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Open Doors Ch. 03

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Left alone the morning after, what happens now?
3.7k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 09/03/2012
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Warmth. And a soft pillow. White sheets. Bright sunlight.

Liam took a sleepy inventory as he lay in the bed, barely letting the light filter through his lashes, not really wanting to be awake yet. Fuzzy happy thoughts were hovering at the edges of his brain, probably remnants of some wonderful dream.

He turned his face into the pillow and stifled a yawn. The scent of cucumber melon shampoo filled his nose. Shannon's bed then, definitely not his own. He opened his eyes again a fraction. That tanned leg was certainly not hers, judging by the sprinkling of light hair on the calves.

Memories of last night began to surface as his eyes slowly moved up the limbs arranged on the bed beside him.

"She had to run in to work for a few hours. I didn't know how you took your coffee - or if you even drink coffee - but she left a fresh pot for us." Something about the soft deep voice made Liam's skin tingle.

"I'll get some for myself in a little bit, thanks," Liam mumbled trying to sound sleepier than he was. He wanted to buy himself a little time for thought before he faced Adam in daylight. He was keenly aware of his nakedness beneath the sheets as he pulled them higher and turned away from the other man, pretending to doze.

"Suit yourself!" Liam felt the bed shift, and listened to Adam moving around the room. Adam obviously shared Shannon's annoying love of mornings Liam thought to himself.

Shannon had been Liam's best friend since the day he moved to this town seven years ago. She'd grown up here, and was one of the most honest, face-value sort of people he'd ever met. They were soul mates after a fashion, nearly inseparable, but had never gotten romantic. Physical yes, but not romantic. It was pretty much the perfect sort of friendship.

She knew things about Liam he'd never dared tell anyone else. Honestly there were things he'd never even told his fiance before she'd left. Funny how well Shannon put everyone at ease and she never even knew it. If it weren't for her last night would never happened.

...oh yeah, last night.

Liam blushed and pulled the sheets tighter. It was hard to know where to even begin processing the events of the night before. What had started off as a low-key celebration of Liam's script being picked up by a Hollywood studio had turned into something a lot less low-key, beginning with the unexpected arrival of Adam.

Adam, despite his decidedly Californian exterior, had grown up here as well. He'd actually been Shannon's first boyfriend before he moved west to try his own hand in the movie business. She thought it was funny the way the busybodies in town still talked about Adam. They spoke as if Hollywood had stolen him from her, perverted him, turned him gay, and whispered about how sad all of that was. He was such a handsome boy, they said, and the two of them had made such a cute couple.

He was certainly handsome, Liam admitted. He had tan skin, a muscular body, and blonde hair that always looked like he'd just rolled out of bed, but in that sort of perfectly mussed up way. But it was the startlingly brown eyes that stuck out to Liam, the brown eyes and the easy smile.

If Liam hadn't known better, he'd have thought his friend planned out last night ahead of time. Ever since the night he'd confided in her that he might be a little bi-curious she'd been fascinated by the idea of setting him up with a guy, even though Liam insisted that it was probably one of those fantasies best left untested. After all, Liam had told her, really what he wanted was a cock, not a man.

But when Adam showed up, that changed. And now there was digital video footage on Adam's computer to prove it, Liam remembered. Replaying details in his head made him a little flustered, but as his body reacted to the images playing through his mind, he couldn't help curling his fingers around his shaft just for a moment.

He heard quiet footsteps and froze, his heart pounding. He waited for any sort of indication that Adam might have seen him, but Adam continued without stopping into the bathroom. Liam listened and heard the zipper of a duffle bag, and the squeak of the shower faucet before the rush of water.

It was the opportunity Liam needed to modestly slide out of bed. He crept to the dresser where Shannon had set aside some space for a change of clothes and a few other things for him. A sound from the master bath drew his attention before he could begin getting dressed and he noticed that Adam hadn't closed the door.

From where Liam stood he could see Adam standing beneath the streaming water. His head was down, and his hair, darkened by the cascading shower, was hanging over his chiseled features. One of his hands was braced on the wall in front of him, and the other...

Liam was shocked to realize that he had moved to the doorway of the bathroom without even thinking about it. His hand mimicked Adam's, and his cock was already hard in his grasp.

"In or out."

