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One Summer Morning...

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A young man has his first encounter with another man.
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This story is based on a real incident that happened many years ago. Unfortunately, I wasn't ready at the time. This occurred long before the internet and home pc's. All characters are at least 18 years of age. I hope that you enjoy ...


It around sunup was a warm summer morning. Since there was no reason to hurry, Andy had taken his time biking around his paper route, and he just delivered to his last customer. As he was mounting his bike, he happened to look across the street toward a house. Standing in the front doorway was a man in an open dark bathrobe, with his manhood visible, holding a coffee cup and looking at him through the storm door. When he caught Andy's eye, he made a beckoning gesture with his free hand. After glancing around and seeing no one else, Andy headed over to the house.

When he got closer, the man opened the storm door, and said, "Why don't you leave your bike on the porch, and come on in for a cup of coffee."

Andy thought for a second, then said, "why not?"

Since his family was away, and college wasn't in session yet, he had no reason not to. In addition, while he did enjoy looking at his grandpa's purloined 'Playboy' magazines, Andy also had a kind of curiosity about undressed men, but really did not have many opportunities to satisfy it.

After Andy entered, the man closed and locked the front door.

"Please, come on back to the kitchen, I just made a fresh pot."

While passing the front room on the way to the kitchen, Andy happened to see a camera on a tripod standing in it. Andy could hear some light pop music coming from a radio as he inhaled the aroma of fresh brewed coffee.

When they got to the kitchen, the man turned, extended his hand and said, "I'm Dave, by the way." Getting a closer look, the man was slightly taller than Andy's 5'10", in decent shape with out being muscular, lightly tanned, and short brown hair.

"Andy," shaking his hand, and liking the smile in his dark brown eyes.

"Why don't you have a seat at the table, and I'll get you a cup. Cream and sugar?"

"Please," said Andy, as he sat down on a wooden chair next to the plain table, bare except for an open photo album showing some pictures of scenic vistas.

"Here you go," handing Andy a cup, then sat down on an adjacent chair, his open robe providing Andy with a clear view.

After they both took a sip, Dave asked if Andy had any plans or places to go that morning. Andy shook his head, and said that he really had nothing else to do, and that there was no one waiting for him.

"Well, Andy, I've seen you out delivering your papers the past few days, and I felt that it would be nice to meet you, and get to know you a little better."

"Sure," Andy responded, sipping his coffee, and taking surreptitious glances at Dave's genitalia, which Dave could not help but to notice.

Dave learned that Andy just had his 18th birthday, had graduated high school, and would be attending the local state university at the end of the month. After checking to see if Andy needed breakfast, which he didn't, Dave asked Andy if he had any hobbies or sports interest. Andy stated that he really enjoyed reading, especially science and mystery fiction. Andy informed Dave that he also enjoyed taking pictures with his small camera that used a film cartridge.

"What kinds of pictures do you take?" Dave asked with interest.

Andy replied that he photographed various things, places and people, mostly friends and relatives.

"Would you be interested in seeing some of my photos?" Dave asked, gesturing at the album on the table.

When Andy nodded, Dave slid his chair next to Andy's, and pulled the album closer to them.

Dave explained that he used a high quality 35mm camera while they glanced through the album, Andy recognizing some of the scenes, and admiring others. Dave also began to lightly touch Andy now and then on the arm, or his knee and thigh, or his back, which did not seem to bother Andy.

After a few pages of landscape pictures, Dave paused. "The next sets of photos are of someone, maybe a little older than you, which you may find of interest!"

When Dave turned the page, Andy observed pictures of a casually dressed young man that appeared to have been taken in the front room of Dave's house. When the page was turned, the young man was portrayed without his shirt, then without his t-shirt, then in just his underpants. Dave smiled when he heard Andy's quiet gasp as the next page held photos of the young man in his 'altogether' with his penis in various states of arousal.

Closing the album, Dave got up to refill their coffee cups, adding more cream and sugar. Returning to the table, Dave sat next to Andy and handed him his cup. After taking a large sip, Dave put his cup down.

"Andy," he said, "there is no one else home at the moment, so I was wondering if maybe I could take some pictures of you just as you are, in your t-shirt and jeans."

"Well, okay, I guess," Andy replied.

"Then, please leave your cup on the table, and let us step back to the front room."

As they got up from the table, Andy thought that Dave's penis was a little larger, and not quite as flaccid as when he first met him. Dave put a friendly arm across Andy's shoulders, as he guided him to the front room. When Dave flipped a light switch, Andy saw an ordinary living room set-up, with a padded couch, a matching chair, and an empty coffee table between them. Andy also noticed two professional flash units on stands in a corner.

"Andy," Dave said, "these photos are just for fun. Why don't you sit on the couch, while I take a moment to get things ready."

