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Open Relationship Gone Awry Ch. 01

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Grad school couple get more than they bargained for.
3.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 04/28/2011
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There are points in your life when a single decision can drastically alter the path it takes, often in directions that you had never imagined. When my fiancé Katie was riding my cock one evening and chose just seconds before I came to ask if I'd ever considered a more open relationship, I should have known it was one of those moments.

When I'd finished and was able to carry on a conversation again I was honestly surprised to find that I wasn't angry but rather a whole list of potential hookups at the university where I was doing research were running through my head. Without considering where it might lead I gave her a sly smile.

"Someone's found someone interesting, have they?"

I was surprised to see a blush color her cheeks to match the strawberry blonde hair that had first caught my eye when we met. I could have sworn that her cute pink nipples hardened to little nubs. Laughing, I rolled over and started tickling her mercilessly.

"I knew it! You've already got someone in mind, you little trollop!"

Squealing with laughter she escaped to the bathroom of the tiny apartment my research grant afforded us and talked through the door as she did whatever mysterious post coital ritual she always engaged in.

"Okay, okay. You got me. I didn't know how you'd react and was a little afraid to say anything. I didn't expect you to take it so well..." Peeking her head out of the door she asked, "You are taking it well, right"?

"Well your timing's a little odd but I guess if you wanted to catch me with my defenses down that was the time to do it. Can't say I've thought about it but if you feel like spicing things up a little I guess it could be fun."

She stepped out of the bathroom and I smiled as I looked at my girl: 5'3, shoulder length reddish blond hair, pale skin, a petite but athletic body with nice b-cup breasts and strawberry nipples. Maybe it was the relaxation of having just had sex but I didn't feel the slightest worry about losing her and could only think of all the cute English department undergrads just aching for an experimental three way. We had a few months before I finished my thesis and got the postdoc research position at the Mauna Kea Observatory so it was the perfect time to fool around a bit.

"That's great, honey. Michael wants to meet up tomorrow night to be sure you're going to be ok with it."

And with those words, my life changed irrevocably.


Katie wanted to get to the club a little early to be sure to get a booth which gave us plenty of time to talk.

"So tell me about this guy."

"Oh he's just this business undergrad I met while doing TA and tutoring the Lit 101 requirement. He's a flirt and a total horndog but never pushed it too far. About as bright as you'd expect from someone whose goal in life is to go into sales but he'd better be going into the porn industry because the man has a one track mind. Some of the poetry interpretations he came up with probably made Professor Dalis burn out the batteries in her vibrator," she said with a laugh. "Nothing but sex, giant penises and oceans of semen which I guess is about right for Lit 101."

"So why now? That was months ago."

"I ran into him again the other day while getting coffee. We spent a few minutes catching up and he made his interest pretty clear. Asked if we were still together and worked open relationships into the conversation. He's pretty sly. What really clinched it for me was that he made a point to bump into me again yesterday morning and asked if he'd gotten lucky and we'd split up the night before. It was nice to have someone so obviously interested. You should have seen his face when I said I'd talk to you about it, like he won his first big sale. So how's the work going, I've noticed the "physics frown" a lot more recently?"

I noticed the deflection but got caught up talking about the issues I'd been having with my thesis. I'd completely lost track of the time when she interrupted me.

"There he is."

I checked my watch and he was almost a half hour late. There was no apology, no excuse, and no acknowledgement that he wasn't anything but exactly on time. He simply strolled up and with no introduction gave Katie a peck on the cheek.

"Hey babe, let's hit the floor. Looks like you got purse duty, bro," he said with a wink.

I had to admit that he was good looking and obviously spent a lot of time in the gym but he immediately rubbed me the wrong way. I never understood what girls found so attractive in assholes but Michael certainly seemed to fit the bill in that respect. He could really dance but he was obviously checking out other women and Katie had to reach up and physically turn his head back to her more than once. But she was laughing while she did it so I guess it was part of the game.

It was strange watching him put his hands on her while they danced but I was expecting a little jealousy and reminded myself that it was just in fun. She was equally possessive while dancing, interposing herself between him and any girl who happened to take too much of an interest and frequently touched his chest and arms. They were like night and day; where Katie was small and pale he was easily 6'2, tanned and with the body of an athlete. He dressed pretty well and I could see he'd have no trouble getting girls so it was actually a little flattering he was chasing after mine.

