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One Thing Leads to Another Ch. 03

Story Info
Small-cocked man forced to strip outdoors while girls watch.
8.3k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/14/2005
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Author's notes:

This story picks up right where the previous chapter leaves off. The story is about a man with a small cock who is repeatedly humiliated by a group of girls who laugh at him and abuse him simply for having a small cock.

If you're looking for a dominant man with a big dick who dominates the women he encounters, this isn't the story for you.

Additionally, the story doesn't get right into the sex, but instead, has a story built around it and is told from the first person.


Chapter 3

The morning after the little wrestling match at my house, the girls asked me to come over and play basketball. When I went to their backyard, where the court was, I was surprised to see Tiffany standing there beside the April and Linda, who were sitting in the beach chairs, clad in bikinis.

Tiffany looked like a little Barbie doll, dressed in her workout clothes, but with a purse on her shoulder and car keys in her hand. She supposedly had a crush on me, and she acted like it in that giggly nervous sort of way girls get when they like someone.

A scary thought struck me: had the girls told Tiffany anything about what had happened the day before? I sure hoped not. If she knew the tortures they'd put me through and how they'd made fun of my little cock, I think I would have died of embarrassment.

The way she greeted me suggested that they hadn't said anything. As soon as she saw me, her face lit up. As I had approached her, her face beamed with a big smile as she hugged me, "Hey, Stevie." No one called me Stevie since I was a kid and I'd hated it then. I liked it when she called me Stevie. When she said it, it had a musical ring to it.

"Hi, girls," I said, waving to April and Linda.

"Hey, slugger," Linda grinned and waved, but not with her whole hand, just with her index finger. I guessed it was a secret reference to my small cock.

April looked at me, appearing as if she was stifling a laugh. As she sat there like a nervous school girl, sipping a frilly drink through a straw, I could see her look over her sunglasses and glance down at my crotch, which seemed to make her even more giggly. She leaned toward Linda and whispered something that made both of them laugh. I was sure they were laughing at me. Whatever it was, I was better off not knowing what they were saying.

After what had happened the night before, the girls didn't seem to have any bad blood between them despite the way Linda had treated April, ripping her top off and making fun of her small tits. If she had any bad feelings toward Linda, she wasn't showing it now.

Tiffany was headed to an aerobics class she taught on weekends. She and I talked about the possibility of working out together before she eventually left. Sarah and Melissa took a break from their game of ball, passing the ball in my direction. I caught it and started dribbling it while Sarah talked.

"Why don't we play some two-on-two now?" Sarah suggested. She stood, hands on hips, looking a little winded, but no less beautiful. The baggy tank top she wore hardly concealed the sports bra beneath it or the low-rise shorts that only barely adequately covered her below the waist and accentuated her athletic build.

I passed the ball to Sarah and admired her sensual form. Those shorts were so tiny and looked like a simple tug would rip them right off of her. They weren't tight enough to give her a camel toe, but they were form-fitting enough to give me a good view of her clearly protruding pubic mound that was made more pronounced by the panty lines that made their way up from her inner thighs and out toward her waist.

"I'm up for it," Melissa said, lifting her t-shirt to wipe the sweat from her forehead. Beneath the t-shirt was a bikini top. On bottom, she wore a pair of cotton biker shorts that adhered nicely to her shapely hips.

"Who else?" Sarah asked. "Linda?"

"You want me to break a nail?" Linda giggled.

"I'll do it," April said, sitting up and putting on a pair of sneakers. She might not have had much in the way of titties, but with her ass showcased by a thong bottom, she was surprisingly hot. The bikini top she wore also appeared to have its obligatory padding to give the illusion of breasts that just weren't there.

I thought the bikini was an odd outfit to wear to play ball in, but I didn't mind it one bit. The only thing I could see wrong with her playing basketball in a thong and a bikini top was how much it might distract me as we played.

We picked teams. I ended up getting April, which didn't seem to be in my favor. Both Melissa and Sarah were dressed more for the part, had already warmed up, and seemed to play ball pretty regularly. April, on the other hand, didn't quite seem like the kind who would be any good at ball, but after the first couple of shots, I was proven wrong. April was as good at the game as either of the others.

