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Our Bet Ch. 01

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I make a stupid bet and have to sit on my friend's lap.
3.9k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 05/01/2024
Created 04/12/2019
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Lee grinned. "Won again."

I grit my teeth in anger. What the fuck? This was my game. I'd barely even shown him how to play but somehow he'd gotten the hang of it in a few hours—and now he was beating me? This was such bullshit.

Lee flipped my controller away carelessly and climbed to his feet, stretching with a groan of satisfaction. "I guess all that talk was nothing. You're a bitch after all, man. I'm spanking you at this."

"Oh, shut up," I snapped, unable to hide my annoyance. Sure, I was upset at losing, but he was also stretching uncomfortably close to me. He tugged at his gym shorts to loosen them from bunching up around his crotch and it was impossible not to notice his package as he did so. I thought I even saw the outline of his dick against the fabric before I quickly looked away in disgust. Gross.

Sometimes I wondered, didn't he have any consideration at all? We'd been best friends for a few years now but still there were such things as boundaries. He was two feet from my face and he was tugging at his junk. How could he be so careless with his body? I wouldn't be caught dead touching my dick if he was watching me.

But this kinda stuff was nothing new—Lee knew he was manlier than me and always liked to embarrass me for it. See, he was well-built, tanned brown, and the epitome of confidence while I was slim and pale and, well, on the neurotic side. Sometimes I got no end of teasing. This guy could get on my nerves.

"I'm gonna grab some food. You want some?"

"H-hey, it's my place, asshole!"

"You're not even out of college yet. It's your parents'. And trust me, they won't mind." Lee strode into the kitchen as if he was the one who owned the place and started rooting around in the cupboards for snacks. I followed him inside and took the opportunity to grab a gatorade from the fridge, but this immediately attracted his interest. "Hey, you have gatorade? Nice. That shit's my favorite flavor, too."

I smirked. "It's the last one." I put the opened bottle to my lips exaggeratedly and took a swig. "Mmm."

"Mine now, buddy!" And before I knew it was struggling to keep it from wresting it from my grasp.

"H-hey, what the fuck are you—"

Lee wrenched the bottle free and danced away, holding out his hand to forestall an advance. His dark eyes were full of triumph. "Hold on now, let me see if it's as good as I remember." And he took a long gulp. "Ahhh," he exclaimed, and I yelled,

"That's gross, dude! Seriously, I just put my mouth all over that and you didn't even wipe it off. Like, you just kissed some of my saliva, man, do you realize that?"

Lee laughed. "You're just mad I stole it, bro. What, are you into indirect kissing? That's pretty gay."

"You're the one who did it! Don't try to turn this around on me!" I said shrilly. "Now give me back my fucking gatorade."

His eyes widened joyously. "What, now you want it? You want a kiss, buddy?" He could hardly stop himself from laughing. I'm sure this was a great moment for him, somehow making this about me, but I wasn't so big a bitch I would let him take my shit.

"I'll beat it out of you if I have to."

"Sure, man. But here, before you get it back you might want this." He ran his lips around the bottle's rim and his tongue around the inside, dragging saliva over it.

"That's fucking disgusting, dude."

But I'd just egged him on because he stuck his tongue inside the gatorade and swirled it around. I made a furious grab at the bottle, spilling some on him as I yanked it free. Lee hiccuped with laughter.

"You want it now?"

"You're gross, dude." But I couldn't give it back to him. There was no way I was letting this asshole take my drink. I had to wipe the rim off with exaggerated vigor for his benefit, hoping he would turn away before I had to drink it. He didn't, and I was forced to take a swig in front of him. He was laughing like it was all a joke but I almost imagined that it tasted different... like I was tasting his fucking tongue or some shit. The idea of Lee's wet tongue in my mouth popped into my head and I almost choked. Fucking disgusting. I felt sick.

He was still teasing me about the "indirect kiss" or whatever as he snatched some snacks but I stood by my decision, telling him, "Fuck you, I'm not letting you take my stuff. So what if you put your mouth on it?"

"Bro, let's go again!" He called as he headed back out into the living room, and I scrambled to follow. "I want to spank you again after you said I'd never beat you."

"Bullshit! I haven't been playing for real at all, man, you know that."

"Surrre, you weren't tryharding at all the last game with sweat pouring off you. You're just upset I'm your daddy at your own game."

"Fuck you. I'm your daddy at this game. I could wreck you if I tried."

"So bet on it. Really."

I spread my arms, staring him down. "Name it, dude. This next game I'll beat you."

"Okay, if you lose you have to call me 'daddy' and apologize for all that talk."

