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One More Year Ch. 24

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Jay and Louis get out of there - together.
7.5k words

Part 24 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/17/2021
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Louis pulled out of the kiss again, holding my chin between his fingers. "There are quite a few people here. And now they know you're gay. Kind of a big step."

"Good." I kissed him again quickly. "I'm happy. I want them to know."

He laughed and blushed. "Well, as long as you're enjoying it."

"I am. A lot."

"Great. Same." He smiled. "I don't think we're bugging anyone, but any chance you want to get out of here already?"

I turned around. All of our friends had gotten up from the table and moved on to the dancefloor while we'd been busy, and I hadn't noticed. Not all of them were dancing - I could see Angela leaning against a wall on her own, and I couldn't see Sue anywhere. She'd probably left already. I suppose it wasn't every day you got a hotel room with your boyfriend.


"We can stay here, if you want. It's fine." Louis said quickly. "And if we go back to the hotel room together, it's not like we have to do anything-"

"I want to do everything." I fiddled with his tie and looked into his eyes. "Everything you want to do, anyway."

He blushed deeply and nodded. "Okay then. I'll go talk to Ellie and get the key."

"Okay." I grinned like an idiot as I watched him head towards the dancefloor, and took a second to compose myself. I took a few seconds to make sure I wasn't tenting in my pants. As I emerged from the little cove we'd been standing in, Matt was right there.

"Hey, Jay." Matt grabbed my hand and shook it. "Congrats on being gay."

"Uh, thanks?" I frowned slightly.

"Sorry, I know that's a weird way to say it." He laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "But my uncle's gay, and this school is so ridiculous - it's kind of nice that you got to go out being open about it."

"Yeah, I guess." I smiled. "Thanks."

"Anyway, I've gotta go. My girlfriend thinks this place sucks, and Lea's come to her senses, so now we're not even getting distracted by the make-out session with that creepy guy." He chuckled. "See you around, dude."

"Yeah, you too."

My eyes scanned the room. There was Lea, who didn't quite look as ready to stop as Matt suggested. I kept seeing her bite her lip and look across the room to the bar, at the guy she'd been making out with. Tiffany was busy delivering an emphatic lecture to her, but she didn't seem to be paying much attention.

Nick was also there, and as he saw me looking at them, he gave me a tentative smile. I returned it, and nodded, which caused him to break out into a broad grin. We'd both gone overboard that one day, and said some things we probably shouldn't have. But we'd been closeted gay guys at this school together for years, even when we didn't know it, and I guess me kissing Louis in front of everyone here was still a win for both of us.

I also saw Jamie, on the dance floor, as I made my way around. I felt like he was avoiding looking at me, but he was dancing, so I couldn't be sure. Maybe he was just trying to concentrate. Not my problem, anyway. I walked over to where Angela was standing, and leaned against the wall next to her.

She looked across to me, an amused grin on her face. "Well done. Very dramatic. Ellie will be proud."

"Thanks." I laughed softly. "I don't know what came over me, but I'm glad something did."

"I'm sure." She chuckled.

"Anyway, how's your night going?"

She shrugged. "It could be better. It's nice to get dressed up like this, but nothing special is happening. I suppose it was silly to expect it would."

"You were expecting something?"

She shook her head. "I don't think it matters much now. I suppose I'm just standing here, watching things end."

"Oh. Sorry." A hint of sadness cut through my elation about things finally happening with Louis. Angela was a great person, and she deserved to have a good night too. I'd never seen her express any romantic interest in anyone, so I wondered what she was hoping could have happened tonight.

"It's fine. Someone else's fault, really."

I'd never actually heard her sound genuinely disappointed. She had such a stoic, calm disposition that I hadn't thought it possible. I looked up and scanned the room, at a loss for things to say. Oh, god. Caitlyn was making a beeline for the two of us, throwing her occasional trademark glares at me along the way.

Angela looked up as she approached, and smiled softly. "Yes?"

Caitlyn sighed, and put her hands on her hips. "Does it have to be everyone?"

"I think Jay will do just fine." Angela smirked. "Luckily for you, Sue's not here."

"Fine." Caitlyn pursed her lips, and turned to face me, letting out a small annoyed sound. "Jay, I'm really sorry about everything. Especially the plagiarism accusation thing, but also just about not being nicer to you in general."