Liam jumped, startled and a little horrified. He'd never seen Adam's eyes open and had no idea how the other man knew he was there. Adam stood motionless except for his large hand still sliding over his member, drops of water slipping down his fingers over each vein. His voice echoed again just above the noise of the shower.

"In. Or. Out."

This time Adam raised his head and those hypnotic brown eyes locked on Liam's. Several seconds passed, Liam's mouth worked soundlessly, unable even to stammer an excuse, his legs leaden and unwilling to retreat. He jumped yet again as a different sound rang out through the room. Adam's head fell back and he laughed.

"Christ, man. Still shy after..." Adam shook his head. "Alright then, I'm taking the choice away. Come here."

A multitude of thoughts and emotions tumbled through Liam's brain at that moment, sheepishness, embarrassment, confusion - but as those eyes watched him (damn those eyes) curiosity, excitement and lust won out. Besides, Adam's tone, though not unkind, brooked no argument. Liam moved slowly across the the space between them, every nerve suddenly alive. The moist heat of the steam from the shower, the cool floor beneath his feet, even the grouted lines between the tiles, every sensation was vivid and almost blindingly bright.

Adam reached out and grabbed Liam by the wrist, pulling him into the shower in front of him, facing the spray. Liam was more than a little uncomfortable at facing away from Adam, but was spared any further pause when a smooth plastic bottle was pressed into his hand. Adam's amused voice in his ear quipped, "Unless you'd prefer to smell like cucumber melon."

Liam opened Adam's shampoo bottle and poured it into his hand, automatically beginning to rub it into his wet hair, pushing the long strands out of his eyes and lathering up. He struggled to control his breathing when he felt strong slick hands begin to smooth soapy lather over his back and shoulders. Silently he tipped his head back and let the jet of water rinse the suds from his hair.

Adam took the opportunity to close the gap between them, pressing himself to Liam's back. He rested his temple against the dark wet curls of the man in front of him and slid his hands around to Liam's chest in the pretense of washing this new territory. Liam was certain that his heartbeat was loud enough to echo off of the tiles. He felt the long fingers begin to move down his body and closed his own hands around them, holding them still for a moment, preventing them from drifting any further down.

Adam's next movements were sharp and startling. He pulled a hand free and swung the knob on the shower, ending the steady stream of water and the cocooning white-noise of the spray. "I'm not in the business of converting straight guys, Liam," came a soft but stern murmur, "but, given the way you were watching me, and how hard your cock is right now, I don't think I have anything to worry about, do I?"

Liam swallowed hard. Adam's breath against his ear was making his head swim.

"You have about two seconds to tell me you don't want this or else you just need to accept it and stop being so goddamn coy, yes?"

It was the ultimatum that Liam needed. "I want you..." A strained groan spilled from his lips at the admission, but somehow he felt lighter having let the words free.

Adam's mouth traced the curve of his neck before making a trail down his back, licking the warm droplets of water from his skin like a man dying of thirst. In the time that it took for Adam to come to rest on his knees on the floor of the shower Liam finally let the fear he'd been wrestling with since the night before slip away. He turned around and looked down at the handsome man kneeling in front of him. He watched, entranced, while those tan hands slid up his legs, pausing on either side of Liam's nearly painful erection.

"For fuck's sake, Adam, I'm dying, please!"

Adam smiled up knowingly and finally wrapped his strong fingers around the base of Liam's cock. Liam thought his legs would give way in that first moment, but he leaned back against the cool ceramic tile and concentrated on taking deep breaths, concentrated on those huge doe-eyes that never broke his gaze even when he slipped the tip of Liam's cock between his lips. Liam flexed his fingers helplessly at his sides and his hips began to rock gently matching the pace of Adam's sucking and teasing.

Finally Liam ran his fingers through the wet blonde hair, at first just slicking it back from Adam's face while he watched his cock disappear over and over into that warm mouth. Soon he had his fingers curled tightly against Adam's head, and his thrusting hips became more insistent. He was rewarded with a deep moan and felt fingers slide around behind his balls, tugging and squeezing. He gasped and pushed forward hard, amazed when he felt Adam's lips so close to the root of his cock.

Adam pulled away with a wet gasp and licked his lips and he stood up. His soft chuckle echoed off of the wet walls of the shower when Liam groaned, really almost a whimper, in disappointment. He grabbed a towel and draped it over Liam's head, leaning into him once more and murmuring, "Dry off. Then come to bed."