I snorted. "Are you serious? 'Daddy?' What the fuck?"

"And you sit on my lap for the next game. How about it now? Still feeling confident?"

My brow immediately creased into a frown. "Your lap? Are fucking gay, dude?"

"That's what I thought. Take back that stuff if you're not going to go through with the bet."

"No! I will win. I'll take that bet, cocksucker, because I'm not even worried. If you lose you owe me a hundred bucks."

Lee grinned. "Fine. Shake on it." I reached out and shook, and of course he tried to crush my hand. I winced as his powerful hand squeezed my slim fingers. Fuck! It had always sucked having such girlish hands in comparison. I yanked my hand free of him but rather than drag things out I grabbed my controller and jumped on the couch. I wanted this bet settled as soon as possible. I mean, his fucked up stakes were just a way to embarrass me since he knew I'd never go for a payoff that weird and gross in return. I wouldn't mind a hundred in cash though.

Were it so easy. He was good. Lee was fucking good. As we started playing again it became obvious how close we were in skill. Even though I'd owned this game a little while and I should've been better, we were going back and forth trading kills and sweat was beginning to bead on my forehead. Oh fuck, he wasn't actually going to win, was he? No way I was going to call him daddy and sit on his lap like a kid. I felt really hot all of the sudden. I couldn't focus on the game.

Like an idiot I killed myself. "Fuck!" I shrieked in frustration.

"Uh oh! Somebody's getting nervous!" Lee taunted.

He was right; I was thinking about the bet so much that I couldn't concentrate on the game at all. He was playing better than me. We were right at the end, with things neck-and-neck. As soon as I saw a chance to win, the thought of sitting on his lap flashed into my head and I flinched. Fuck, that would be so weird, wouldn't it? If he won, I'd have to do it. I'd have no choice. Lee saw me hesitate and took the opportunity—he killed me.

He'd won.

He have a huge roar, while I sat stunned at what had just happened. I'd hesitated. It was like I'd let him win. What the fuck was I even thinking about?

But Lee was demanding I pay up now, in fits of laughter. "We shook on it! We shook on it! Come on, man!"

"I know! I'm going to, okay?!" I protested, my voice coming out in a high, almost feminine squeak that I immediately hated myself for.

"Get on the carpet."

"Um, what?"

"Hey, I won, man! I make the rules, so you get on the carpet and apologize like I said!"

I grit my teeth, still frustrated and angry about letting this happen, but I did as I was told and got on all fours on the carpet in front of him. Suddenly I was acutely aware at where I was, and how I must have looked with my back arching slightly so that my butt stuck up.

He was too caught up in his victory to notice. "Say 'I'm sorry, daddy.' You shook on it!" He added when he saw my face.

Fuck. I actually had to. My face was really hot and I was probably visibly red. Still I worked up my courage and got out, "I'm sorry, daddy." When the words left my lips I felt a little shiver run through my body. I was looking at him as I said it, and couldn't help flushing when I saw the triumphant gleam in his dark eyes.

Choking back laughter he said, "Okay, okay, you actually did it! Props, man. But hey, that wasn't all, though."

My mouth popped open. "You weren't fucking serious about that."

"Hey, you lost so you owe all the parts of the deal. A deal's a deal. Sorry about that," Lee giggled.

I looked up at the ceiling. "Oh my god. I can't believe this." This was so fucking humiliating. And I had let this happen! Ugh, I needed to get off the ground at least. What was I doing on all fours? I scrambled up, but rather than letting things go Lee was still watching me expectantly. "Lee!" I pleaded.

"You have to man," he exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. "You said you'd sit on my lap."

I flushed and looked around, so fucking glad we were alone in the apartment and no one was around to see this. "Fuck," I muttered. "M-make room."

Lee had a wolfish smile as he readjusted himself, pulling at his gym shorts. Fucking fuck. I could see his package again. And in a moment, I would be on it. This was so wrong.

"Okay, bud, come on." Lee patted his brown thighs invitingly.

Practically dying of humiliation, I moved in front of him and turned around. My butt was right in front of his face and I was suddenly reminded how thin my white gym shorts were. I couldn't stop myself from quivering slightly. Fuck, I just had to get this over with.

Very gingerly I lowered myself down and placed my butt on Lee's lap. The bare skin of our thighs touching made me flinch instantly, but I pushed on and settled my weight onto him, feeling my butt sink down onto his crotch. He was so fucking warm. His entire lap seemed to radiate incredible heat, suffusing my butt and thighs with its warmth. I allowed myself to breathe at last when it was done, but each breath was shallow and shaky.