I blinked, and twisted my head to look at Angela. She smiled at me, and shrugged. I turned back to Caitlyn. "Uh, thanks. I'm also really sorry. For the jokes and stuff. That wasn't very nice of me either, and I wish I'd been a bit better to you, too."

It was Caitlyn's turn to blink in surprise, and I was fairly sure she was holding back a smile. Because I was doing the same.

"See? Now, was that so hard?" Angela asked.

Caitlyn shook her head slowly, but didn't offer a reply.

"Now." Angela pushed herself off the wall. "About the other thing-"

"That's okay." Caitlyn grinned. "Jay gave me an idea."

"Oh really?" Angela asked.

"Yes." Caitlyn surged forward, like a big, pink predator, and their faces collided. My brain took a second to figure out what was happening, and even once I did, the shock of one of my friends kissing someone who'd been one of my biggest enemies for years had me reeling. Sue would freak out.

It didn't even occur to me that two girls kissing on the dancefloor might also have been a thing other people might have taken note of. Not until Dru - of course it was that asshole - whooped from the other side of the dancefloor. Without breaking the kiss, Caitlyn twisted her arm out to face him and extended her middle finger. Tiffany, Lea and Nick stopped talking and turned to stare.

"Oh, my." Louis' tone was amused as he popped up beside me, a hotel room keycard in his hand.

"Did you know about this?" I turned to face him.

"A little." He shrugged. "Okay, a lot. God, you should see your face."

I laughed and shook my head. I tried not to stare at Angela and Caitlyn as I grabbed his arm and turned him to face the exit. "Come on. We should... leave them to it."

He let me pull him across the dancefloor and towards the door. I stopped to give Ellie a quick hug and say goodbye.

"Shut up," I said quickly.

"I didn't even-"

"It was preemptive." I grinned.

"Sue's already headed over. I hope you bump into her. You have to explain to her that Louis and you ARE a couple now." She beamed and waved at Louis, who was chatting to Mel by the door. He awkwardly waved back.

"Right." I leaned in for a quick hug. "Okay, we're going to head out. Bye. See you tomorrow."

She winked as I headed off. I gave Mel a hug when I got to them, and Louis and I waved goodbye to everyone else. Soon we were plunging out into the cool breeze of the evening.

"Hey, look over here," he said as we got out.

"What-" He collided with me, forcing his tongue into my mouth and shoving me up against a wall. I groaned in satisfaction as he pressed against me, grinding our hips together so that our hard dicks rubbed together through our pants. I started running my hands all over him, gradually working them under his suit jacket, slipping my fingers down the back of his shirt and past his waistband. The convulsions of his laughter reverberated through my whole body as he pushed off of me with a huge smile on his face.

"Okay, that was my fault - I couldn't help myself." He took a steadying breath. "But if you're going to start doing that, we should head to the hotel. We've literally got a room."

"Right." I nodded, taking a few seconds to gather my thoughts. "Okay, well, then. Let's get going."

I don't know how I managed to keep my hands off of him the whole walk there. It was five minutes that felt like an eternity. I was still nervous enough to wonder if this was really happening. Maybe the weird, paranoid sense that this was a delusion - one that I could shatter at any moment - was just about enough to keep my hormones in check.

We were damn lucky we already had the key and didn't have to check in. I wasn't sure how Louis was coping, but there was no way I would have been able to form coherent sentences to talk to a receptionist. And it seemed like both of us had only just been able to hold on for long enough to get to the elevator, where we crashed against each other again, and he kissed me so hard I nearly fell over.

When the doors opened with a loud ding, he pulled me out, and we stumbled our way towards the room, locked at the lips and pawing at each other. We somehow managed to get the right number without pulling out of the kiss for even a second. He tried to open the door without stopping either, but wasn't successful. We reluctantly pulled apart, and he used the key-card to unlock it.

It was a nice room. Small, but modern and fully equipped. TV, dressing table, bar fridge, door at the opposite end that led to a nice looking bathroom. Of course, the major thing to take note of in the room - that we might have had to share as people who were still awkward around each other - was that it had one bed. King-sized, but definitely meant for a couple.

"Ellie." I smiled and shook my head.

"That could have been awkward."

"Wait for it." I wandered over to the drawer of the bedside table, and pulled it open. Yup. Condoms and lube. Louis came over to look.

"Well, it sure beats a Gideon bible." He laughed.