A few drinks later I could start to see why she was attracted to him. He spent most of the time talking about either himself or laying compliments on Katie but he didn't seem to be a bad guy. He was funny and disarming, even stroked my ego about the work I was doing. Even though he was probably 23 at the oldest he was pretty smooth and I could tell he was going to do well in sales. I'd just gotten off on the wrong foot due to the weirdness of the situation.

After a couple more rounds and some conversation Michael turned to Katie.

"So you ready for the main event?"

"Oh I'm more than ready" she said with a smile and a wink. "You ready to go, David" she asked.

I just rolled my eyes a little.

"Your place or mine, babe?" He asked. "I gotta to warn you though, mine's a dump and my roommates are dicks."

"Mine then," Katie said with a laugh.

Michael offered to follow me and have Katie ride with him but Katie playfully accused him of wanting to get a head start and opted to ride with me. Hearing that Michael leaned down and said something to her I couldn't hear. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he kissed her so long and hard that when it broke she looked stunned for a moment before walking over to our car.

"David thanks for being so patient. I know this is weird and Michael can be a little..."

"Bit of an asshole?" I filled in.

"I know, but you have to admit he's easy on the eyes. Oh, don't worry Sweetie. If anything you should feel better. It's not like I'm going to run away with some muscle-bound business school undergrad. He's just for a little fun. Don't think I haven't seen you eyeing other girls" she said with a smile, putting me back at ease.

"He may be an asshole but he can really kiss," she said wistfully.

Back at our apartment I was pretty nervous but could tell that Katie was excited. Her face was a little flushed and I thought her nipples were going to cut through the thin club dress she was wearing. Michael, however, seemed even more at ease and in his element.

"You sure you're ready for this?" Michael asked.

Katie kissed me on the cheek before replying. "Absolutely, you have no idea how ready. Do you want David to leave?"

"Actually babe, that was more a question for him. But if he's cool he can stay. I just want to make sure he's cool. Let's see you strip."

Michael pushed the coffee table out of the way as Katie turned on some generic music stream and walked to center of the room. Her eyes never leaving him, she started slowly peeling her clothes off and I made a mental note to have her do that more often when it was just the two of us.

His eyes never leaving the show being put on for him, Michael put a hand on my shoulder and slowly squeezed to the point where it began to hurt before quietly speaking to me.

"You're going to be cool with this, right bro? I don't want you freaking out on me once we get going because I don't want to have to lay you out in front of your girl. You can stay and watch or strip down and pretend like you're going to be a part of this but, the fact is, it's a one man show. I'm going to fuck that hot little bitch like she's never been fucked before and when I'm done she's going to beg me to do it whenever I want."

With that he slowly but inexorably pushed me to sit down in one of the chairs facing the couch and the show in progress. I was too stunned to say anything as Katie finished her striptease and Michael walked over to stand in front of her.

"Dave is going to stay and watch, babe. He said I was so hot he might have to strip down and try to steal me for himself. Isn't that right, Dave?"

Katie looked up at him with an evil smile and said "well then I guess I'll have to make sure I make you too happy to think about my boy over there."

"No worries about that babe," he said as he pulled his shirt over his head revealing a torso that would put an Abercrombie & Fitch ad to shame.

"Wow" she giggled as she ran her hands over his chest and abs pausing to lean forward and licked one of his nipples.

Michael took her gently but firmly by her beautiful hair and tilted her head up to again kiss her. It like he was trying to drive his tongue through the floor beneath her; his other hand reaching down and going straight to her clit.

After well over a minute the kiss broke leaving her panting. Turning so that his back was to me, Michael said one word.


Without a moment's hesitation, Katie dropped to her knees, naked in front of him. Michael looked over his shoulder at me. "This is it, bro. Last chance. After this there's no going back." He looked down at Katie. "You want this baby?"

"Oh God, yes"

"What about you, Dave?" he asked with a wink.

I couldn't believe what an arrogant prick this guy was but looking at how turned on Katie was I just said "you heard the girl."