I was sitting on my best friend's lap. I still couldn't believe Lee was making me do this. I was blushing so hard, and he could probably see how red my ears were because he teased, "comfortable?" I felt his hot breath on my neck.

"Shut up," I managed, but my voice came out soft and breathy. Fuck, I'd sounded like a girl.

Lee shifted a little underneath me, and I felt my butt finally push down onto his package. I'd known it was going to happen. I hadn't realized the effect of us both wearing gym shorts, which were so thin I could actually feel the contours of his junk, the bulk of his penis and what had to be swollen balls, crammed up into my taint as my butt squashed down onto them. Ohhh fuck. The thick, hot length of Lee's dick pressed against my butthole. I could feel it there in between my buttcheeks.

Lee shifted again, and involuntarily I let out a little breathy squeak as the mass rubbed my asshole. I clapped a hand over my mouth, blushing even harder, but of course Lee had heard me.

"Dude, what the fuck was that?"

"N-nothing," I gasped. But it was impossible for either of us to ignore my butt pressing down so heavily onto his dick. As for my junk, it was uncomfortably pinned between Lee's thighs, and I could actually feel my balls squeezed there. It was so hot everything was starting to get sticky.

"Oof." Lee shifted again, obviously uncomfortable too, and I felt his penis chafe against my butthole through our shorts again. My eyelids fluttered and I clamped them shut. I had to bite my lip to keep from making a noise. This was so fucked up! I was actually sitting on my best friend's fucking cock! Lee was so fucked for making me do this! But still he got out, "well, ready to go again?"

I nearly groaned. I'd forgotten we had to play another game. Lee was so obsessed with stressing his dominance that he was willing to put up with this gross situation, and I had to go along. If I started making a big deal out of it, then I'd be the one making it weird. I had to keep it a lost bet and nothing else. I had to.

"Y-yeah, fine," I replied curtly, trying to pretend I was just mad over losing and not blushing like I was. "Let's just get this fucking over with."

And so we played again. I died over and over. I couldn't spare one thought for the game. All I could think about was Lee's hot package pressed between my ass cheeks. With every play he shook and wiggled, and our gym shorts chafed against my butt. My pale white thighs were dripping sweat now, and drops rolled down onto Lee's muscular brown legs. The feeling of his hair against my bare thighs was so incredibly awkward.

Worst of all, Lee held his controller in front of me so that his arms were around my waist as we played. The feeling of his arms pressing into my vulnerable sides was a little scary and kinda gross. I was trapped in his arms. It really was like I was a little girl on his lap, and he was this tough guy. I was his bitch.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! I should not be thinking that stuff. It was making things worse.

"Gotcha again!" Lee yelled, all his confidence returning. "Say I'm your daddy!" I grit my teeth, but he tightened his arms around my waist like a voice with the whoop, "say it!"

Feeling like he was crushing me, I panicked and gulped, "Y-you're my daddy, Lee!" He squeezed harder, and I let out another girly squeak. "L-Lee!"

"Tell me sorry!"

I couldn't breathe despite how I squirmed, and all I could feel was his thick package push against my butt the more I moved. Finally I gave up and moaned, "I-I'm sorry, daddy! Fuck!"

At last he let up around my waist, but he gave my thigh a slap. "There you go! You're getting the hang of it!"

I blushed again, feeling humiliation wash through me. I was totally my friend's bitch now. He bent to see my face and when I turned away he merely grabbed my chin and twisted it back towards him. My eyes met his and I flushed with incredible heat, my heart pounding. It was like I was powerless. He smiled at my reaction but at least let my face go.

I was feeling so dizzy and I desperately wanted to readjust—my ass was so hot and sweaty that I couldn't stand it. I had to get my butt off his penis, for the love of god. I pushed myself back, and felt my buttcheeks ram against Lee's stomach.


Fuck. I hadn't thought this through. At all. My butt was on his stomach, sure—but now my junk had dragged onto his. I could really feel it now. My little balls and dick rested on the thick, warm shaft that was Lee's cock. The head of my dick was touching the smooth, silky mass through our gym shorts—the middle of it. My dick was half the size of his. His cock was wayyy bigger than mine. We could both feel it now.

"Dude, i-is that your—"

"Sh-shut up!" I breathed before he could finish. This was horrible.

"Bro, your stuff is on my—"

"I know, okay! I'm sorry!" I shrieked, my desperation mounting. My penis throbbed with the sensation. Fuck, that wasn't my fault. It was just responding to the warmth. I shouldn't move it. I shouldn't, or it'd... it might...