As the game continued, I couldn't help bumping into the girls from time to time and once, I even grabbed Sarah's breast (which she punched me for) and my elbow ended up in Melissa's crotch as I wrestled with Sarah for the ball. Unlike Sarah, Melissa didn't seem to mind the uninvited grope.

Then, the game started to get rough and good sportsmanship was going out the window. Sarah slapped the ball away from me a few times, obviously fouling me. We were ahead seven to two when April got the ball and was on her way to the basket when Melissa, unable to stop her, grabbed April's thong and pulled on it. April didn't fall down and even though she was a good sport about it, she missed the shot and wasted a few minutes re-tying the thong so it wouldn't fall off. The game was seriously starting to fall apart.

"That's cheating," Linda shouted before April or I could complain. Melissa and Sarah just laughed.

"Aw, come on," Sarah argued. "There have been fouls going on all through the game – by both sides."

"Maybe we should quit before the game breaks into a big brawl," I suggested.

"But I'm not tired of playing yet," Sarah argued.

"How about playing some Horse or something instead," Linda suggested. "Otherwise, you guys are going to keep that up until somebody gets hurt or pissed off or something."

"I hate playing Horse," Melissa protested. "It sucks."

"You say that because you suck at it," Sarah added.

"That's not true. It's just boring, plus you always like to make those ridiculous shots that no one else can make. I don't think those things are fair."

"Okay, then how about we ask Linda to be the referee. She'll decide whether a shot is legitimate, like an under-the-basket lay-up or just something stupid."

"Yeah, but it's still boring," Melissa continued to argue.

"Okay, then let's make it more interesting," Linda suggested. "If you miss a shot, you have to drink a beer."

"No, I'm going out tonight. I don't want to get too drunk yet," Sarah reasoned.

"How about you strip something off if you miss a shot," Linda chimed in.

"That sounds fun," Sarah agreed.

"Yeah, but you won't take anything off if you lose," Melissa argued.

"Yes, I will. I promise."

Fuck, here it goes again, I thought. Well, the way Sarah and Melissa were playing earlier, I didn't think I had a whole lot to worry about and I was a better shot than April, too.

"Okay, we need some rules, too," Melissa added. "For one, if we're stripping off clothes, shoes don't count. You can leave those on and pick something else to take off. Second, the person who makes the shot gets to pick which piece of clothing the person who missed gets to take off."

"I agree with the rule about the shoes, but if I miss, I get to pick what I take off or I'm not playing." Sarah argued.

"Fine, have it your way, but five minutes from now, I'm thinking there are going to be four people standing out here in nothing but thongs and laughing our asses off," Melissa laughed.

"Wait, are you wearing a thong?" Sarah asked me.

"Hardly," I chuckled.

"That seems unfair," Sarah protested. "You should be wearing one, too."

"I don't even own a thong," I said.

"I have one you can wear. Don't worry. It's for a guy."

"I'm still not wearing it. Why should I?"

"If you play with us, you could end up having all three of us out here running around naked. If you don't put it on, we don't play."

"That's a good enough reason for me." I can change my mind when necessary. I am a reasonable guy, after all.

"We'll be right back," Sarah grabbed my hand and led me to her bedroom where she fished through a dresser drawer full of panties until she found what she'd been looking for. It wasn't a thong. It was smaller than that. This was a tiny g-string with a little pouch in front. "Here, put this on," she ordered.

"Can I have a little privacy?" I asked.

"No," Sarah grinned. "I've seen it all before. Just drop your drawers and put these on. Come on, don't get shy on me now."

After stripping in front of her a few times before, this was the first time she didn't have a camera – or a ruler – to use to record or to measure my shamefully small cock.

Without pulling my shoes or socks off, I pulled the shorts off, taking my underwear along with them. I reached for the g-string Sarah was holding. She pulled it away and set it down beside her on the bed, taking me by one wrist, then the other and held my hands out and apart from my body. Taking a long look at my little cock, she grinned and bit her lip as if she was trying to keep herself from laughing right in my face.

"Stand up straight," Sarah instructed, looking me in the eye.

I stood. Sarah let go of my wrists and moved her hands to my hips, sliding them up and down the sides of my body from my waist down to my knees, then back up again.