Michael grinned, kicked off his shoes, and slowly started to undo his pants only a foot or so in front of my fiancé's face who, judging by the look of it, didn't even know I was there anymore. He slid down the pants and stepped out of them leaving only a pair of black boxer briefs.

"No way," I heard Katie whisper.

"Have a look for yourself, babe."

Katie reached out and slowly stared to peel the briefs down revealing, from my view, that Michael had no tan lines and an ass as muscular as the rest of him. Katie's view was apparently much different.

"Oh my God, you're huge," she whispered with what sounded like religious awe.

"It's not even hard yet, baby. Give it a minute."

I'd had enough and started for the door, saying "Okay, well, I'm going to get out of here. Have fun, you two." I didn't expect Katie to stop me.

"David, no. Please. I... I need you to be here. I want this but I need you here. Please."

It stopped me with my hand on the door handle. I'd never heard her sound like that before. She sounded excited but also terrified and practically begging me to stay. When I turned back I saw why.

To say that he had a big dick was, pardon the pun, a huge understatement. It was the cock of a million-dollar-a-movie porn star. Both of Katie's hands were wrapped around it and he still had more untouched than most men. It was unbelievably thick with a few veins crisscrossing the tanned shaft with a head that looked like a good sized plum if plums were shaped like a throbbing purple fireman's helmet.

"Yeah Dave, stay. I think she wants you to see this," he laughed. Looking down at Katie he said "Go on baby, show me how good you can make me feel."

Katie looked at me with eyes that shone like they were filling with tears. "Please David, do what he says, please stay," she asked before closing her eyes, leaning forward and licking the head of his cock. Shaken, I went back to my chair.

Moving so that I'd get an unobstructed view, Michael said, "That's it babe, show me what a good little slut you are for my cock."

Katie moaned like an animal in heat, holding him with one hand while the other began to frantically work between her legs. Moving from licking the shaft to the crown where she kissed the tip and slowly began to take it into her mouth. Michael winked at me and, holding the base of his shaft in one hand, he placed the other possessively on the back of her head as he fed the first few inches into her obviously willing mouth.

I'd never seen Katie like this. She was in another world. She literally worshiped his cock with her mouth and tongue; licking and kissing it before diving underneath to lick his equally oversized set of balls. Her hands never left the thick shaft except to dart between her legs to work her clit or to fondle the sack that looked like it held two good sized limes.

"Looks like your girl is one hot little cocksucker, Dave" he said without looking up from her. "If I'd known how much she loved big dicks I'd have skipped a few of the other bitches and fed her mine a long time ago. They all want to show me how they can take a big one but your little Katie just might make the top ten."

That pushed Katie over the edge, if she was enthusiastic before she was absolutely frenzied now. She would look up at him with her mouth stretched around his cock, her eyes pleading for approval that Michael would give her in ways that would have gotten me slapped and sleeping in the couch if I'd said any of it in our lovemaking. Tears streamed from her eyes as she fought to do the impossible and deepthroat him, choking and gagging before getting even half of it into her mouth. At one point she brought a visibly wet hand up from between her legs and rubbed her juices over the crown and shaft before diving back onto it and licking him clean.

"That's my little slut. You love my big cock don't you?"

I wasn't sure what it was but the room was getting warmer. My Katie was filmed with a light sheen of perspiration from her exertions and I couldn't remember her being more beautiful. I didn't want to admit it but, if Katie looked beautiful then Michael looked like a Greek god. He literally glowed as the warm light reflected off the sweat on his muscular body. It was as if his power was heating the very air.

After was seemed like an eternity Michael stepped back, separating my fiancé from his cock with an audible pop and started working his hand up and down the long shaft.

"Are you ready to be my little porn star?"

Katie just moaned as her hands shot between her legs again.

"Say it, slut. Tell me how much you want my cum. Make yourself cum while begging for mine."

Katie had one hand between her legs feverishly working her clit and another pulling hard on one of her little pink nipples. I'd never heard her beg in my life but something about this godlike asshole with a mutant dick pulled it from her. I couldn't believe my ears as she looked up at him and started to babble.