Liam stood, dazed for a moment, and watched Adam disappear through the doorway into the bedroom, before collecting himself enough to use the towel he'd been given. He contemplated wrapping the towel around his waist as he walked out of the bathroom, but all thoughts of modesty fled when he found Adam reclined on the bed, slowly stroking himself. Those dark eyes seemed as if they could have burned a hole through him.

"Liam, can I feel your mouth again? Please? It's all I've been able to think about since last night, I'll be honest. Just for a minute..." Adam hadn't even finished talking before Liam was crawling up the bed towards him with a little smile. For the first time there was no hesitation, no second guessing himself.

As soon as Adam's hand left his cock Liam's lips replaced it, working his lips around the shaft, his head bobbing gently. He pressed his tongue to the underside and moaned, enjoying the feel and flavor of Adam's flesh in his mouth. For several minutes neither man spoke, Adam just lay still and let Liam play and explore. Liam could see the muscles of Adam's stomach ripple and contract as he sucked, and he was entranced by it. He began teasingly to try to draw new reactions from him with his lips, tongue and fingers, smiling around the cock between his lips when he managed to pull a particularly loud groan from him.

He pulled his mouth off and spoke quietly while his hand slid slowly up and down the spit-slicked skin. "Adam? I want you... inside me. Will you?"

Adam looked down at him. His voice sounded as light and teasing as he could make it, but his eyes were serious. "Blowing me doesn't count as having me in you? Tell me what you want, Liam."

There were several moments of silence while Liam contemplated how to reword his request. "Fuck me, Adam. Please?"

Adam sat up so fast it actually startled Liam. He held Liam's face in his hands and kissed him, hard, before laughing, "God I'm so glad. Yes, I want to. FUCK do I want to." The excitement in his voice was infectious, and Liam laughed along with him.

"Just... go slow. I've never done more than tease a finger in there before. Okay?"

The soft rumble of Adam's voice against his ear teased, "Oh definitely. I want you to enjoy everything I'm about to do to you, Liam." Liam bit his lip, and couldn't remember his name sounding as good from anyone's lips before that very moment.

"Grab a pillow, hon. Get on your knees and put your shoulders down."

Liam spread his knees slightly and lowered his torso to the bed. He'd never felt to exposed, and yet, despite all of his nerves, he'd never wanted anything so much. He turned his head and saw Adam beside the bed, fishing for the bottle of lubricant that had fallen to the floor during last night's activities. Liam's eyes hungrily took in Adam's body, letting himself enjoy every ripple of muscle as the younger man moved. Lower still, Liam licked his lips as his gaze strayed to Adam's cock, still hard, having so recently been inside Liam's mouth.

Adam chuckled, "God I love the way you're looking at me right now. You're lucky I'm a patient man, or I'd be balls deep in your delicious ass in about 5 seconds when you give me that look."

Liam gave him a grin and wiggled his ass a little bit, making Adam laugh loudly and give him a good spank as I climbed up behind him on the bed, resting his hips against Liam's ass. Liam closed his eyes and pushed back, enjoying the warmth of the other man's skin on his. He felt Adam's cock, long and smooth, against his inner thigh, brushing against his balls and his own thicker cock, and gave a soft growl.

"I like that sound," murmured Adam, smoothing his hands over the light skin of Liam's back. "Do it again." He pushed forward with those words, and Liam complied without even thinking. The growl deepened and strengthened in intensity when long fingers found their way into his still-damp hair.

Their bodies rocked gently together, simply stroking and teasing one another, until Adam sat back on his heels and brought his hands to rest on the curve of Liam's ass, pushing gently, and spreading him open. Liam held his breath, feeling suddenly vulnerable all over again and then gasped raggedly into the pillow as he felt Adam's mouth against him there. It was unlike anything he expected, surprising and intense, and all at once he forgot any hesitation, instead pushing back against Adam's probing tongue. He made a conscious effort to relax himself and was rewarded by a satisfied groan from behind him, as the thick muscle worked to push inside that tight ring. By the time Adam stopped, Liam's erection was rock hard and straining up to brush against his belly beneath him, and both men were breathing heavily.