Andy was interested in watching Dave pull out and place the flash units, then position the camera to the front of him, and connecting cables from the remote flashes to the camera.

"Before we get started, would you mind taking off your socks and sneakers," Dave asked Andy.

After doing so, Dave then had Andy strike some different poses, commenting that he looked very photogenic. After a dozen or so shots, Dave asked if Andy wouldn't mind posing without his t-shirt. When Andy said that he didn't mind, Dave came over to help him pull it off, running his hands over Andy's abdomen and chest while lifting the shirt over his head. During these next few photos, Dave became more particular in how Andy posed, and frequently would gently touch an elbow or knee or shoulder to adjust his stance. After another dozen shots, Dave asked Andy if he might drop the jeans and let himself be photographed in his underpants. Since Andy was finding it fascinating how Dave's penis was getting stiffer, he agreed. Again, Dave came over to help slide the jeans down and off of Andy's legs, and his hand somehow brushed against Andy's manhood, which gave Andy a slight thrill. During the next dozen shots, Dave was even more hands on in posing Andy, which caused the bulge in his underpants to get larger and firmer.

Dave then suggested that they take a moment to sit and sip their coffee. Dave asked if Andy was enjoying himself. Andy responded that it was actually rather fun, and that he would like to see how the pictures turned out. Dave then asked if Andy would be willing to go all the way, and pose fully undressed. Dave would take off his bathrobe as well to make Andy feel a little more comfortable.

"Okay," Andy responded.

They went back to the front room, and again Dave assisted Andy in sliding his briefs down his legs, again somehow managing to brush his hand against Andy's hard-on. Dave was very specific in how Andy posed and displayed his erection, again plying gentle physical guidance in positioning him for another dozen photos.

After turning off the camera and flash units, Dave asked Andy to come sit next to him on the couch for a few moments. "Do you mind if I ask you some personal questions about yourself?"

Andy responded with a "no, I don't mind."

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"No, I don't. I once asked a girl in the 7th grade to go to the school carnival with me, but it really didn't get anywhere, and I really haven't found another girl I liked enough to ask her out. And I really wasn't interested in going to school dances anyway."

"So you never kissed a girl?"

"No, no I never had a chance to."

"I bet that you like looking at pictures of nude girls though, don't you?"

Andy agreed, "I stole some 'Playboys' from my grandfather's house, after he passed away, before some else found them and threw them out."

Dave shifted himself a little closer to Andy. "I think that you also seem to like looking at nude men, don't you?"

"Well, yes.... for some reason....yes," Andy slowly admitted.

"Have you ever kissed another man?"


"Have you ever touched another man?"

"No, not really."

"But you do masturbate, don't you?"

"Yes, I do like to touch myself."

Dave slid even closer to Andy, so that their legs were touching. "Andy, I would like to introduce you to the world of manly pleasure. It is thrilling to have an opportunity like this, to introduce you to something new. I feel that you will rather enjoy it."

Dave then leaned forward to Andy, and kissed him on the lips. Andy was startled for just a brief second, but then leaned forward to kiss Dave. Dave then gently wrapped his arms around Andy, and pulled him into an even longer kiss. After a moment they broke it off to take a breath. Once more, Dave pulled Andy into a kiss, but this time Andy felt Dave's tongue trying to push its way into his mouth. When Andy opened up a little, the tongue worked its way in. Andy enjoyed the feel of it, and reciprocated by sliding his tongue into Dave's mouth. After a few more moments of tongue-kissing, Dave stood up, grasped Andy's hand, and pulled him up from the couch. He led Andy through the kitchen, down a hallway, and stopped by an open door.

"I would like to take a shower with you first, just to make sure that you are clean"

He led Andy into the shower room, and turned on the water. When it was just warm enough to be comfortable, Dave and Andy stepped under the running water. Dave then took a bar of soap, lathered up a washcloth, and ran the washcloth and other hand all over Andy's body, taking a long moment to soap up Andy's manhood. Andy rather enjoyed the feel of it, and seeing a second bar of soap and washcloth, returned the favor. After kissing Andy, Dave made Andy turn around. Andy then felt the washcloth softly sliding in the crack of his ass, from bottom to top, then back down again, getting a little shiver as his sphincter was lightly rubbed each time. Dave had Andy turn back to face him, then turned away himself, so that Andy could do the same to him. They rinsed themselves off, turned off the water, and dried each other off with large fluffy towels. Taking his hand, Dave led Andy back to the hallway, then into a bedroom. The window curtains were shut, but there was sufficient light to see a double bed, and mirrors on three walls and the ceiling.

Dave pulled the comforter off of the bed, then he and Andy sat on the foot of the bed, and started kissing, Dave running his hands over Andy's back, chest, legs , and crotch. They then leaned back on the bed, continuing to kiss and feel each other. After a few moments, Dave broke it off. He reached into the drawer of a nightstand next to the bed, and pulled out a tub of Vaseline.