"Raise your shirt," she commanded. Without hesitation, I raised my shirt up to my chest, feeling more exposed. Her hand slid its way up from my hip to my stomach. She ran her hand around in a circle on my stomach, tracing the outline of my abs. "You have a really flat stomach. I like that."

"Thanks," I said quietly.

"Do you know what else I like?" she asked.


"I like looking at your pretty, little cock," she grinned. "I know exactly how Melissa feels when she says it turns her on to make fun of you and your ridiculous little member, because I feel the same way." Her hand slithered around to cup one of my ass cheeks, pulling me firmly toward her. With her eyes locked on my cock, her other hand slid its way down my hip and in between my legs where she took my balls into her hand, handling them much more gently than she had the night before. She rolled them around in her hand, appearing to inspect them. "Are they still sore from last night?"

"Not really," I answered, partially holding my breath.

She looked up at me, "Does this make you nervous?"

The nodding of my head was my only response.

"I didn't mean to hurt you," she looked back down at my cock, raised the head of it up, and gave it a gentle kiss on the tip, then massaged my balls, rolling them gently in her hand. As nervous as I was, my cock quickly became erect, which appeared to delight Sarah. "That's a good boy," she grinned and let go of my balls, then used her thumb and index finger to check the size of my cock again, measuring the length of it. When she was satisfied with the accuracy of her measurement, she raised her hand up so I could see and said, "This is how little you are."

My face turned red with embarrassment again. Even though she'd already made fun of my small cock, her words still cut me like a knife. Sarah giggled and leaned back on the bed. Taking the g-string into her hand, she reached forward with it. Instead of handing it to me, she hung it around my erect cock.

"Get those on, little man," she said. "And let's go play some ball."

I took the g-string off my cock and bent to put them on, but Sarah stopped me. "Wait, little man," she said. "I'll help you."

Sarah took the g-string from me, opened it up, and held it down near the floor. "Step in," she said. I complied, stepping in one leg at a time. I spread my legs a little to let her pull them up and into place. When she got to my cock, she had to pull the waistband out a little to get around my erection.

"If you had a normal-sized cock, I wouldn't be able to fit you in with a hard-on like that," Sarah explained, patting me on the head of my cock after she had the material in place. I pulled my shorts back on.

Sarah stood and got really close to me. "Don't tell anyone what happened in here, okay? I don't want anyone to know how much it turns me on to do these things to you."

"Really?" I didn't quite understand.

"If you can keep quiet, maybe I can make it worth your while," she grinned devilishly.

I might not have understood why she'd want to keep it a secret, but I understood making it worth my while. I could only imagine what that meant.

When we got back outside, no one seemed to be curious about why it had taken us so long. Linda was the only one to ask a question, "Did you find the thong for him?" She had removed her top, but was now on her stomach, facing the basketball court.

"Sure did," Sarah smiled. "Let's get started."

Linda decided we should shoot in alphabetical order. That put April first and me last.

April started off with an easy shot from the top of the key, which she made, followed by both Melissa and Sarah making the shot, but I missed.

"Dude, that was too easy to miss," April gloated as I stripped off my shirt. Her bragging bit her in the ass, though. She missed her second shot, giving Melissa a chance to make the shot she wanted.

Melissa made a reverse lay-up, which is a shot that Sarah claims to be good at, but she missed this one.

"Here we go," Melissa grinned.

"Bitch!" Sarah said, but true to her word, she stripped off her shirt, revealing her sweat-covered sports bra.

I shot and made it, making it April's turn again. She shot and missed. She reached behind her back and started to untie her top, but then hesitated, "Wait a minute. This isn't fair. You're both wearing bras and he's a guy, but I'm just wearing this bikini top."

"Get that top off," Sarah ordered.

"What do you think?" Melissa asked Linda, who was supposed to be the referee.

"She has a good point," Linda said, flipping over on the chair and exposing her bare breasts to us without a care in the world. She was smoking a cigarette, which I normally think is kind of gross, but not the way she was doing it. For her, the cigarette was more like a prop than anything else, adding to her sensuality. "Nobody wants to see those little titties anyway," she grinned.

