from the effort.

Then he switched, pulling out of Miguel and slamming into me, his hard cock penetrating my fuck tunnel.

Miguel's arse now got the finger treatment, while we continued kissing, having a look behind us now and again to watch Dad fuck.

He moved between us a few times more, so we both had an equal share of his cock, then he sat back and knelt with his legs apart to balance himself and began wanking.

I nodded to Miguel to go for the cock, then slid down between Dad's legs to lick and suck on his balls, while Miguel sat in front with his tongue out, ready to receive the load that would happen any time now.

Dad yelled as he released his seed, most of which Miguel caught in his mouth, the rest of it running down his chin and chest.

I turned and licked my way over Miguel's chest getting every drop of cum, before licking the last bit on his chin and going in for a sticky kiss.

Dad clasped both of us to his chest.

"Oh my sexy boys. I just couldn't decide which one of you to have this morning."

Well that was a great way to start the morning and after we'd showered together, we took breakfast out to the balcony.

Dad asked Miguel if he'd like to come to the beach with us, but Miguel had a better plan.

"I can drive us to another beach along the coast. It is nudist and only local men go there. I think you will like it."

Well there was no question about agreeing to that, so we packed food and water, along with towels etc. and set off.

About half an hour later, Miguel pulled off the road down a track between the trees and parked the car in the shade of a large one, to keep the sun off.

As we walked, I noticed a few cars and trucks scattered here and there.

Miguel followed my gaze.

"At the weekend it is very busy, but today there will be plenty of space."

We followed a rocky path down to a small bay, a mixture of sand and shingle with some large rocks scattered about. There were about a dozen men, mostly on their own, lying down, or in the water.

Miguel chose a good spot away from everyone, beside a large rock to get shade for our food and spread out a large groundsheet he'd taken from his car, which kept the sand off our towels.

We undressed and lay down with Miguel between us and I looked around. This beach was complete freedom, where we could relax and do whatever we wanted. In fact at the far end of the bay, I could see a guy getting a blow job among the rocks.

The sun was already hot today, so it wasn't long before we needed to get into the water to cool down.

As we lazed around in the sea, Miguel and I ganging up on Dad to splash him with water, I spotted an attractive man jogging on the firm sand at the water's edge.

He was naked, with silver hair tied back in a ponytail, trimmed silver beard, hairy chest, with a runner's build and a nice long cock, bouncing as he ran. After he had passed, I had a good view of lean, muscled glutes, working to power his legs along the sand.

As we came out of the water, he was on his way back, but stopped when he spotted Miguel, coming up and giving him a kiss. Miguel introduced him as Felipe.

"Gary, Ben, I am delighted to meet you."

We were both kissed on the cheek and given a hug.

Up close, he was older than I first thought, at least 50, but extremely fit and good looking, with dark eyes that sparkled with good humour and a ready smile, showing beautiful white teeth.

As we stood chatting at the water's edge, I was aware of his eyes constantly flicking between Dad and I, maybe trying to work out the relationship, or just checking us out. He certainly gave Dad's cock a second look.

When he asked if he could join us and we said yes, he walked back to collect his stuff from the far end of the beach.

We returned to our towels and asked Miguel about him.

"Felipe is a very nice man. He is a presenter at the local TV station and comes here most days. He is my friend."

With looks like his, I could see him on TV and I studied him as he walked back towards us, carrying his stuff, with his towel over his shoulder

Placing the bundle he was holding on a rock, he shook out his towel and hesitated. Sure that he would choose to lie next to Dad, I was surprised when he walked round to my side.

"It is okay if I lie next to you, Ben?"

"Of course it is."

He spread out his towel right up next to mine, before lying down and giving me a huge smile.

Having him so close to me, the smell of his cologne in my nostrils and his sexy body within touching distance, made my cock swell.

I got the impression that he knew exactly what he was doing and when I looked over at Dad, he had an amused look on his face, watching me try to stop my cock reacting to the handsome man beside me.

After some conversation, we lay back and gave in to the heat of the sun.

Lying with my eyes closed, I was congratulating myself on not getting hard, when I felt the light touch of a finger trace along the back of my hand, then Felipe's hand covering mine, his thumb gently rubbing against my skin.

The blood rushed to my cock and I was aware of it rising up into the air.

I opened my eyes to see Felipe's big smile and he whispered


I thought that meant handsome, so smiled back at him.

He leant over and kissed me, then moved down to swallow my cock to the hilt and begin expertly sucking on my rigid shaft.

I watched his silver head bob up and down on my cock, paying particular attention to my knob end with his nimble tongue.

A glance at my Dad confirmed what I expected to see. He was propped up on his side, watching me getting a blow job, with a grin on his face and sporting an erection, which Felipe looked across at now and again with interest.

Miguel was missing everything because he was lying face down, but he now raised his head and took in what was happening, then slid down to give my Dad's cock some attention.

As I watched Dad get sucked by Miguel, which I found really hot, his eyes were fixed on what Felipe was doing to me and we locked eyes for a moment, smiling at each other.

I turned back to Felipe as he sucked my knob, the shaft coated with a mix of precum and his saliva. He looked up at me, his dark eyes dancing and collected some of it on his finger, which he pushed up my hole, followed by a second and swivelled them round inside me. The suction of his mouth, combined with my hole being poked was too much and I thrust upwards, releasing my load into his mouth, which seemed to go on forever.

He kept swallowing, making noises in his throat, till the cum started leaking out the sides of his mouth. He pulled back, swallowed, then began licking all the cum off my cock and balls.