"Oh God, Michael, please. Please cum for me. I'll be your little slut. Anything. Anything you want, just cum for me." She trailed off at the end in the throes of a massive orgasm.

With a look of triumph, he came.

His massive balls drew up against the base of his cock which began to pulse as if it had a life of its own. The first shot splattered Katie from her forehead down to her breast with a thick rope of white and I heard Michael count "One".

He came more than I thought humanly possible; each load seemingly no smaller or less forceful than the last.

"Two. Three. Four. Five."

She was in a state of constant orgasm as his thick white cum painted her face and body. Her eyes were mercifully closed but her mouth, open in a silent cry of ecstasy, had caught at least two so far.

"Six. Seven. Eight."

The fountain of cum was finally starting to slow. Each still struck my girl's face or body but were no longer the massive loads of the first few.

"Nine. Ten."

Finally spent, Michael released his cock which dripped what was probably the volume of my average ejaculation, a volume that was clearly beneath his notice, onto the rug. A viscous line of it clinging to the crown hung almost a foot down, impossibly refusing to break free instead just swinging as he moved.

Stepping back to Katie he wiped the head of his softening cock against her forehead where, eyes still closed, she tilted her head up and kissed it.

"Don't forget to say thank you" he said as he turned away.

"Thank you, Michael" she dazedly whispered as she began to slowly scoop his cum off her face and body and into her mouth.

I sat completely stunned in my chair unable to process what I'd just witnessed. Michael looked down at me with a smug smile.

"Round one: flawless victory. Now go get me some water and help our girl get cleaned up."

"Round two is coming up."

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norcal62norcal62about 2 years ago

Emotional sickness. Story and author.

WargamerWargamerabout 2 years ago

Cuck tale, untagged scores 1/5

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 2 years ago

total asshole. go get a baseball bat or large kitchen knife and "educate" him. or walk out and never go back, "fiancé" my ass.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioalmost 3 years ago

The letter after ABC (a big cock) is”D” (divorce, or dissolve the engagement). Why get married if she wants to fuck other men? I don’t see her offering to let him fuck other women. And Michael is obviously a bully who likely started in grade school. Obviously David does not get excited by this type of relationship. What’s in part 2, a tattoo over Katie’s pussy stating “for Michael’s horse cock only?” One star so far.

Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aaalmost 3 years ago

In agreement with diegotoadsticker... He's a wimp with a slut for a fiancee. He was a fool to let her convince him to be in an " open relationship ", since she ALREADY had a bastard picked to screw her. He should have just kicked her out at that point and be happy that they weren't married yet so no alimony. 1/5 stars

BigVic77BigVic77over 5 years ago
Great writing!

The action goes way over the top, but that’s no bad thing. Looking forward to the rest of the story. Thanks!

TonyKiwiTonyKiwiover 7 years ago
No cuck warning so #1

because you can't vote lower. If a author wants to write this genre on this site he needs to warn you. Pass it on. TK

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Just another sissy loser and a Cunt

At least he isn't married to this heartless Cunt and can dump the shank. But it looks like he will just turn into another pathetic Faggot. I hate wimps. Oh and that asshole Michael would have met Mr Louisville slugger.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Missed opportunity

"When my fiancé Katie was riding my cock one evening and chose just seconds before I came to ask if I'd ever considered a more open relationship, I should have known it was one of those moments."

Yes...that is moment that he should have decided to get a better fiancé. He should have gotten up, washed his junk off and either dumped her. Hard or nice but firmly...but either way she should have been history at that point.

diegotoadstickerdiegotoadstickerover 10 years ago
What an Ass

Yet another cuck story with an ass for a boyfriend. Good story but can't imagine why a guy would ever go for this much less watch.

user110user110over 11 years ago
you need to change the orientation entry in your bio

from straight to repressed homosexual. quit drooling over your own male character, and find yourself.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

some notions should simply remain such. He can still get away from her,

with minimal damage from dealing with her

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 12 years ago

At least they aren't married.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Retarded story

The guy lies about his feelings at every turn and ignores his reactions to each situation, then wonders why things go wrong?