I grimaced. "If she tries to talk to me about it, I'm going to jump through the nearest window."

"Well, we don't have to talk to her until tomorrow." He sidled up to me. "And in the meantime..."

"You're going to keep me away from windows?"

"Among other things." He reached his hand across to turn me to face him, and crushed our mouths together again. I wasn't expecting him to be so forceful, so I let out a sharp breath in surprise. He pulled back, and looked directly into my eyes. "Is this okay?"

"Not when you're not kissing me." I shoved my face forward again, pressing our lips together, invading his mouth with my tongue. His skin was so soft, and the way he moved with me - it was like a dance, instead of a struggle. I wanted to kiss him forever. Until I couldn't breathe, even.

We both wanted more, though. I knew I did, anyway. And from the way his hard dick rubbed against mine through the fabric of our pants, I suspected he did too. I slipped my hands inside his jacket, ran them over his flat stomach, his chest, around to his back. He groaned at the attention, and pulled away slightly. I grunted in frustration.

"We're going to get undressed right?" His nose traced its way across my face, and I could feel his breath on my cheek.

I still couldn't help myself. I smirked. "I understand that's how it usually works, yes."

"Hilarious." He smiled. "I just meant that I rented this tux, so I don't want to give it back in any sort of roughed up state. Or with any, you know..." He blushed.



"Fine." I started undoing his tie. "See? I'm helping."

He laughed. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it." I leaned in and kissed him again, pulling it off and unbuttoning his top few buttons. "Tie's yours though, right?"

"Yeah, but-" His eyes tracked it as I balled it up and tossed it onto the dressing table. "I still like it. Don't want to mess it up."

"It'll survive." I shrugged. I ran my hands up his sides and over the curve of his shoulders, and gently dislodged the jacket. He held his arms back and shrugged out of it, and I carefully lifted it up. I stepped back and held it out to him.

"Thanks." He took it from me carefully, and walked over to the closet.

I followed in his wake, and when he started carefully hanging it up in the closet, I grabbed him from behind, pulled his collar aside and started kissing his neck. It took way longer than it should have for him to hang it up, but he didn't complain, so I kept at it, and let my hands roam freely over his body.

"So impatient." He let out a breathy little laugh.

"Not impatient," I said between the kisses that I was still planting on his neck. "Take as long as you want. I'm just tired of not touching you."

He let out another laugh, although it almost sounded like a groan. "Fair enough. Give me your jacket."

I murmured my assent, and took my hands off of him, but not my mouth. I quickly slipped out of my jacket and held it out. We went through the whole hanging process again, although I'd managed to undo another two buttons of his shirt, so I had more of his neck and shoulder to kiss. His breathing was getting heavier.

"We need-" he panted. "To get our pants off."

My hand slid down the front of his stomach, and before I went to work on the clasp and zipper, I slipped it further down and let it rest on the hardness I felt there. Fuck, he felt huge, and rock-hard. I gave it a light squeeze. "I can help with that, too."

He didn't respond, just let out a little moan, and kept breathing heavily.

"Is it okay that I'm touching you there?" I asked softly, right into his ear.

"It's more than okay." He gasped. "For you to touch me. Anywhere."

I grinned, satisfied, and buried my face in the crook of his neck again. As fun as it was to touch him down there, and to make him groan like that, I really wanted his pants off. So I slowly unhooked the clasp, and pulled down the zipper, running my hands across his erection a few more times as I did, making myself smile every time I drew an involuntary noise from him.

He turned his head and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Okay. Seriously. Let's get out of our pants now."

I chuckled. "Yes, sir."

It seemed like a worthwhile trade-off, if it got him down to his underwear. I stepped back, and quickly unfastened mine, letting them drop to the floor and stepping out of them. I reached down to grab them, and as I came back up, I noticed Louis staring at me with his draped off his arm. He blushed, but didn't look away as I walked over to him.

I kissed him and, pulling away and smirking, I spun him around to face the clothing rail again. He honestly seemed like he needed help to focus, and I wanted to finish what I'd started. His shirt was hanging off his shoulder at that point, so I started in again, kissing up and down along the stretch of exposed skin. I held out my pants with one hand, for when he was ready for them, and used the other to undo his last few buttons.

We kicked off our socks while he finished hanging up our pants, and he undid the cuff-buttons of his shirt. I helped him slip out of it, grabbing it before it hit the floor and holding it up to him.