Wait, I wasn't the only one. I'd thought it was my imagination at first, but now I could definitely feel Lee's cock thickening. How could it get any bigger?! Fuck! We were the same height!

But Lee was getting hard, fast. All of the sudden his cock throbbed powerfully and pushed up against mine.

"Lee!" I gasped.

"Fuck!" He got out. "Stop moving!" I tried to move, to push off him, but he caught my wrist. "What the fuck are you doing?" He demanded, alarmed.

"L-Lee, your fucking cock is getting hard!" I stammered, my voice having lost all pretense of being anything other than girly, feminine gasping.

"Quit rubbing it!" He protested. "Just hold still and let it go down! Fuck! You're making this gay!"

"Oh, I am?" But no, my dick was getting hard too. There was no way to stop it. The hard rod of Lee's cock was pressing against my balls and forcing my dick upwards, dragging our gym shorts along it, and the sensation was making my penis quiver and throb. I was totally hard now. He was still growing, and I could see it now.

The giant blue spire of his erection pushed up between my legs, with my own tent resting against the behemoth. I could feel his warm cock rubbing the inside of my thighs, it was so thick.

"L-look, fix this or it's gay as fuck," Lee snarled. "Get your dick off mine, okay?"

"S-sorry," I whimpered. "Fuck!" I tried to lift myself, but I was too weak and shaky and succeeded only in slipping forward. His cock flipped backwards and I collapsed again, sitting down directly on the underside of it and cramming it down into his body.

"Ohh," Lee groaned.

I couldn't breathe. The hard rod of Lee's cock was in my taint now, throbbing there. My eyelids fluttered as it dragged against my butthole. Our shorts were too thin; I could feel everything. I could feel his fucking veins. I lay back against Lee's chest, trying to lift myself, my chest heaving, but I succeeded only in dragging my butthole up to the head of his cock.

I was losing strength. The thick, bulbous head of Lee's dick with all the mass of our shorts against it jammed up against my butthole. I let out a breath. My asshole was trembling as the pressure built up, greater and greater. I could feel Lee huffing for air as well. I couldn't stop it. I felt his cock head push up inside my butthole. The pressure was so great that it hurt.

"L-Lee," I whimpered. "F-fuck, Lee, p-please." The word 'daddy' popped into my head. Oh god, why had I thought that? Oh god, why wasn't I stopping this? I was letting Lee push his cock up into my butthole. He was fucking penetrating me. This was actually gay. My body was trembling and my eyelids fluttering. I couldn't see straight. I started to feel pleasure go through me in thrills.

But suddenly, as if from far away, I heard him again. "Nngh. Come on, man. Stop. You want this?" He sounded drunk or something, like he couldn't stop things himself.

I realized I was settling myself onto him, slowly but surely, my body shaking with anticipation. I almost didn't want to stop. I almost wanted Lee's cock inside me. Fuck, I wanted it. His dick was so thick and warm and hard.

No, no, we were friends. We were guys. This couldn't happen. I couldn't do it. I couldn't.

I whimpered and pulled myself back up by Lee's shoulders before collapsing off his body onto the couch.

I was gasping for breath. My legs were weak and I couldn't stop shaking. My butthole was still quivering. Through one eye I saw Lee drag himself away, sweaty and flushed himself, and he was hastily readjusting his gym shorts. I saw his massive dick swinging around in them, still rock hard.

"Fuck, man," he growled. "Why did you rub your ass on my dick like that? Then, sitting on it like a girl? Do you really want it? Huh, man?"

"I didn't mean to!" I squeaked. "It wasn't—it wasn't my fault."

"Sure it wasn't! You... you should be more careful, or you're really going to get what you want," he warned, and I met his eye. I blushed and looked away. What the fuck was that supposed to mean?!

"Fuck, I'm sorry. It was an accident."

He let out a breath. "Fuck. That was so messed up, though."

"Mmn," was all I could say to agree. I didn't want to make things worse. I was still hard for some reason, and when I shot a glance at his dick again I noticed he was too. Messed up? Our dicks had rubbed together. His cock head had gone inside my butt. We'd been a few inches away from fucking anal, and I'd been the girly one. I think I'd even had a moment where I'd wanted it. Fuck. I felt like I could cry.

Lee was resting against the couch, a hand in his black hair. "Let's... let's just forget this shit, okay?" He reasoned. "Sorry I dommed you so hard; maybe I went too far."

"D-don't say that," I whined, thinking immediately of all the sexual connotations. Like I hadn't just been his bitch for the past twenty minutes. Like things hadn't gotten completely sexual.


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