"Andy, are you ready to try this?"

Andy, not quite sure what 'this' meant, slowly nodded.

Dave had Andy scoot higher up on the bed, then lie down on his back. Dave scooped some Vaseline out of the tub, and gently applied it to the head of Andy's very erect penis. Dave took a little more out, and Andy watched as he applied it to his anus, sliding some inside of it with a finger. Dave then straddled Andy's pelvis on his knees. Dave reached to hold Andy's cock, then lowered himself slowly, guiding the cock into his anus. When Dave was ready, he lowered himself, so that Andy's cock was fully engulfed. Andy had never experienced such a sensation, so it took only a few moments of Dave going up and down on it before Andy's cock exploded in such an orgasm that Andy bucked a little. After giving Andy a few moments to wind down, Dave raised himself off of Andy.

"Thank you, I have never came like that in my life!" Andy said.

"Yes that was rather nice, wasn't it?

Now Andy, I would like you to roll over and lie down on your front, if you please."

Andy did so, resting his head on his arms. He watched Dave remove some more Vaseline form the tub, then position himself between Andy's legs. Andy felt more than saw Dave's hand spread his ass cheeks. Andy then felt a finger spreading Vaseline around his butt hole, then slowly and gently work its way inside of him.

"Does it hurt when I do that to you?" Dave asked.

"No, it actually feels kind of nice," Andy responded.

"That's good."

Andy felt the finger leave, then a moment later, a larger finger coated with petroleum jelly, slowly and gently worked its way inside his anus. The finger then went into an in-and-out motion, which Dave found pleasant, and even a little stimulating.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Dave asked.

The finger pulled out. Andy then observed Dave's hand coating his penis with Vaseline. Dave then leaned forward, and positioned himself on top off Andy, so that the head of his shaft was at Andy's anus. Dave very slowly and gently rocked himself back and forth, so that his shaft started working its way into Andy's ass. Andy felt just a moment of discomfort as Dave's prick entered deeper, but Dave was so gentle and had enough petroleum jelly on himself, that it quickly passed. As Dave felt Andy becoming more receptive, he began to slide his cock deeper into Andy, and then pumped it faster.

"Man, you have a nice tight ass!" Dave exclaimed.

Andy sensed the pressure building in Dave and himself. His own cock was rock hard, and it felt like he was getting ready to come again. In a few moments, Dave gasped and shook as he shot his load into Andy, and Andy gasped as his own cock unloaded onto the bed under him. After his orgasm had shuddered down, Dave pulled himself out of Andy, then rolled onto the bed next to him.

"Damn, that was something else. You have such a nice ass!" Dave said. "Don't worry about the mess on the bed, that can be cleaned up. I hope that you had as much enjoyment as I had."

"That was something else. I have never quite come like that before, nor have I come twice so quickly," Andy replied.

After a few moments, Dave reached for a towel, gently wiped Andy's cock and ass clean, then wiped himself off.

"Well, unfortunately, I have things to do," Dave said, "but I am very glad that you saw me, and stopped to visit."

"Me, too, Andy said.

Dave hugged and tongue-kissed Andy for a moment. He then led Andy downstairs to the front room, so he could put his bathrobe on, and Andy could get dressed.

"Maybe in a week or so, I will have developed your pictures, and we can see how they turned out. Keep an eye out for a red index card on the screen door. It will mean that you can stop in for another visit," Dave said.

After kissing Andy one more time, he unlocked and opened the front door.

"Good bye for now!"

"Good bye!" then Andy got on his bike for the ride home, just a little giddy from the experience.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well written, it gave me a pleasurable erection!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Does either Dave or Andy have a bit of manly chest hair for their muscular chests? I think some chest hair on Dave might be expected (for his age and maturity), but if Andy had a dusting of chest hair, THAT would be a very sexy sight! In high school locker rooms, I always enjoyed a guy who stripped to reveal a bit of chest hair for his muscular chest!

jigettsjigettsover 5 years ago
good one

need more parts to this one

joeywhorejoeywhoreover 5 years ago

I loved it I hope you add to the story soon!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Vasoline? I would think a guy like Dave would keep some lube around and not something junior high school kids use to jerk off with.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
3 stars

An okay story but since you said it was from your own experience it would have been much better told first person. It's also very clunky and reads more like a text book than a seduction.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I absolutely love seduction stories. We all started with someone, usually an older man with a bigger cock. Most start getting sucked, then suck and finally fucked. Once you start you are addicted to the hot, exciting , wonderful lure of man sex.

63lsmith63lsmithover 5 years ago

Very nice story with only a few Grammer mistakes. I would differently read the next chapter if there is one and I hope there is.

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