"Fuck it." He balled up the shirt and tossed it on one of the shelves. "That's mine anyway, and it's cheap."

"I could have ripped it off of you."

"It wasn't THAT cheap." He laughed.

"Pity." I was mostly joking, but a little disappointed. Not that there weren't other things to enjoy. Like how only the two thin layers of our underwear - both boxer briefs, my mind noted absently - were separating my hard cock from his ass. I grinded my hips against him. He pushed back, clearly in no hurry to move yet.

I slid my hand down his now-bare torso, feeling the smooth skin, interrupted by the lightest dusting of hair around his treasure trail. I slipped the tips of my fingers past his waistband, and paused, not sure if I should go further yet.

"Please." He gasped.

That was all I needed. My hand plunged inside, coming to rest on the silky skin of his raging erection. We both let out a slight groan as I made contact, and my hips bucked with just enough force to make him reach out a hand to steady himself against the closet shelf. I panted into his neck as I stood there, gently stroking up and down.

"Okay, enough." He reached down to grab my hand.

"What?" I let go of his dick, worried I'd gone a bit too far.

"It's... um." He turned his head to look back at me, and his face was flushed again. "Been a while since the last time I did stuff with a guy, and if you keep doing that, I'm going to embarrass myself."

"Can't have that." I put my hand on his arm, and spun him around.

I took a moment just to look at him. Smooth skin, with that slightly darker hue of his that made him look like he had a permanent tan. Slender, but toned, and the way his underwear could barely contain his erection was doing things to me. But he ruined my view by crossing his arms.

"I know I'm not exactly athletic, like Eric or Jamie-"

"Neither am I." I scoffed.

"Yeah... But you're less freakishly skinny than me, and-"

I stepped forward and kissed him. "You're beautiful."

He didn't respond - just blushed furiously, and looked at the floor. I set out to prove it to him, gently pushing his arms open, running my hands all over him. I started to kiss my way down his torso, and subtly slipped my hands past the back of his waistband, cupping his asscheeks as I gradually lowered myself to the floor. He watched me as I moved, but didn't say anything.

I probably should have taken more time to show him just how attractive I thought he was, but I was too excited. There was one goal in my mind, and I wasn't in the mood to be distracted. As I got to the floor and settled onto my knees, I gently pulled his underwear off, and his dick swung forward to greet me.

It wasn't as if I hadn't been wondering what it could have looked like. Even in the depths of my longing for him, my hormones were still at work. But I hadn't pictured it this big, or this beautiful. I didn't have to worry about looking, because it was Louis. But looking wasn't all I wanted to do.

I wanted to engage all my senses. Sight. Scent. Touch. Taste. Everything. Wrapping my hand around the base, I inhaled deeply. He smelled amazing, and I was in heaven. He was still a little sweaty from the walk over, and maybe having to wear a suit all night, but that only enhanced the smell. And it was pure Louis, mingled with sex in a way that flooded my head and drove me wild.

I didn't want to take him in my mouth too quickly, either - it felt like I should try to savour it. To study every angle, keep running my hand along the smooth skin of his shaft, feeling every vein, how it moved with every twitch. But I couldn't wait, so I hoped - trusted - that there'd be more time later.

I leaned forward and licked the tip, lapping the tiniest trace of precum. He groaned and twitched his hips forward, and I held out and teased him a bit longer, running my tongue up and down his shaft. He put his hand in my hair and gripped it, not forcing my head anywhere, but following my movement.

I grinned up at him, and with one smooth motion, slid his length into my mouth. He let out a loud moan, his grip on my hair loosened, and his knees even trembled slightly. His dick fit my mouth like it was made for it, and I gradually worked myself further and further down his length, trying to relax my throat so that I didn't gag.

I was pretty proud of myself when my nose reached his pubes. His breathing had gotten really erratic, and my dick was feeling uncomfortably restrained. I reached down my hand into my underwear to pump at it while I started bobbing my head on his, getting into a rhythm. Louis's breathing got even wilder, and his body began to jerk and twitch.

"Fuck, Jay, I'm cumming."

I redoubled my efforts, and was rewarded with a warm flood of his juices. I could have sworn it was the best thing I'd ever tasted, but maybe that was just because it was Louis. It was salty and intense, and didn't even taste slightly bitter. I swallowed every drop, and slowly stood up to look him in the eye.


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