Liam heard the soft plastic 'click' of the bottle cap opening and then felt the drizzle of cool wetness as Adam poured some of it onto his skin. Adam's fingertip traveled up and down the crease of his ass, and traced circles slowly, almost reverently, across that crinkled hole. Liam began to sway his hips anxiously, wanting more, and he could almost hear Adam's smile. One large hand pressed against the center of his back, making him arch even further than he already had. At the same time, a slick fingertip started to press through the barrier, opening him slowly.

Gently and patiently, Adam worked his finger in and out, gauging Liam's tightness, only giving him a fraction more with each thrust. He added more lube, and began to twist his finger, bending it, and stroking against Liam's prostate. Just when Liam got accustomed to the girth of a single finger and he found himself rocking on his knees, eager to take more, to increase the tempo, Adam stilled him, and Liam felt his hole stretching even wider as a second finger was added along side the first. He panted and willed himself again to relax. He felt Adam's free hand stroking his lower back and took a deep breath.

Adam's voice was quiet and reassuring but colored with his own lust, trying to keep himself in check, "Don't rush, Liam... you're doing really really good, but I'm not going anywhere... take your time, I want you to feel good, I want to make this special for you, okay?"

Liam could only grunt and nod, his face flushed. Every time those fingers pushed inside, he felt the pressure grow. His balls swung heavy and full beneath him, and his thoughts tumbled incoherently through his mind. When heard himself whimper as Adam pulled his fingers out, it was as if he was listening to someone else.

Adam chuckled again, and his voice was low and husky. "Tell me what you need, Liam."

"Fuck me, Adam. Jesus, please... I want your cock inside me."

With one strong hand Adam finally fit the head of his cock to Liam's well-lubed asshole and began to push it inside. He bit his lip and moaned when that tight ring closed almost painfully around the ridge of his head, pulsing hot and hungry around him.

"Stop, Liam, wait a second. Let me... just... goddamn you feel so good."

"Please," Liam begged, "Please I can take it."

Adam slapped Liam's pale skin sharply once with a shaky laugh, making the man on his knees clench and groan. "It's not you I'm worried about hon, if you don't stop moving, this is going to be over before it begins. Let me relax for a second. Fuuuck."

He steadied himself, hands on Liam's hips, until he was finally able to breath easier again. "Push back... slowly."

They both began to pant again, Adam's cock slowly filling Liam's virgin hole. Liam could feel every beat of Adam's heart in the twitching of the cock that was buried inside him. His pleas became more desperate. He wasn't sure he had ever needed anything so much as he needed to feel the powerful thrust of those hips against him. He needed to know what it felt like to cum around someone else. He pushed back harder, forcing the issue, and Adam responded in kind, his fingers adjusting and tightening on Liam's skin.

Within moments their joining went from something careful, measured and gentle to frantic and animalistic. Adam's deep grunts filled the room along with the wet smack of their bodies colliding. Adam raked his hands down Liam's spine leaving soft red trails to mark their path. He leaned forward into Liam, pushing him down hard, flattening him against the mattress, and began to fuck his hips down into him as brutally as he could, but still Liam begged him for more.

Liam's cock was raging and hard beneath him, now pressed between his stomach and the sheets. Every time Adam drove into him again the pressure of the exquisite fullness combined with the friction of the sheets on his shaft to drive him maddeningly closer to release until he knew he couldn't hold back anymore. It was all he could do to choke out the words, "Adam, fuck, Adam, don't stop, I'm going to cum..."

Adam hammered into him relentlessly, beads of sweat dropping from his body to Liam's. When the man beneath him finally spasmed and tensed in climax Adam was hurled along with him, cumming forcefully deep inside the furnace of Liam's convulsing ass.

It was several minutes before either man could move, let alone speak. Liam's fingers eventually uncurled from around twisted bedclothes, and Adam weakly pulled himself, still twitching, free of Liam's body, fell beside him with a satisfied moan.

"Goddamn, man." Adam's voice was shaky with post-orgasmic euphoria, nearly laughing as he caught his breath. "You are... fucking amazing. Remind me to thank Shannon for finally introducing me to the guy she's been telling me about for these last few years."

Liam returned Adam's smile, basking again in the glow of those warm brown eyes "I think we both owe her thanks. I sort of wish I hadn't been so hesitant. I mean... if I'd have known... fuck."


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