April stood there with her hands on her hips, looking like she didn't know whether to thank Linda for agreeing with her or to be mad that she'd insulted her small breasts again.

With that settled, Melissa made another lay-up, which Sarah made this time. I also made it again, but April missed it again. This time, she had no excuse, but that didn't stop her from complaining.

"You know I'm bad at lay-ups," April whined, turning her back to us, she untied the back of her top, then pulled it up and over her head. When she had it off, she tossed it over to the side of the court, then crossed her arms in front of her chest before facing us.

"Aw, come on..." Melissa complained. "Are you going to stand there like that the whole time? What's the point of taking something off if you're just going to cover it up again?"

"Leave her alone," Linda said. "She can't shoot and cover her little titties at the same time, so she's going to have to put her hands down at some point."

"Fine, whatever," Melissa mumbled. It was her turn again, and as I would have predicted, she did another lay-up, exactly like the one she'd just done.

Sarah had no problem making the shot. Neither did I, but when we got to April, even though she didn't say anything, I could tell she was starting to get a little upset. When the ball came to her, she had to drop her arms from her chest and expose her little titties to us so she could shoot. April dribbled the ball with her little titties jiggling the whole way, then missed the shot by a mile, probably partially because of how self-conscious she was from having to expose her little titties to us.

Linda reminded us that April didn't have panties on, so she didn't have to take anything off this time, either.

Next up was Melissa again. Of course, she shot the same shot again, which both Sarah and I made, but April missed. This time, there was no saving her. She was going to have to take her bottoms off. I'd seen her titties the night before, but hadn't seen her naked pussy yet. Judging from the way she was acting about showing her titties, I was guessing she was going to cover her pussy as much as she could, too, especially since she was out of the game.

April shook her head, then grabbed the strings on both sides of the thong and tugged them off.

"There, are you happy?" April asked, not trying to cover herself up. She turned and faced us, pointing the toe of one foot outward and placing her hands on her hips. Her pussy was shaved bald. From the standing position with her legs firmly together, I could still see her hairless pubic mound and a nice little slit. At the top of the slit, it was spread open a little with a little bud sticking out the top, like the top of her clit hood. I was thankful I was still wearing my shorts as my cock stiffened up again. "Can I get dressed now?"

"Wait, don't do that," Sarah protested.

"Why shouldn't I? I'm out of the game."

"Well, how about this? After two more people are out and the winner is declared, we can keep playing, but instead of for clothes, we play for dares."

"Ha ha!" Linda laughed. "That's great. Yeah, do that. You can come sit by me till they're ready for you."

April sat naked beside Linda. The two contrasted one another. Linda with her large breasts sat topless, sprawling out on her beach chair while April sat tight-legged with her arms folded around her knees.

We continued the game. Melissa predictably made another lay-up. Sarah shot next and made the shot. That left me. I shot and missed.

"Ah, finally, we get to see the boy in a thong," Melissa said.

I stood on the side of the court and slid my shorts down and off, then stood, trying not to make my erection too obvious, but it was no use. Even as small as my cock is, in that little g-string, there was no hiding its erect condition.

"I think he likes to be embarrassed," Melissa suggested. "Every time we strip him, he has a big hard-on."

"You mean a little hard-on, don't you?" Sarah corrected her.

"Yeah, a little hard-on," Melissa laughed. "Well, turn around and let's see..."

I turned a full circle, letting them see everything, standing there in a g-string and a pair of tennis shoes with these four girls looking at my little, hard cock through the g-string. I couldn't wait for the game to get started again and to get the attention off me.

"Well, this was certainly worth the wait," Sarah said. "Go ahead and shoot again, Melissa. I want him naked. Let's get that little cock of his to make an appearance for us."

Melissa took the ball again, then went for the same lay-up, but missed it completely, which was a small turn of good luck for me.

"You act like you don't want to get him naked," Sarah joked, taking the ball and readying for a shot of her own. "Let's try something different," Sarah said, moving to the top of the key for a distance shot. Sarah shot and nearly made it, but missed.

Now, it was my turn and I was going to make the best of it. Sarah had missed a distance shot, so I moved back even farther than she had tried. I shot and made it. Now, Melissa was going to have to make it or she'd have to take something off.

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