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

awesome story...the negative comments are retarded

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
OK, blindedwithscience you wanna a input:

1-Your male character just passes all the time stunned.He almost don t cry, don t be with rage accepts everything around him like is everything OK;

2-Michael is clearly demeaning him, and he only snaps at Michael;

3-Katie CLEARLY have a HIDDEN agenda, and he does not think anything about it.

4-IF the story is about how the husband accepts his cuckoldry as a good thing and all the humiliation, your story should be put in FETISH category.Face it:If you write about a wife who likes to shit in husband face in what category would you put in?It s not for everyone taste...

I dont bash first time authors, its crude.

Sorry for my bad english, not my first(OK, not even my third) language.

(Paulo Lamas from Portugal)

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

You have written a cuckold wimp story that does not have a 'loving wife' in it, if she had any respect or love for her husband she would have kicked the would be lover in the balls and let her husband kick him out of the house. Swinging is one thing, having an open marriage is another thing making a husband a cuckold and humiliating him is a FETISH and belongs in that category. Put the next chapter in the FETISH category and you will get better scores and comments.

blindedwithscienceblindedwithscienceover 13 years agoAuthor

I get that a lot of you don't like the content and have given the story a low rating based on that. I'm ok with that. What I was hoping for by leaving the comments open was to get some feedback on execution.

If you're thinking of leaving a comment that boils down to "I can't fap to this", just give it a one and move on. If you have something to add regarding the structure, characters or dialog I'd love to hear it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I don t know yet..

If hubby accepts this, i think should be put in FETISH category.

LW is wives enjoying themselves, not about cuckoldry.Some cheating may happen, but when you put male humiliation ahead of wife enjoying the sex or when wife enjoy sex degrading husband its a FETISH


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
To: Wonder_One & "gave it 5 stars-anon" .....

Get some professional help because seriously mentally challenged and/or complete frigging stupid!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

1 STAR to counter the fucktards that write stupid pathetic comments about other readers comments and then jerk off to cuckold wimp stories and then get their tiny micropricks sucked by thier boyfriends.

bartolobartoloover 13 years ago
Good story; hope it's not a generic type of story

This story isn't happening in Jacksonville, Florida, and Micheal really isn't sometimes referred to as Doug, I assume (I'm thinking of DQS's story "When We Were Married")?

It is that women would regard Michael is a class act. But is Katie going to either drop OR lose her devoted boyfriend over this? That is, will she become addicted to what Michael has to offer her?

Your writing is clear and very concise.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
gave you a 5

..mainly just to counter the fucktards who can't seem to figure out what the Loving Wives category is about.

I actually figure that they read stuff like this, find it extremely exciting, pull their little 4" puds, and then feel guilty about it afterward. So, they spew their hatred of themselves all over your ratings and your comment section. It's kind of like the closet fag who goes out and gets his dick sucked, then gay-bashes the guy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

They deserve each other and Dave needs to have them continue elsewhere - if that is their choice. In his place, they are such twits.

Easy choice here, fantasy for one and hell for another, and tell the reason to go to hell. Well, the appeal of the big cock bad boy. Get AWAY

from them, immediately

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
To the author: please stop

Literotica used to actually have erotic stories on men and women connecting having fun and having great sex. Lately it has been nothing but wimp cuck stories over and over. All the same. The wimp cuck never fights back he never wins. What the fuck is wrong with you people, have you absolutely no self pride or worth?

Don't you realize this need for humiliation is a desperate sign of mental illness? You need to freaking get therapy fast.

Please stop writing, plea stop this obsession with pathetic wimp cucks. The fact is that those bronze studs have likely been doing steroids since they were 17 and their cock and balls have shruken down to the size of hamsters.

demantoiddemantoidover 13 years ago
Good story.

I get the appeal to many here about the cuck stories. Not for me though. Nonetheless, I liked this story up to the point where the protagonist stayed instead of walking out the door. That's where the story degenerated into a cliched zwieback drivel saga so typical here. The cartoon portrayal of Michael reinforced this. Look, I realize that both the undergrads have maturity issues, and therein lies an excuse to rationalize this story...but it was as if the author suddenly switched gears and started writing "down" to the reader. As that reader, that pissed me off.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Absolutely Fucking Awesome! Loved it. Some more of the same please!!

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