I heard a loud groan to my left and looked over to see Miguel eagerly catching all Dad's man juice, making sure he got every drop, while Dad had his eyes fixed on Felipe cleaning up my cock.

Felipe took my hand.

"Come to the water with me."

We walked in up to our knees and Felipe rinsed my cock and balls, kissing me all the time. He was still rock hard and I reached down to stroke his cock. He almost growled deep in his chest and I saw the lust in his eyes. Breaking off the kiss, I spread my arse cheeks, exposing my hole and turned round.

His long, slender cock slipped easily inside me and he began thrusting his hips against my arse, holding on to me really tightly, as the small waves broke around us.

Maybe his cock wasn't as thick as Dad's, but it was going way up my back passage, hitting my prostate every time and I found myself stiffening up again.

Looking back to the beach, Dad was sitting with Miguel between his legs, both of them watching me getting fucked by Felipe.

Behind me, Felipe's breathing quickened and he shot his load inside me, as he gently bit my neck.

We waded slightly further out, till the water came up to our waist, then we lay back and floated, Felipe's cock sticking up out of the water still hard.

The other two walked down the beach towards us, Dad hard again of course and splashed into the water.

As they came closer, there was a sharp intake of breath from Felipe.

"Your boyfriend's cock is huge. You're a lucky boy, Ben."

I had to agree with him. Although I'd enjoyed being fucked by the handsome Spaniard next to me, it was Dad's cock I craved all the time.

We all mucked about in the water, Miguel and I acting like kids, splashing Dad and Felipe, who got their revenge by ducking us under the water and shoving their cocks in our faces.

All that horsing around gave us an appetite and we shared our food with Felipe, then sat around talking.

When Felipe discovered that I was into running, he suggested we run together one morning and took my number.

The rest of the afternoon was spent soaking up the sun, then first Felipe had to go for rehearsals, then Miguel drove us home, so he could go and get ready for work.

After showering back at the apartment, Dad and I relaxed with a beer on the balcony and he started teasing me about Felipe.

"Yes, I could see you were infatuated. Let him have your arse and everything."

"Very funny, Dad, but he has got a lot going for him."

"Very true and he can suck my cock anytime he wants."

I didn't say anything to Dad, but I thought there was a very good chance of that happening, if we saw him again.

We were supposed to be getting ready to go out to eat, but in the bedroom, Dad came up behind me when I was still in my underwear and put his arms around me, while his erection prodded the cleft of my arse.

He kissed my neck.

"Come on, let's fuck."

All thoughts of dinner went out of my head, as I lay back on the bed with my legs raised and let Dad do whatever he wanted with me.

He pulled off my briefs and got busy on my cock, sucking it to hardness, then moving down over my balls to my hole, loosening up my pucker with his tongue.

I looked at his head between my legs, watching how much he was enjoying being down there, his usually pale grey eyes dark with lust and I was overwhelmed by how much this man meant to me.

His eyes held mine.

"Cock, Dad. I need cock."

He stood up, his thick cock pulsating and dangerous looking, precum hanging from the tip.

Next minute, he was inside me, his whole length buried in my back passage, as he began to fuck my arse at speed, slamming against me, sending his rod as far up me as could get, again and again.

It was going to be one of those fucks, fast and furious, that I loved so much.

His arm muscles were bulging with the effort of supporting himself, as he fixed me with an intense stare.

"Come in me, Dad. Fill your boy's hole."

Suddenly hot liquid flooded my back passage and I saw his whole body tremble with the strength of his orgasm, as a loud groan escaped from his lips and with his eyes shut, he let go two more jets of his hot cum inside me.

He opened his eyes and slumped down on top of me, his mouth coming together with mine, his hands meeting my hands, as our fingers interlocked.

A couple of minutes later he looked at me with a stupid grin on his face and I grinned back at him.

"Hot fuck, Dad."

"Thanks, son. Your arse is my favourite thing ever."

We lay like that till his stomach rumbled and after another quick shower, we walked slowly round the corner to the tapas restaurant again, for a late dinner, then, because we'd promised Miguel that we'd see him later, headed for the bar.

It was worth going just for the smile and kisses we got from Miguel, complete with hugs.

We stood at the bar tonight, so we could talk to Miguel. Dad had his hand up the back of my shirt again, not doing anything, but I liked feeling him so close to me.

Miguel got a quiet moment to talk to us.

"Did you enjoy the beach today?"

Dad leaned over the bar and gave him a kiss.

"Yes, we both loved it. Thanks for taking us."

Miguel looked happy and slightly flushed.

"You're welcome. Maybe we can go again before you go home."

As we nodded and agreed that would be great, a customer needed his attention further along the bar.

We stayed about another hour, then kissed Miguel goodnight and left.

It had been a busy day one way or another, so back home, we went straight to bed.

Dad wrapped me up in his strong arms and although his erection was nudging my arse cheek, he made no move on me.

Before we went to sleep, he asked.

"Are you going running in the morning, Ben?"

"Thought I might, if you're okay with that?"

He patted my arse.

"Don't worry, I'll be right here waiting, when you get back."

I went to sleep smiling, because I knew exactly what would be waiting for me, after my run.

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MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFer7 months ago

This story never fails to get a powerful reaction from me, but chapter #6 really pushed it over the edge. Adding Felipe to the already super-hot trio of Gary, Ben and Miguel took this to sizzle level. I wonder if Ben's morning run will include a certain sexy tv presenter.

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